Atom in the Wastes (Tentative title)

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Postby gokaiblue » 8 years ago

Chapter 3: Revelations from the past

“How close are we, Atom?” Hizoran asked.

“Not too much longer,” Atom replied, obviously a bit worn out.

Hizoran noticed Atom seemed to be getting a little tired.

“Do you think we can walk the rest of the way?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Atom and Hizoran landed on the ground and started walking. Suddenly, they encountered some strange creatures. They were large behemoths of men, beast, things, with greenish skin, bulging muscles, and red eyes. They were dressed in various ripped pre-war outfits.

“What are they?”

“Doesn’t matter! We need to attack they or run away, your call. I suggest running away myself,” Hizoran seemed scared.

“Why? They look vaguely human and aren't harming us.”

“They aren't human! They're monsters!”

Atom scanned their hearts and found that they were filled with darkness.

“You’re right. They once were human, but they aren’t anymore.”

The boy’s right arm then transformed into a cannon and charged it up. Hizoran looked at the scene and blinked.

“H-Huh? W-What!?”

Once it was charged, he then fired the cannon at the beasts and killed them instantly. Hizoran was dumbfounded.

“Woah…..what power!”

Atom’s hand then turned back to normal, and he wiped his forehead.

“Whew...haven’t done that in a while.”
Hizoran was still stunned by Atom’s power.

“H-How did you do that?”

Atom put his finger on his chin.

“Um, I just did,” Atom shrugged.

Hizoran nodded as they continued to walk toward the toy store. He was still stunned by Atom’s power but was also scared. What if he turned on him? Would he be willing to take that risk? However, one look at the robot child as Atom looked back at him and smiled eased his mind.

He would never hurt me, Hizoran thought.

They soon arrived at the ruins of the old toy store. It still looked kinda intact, but it was obviously not like it used to be. The door was half open and half shut, but the glass on it was shattered. On the building hung a sign that read “Metro City Toys.”

“Metro City? I thought this was Tokyo.”

“It is, but would you really have gone to a store called ‘Tokyo Toys?’” Atom giggled.

They walked into the store, and what they found inside was rather disheartening. Various toys in many states of disrepair including teddy bears, toy cars, action figures, toy robots, and other items. It almost appeared that a large group of kids came in and were playing but forgot to pick up their mess. Atom then walked to a toy robot that looked nearly intact and picked it up.

“Professor Ochanomizu would take me here a lot after school. I miss him…” Tears began to well up in Atom’s eyes.

Hizoran blinked, not quite understanding who this “Professor Ochanomizu” was. Wasn’t he created by someone named Dr. Tenma? He then deduced that this Ochanomizu must have been like a father to him. Atom turned around and ran to Hizoran. He then hugged Hizoran and cried into his chest. The teen hugged him close and stroked his head. Half of him was impressed that Atom could cry, while the other half felt sorry for the boy.

“Shh, it’s alright…”

At that moment, Hizoran truly realized that Atom was more than a robot: he was a child. He might have not been human, but he was exactly like a real boy.

This boy is more than just a link to the past. He's my little brother,Hizoran thought.

With this realization, Hizoran finally had something to live for. He finally has something of a family (aside from Shojin). No longer was he simply surviving for himself but surviving for Atom’s sake too. He was grateful that he found Atom when he did, as life was beginning to become dull.

Atom sniffled and looked up at Hizoran as he wiped the boy’s tears.

“It’s okay, little brother.”


“Yes, Atom?”

“I want to go to the cemetery and visit Dr. Tenma and Dr. Ochanomizu.”

Hizoran teared up and smiled, happy that Atom was remembering more of his past.

“Sure, we can do that, buddy.”

Atom took Hizoran’s hand, and they walked out of the store. Hizoran looked down at Atom as they walked out. He started wondering what Atom would think of him once he gets his memory back fully. Would he reject him since he reactivated him without his permission, or would he forgive him? However, would he even remember that he willingly had himself deactivated? There was the possibility that those memory circuits were completely failed. Hizoran stopped think about that for now. The only thing he needed to be concerned about, to him at least, was that he had a grieving child that needed to be consoled.

When they arrived at the cemetery, he was surprised that there were no bodies or body parts sticking up in the ground. This made Hizoran feel a bit at ease, as he did not want Atom to see either of his father figures’ bones out of the blue. Atom then led Hizoran first to Professor Ochanomizu’s grave. The headstone read:
Kazuhiko Ochanomizu
Beloved father, grandfather, scientist, and friend
Dedicated his life to the rights of all robots everywhere.

