(Auditions) Extra footage for Episodes 1 and 2

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(Auditions) Extra footage for Episodes 1 and 2

Postby Genshi-san » 7 years ago

Hello everyone. i am holding auditions for my project to Redub thee deleted parts of episode 1 and 2 (the birth of astroboy and astro vs atlas). :astro:

Voices will be bassed off of the original 1982 English Dub.

Charecter voices needed:
Daddy wallrus (using his voice for a generic tv reporter)
Young Atlas ( i want his voice to sound alot like the young boy from THE LAND OF ODIN).
Astro (Preferably a female actress for his voice)
Dr. Boynton
Miss. Ford
And the large stocky charecter from the first few minuets of Episode 1 (i do not recall his name)

and last of all Livian.

This is a non-profit fandub, no money will be made or gained from this project.
Please send me your voice samples and your audition in a PM to me.
Thank you for participating~

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