Atom vs the Green Hornet

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

The online Dick Tracy comic strip just finished a story arc with Tracy going up against the Green Hornet (who's really NOT a bad guy). To the police, the Green Hornet and Kato are criminals, but their secret identities allow them to fight organized crime from the inside. So what would happen if Britt Reid were to visit Japan? Since Atom can tell if a person is good or bad, this might get interesting.....

The phone on Britt Reid's desk buzzed with a distinctive insect like tone while a green light in its base flickered on and off rapidly. The editor, publisher, and owner of the Daily Sentinel picked up the receiver and and spoke into it. “Hello Frank, what's the hot news this time?”
Frank Scanlon, Central City's district attorney, gave a quick laugh before answering. “I assume that you already have your travel reservations for the Asian press convention?”

“Correct Mr. district attorney,” Reid answered. “I will be personally representing the Sentinel at the Tokyo convention this year. Mike Axford, Lenore Case, and Kato will be accompanying me.”

“Then I assume you know the reason for my call.”

“I assume you're referring to our mutual friend, Gatland Tobias,” Reid replied.

“Yes, the sleazy mob kingpin is rumored to be seeking to expand his reach into Japan. Interpol has been keeping track of his movements, but they've been several steps behind him. They have however learned that Tobias will be meeting with a Japanese industrialist who has known ties with the Tokyo mob. That meeting is likely to take place during the week of the Asian Fourth Estate convention.”

“A rather convenient coincident,” Reid said. “It will give the Green Hornet a chance to invite himself into their dealings. By the way, are the Tokyo law enforcement authorities aware of Gatland Tobias intentions?”

“Interpol has been in contact with the Metro City police, but I don't know how seriously that department is taking this,” Scanlon replied.

“Typical,” Reid answered. “Perhaps Interpol should also leak the news to them that the Green Hornet will be in their town.”

“I've already taken care of that,” Frank laughed.

Ieyasu Tokugawa looked out of the large window from his office on the top floor of his corporate HQ building. Years ago, right after the end of the second world war, his father had started the family business importing and exporting goods. Japan was in ruins following her defeat at the hands of the allies, and her people were suffering under the stewardship of the occupying forces. Tokugawa industries dealt in the black market, supplying goods that were under ration to whomever could afford the cost. As the country recovered from the economic disaster caused by the war, the business moved into more 'legal' areas exporting Japanese goods to the growing world community that had become enchanted with the ancient image of Japan. Soon electronics and other high tech products were manufactured by the firm.
Still, a secret, unreported portion of Tokugawa industries profits came from its connection with the underworld. Drugs, gambling, rare animals, and even human trafficking brought in large profits off the books. Much of this dark money was used to buy influence in the government. Ieyasu flipped through the electronic pages of his calendar. In two days he'd meet with the head of one of the largest 'crime families' in the US. Tokugawa was hopeful that this meeting would lead toward the formation of an alliance that would siphon off some of his companies risk in the dark markets to outside forces in America.

Inspector Tawashi walked into the downtown convention center accompanied by Delta and the robot task force. He ordered the robot policemen to inspect the building, and then waited in the lobby, scanning through his email on his cellphone. Every few minutes he glanced up from the screen and looked around the lobby. His face soured as he read the last two entries in his inbox. “Damn!”, he growled under his breath.

“What's the matter, Inspector?”

Tawashi glanced up and his eyes met those of Professor Ochanomizo.

“You're late,” the inspector replied, pointing to his wrist watch.

“Perhaps,” the professor replied, “but we had a little problem getting through your task force, they insisted on scanning us for contraband, or maybe weapons.”

“I thought I'd white listed you,” Tawashi grumbled. “I'll have to talk to Delta about that.”

“So why did you call Atom and I here?”, Ochanomizo asked.

“Security,” the inspector replied. “The Asian Internal Press convention starts here in two days. Japan is hosting this years meeting of world news reporters. What with the tension in Korea, and the ravings of a loose cannon in the US White House, anything could happen. And then there is this.”
The inspector held his cellphone at arms length for the Professor to read. Atom was able to quickly scan the screen, despite the small text font and absorbed the information before Ochanomizu could adjust his reading glasses.