Atom began to sob as he read this. Hizoran put a hand on the boy’s shoulder as he too was getting a bit choked up.

“He saved me when I thought I had no hope, nothing to live for, and freed me from my slavery,” tears trickled down Atom’s cheeks.

The boy then tearfully lead Hizoran to the grave of his creator, Dr. Tenma. Hizoran then thought about what Atom said. Did Atom once again feel abandoned? Hizoran did not think so, as he was trying his best to treat Atom with the respect, love, and care he needs and deserves, the care his own parents were unable to give him at Atom’s “age.”

“Run, Hizoran, run!”

The boy heeded his father’s instructions as he fled, only looking back for a moment as his parents were ripped to shreds by hulking beasts.

“MOM! DAD!” The young boy cried.

However, it was too late. The beasts had already killed and devoured his parents.

“!” Hizoran ran as fast as he could away from the beast.

He continued running until-

“Hizoran, you okay?” Atom asked.

Hizoran, a little surprised, soon realized they had arrived at Dr. Tenma’s grave and looked at Atom.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” Hizoran replied.

They then examined Tenma’s headstone, which read:

Dr. Umataro Tenma
A man with a vision that changed robotics.

Hizoran realized they were referring to the creation of Atom, as the boy was even in his time highly advanced. Once again, tears rolled down Atom’s cheeks. However, another emotion emerged from the boy’s pain: anger.

“Hizoran, why did you reactive me?”

The teen sighed, fearing that he was going to ask that.

“Initially, I reactivated you to see if you had any information about the world before the war.”

The robot boy became angrier as he gritted his teeth.

“So, I’m just a tool to you? The whole ‘older brother’ thing was an act!?”

“Atom, please, listen,” He tried to place his hand on Atom’s shoulder, but the boy slapped it away.

“No! I'm not your walking encyclopedia!”

Hizoran was shocked, never having seen this side of the boy before.

“Atom, calm down.”

“Do you even realize why I had myself deactivated!? I willing did so after everyone I cared about was gone because I didn't want to be alone with just my memories to keep me company.”

Hizoran was about to explain his revelation to the boy, but angrily, he flew off into the sky. He feared that this would happen. Once again, he lost someone close to him, but this time, the beast that “killed” Atom was himself. Tears welled up in Hizoran’s eyes as he realized what he had done.


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Chapter 4: A Visit to the Ministry

Postby gokaiblue » 8 years ago

Hizoran then began running, trying to follow Atom, raindrops falling onto his “armor.” He was grateful that the boy, flew him to most of these locations, as he still had a lot of energy that wasn’t used up during the walk. However, he still knew he wouldn’t make it there before nightfall. The sun was slowly coming down, and the wasteland was even more dangerous at night. Hizoran could already sense the beasts preparing to attack.

Hizoran continued running until one of the other mutants encountered him. The young boy screamed and hid until he heard a gunshot. Soon, the beast fell over and revealed a large, burly man with a scraggly beard and holding a shotgun standing behind the beast’s corpse.

“Little boy, are you okay?”

Hizoran sniffled and nodded.

The man picked Hizoran up.

“I’m Shojin, and you are?”


Hizoran continued running toward his house, leaving two large unconscious beasts behind. His worry and speed increased as he ran, but he had a feeling Atom was okay. After all, he seemed like he could handle himself quite well. Still, this world wasn’t the same as Atom’s, so there was the distinct possibility that he might be killed. He also could not remember when Atom was last recharged, which also factored into the boy’s safety.

Please be okay, Atom…., Hizoran thought.

Soon, Hizoran arrived back at his house. He then opened the door and walked inside to find a sobbing Atom sitting on his bed, his armor laying on the bed across from him. He approached Atom and sat down next to him.

“Why should I live in a world without my friends or family?” Atom inquires, crying.

Hizoran placed a hand on Atom’s shoulder.

“Atom, you do have a family: me,” Hizoran replied.

“At first, you were right. I did see you as merely a tool to be used. Over time, however, you became more than that. Before I met you, I was just going through the motions of the monotony of life. You then gave it meaning. I have someone to live for, someone to stay alive for, and someone who needs me.

Atom crossed his arms.

“You’re just saying that to keep me around as your tool or link to the past or whatever.”

