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Re: COVID-19

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 4 years ago

Don't know how long it will be before I can get a haircut either. So I'll look like Einstein for a while.

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Re: COVID-19

Postby Astro Forever » 4 years ago

A lot of people will be due for a haircut after this ends! :D Ironically, I won a coupon to save 25$ on my next visit, but hairdressers all closed on what would have been their following business day.

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Re: COVID-19

Postby jeffbert » 4 years ago

fafner wrote:I have confined myself since 1st March, 2 weeks before the official lockdown. I have myself a medical condition that most certainly makes me highly vulnerable: a heart transplantation for which I have to take immuno-suppressing and corticoid pills, each one a big no-no against covid-2019 . I am not the kind of leaving often my house, and hopefully my work is fully compatible with remote working (software development). So with the exception of not being able to leave my house, nothing has really changed for me.

Hopefully, boredom has never been an issue for me, and with the extra time for not getting out at all I kill time by throwing rockets into space, some of them actually reaching orbit without flipping over, tearing themselves out, or in a general way throwing billions of tiny little pieces all around the place :-P

So, how do you deal with perishable groceries? I myself, just usually put other items where ever there is space, & let them sit for about a week, before using them. For me, this is nothing new. But, milk, butter, etc., recently I have been washing them with warm water & soap. I do not suppose the warm water does anything but keep the arthritis pain away, & hope that the soap removes anything bad. I am not at risk, as you are, but the whole thing is just grotesque. :sick: I suppose I am a germophobe, as I do relate to the guy in that film, waiting in the men's restroom for another guy to enter, so he can get out without touching the door handle.


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Re: COVID-19

Postby jeffbert » 4 years ago

I have been cutting my own hair, since neurosurgery early in the 1990s, had left me with a bad haircut. About 3 inches above my right eyebrow, they drilled a small hole, into which they inserted a probe that was used to map out the area housing the involuntary movement of left arm & leg. So, realizing how ugly that was, I have been buzzing my own hair since then, just before entering the shower. No itches down my back! I guess I am on my 3rd electric hair clipper now.

I have seen some scissor-types in anime; usually the school principal goes after boys whose hair is just a bit longer than he likes.

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Re: COVID-19

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 4 years ago

Soap actually disolves the outer membrane of most virus, which spills out their DNA/RNA, which is then washed down the drain when you rinse the lather off of your hands. The process isn't instantanous, which is why they recommend scrubbing for 20 seconds or more. IPA, also has the same effect, and the reaction here is a bit faster.

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Re: COVID-19

Postby DrFrag » 4 years ago

The best hand washing instructions I've heard were in the Kurzgesagt video. Wash your hands as though you'd just cut up a bunch of jalapenos and are about to put your contact lenses in. :lol:

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Re: COVID-19

Postby jeffbert » 4 years ago

Being 1 armed, I use suction cup brushes with stiff nylon bristles. I wash my face with DAWN dish soap, really cuts grease. My face thinks I am 15! Well, some parts, anyway. Others are much too dry. :P

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Re: COVID-19

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 4 years ago

I was just at the Cleveland Clinic (Florida) for a quick doctor's appointment. I was more than a bit apprehensive about going, as the medical building would surely be a hot bed of potential infection. They did a quick temperature screening at the door using an IR instrument (non contact), I think it read a bit low as it got me at 97.9 (I tend to run a fraction above 98.6). Anyone showing a fever would be re-directed to the emergency entrance. They had everyone use the hand sanitizer before entering. I had one N95 mask (was given to me by a former employer), which I wore. The waiting room area had most of the chairs removed and spaced out. Most of the patients were being pre-screened by their doctors over the phone before being scheduled for an in person visit, so the clinic was NOT crowded. I felt quite a bit relieved at the way CC is handling the situation.

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Re: COVID-19

Postby teugene50 » 4 years ago

I was asking the same thing about covid 19.

I always hate that coronavirus year today!!

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Re: COVID-19

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 4 years ago


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