“Hakase, it seems that there are two American criminals who are suspected of being in Tokyo during this convention,” Atom spoke up. “One of them is a known underworld kingpin, who Interpol believes might want to join forces with Tokugawa. The other is a bit of a mystery man known as the Green Hornet, that has been on police radar for years but has never been caught in the act.”

“I've heard of this Gatland Tobias,” Tawashi explained, “and Interpol had a good dossier on him. But I don't have a clue about the Green Hornet, except that he seems to be a local to Central City, which is home to one of the newspapers sending a representative to the convention.”

“You want Atom to shadow Tokugawa?”, the professor asked.

“Yes, and maybe he could even try to get Atlas to help.” Tawashi replied. “That no good robot probably knows more about what is going on inside of that company than anyone else in this city.”

“Sure, inspector,” Astro replied.

“Good,” the inspector sighed. “That will leave me and the Delta force free to make sure that nothing weird happens during this convention.”

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

Atom found the large door in front of the abandoned fire station open. He quietly entered the building, but Atlas heard the squeaks of his moon boots against the tarmac floor of the build. The red and blue robot stopped the work he was doing, polishing a nearly century old fire truck to deal with the visitor.

“What do you want with me?”, Atlas asked in a loud voice.

“I need some intel on Ieyasu Tokugawa,” the boy robot replied. “Tawashi asked me to keep an eye on him, Interpol suspects an American mob leader will try to make contact with him.”

“Wouldn't surprise me,” Atlas growled, “That scumbag will do anything for the money.”

“I thought his business was strictly legal, even if it not ethical,” Atom injected.

“He keeps his connections with the underworld a secret,” Atlas replied, “the police suspect much, but they have no proof. If that flatfoot Tawashi would eat some crow and work with me, I could help him dig up enough dirt to put that bastard in jail for life. But, he'd rather just try to put me behind bars.”

“You can't say you haven't given him enough reason,” Atom smirked.

Atlas shrugged his shoulders. “Water under the bridge,” he said. “So what's your plan?”

“I need to know where such a meeting might happen, so I can shadow him.”

“Ieyasu has a couple of retreats up in the mountains to the west of the city,” Atlas replied. “Between the two of us we could manage to keep an eye on both of them. If he's going to have a secret meeting he'd probably not do it anywhere near his corporate HQ, and far from any watching eyes. Both of his safe houses have underground hot springs for onsen baths, perfect for entertaining.”

Mike Axford reluctantly removed his shoes as he left the lobby of the Ryokan to look for his room assignment. He tried to match the room number written in Kanji on the receipt with the placards on the doors. He finally found his room at the far end of the hallway, and it took him a few moments to figure out how to open the door, which slid to the side rather than in or outwards. He could feel the fabric of the tatmai mat flooring though his socks, and sighed when he noticed the low table, and cushions for chairs. He also did not notice any bed in the room. Mike placed his suitcases in the corner of the room and headed back out towards the lobby where he saw Britt and Casey getting something to eat.

“How's your room, Mike?” Casey asked.

“Weird,” Axford replied. “Grass carpet, doll house tables, and no bed.”

Britt Reid laughed. “This is a traditional Japanese Inn Mike,” he explained. “The tatmai flooring is comfortable to the feet, but delicate, that's one reason the Japanese leave their shoes in the hallway, or lobby. You'll find a futon bed rolled up in your room's closet, along with the bed clothes. By leaving it stored away during the day, the smaller rooms are more functional.”

“Sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag will be terrible for my back”, Axford moaned.

“You'll be fine,” Casey laughed. “Futons are very comfortable.”

“I hope so,” Mike said, heading back towards his room to unpack.

Reid felt the vibration of his cell phone in his pocket and fished it out to answer it. He held the phone close to his ear and covered the instrument with his hands, speaking in a low voice. It was a quick conversation, and he pocketed the phone. Reid turned toward Casey to explain.
“That was Kato. He just arrived with the Black Beauty.”

“The two of you are taking quite a risk,” Casey replied.

“It can't be helped,” Britt replied. “We had the Black Beauty camouflaged with water color paint, and shipped it via a private courier cargo plane. Kato has some contacts in Tokyo that arranged a secure base of operation for the Hornet. I know it's risky because no one in this country is aware of the Hornet's true mission, and we'll have to be extra careful to avoid the police. But it's necessary, we can't allow Tobias to extend his operations into Asia.”