“I don’t care about that anymore, Atom. All I care about now is being the best big brother I can to you. That is my purpose now. I love you, little buddy.”

Atom was stunned by his words.

“Y-You really mean it!?” Atom asked.

“Hai,” Hizoran replied.

Atom smiled widely and hugged Hizoran tightly.


Hizoran smiled and hugged the boy back.


Unintentionally ruining their tender moment, Shojin burst through the door.

“Hizoran! I have a new lead! It’s a big one!”

Hizoran looked over at Shojin, stunned.

“What is it!?

“One of the scout robots discovered the ruins of the Ministry of Science.”

Atom looked up at Shojin.

“That’s where I was born!” Atom exclaimed.

Hizoran was ecstatic.

“Shojin, do you know what this means!?”

“I do. The parts you find there could make you and i very rich!”

“It means more than that. That building contains Japan’s greatest technology. We could use that for housing, weapons, the rebuilding of civilization as it was known back then.”

“Oh, that too, I guess.”

Shojin never understood Hizoran’s fascination with the past. Perhaps it was simply the boy’s desire to “change the world,” or something, but Shojin felt it might have been more than that. Hizoran then looked at Atom.

“Atom, I know the memories might be tough for you, but do you think you can handle them?”
“Un!” Atom exclaimed.

Hizoran smiled.

“Alright. We’ll go in the morning.”

“By the way, Hizoran, who’s that armor for?” Shojin points to the armor on Hizoran’s bed.

“It’s Atom’s.”

“Atom? Oh, the robot!”

Atom pouted, offended by simply being referred as “the robot.” Hizoran took notice of this and sighed.

“Shojin, I think you might have offended Atom.”

“He’s a robot, right? He may look human, but he can’t feel emotions like we do.”

Hizoran knew this wasn’t true, but at the same time, he wondered whether or not the “emotions,” he saw Atom produce were just programming and illusions. However, he then saw Atom tearing up a little.

“I can too!” Atom cried.

Shojin was shocked by the boy’s sudden outburst. He never saw a robot this lifelike before. Was this actually how the robot felt or just a result of his programming? However, one look into the boy’s eyes soon made it clear that this wasn’t any ordinary robot. Shojin sighed.

“You’re right, Atom. I’m sorry.”

Atom sighed.

“It’s fine. When I was younger, the kids at school used to make fun of me for being a robot. What you said was kinda similar to their insults,” tears trickled down Atom’s eyes.

Shojin frowned, feeling sorry for the boy. He never really thought of bullying being a problem for robots, but then again, he’s never seen a robot this advanced. The thought of a robot going to school also perplexed him, as he didn’t really think of robots as being capable of learning. Was this how pre-war robots were? Did they lead normal lives just like humans outside of their main purpose? Or was Atom the exception?

“Atom, I had no idea,” Shojin sat down and hugged Atom.

“You know, I wasn’t exactly popular myself growing up,” Shojin stated.

Atom looked up at Shojin.


Shojin nodded.

“They thought I was weird for being interested in old hunks of metal and machines, but while they were playing ‘Kill the Mutant,’ I was preparing myself for a life more fulfilling and interesting than just surviving.”

Atom nodded, feeling a little tired. Shojin smirked.

“I guess it has been a long day for you.”

Shojin stood up and looked at Hizoran.

“Hizoran, take good care of this boy. He’s going to do great things one day.”

Hizoran smiled.

“I know.”

Shojin then exited the house. Hizoran looked over to Atom and smiled, seeing that he was already sound asleep. He walked over to his bed and tucked him in.

“Sleep tight, Atomu,” Hizoran whispered

The teen removed the armor from his head and laid down. So much had transpired in simply one day. His life was no longer the boring day to day quest for survival, and nor was it simply a journey to uncover the past. With Atom in his life, he had someone who needed him. Of course, he supposed the boy could take care of himself, seeing as he’s technically much, much older than him, but he was still a child. Hizoran closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

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Postby gokaiblue » 8 years ago

The next day, Hizoran awoke to Atom making breakfast. The boy was making what looked like eggs and bacon, but he was unsure, as he didn’t think he had that in his house.


Atom looked over at Hizoran and smiled.

“Ohayou gozaimasu!” Atom exclaimed.


“It means ‘Good Morning.’”

“Oh. Ohayou.”

Hizoran stood up and walked to Atom.

“Where’d you find this?’

“Um, I think you had it in your fridge.”

