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People can be cold...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:17 am
by Ghost
I really don't know what to label this thread. I really felt the need to discuss something with you all. Due to recent events that happened to me I feel the need to express my thoughts.

There are certain things that I cannot stand in people:

Intolerance- I cannot stand any type of intolerance. Whether they be about people's race, gender, sexual preferences, someone's religious beliefs, any kind of interlace I can't stand. Things like racism, sexism and homophobia are all forms of intolerance.

Dishonesty- There is nothing worse than someone who is dishonest all the time. Some people are dishonest to themselves, but mainly dishonest to others. If there is one thing that I cannot stand are people who lie and deceive people for their own games, or cheat people out of stuff.

Hypocrisy-Again as stated before I hate people that lie to themselves and to others. People who are hypocrites are of course dishonest and for obvious reasons. Hypocritical people are hard to see through strait and in my eyes are two faced people.

Ignorance- Not as much as other things stated before. The type of ignorance I am referring to are people who constantly do things that they think is okay but in reality is totally out of line because they are so ignorant they don't see anything wrong with what they are doing or saying. Sometimes when I come across ignorance it baffles me on how someone can do something so hateful or stupid without any second thought what so ever.

I know this seems kind of random, but I have been pissed off to the point today by someone who falls under all of these categories. People that are intolerant, hypocritical, dishonest, and ignorant are people that I just absolutely cannot stand. I made the mistake of befriending someone who I thought was a friend that has shown me his true colors and has fallen under everything. I will not discuss anything further on this.

Honestly I'm not posting this for sympathy or anything of that nature. If anyone has anything to say to me or if they want to share something that is related to this go ahead and post. I just felt the need to share some things about my views on people.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:46 pm
by Xenops
You have my empathy on the "dishonesty" part, because I was dating a guy that I really really liked, and he would say he would do something and then failed to do it. I don't think he was dishonest intentionally, but just really flaky. It has taken me a long time to be able to trust people again.

I haven't experienced a lot of nasty people (yet), but in my limited experience it seems that the people that are dishonest or ignorant or whatever, don't know that they are like that. I think the best bad-guys in a story are those that believe that they are doing the right thing, even though they're not. I think this goes for people too. They don't see that what they are doing is wrong or hurtful.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:56 pm
by Astro Forever
I've met people who fell into categories #2 and 3, or in category #4, but definitely not all of them combined.

#1 has been very rare, fortunately. It can definitely hurt, even for someone who doesn't even happen to be the target or a particular comment.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:36 pm
by AprilSeven
At this point, it's safe for me to say I've encountered just about any combination of the 4 categories - and if you work as a freelance artist or otherwise self-employed, it gets REALLY challenging, because sometimes you have to find ways of working with people you'd rather be running away from!

You can always learn valuable lessons from unfortunate encounters like this, however. Stop to consider how much intentional pain this person wanted to cause you, and ask yourself if you did anything that might have "brought out" the other person's negative qualities. Sometimes our own personalities "push all the wrong buttons" in someone else (and we might not even be aware of that).

Because you considered this person a friend, there was probably enough "good stuff" going on to let you extend your trust in him/her. I certainly think it's wise to step back and away from a "toxic" relationship, but wait until you feel less emotional to make that final decision.

In the meantime, it's great to have a place to vent!! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:19 pm
by avatargirl
hi- i want to always be a friend and never cold- love everyone here - the people here are sweet- even JEFFBERT is a sweetheart- giggles

Meeting people like APRILSEVEN and ASTRO FOREVER- IS SO NICE and love to be just like them- all of you are so nice

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:46 pm
by iceytina
Arg, it stings to hear of people being so mean. =\

This is the main reason why I haven't had a "best friend" since I was 8. I haven't had anything terrible happen to me (like a friend stealing my bf, physical abuse or anything), but my observances of people has made me hate them as a whole for the reasons you outlined. I was called a misanthropist and it's nearly true. Not saying I'm an exception; but I've become highly sensitive to those traits in others and in myself.

It's just, I have no tolerance for any nonsense from people of any type. It may be because most of the people I've dealt with were from my child/teen years and they fooled around a lot. My experience with "young adults" from around my age (20-30yrs old) is very little... I should probably give them a chance if I can stand it.

I'm basically anti-social, annoyed, silent in real life, hard to get to know, distanced, etc to prevent anyone from bothering with me. I became this way because I was tired of hearing people's drama (like people try desperately to MAKE drama just to talk about it and get reactions?) It's terrible, and I hope it doesn't happen to you. Please don't stay bitter if you can help it, or closed off. I'm fine with only having a handful of acquaintances, but I really hope you can deal with the person that annoys you gracefully. You're an awesome guy =)

-- if I ever portray any of those traits you explained, please let me know... o.o in PM ... I really don't want to offend anyone here =S

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:05 am
by Astro Boy2866
I have so many ignorant friends, it's not even funny. A few of them do drugs and are flakes when it comes to practicing sports and it's very annoying. A lot of them mess with people or with people's stuff and never have any second thoughts about it. I guess you could say that I'm hanging out with the wrong crowd, but there are a couple good kids that in the group that won't do any stupid s#!t like the others. I do hang out with other kids who are nice and honest, but I usually hang out with the other guys who are wild, sometimes dishonest, usually ignorant, but are pretty cool and usually fun.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:26 pm
by Alittleacorn
Those are things I worry about, not just in others but myself. Maybe not to that extreme, though I worry that I'll do or say something that I'll come to regret, even if it was unintentional or an accident.

If there's one thing I don't like about people, is that they can hurt you so much...that even if they reduce you to tears, they don't care. There's no remorse and no forgiveness. They only see what's happened, but they don't see the reason why, why people act the way they do or did what they did. Sometimes they just see it their way and no other.

I think it's because I always worry about upsetting people or friends, that I'll try my best to do good, heck, I think it's reduced me to a goodie two shoes sometimes. That even when someone gets the blame for something, I can't entirely hate them because I know they're not really a bad person at heart and just, these things happen.

So...I guess, when bad stuff like that happens to me, I really do take it hard...cause it somehow always make me feel worthless.

Edit: Unless they're cold blooded heartless murderers, then I dispise their guts =_=

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:49 pm
by Astro Boy2866
"Alittleacorn" wrote:I think it's because I always worry about upsetting people or friends, that I'll try my best to do good, heck, I think it's reduced me to a goodie two shoes sometimes.

It's the same thing with me. There are friends that I hang out with that don't know me as well as some of my other friends do, so I try to be careful with what I say or do because they might take it offensively and eventually as they get to know me, they know when I'm just joking around and when I'm serious. I don't think I could ever be a bad person because I do have second thoughts before I do anything and I feel guilty or I think it was stupid after I did it whereas some people would go and do crazy stuff without any second thoughts and never think about it again. Another thing is that, I really don't like to be hated or disliked by someone unless I hate or dislike them. If I find out that someone doesn't like me and I don't hate them or anything, I always think "What did I do wrong?" and if it's one of my friends that all of a sudden doesn't like me, I think the same thing and I also think of anything that I might have said or done over the last month, or so, that might have caused that to happen. Some friends know this about me and they can trust me, they care about me, and they know I wouldn't turn on them and blame them for something or give away all their secrets and those are the type of friends that I look for as well; ones that I can trust, care about, and know they won't turn on me one day.