“I know, Britt,” Casey replied. “Just be careful.”

“We will,” Reid assured her.

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

Inspector Tawashi chomped on the end of his pipe as he looked Atom in the eyes. “So you and Atlas are going to work together on this?”

“It was easy to enlist his help, inspector,” Atom said, “Atlas hates the man's guts.

“Just don't do anything rash,” Tawashi said poking the boy robot in the chest. “I only want the two of you to spy on him, and find out what's going on. I want to know their plans so I can send in a police raid and catch them in the act. Don't let Atlas take matters into his own hands!”

“Right Inspector,” Atom nodded his head.

“And keep an eye out for the Green Hornet as well,” Tawashi said, pointing his pipe at Atom. “That guy has a rap sheet a mile long!”

“I know all about the Hornet,” Atom countered. “I've done the on line research. The Hornet hasn't ever been caught in the act, or actually charged with anything. He's taken the rap for a lot of crimes, but all of that has been based on the testimony of other criminals that got caught in the dragnet set out for the Hornet.”

“Well that guy's luck will run out if he tries to cross swords with the Delta squad!”, the inspector huffed back.

Acetylene Lamp, took a long drag on his cigar, and then blew the smoke in Skunk Kuasas face. Hamegg coughed from the second hand smoke, and fidgeted nervously. “So are you guys in or out?”

“In, of course!” Skunk replied, blowing the smoke from his own cigarette back at Lamp. “But I need to know how you obtained this information.”

“I've got an informer in the police department,” Lamp smiled, “whose identity I am not at liberty to share with you.”

“What if this Gatland Tobias doesn't like giving us a cut of his deal?”, Hamegg stammered.

“He won't have much of a choice,” Lamp replied. “Tokugawa limited has been doing business with my family's syndicate since end of the occupation. That's not going to change now. He's not going to expand his empire into America without giving me a chunk, and I don't care who he's chosen to work with. I can take him down anytime I want.”

“Not without putting yourself at risk,” Hamegg added.

“Not true,” Lamp laughed. “I've got more power where it counts than Tokugawa does.”

“So what do you want us to do?”, Skunk cackled.

“I know which one of Ieyasu hide-aways the meeting will take place at. You two will get there first and confront Tokugawa,” Lamp explained. “Just be sure you don't let Tobias see you. You must be in and out before the American shows up.”

“I get it,” Skunk laughed. “Make Tokugawa deal us in.”

“Right,” Lamp nodded, placing his cigar into a ashtray. “Once you give Ieyasu my calling card, he'll realize what's at stake.”

Britt Reid, Mike Axford, and Lenore Case, found their table in the main room of the convention hall. The Central City Daily Sentinel delegation was sharing a table with the Metropolis Daily Planet. Perry White, the editor of that paper shook hands with Reid as soon as he arrived. “Good to see you again, Britt,” Perry roared.

“You too, Perry,” Reid smiled, nodding at Louis Lane and Jimmy Olsen who were also present.

“Excuse me,” Britt said, getting up to walk across the room. He had just spotted police inspector Tawashi, and walked briskly to catch up with him. “Sumimasen Tawashi – Insupekutā.”

Tawashi turned to face Reid, and noticed his id badge. “Britt Reid of the Central City Daily Sentinel, right?”

“Hai,” Reid replied. “I understand you're running the security here at the convention.”

“Correct,” Tawashi nodded. “Actually I'm glad to have found you. I have intel that a well know criminal from your city may be in town this weekend.”

“Obviously you must be referring to the Green Hornet,” Britt replied. “My paper has been covering his exploits for several years now. But surly you must be also concerned about the gangster Gatland Tobias, whose also rumored to be in Japan as we speak”

“How did you know about him?”, Tawashi asked.

“You must be aware that Tobais also operates out of my city,” Reed answered, “My paper has quite a dossier on him as well.”

“Hmmm, I might need to call you in for questioning,” the inspector replied, “You might have some more accurate intel than what I've gotten off of the Interpol hot line.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” Reid replied.

Tawashi motioned for Reid towards a corner of the room, and then spoke in a low voice.
“Do you know anything of a meeting between this Tobias and a Ieyasu Tokugawa?” the inspector asked.