“Pretty sure I don’t have that. If I did, I wouldn’t have been eating just fish.”

Atom opened the fridge and pointed to the inside of the door. Hizoran looked and saw that he indeed had some eggs. The boy then pointed to the meat drawer. Hizoran opened it, and sure enough, there was bacon.

“How could I have not seen them!?”

Atom shrugged and closed the fridge as he continued cooking. Hizoran was a bit surprised the boy could cook, not thinking it was in his skill set. He might of learned it from Dr. Ochanomizu or something, but other than that, Hizoran wasn’t sure. Nonetheless, one thing was certain: he was going to get a good meal for once.

Once Atom was finished, he set the food down on the “table,” and sat at his spot. Hizoran soon followed suit and sat down.

“Itadakimasu!” The boys exclaimed.

They then began eating their meal. Hizoran’s eyes widened, surprised that food could be edible and taste rather good.

“Atom, this is amazing! Where did you learn to cook like this?”

“This? It’s nothing. Ochanomizu-hakase taught me how to make a simple breakfast like this.”

Simple? To Hizoran, this was anything but. Even when he was with his parents, his food wasn’t as good as this. Sure, it was more edible than his usual meals now, but nothing compared to Atom’s cooking. He was stunned by how modest Atom was, but then he remembered that in Atom’s time, this was simple. They took good food and other pleasures for granted at times because they did not have to worry about their world crumbling around them. How Hizoran wished he lived in that time. He wouldn’t have to worry about thugs attacking him all the time or where his next meal would be. To him, what Atom sees as “simple,” is luxury.

They soon finished their meal and went over to do their post breakfast rituals such as brushing their teeth, bathing in the river (something Atom was not used to), and getting suited up in their armor.

“Ready, Atom?” Hizoran inquired.

“Un!” Atom replied.

They soon headed out toward their destination. The walk would be rather far from the house to the Ministry, but Hizoran was used to it. Atom, however, wasn’t exactly adjusted to it, but his problem was more impatience than fatigue.

“It’s going to be night before we get there, onii-chan,” Atom whined.

“Atom, we’re rather far away from town. I’m sure it will come up soon.”

Atom shook his head.

“No. If my memory is correct, it’s approximately 10 kilometers from our location. If we’re going to get there before dark, we’re gonna need to fly.”

“We’ll draw too much atten-TION!!”

Hizoran was interrupted as he was pulled into the air by Atom.

“You could have at least waited for me to finish talking!” Hizoran complained.

Atom ignored Hizoran’s complaint as he flew towards the ministry. They were making really great time, and it seemed like they were going to make it there before dark. Hizoran hated to admit it, but this was much more enjoyable than simply walking. During their flight, they encountered some sort of bird.

“Hello bird!” Atom exclaimed as he flew off.

Suddenly, a rocket was shot at them.

“Watch out!” Hizoran yelled.

Atom narrowly dodged the rocket as it whizzed by. They then looked down and noticed some unsavory looking characters staring directly at them.

“Who are those guys?”

“Bandits, from the looks of it.”

Atom used the cameras inside his eyes to zoom in and get a better look. They looked a bit like the stereotypical biker bang but with more armor. Wanting to find out more about them, Atom landed, much to Hizoran’s dismay. He then approached the bandits. The first bandit then prepared to attack.
“ Hey, kid, if you know what’s good for ya, you better step away,” The first bandit threatened.

“Why’d you shoot at us?” Atom asked.

The bandit behind what seemed to be the leader smirked.

“Why else, you brat? To kill ya and steal your loot of course!” The second bandit exclaimed.

Before Atom could say anything else,, Hizoran had appeared behind the bandits and grabbed the first two as he knocked them into each other before kneeing the third in the stomach, knocking them out. Atom was rather shocked by the intense display of violence.

“Why’d you do that!?”

Hizoran stood up.

“They would have killed us if I hadn’t knocked them out.”

Atom had to agree with that, and he then took Hizoran’s hand as he flew back up into the sky.

“Hey! Didn’t you see what happened because you’re flying!?”

“Yeah, but I can dodge them well, so I think we’re good.”

They continue flying, dodging the few projectiles aimed at them. After a while, they finally arrive at the Ministry of Science and soon land in front of the building. Its structural integrity was mostly there, but it was a shadow of its former self. The doorway was simply a large whole, and some of the walls on the top floor were missing. There were also other various holes in the structure.

