Yet another new year.......

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Yet another new year.......

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 1 year ago

This will be my first New Year in the Boston area (since about 42 years ago).
It is also the first one that I've celebrated by myself in about 30 years. I've been moping about in my apartment trying to keep myself busy, but not feeling much drive to do anything. It's been like this since July when my wife passed away from ALS. This is also the first winter I've spent in the NE, having moved back here from Florida. The idea was to be closer to my family, as I don't have any relatives left down south, and I felt it would be better being closer to my daughters, and my brother and sister.

I had been writing fan fiction stories, published both on this forum and on It's been over a year since I've written anything, but I just recently did manage to post the final two chapters of a Black Jack-Harry Potter crossover on I've had a few ideas brewing for new stories, but haven't yet started to flesh anything out. While the site does have categories for crossovers between two genres, they don't have any way to list a story that crosses over three or more of them, which is something that I have often done! I did write an Astroboy crossover involving quite a few other fictional characters that could have been a crossover with "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" (with a few extra characters thrown in!). That story ("Frankensteam") was a 'steampunk' tale of an alternate Astroboy which took place at the turn of the 20th century. It had various characters from Jules Verne, Sherlock Holmes, Isaac Bell (a detective created by Clive Cussler), the Invisible Man, Dr jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Who, and Nikola Tesla. Quite the mishmash! I posted that one as a non crossover though.

Some of the story ideas I've got bouncing around in my head include a Clive Cussler Numa crossover with 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' (Dirk Pitt aboard the Seaview), and a Wednesday Addams (Nevermore) crossover with Harry Potter AND Dr. Strange! (Maybe also will throw in Dr. Black Jack again). There is also the idea of a Clive Cussler (probably Isaac Bell) crossover with Indiana Jones. Or maybe Isaac Bell with Sherlock Holmes. At least these characters are close enough in time to not stretch the canons too much.

I'm hoping that losing myself in the creation of some more fan fiction stories will help me keep my sanity. Grief is a hard thing to deal with, and maybe writing will help. I probably need to make some new friends, and maybe find someone special that will fill the large void in my heart. My wife always believed that I would out live her, and that awful prediction has indeed come to pass. She also told me that if I passed away first, she would be ok by herself, but that if I out lived her, she thought I should eventually remarry. I've become involved in a local reformed synagogue, and that, at least has expanded my field of contacts with the community.

I've rambled enough here, so let me wish all my Astro Buddies a happy New Year! Let's keep this forum active!

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

I can also be found on Deviant Art

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Re: Yet another new year.......

Postby DrFrag » 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I lost a friend to ALS in May. I've seen people die of heart attacks, dementia, and cancer, but there's something different about ALS that simultaneously requires of us and evokes incredible bravery. I'm getting choked up so I'll stop there.

I write on and off but I've been slack with it in recent years. This year I've committed to editing on alternate months. I find it intensive hard work because the fun creative part is over and I'm left with grinding research and hard decisions, and I can't do it in small bites because I have to immerse myself in it for good results. For me, writing doesn't take away grief but I've written some of my best work during it. I wouldn't choose grief to get good results, but it is what it is. Hopefully we'll both produce some good stuff this year. :tezuka:

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