“Tokugawa, he's a multi billionaire industrialist, who's suspected of having mob contacts. I've got feelers out and have operatives stacking out two of his safe houses where we think a meeting might take place.”

“Really?”, Britt replied. “Well Sentinel reporter Mike Axford did uncover a plot by Tobias involving human trafficking of Asian orphans to serve the drug cartel. Perhaps that's why he's here.”

Britt made his way back to the table, but first stopped at the side of the room and looked behind a curtain that was part of a room divider. In the dark second section of the assembly room Britt confronted a well dressed Asian man wearing a false mustache. “Find anything Kato?”, Reid asked.

“Yes, Sir,” Kato nodded. “I borrowed the inspector's cellphone while you were conversing with him. He had two possible locations for Tobias meeting with Tokugawa in his notes. It appears that the meeting will happen late tonight.”

“I should be able to sneak out of here,” Reid replied. “You have our equipment ready?”

“Yes Sir. The Black Beauty will be parked in the lower level of the convention parking lot. I'll be waiting for you.”

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

Atom found himself a good hiding place with a clear view of the cottage estate. Located deep in a forested area next to a flowing stream whose source bubbled up from an underground spring near a geothermal vent, it was the obvious choice for Tokugawa to entertain high profile guests in secret. From his perch up in one of the tallest trees, Atom could watch almost the entire length of the winding road that snaked its way into the private residence from the minor highway a few miles to the east.

Atlas was watching the other of Ieyasu's safe houses. This one was in the middle of a small village a close to the western edge of the main island. Although much farther away from Tokyo, it was near rail transportation, and was easier to bring supplies to that the isolated cottage that Atom was watching. The red and blue robot was sitting on the top of a water tower about a quarter klick away that provided him with a good view of the place, and the road leading towards it.
The two robots waited patiently for their targets to show up, and kept up a spirited communication via radio. “Still nothing at this end,” Atlas reported.

“Evenings still many hours away,” Atom responded. “This is going to be a long vigil, so keep alert.”

Late in the afternoon, Atom saw the approach of a large, black, limousine. The sleek, powerful automobile matched the image he had memorized of Tokugawa's personal transport. He zoomed his telescopic vision in and could see that there were only two occupants in the car, Ieyasu himself, and the driver. “I have a visual on Tokugawa approaching,” Atom radioed to Atlas, “I'm going to text Tawashi now.”

“I'm coming over to meet you,” Atlas responded, “but don't call in the bulls yet.”

“We agreed to keep a low profile and let the police handle things,” Atom replied. “The inspector only wanted us to provide surveillance.”

“Right,” Atlas answered, gritting his teeth. “So where is that flatfoot now?”

“Tawashi has probably just arrived at the newspaper convention with the delta squad.” Atom watched as the lights in the estate came on, and then saw a second vehicle coming down the road. “Looks like Tokugawa has company coming, and a bit early too. I've informed the inspector, hope he notices my text message on his phone.”

Britt Reid, took the elevator to the subbasement level, and walked to the back of the nearly empty garage. In the distance he saw the flash of the Black Beauty's green headlamps. Kato had the car's trunk open, and Reed walked to the back of the vehicle to grab his garb. Quickly he donned the dark green topcoat and hat, and the hornet mask. He strapped the dual holsters under his coat and checked the weapons. “Hornet sting, and gas gun, ready,” he nodded. “You have the location, Kato?”

“Yes boss,” his Filipino valet nodded. “The inspector had received a text message on his phone from someone called Atom who was staking out Tokugawa.”

“That would be Astro Boy,” Britt nodded. “He's a boy robot with many super powers who works for the Ministry of Science, and the police. We'll have to be on the watch out for him or things could go sideways quickly.”
Britt took his seat in the back of the black automobile, and Kato floored the gas. The Black Beauty roared out into the darkening streets, taking the back roads out the city towards the mountains in the west.

Hamegg drove the ugly looking van along the winding mountain road, barely keeping his tires on the pavement, often the bald tires of his vehicle would run off the road and throw up rocks from the shoulders of the narrow path.

“Who taught you how to drive?”, Skunk Kusai yelled as the vehicle nearly crashed into a tree. “I'd like to get there in one piece if you don't mind.”