“It was such a beautiful place before…” Atom stated mournfully.

“I bet it was,” Hizoran replied.

Hizoran placed his hand on Atom’s shoulder, sensing that the boy was distraught.

“Atom, are you sure you can handle this?”

Atom nodded.

“Alright. Let’s step inside.”

The boys entered the building and began looking around. Various machines were overturned along with some desks and chairs. Hizoran took note of any valuable scraps of metal he could salvage from this trip, keeping an eye on some of the computers as well. Atom, however, was remembering his past. He was remembering meeting Professor Ochanomizu here everyday after school and telling him about the exciting things he learned and experienced that day as well as being briefed on the latest threat to man or robot kind. The boy then turned his attention towards the robotics wing and noticed something rather interesting. Near the entrance was a statue of him, Atom. It was pretty much life-size as well and gold in color (though it looked a little faded and rusted). Atom walked towards the statue.

“When did they put this up?” Atom inquired.

Hizoran looked towards Atom and also noticed the statue. He then walked to the boy.

“They must have done it shortly before or after your deactivation,” Hizoran answered.

The boys then looked at each other for reassurance and nodded before entering the robotics wing. Inside was a large room filled with shelves upon shelves of robot parts and designs. In the middle of the room was a large table where the robots were built and activated, Atom included. This was where he was born and also where he “died.”

“Atom, you sure you want to do this?” Uran inquired.

Atom nodded as he laid on the table. He was connected to various machines that would ensure his passing/deactivation would be peaceful and harmless.

“I’m not meant to be around forever. My friends have all passed on, and I only have you, Chi-Tan, and my memories. Besides, I’m practically old news anyways,” Atom replied.

Uran was shocked at her brother’s words.

“Atom, don’t say that! You’re still the best robot around in my book!”

Atom weakly smiled.

“Heh, thanks. That’s how I’d like to be remembered.”

Tears streamed down the boy’s face. He felt bad about leaving Uran and Chi-Tan alone, but he had to. They needed to realize that a life with no true friends or family isn’t worth living. He could have waited until those two decided it was time to go, but who had ever heard of an older brother outliving his younger sister? Outside of tragedy and illness, it doesn’t happen, at least that’s how Atom justified it. Atom looked toward his sister and his baby brother that was in her arms, noticing they were tearing up as well.

“Onii-chan, I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, Uran.”

Chi-Tan began to sob.

“Onii-chan!” He cried.

The engineer approached Atom.

“Atom, have you said your goodbyes?”

Atom nodded tearfully.

“Alright, then we’ll proceed with deactivation. Sayonara, Tetsuwan Atomu,” tears were also trickling down his face as he pulled the lever.

Atom tears up, remembering all that occurred that day. Hizoran sighed and pulled the boy into a hug.

“I never meant to leave anyone behind…..” Atom stated tearfully.

Hizoran rubbed Atom’s back, trying to soothe the boy. He deduced he must have been remembering his deactivation. Though his comment about leaving people behind did intrigue the teen and made him wonder if there were any other robots like Atom. However, he didn’t focus on that at this moment. What mattered was making sure this wasn’t too much for his little buddy.

“You gonna be okay?” Hizoran inquired.

Atom looked up at Hizoran as he wiped his tears.


Hizoran smiled.

“It’s going to be okay, buddy. Be strong and brave. I know it’s hard for you to think about your past, so instead, focus on the present and the future.”

Atom smiled tearfully and nodded. After the boy had calmed down, they then noticed a small room in the back. The boys walked towards the room and entered it. Instantly, Atom recognized the three robots contained in the capsules. The first was a tall robot that looked a lot like Atom except taller and thinner. Next to him was a female robot with a reddish pink dress and a similar hairstyle to Atom’s. Finally, in the last capsule was a baby robot boy who looked a lot like Atom except for the fact that he only had only spike on his hair.

“Cobalt! Uran! Chi-Tan!”

Hizoran was confused but amazed at the same time. He had found more advanced pre-war robots, and it seemed that Atom knew them.

“You know these robots?”

Atom nodded.

“Cobalt’s my big brother, Uran’s my little sister, and Chi-Tan’s my baby brother.”

The notion of robots having a family was definitely new to Hizoran, despite him treating Atom as family. He didn’t really think of there being relationships between robots but just ones between humans and robots (more specifically, their creators). After thinking about it, however, it seemed to make sense, especially in Atom’s case. After all, Ochanomizu wanted him to live as normal of a life as possible. However, Hizoran then had a sudden thought.