“This road is treacherous,” Hamegg complained. “Much too narrow, and it's getting dark.”

“If you'd had replaced the burned out headlamp, you might be able to see where you're going!”, Skunk countered.

“There it is!”, Skunk pointed, and Hamegg turned sharply to the left and parked his van in plain sight a distance off the road not far from a footpath leading towards the cottage.
“Let's announce ourselves,” Skunk smiled.

Kato pressed a button on the dashboard and a small door in the lid of the trunk slid open. A remote controlled robotic drone emerged from the vehicle and quickly ascended above the tree tops. On a video monitor mounted in the back of the seat in front of him, Reid surveyed the layout of the area beneath the quad-copter. “There's a back way into estate from another road,” Britt said. “Take the first fork up ahead to the right, and follow narrower road. Looks like the entrance may be blocked by a gate, we might have to use the Beauty's lasers to get in.”

“Right boss,” Kato replied. “Better if we can arrive unnoticed.”

Inspector Tawashi finished his tour of the convention center, and was satisfied that the Delta squad had everything well in hand. He fished his cellphone out of his pocket, and noticed from the blinking led in the top left corner of the tablet that he had an incoming text message. He also noticed that he'd left the phone in quiet mode, and now wondered how long ago that text had been received. He quickly opened the message form, and saw that the communication had been from Atom.
“Damn!” the inspector cursed to himself, as he typed a reply. “Don't do ANYTHING until I get there! And keep Atlas on a short leash!”
Tawashi then called his office and asked that his hand picked swat squad meet him at the convention center. He wanted backup on this raid.

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

Atlas hovered over cottage estate, looking about. “Yo Atom, where are you?” he radioed.

“I'm making my way into the buildings through a side window,” Atom radioed back. He turned his hearing up to 1000x and was able to make out the presence of people towards the front of the residence. “I'm going to try and eavesdrop on what's going on inside, can you keep an eye out for anyone's approach?”

“You don't want me interacting with Tokugawa, I get it,” Atlas responded back.

“Got that right!,” Atom answered. “Surveillance only, remember!”

“OK!”, the red and blue robot curtly replied. “Well it seems we have a robot camera drone buzzing about over the compound, damn thing almost crashed into me! You've probably seen the ugly van parked out front, that thing belongs to Hamegg so it's a good bet that he and Skunk have crashed this party. I just noticed a rather large black, tricked out automobile pulling up via the back roads. The vehicle was equipped with a military grade cutting laser that made short work of a heavy metal gate. Right now it's parked out of sight from the building in the rear.”

“Does it have green headlamps?” Atom asked.


“Sounds like our second uninvited guest is the Green Hornet,” Atom answered.

Gatland Tobias sat in the rear seat of the Lincoln Town Car, behind his driver. The large automobile slowly made its way up the main roadway leading towards the Tokugawa safe house. Tobias kept his eyes moving, looking for any sign of entrapment. Satisfied that no booby traps had been set, he ordered his driver to proceed towards the front entrance of the residence.

“Hey boss,” his driver spoke up, pointing at the ugly van parked in plain sight on the side of the main drive near the front entrance of the building, “looks like someone's gotten here before us.”

“You're right,” Gatland replied, taking a long drag on his cigar. “This was supposed to be a private meeting between me and Tokugawa – San. Feels like a double cross.”

“What should I do boss?”, his driver asked.

Tobias gave the matter a few moments thought. “Take me back to the city. I'll contact Tokugawa – San and let him explain what this betrayal is about. If he doesn't have a good story, we'll take care of it the usual way.”

Atom made his way through the building, following the sounds of voices. He crawled low along the floor as he got close, and hid behind some well placed furniture. A rather displeased Tokugawa was arguing with Skunk Kuasi and Hamegg.
“I don't know how you found out about my meeting, but you were not invited!”, Ieyasu shouted. “And by parking your hideous looking vehicle right in front, you've probably spooked Tobias-San from showing his face!”

“About that,” Skunk cackled, “You have a contract with ME, and I don't take lightly to being replaced by an outsider from America.”

“You're just a petty thief,” Tokugawa growled, “a two bit punk that will never amount to anything. You were convenient for me in the beginning, but you're now out of your league.”

“Then perhaps I can be a better partner.” The voice came from a tall figure dressed in a dark green topcoat, and a dress hat. The man was accompanied by a shorter partner, wearing a similar garment, his head covered by a chauffeur's hat. Both had dark green masks covering their faces. The taller man held a sinister looking weapon in his right hand.

“What's going on over there?”, Atlas voice asked in Atom's head.

“Tokugawa was confronting Skunk and Hamegg when the Green Hornet made his entrance,” Atom radioed back. “Stay outside and keep watch.”

“Another car just passed by, I think it may have been Tobias. He's leaving, must have been spooked when he saw the van in the driveway. I'm going to follow him and tag his car.”

“Right,” Atom answered.

“Who the hell do you think you are!”, Skunk asked, producing a hand gun of his own.

The Hornet quickly aimed his gun at the two criminals and shot them with a stream of gas! Skunk and Hamegg covered their faces with their hands, but were overpowered by the effect of the weapon.

“I'll be back to contact you again,” the Hornet told Tokugawa, and you'll cut a deal with me.”

Atom backtracked to cut off the Hornet's exit. He blocked the door where Kato and the Green Hornet had entered the building.

“Not so fast, Hornet!” Atom said sternly, holding his ground.

The Hornet produced a second weapon and aimed it at Atom. “I can't allow you to interfere with my plans, Astro,” the Hornet calmly said. “I know you're a robot and can't be harmed by my gas gun, but my Hornet sting will effect you like an EMT burst.”

“You're not leaving until the police get here,” Atom said defiantly.

The Hornet adjusted the power on his electroshock weapon to half power and shot Atom with a burst of power. Atom flinched in pain from the electric shock, but stood his ground. The Hornet set the weapon to three quarters power and shot again. This time the EMT shock caused Atom to gray out, he collapsed to the ground as Kato and the Hornet stepped past him and quickly got into the Black Beauty. The car speed off, heading back towards the city.
Atom shook off the effects from the Hornet sting and got back to his feet. He was able to fly, and started to follow the Green Hornet, but he suddenly felt confused by the encounter. Something didn't add up.

“Let's get back to the convention center,” Reid told Kato. I don't want Tawashi to make a big deal about my being missing from tonights activities.

“Right boss,” Kato replied. “That was a close one with Astro Boy,”

“I know,” Britt replied. “Atom doesn't realize that we're all on the same side, but I can't reveal the true nature of the Green Hornet to him, at least not yet. It's important that the Tokyo underworld, and especially Mr. Tobias continue to believe that we are criminals. I had to knock Astro out just long enough to allow us to get away without a confrontation. I used just enough power in the Hornet Sting to temporarily shut him down without causing him any permanent damage.”

“Yo Atom, where are you?” Atlas voice rang in Atom's head.

“Heading back to the Tokugawa house.”

“You gave chase to the Hornet?”

“He got away,” Atom answered, “shot me with some kind of EMT gun.”

“Well I managed to tag Tobias car with a tracker,” Atlas replied.

The two robots met fact to face in front of the house just as Tawashi's SWAT team showed up. The police kicked in the front door and entered to find the unconscious forms of Hamegg and Skunk, who had been knocked out by the Hornet's gas gun. Sitting in a chair, Ieyasu Tokugawa was coughing from his brief exposure to the Hornet gas.
“Drag these two over to the paddy wagon,” Tawashi ordered, as two of the SWAT team escorted the bumbling pair out of the house. “Got anything to say, Tokugawa-San?”, the inspector asked.

“Nothing to you,” Ieyasu answered.

The inspector turned to face the two robots. “What happened here?” he asked.

“Tobias got spooked by the presence of Skunk and Hamegg,” Atlas replied. I tagged his car so you can keep track of him,” he tossed the tracking receiver into the inspector's hands. “Astro here, let the Green Hornet get away. I'll see you later, maybe.” Atlas turned and walked out of the house, and then flew away.

The inspector turned to Atom, “what's this about the Green Hornet?”

“He showed up a few minutes after Skunk and Hamegg did. I arrived just in time to witness those two goons trying to shake Ieyasu down. The Hornet let himself in via a back door. I tried to detain him, but he zapped me with some kind of stun gun.”

“You seem OK now,” the inspector said.