“Baby brother? Does that mean if we take him in….?” Hizoran shuddered at the thought.

“I’m not sure he has that in his capabilities, but he does cry rather loudly.”

“For some reason, that’s worse than diaper duty.”

Atom giggled. He then noticed a switch on the left wall. Deducing that it must be for the power, he decided to walk over to it and then flipped it. To his surprise the power came back on, and his siblings slowly woke up. Chi-Tan soon began wailing, causing everyone to cover their ears as his wails broke the glass. Atom soon took Chi-Tan and began rocking him.

“Shh. It’s okay,” Atom cooed to Chi-Tan.

Chi-Tan sniffles and looked up at Atom, causing him to smile widely.

“Onii-chan!” Chi-Tan squealed.

“Atom!” Cobalt exclaimed.

“Onii-chan!” Uran yelled.

Both Uran and Cobalt hugged Atom tightly. Atom blushed at the sudden group hug.

“I missed you guys too,” He stated bashfully.

The two then released Atom from the hug.

“I thought you deactivated yourself, Atom,” Uran stated.

“I did, but then this guy reactivated me,” Atom motioned to Hizoran.

Uran looked at the teen. He looked different than the people of her time. Hizoran was more scruffy and had some strange looking armor. In fact, she didn’t notice it until now, but Atom had a similar armor. She then looked around and noticed that the room looked a bit more beat up than she remembered.

“Atom, what’s going on?”
“The world is in some sort of post-apocalyptic state after a nuclear war that occurred 200 years ago. Uran, this world is much different from the one we knew.”

Uran and Cobalt were shocked. Not only had 200 years passed, but the world had changed tremendously.

“From what you said, it’s a miracle we came back online at all. I would have thought that the electricity would have been gone years ago,” Cobalt explained.

“Yeah, I’m still unsure how both the museum and the actual ministry still have power. My only guess is that there may be some reserves somewhere,” Atom replied.

Atom then looked up at Hizoran.

“Hey, Hizoran, do you think we can take them with us?”

Uran and Cobalt pressed their hands together in a sort of praying motion.

“Please?” Uran and Cobalt pleaded.

Hizoran sighed.

“I’m pretty sure we have enough room, so I guess it’s okay. If we don’t, I can always build more rooms...I think.”


Hizoran smiled at them. Soon, they all exited the room and noticed that the lights were on in the main area of the robotics wing too.

“Interesting...not only did that switch reactivate you guys, but it also turned the power back on completely,” Atom stated.

“Kinda like what happened when I reactivated you, Atom.”

Taking note of this, they then exited the main robotics wing and arrived back in the hallway. Suddenly, they were approached by various guard robots.

“Intruders!” they all exclaimed.

“Wait, what!? Why do they see us as intruders!?” Cobalt exclaimed.

“I dunno, but if it’s a fight they want, then it’s a fight they’ll get,” Atom growled as he handed Chi-Tan to Uran.

Atom proceeded to dodge the bullets of the robots as he also tried to keep the others safe. He then turned around and fired back at them with his machine gun.

“Machine gun...butt?” Hizoran stated, perplexed.

The bullets hit most of the robots and damaged them a bit. Atom then grabbed everyone and proceeded to fly away from them.

“Hang on tight!”

They seemed to be losing them, but their luck was short lived as the robots then shot Atom down with a missile that pierced through his armor.


Atom let go of everyone as he was falling. He and the others soon hit the ground with a thud, rendering all of them unconscious, except for Atom. Atom was just barely conscious as a strange, yet familiar figure approached him.

“Atomu..” The figured stated.

Atom then blacked out.

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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

A cliffhanger it is...!!

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Postby gokaiblue » 8 years ago

The third chapter had something of a cliff hanger as well, so I kind of wanted to keep the momentum of the story going. Also, any guesses on who the mysterious figure is? Hint: He's not human....

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Well since you already introduced Uran, Chi-tan and Cobalt .....
That leaves Atlas and Mars. (Or Bem, Denku or Pluto?)

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Postby Rejoyce » 8 years ago

Makes me wonder how many robots were picked apart by scavenging humans. Does a robot count as really dead if it's capable of being revived? Hmmm.

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Postby gokaiblue » 8 years ago

That's an interesting point. I may want to touch on it.

Also, as for the mysterious figure, it won't be what you expect.

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