“That's what bothering me,” Atom replied. “I think the Hornet used as little power in that stun weapon as possible. He didn't want to harm me, only to knock me out long enough to make his get away. I came to just as the Black Beauty was pulling away. I started to follow him, but a strange feeling came over me.”

“You let the Hornet get away without tagging his car?”

“I guess so.” Atom tossed the unused tracker transmitter towards Tawashi. “You know I have the ability to tell if a person is good or bad.”

“That's what Ochanomizu Hakase has told me many times,” the inspector answered.

“Well, I don't think the Hornet is a criminal. Don't ask me why, but my electronic brain tells me that somehow, he's really on the side of the police.”

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

“I think your electronic brain has a few transistors burnt out in that case,” the inspector laughed. “I want you to get in my police car and come with me.”

“Am I under arrest?” Atom asked.

“I wish,” Tawashi sighed. “No, I'm heading back to the convention center, and I want you to meet someone that will set your head straight on this Green Hornet thing.”

Britt Reid managed to get back to the Sentinel table in the convention dining hall without too many people having noticed that he was gone. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the police inspector approaching, dragging Astro along by the hand.
“I've got someone I want you to meet, Mr. Reid,” Tawashi said. “This is Atom, though you might have heard of him as Astro Boy. He's a robot who works for the Ministry of Science, though he also often sticks his nose into police business. Somehow, Atom has gotten the idea into his head that the Green Hornet isn't a criminal, but rather a crime fighter. Since your newspaper has investigated the Hornet many times, I thought you could set him straight.”

Reid's green eyes made contact with Astro's brown ones, and for a split second the two of them shared a flash of silent communication. Before Britt could open his mouth to say anything, Mike Axford spoke up, loudly.

“The Green Hornet a crime fighter?”, Axford belly laughed. “Now that's a tall tale! That slimly devil seems to show up in the middle of every crime wave that hits Central City. Somehow, he manages to keep one step ahead of the law, with no witnesses coming forward to implicate him.”

“I couldn't have said it better,” Reid smiled.

“There!, I hope you've been set straight.” Tawashi glared at Atom. “Well I've got to get on with my inspection and make sure that the hotel is still safe for our guests. I also need to get this over to the police geeks so they can find the whereabouts of Tobias-San ” Tawashi held up the tracking receiver that Atlas had given him and walked out of the dining room, leaving Atom standing in front of Britt Reid.

“I know who you are, Mr. Reid. We've met earlier ,” Atom voiced, as he turned and walked away.

Professor Ochanomizo and Reno listened to Astro's report. “I don't know what to do,” Atom sighed. “I wanted to tell the inspector who Britt Reid really is, but I knew he would never believe me.”

“I'm not sure I believe it myself,” the professor sighed. “Britt Reid is the Green Hornet? That makes no sense, his paper has reported on the activities of that criminal for years.”

Reno who had been quiet all the time, scratched his head and spoke up. “Actually Hakase, it might make perfect sense. Through his paper, Reid-San has created a myth about the Green Hornet as some kind of ultra criminal on the top of the most wanted list. Yet, the man has never been actually convicted or even charged with any crime. In fact he's always managed to escape from the law at the last moment leaving other criminals holding the bag. With his reputation, the Hornet can easily infiltrate organized crime and get evidence that the police can't. And, it seems that the police or the district attorney somehow manage to get the required evidence to convict the perpetrators, but never the Green Hornet.”

“Exactly!”, Atom smiled. “I had that figured out the instant I met Britt Reid at the convention center. I wanted to confront him, but I couldn't do that at the convention. I've got to get a message to him somehow.”

“Tricky,” Reno thought out loud. “As the Green Hornet, Reid needs to protect his identity or his effectiveness as a crime fighter would be zero.”

“I've got to convince him that I can keep his secret, and you two must swear to keep it as well!”

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Re: Atom vs the Green Hornet

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

Gatland Tobias powered on the burner cell phone and dialed the number stored in it's memory. The phone was one of a pair of unregistered phones that he and Ieyasu Tokugawa had been provided through a dealer on the dark web. The phones were encrypted and untraceable by the police. Tobias sent a short text message, and then pocketed the phone. He knew that Ieyasu would return his text with a voice call as soon as the initial contact was made.

Tokugawa was visibly shaken by the appearance of the police, and the Green Hornet. He was also quite angry by having his private meeting interrupted by the two petty thieves, but in a way he was grateful for Skunk and Hamegg's appearance. Had they not showed up before Gatland did, the police and the Green Hornet would have ruined everything. At least he now had a second chance. The buzzing of the secret cell phone on his desk eased his anxiety. It seemed that Tobias was giving him a second chance. Ieyasu pressed the call button and listened to the ring tone, waiting for Gatland to answer.

“At least you reacted promptly to my text,” Tobias growled into the phone, “Very sloppy of you to allow those local scum to crash our meeting, and even worse to not being aware that the police were staking you out.”

“How did you know about that, I thought you had left when you saw the ugly van my uninvited guests had left parked in front?” Tokugawa asked.

“I watched from a safe distance,” Gatland replied. “I also know about the Green Hornet. His presence in Japan is very disturbing, it means I have a security problem back in Central City.”

“And you dare to criticize me for my security problems,” Ieyasu shot back.

“The Hornet is my problem, I'll take care of him,” Tobias replied. “But back to our business, we'll have to find another place to meet, someplace that you don't control. I think in the middle of a crowd would work out best. That would make it difficult for both the police and the Hornet to get in our way.”

“There's a street festival in the city in a few days,” Tokugawa suggested. “Lots of vendors selling street food, kids playing carnival games, and Anime characters walking about.”

“Excellent!”, Tobias replied. “It will be easy to blend in such a crowd. You will text me the time and location.”

“Hai!”, Tokugawa replied, closing down the phone connection.

Inspector Tawashi marched into the Ministry of Science with two other officers. He insisted to Yuko to be admitted to see the professor, and Atom. Ochanomizo's assistant tried to keep the inspector at bay until she could communicate with her boss, but Tawashi knew the way to the professor's office and pushed past her. Reno and Atom were already there when the inspector barged into the office.

“What do you want from Atom now?” the professor asked.

“We've lost track of Tobias-San,” Tawashi admitted. “The tracking transmitter that Atlas tagged his car with hasn't moved in for 24 hours. It seems that he parked the vehicle at the Inn he was registered at, and then moved on leaving the car behind. Probably switched vehicles.”

“Didn't you stake out his Inn?” the professor asked.

“We did, Hakase. Somehow he gave us the slip,” Tawashi sighed. “I've got a stakeout on Tokugawa, but I'll need help.”

“I kinda thought that would happen,” Atom laughed. “Don't worry, Atlas is keeping track of Ieyasu's movements. He hates the man's guts, I didn't have to bend his arm to get him to help again.”

“Do you think that was a good idea?” Tawashi asked. “I don't trust that bot, and I was going to ask you to tail him.”

“Don't worry, he knows the drill, surveillance only.” Atom replied. “Atlas will let me know the instant he spots Tokugawa make contact with the American. By the way is Britt Reid still in town?”

“Yes, I checked him out after we ran into the Hornet yesterday,” Tawashi said. “He's staying at the Ryokan near the convention center with his manservant. Said he had some personal business to take care of. I think he's hoping the Hornet will turn up again. Probably after a news scoop for his paper. But leave Reid-San alone, you concentrate on Tokugawa and Tobias.”

As soon as the Inspector left, Atom turned to the professor. “Hakase, can you arrange for a meeting with Britt Reid? Maybe something on the pretense of covering a story here at the Ministry?”

“I've already taken care of that,” Ochanomizo smiled. “Reno and I have a diner date with him at his Inn in a few hours.”

“Good,” Atom nodded, I'll meet you there.

“You think this meeting with the professor a good idea, boss?”

“Yes, Kato,” Britt Reid answered. “Professor Ochanomizo is the head of the Japanese Ministry of Science. He asked to meet with me on the pretense that the Sentinel would be interested in a story about their work with advanced robotics. I'm sure he has something else in mind, but I'm certain that the Ministry is not involved with the police, at least not directly.”

“What about Astro Boy?”, Kato replied.

“I've done some research,” Reid replied. “Atom is reported to be able to detect a person's true motives just by listening to their voice. It seems he can function as a lie detector. I think the Hornet might be able to make use of him, after all.”

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

I can also be found on Deviant Art

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