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Other Characters

Doctor Boyton

Father of Toby and head of the Ministry of Science. When Toby was killed in a car accident, Boyton created Astroboy in his son's likeness and raised him as his own child. This causes him to lose his position at the Ministry of Science, and so he and Astro go away together on an ocean cruise where they become separated during and ice burg emergency.

Doctor Elefun

Most memorable for his big nose, Doctor Elefun becomes the head of the Ministry of Science after Doctor Boyton is fired. Elefun rescues Astro from the Robot Circus and takes him back to Japan. Elefun takes care of Astro until he is able to constrcut a family for him.

Daddy Walrus

Astro's school teacher, and a good friend of Doctor Elefun. His real name is Albert Duncan, but everyone calls him Daddy Walrus.

Astro's Parents

Astro's parents were built by Doctor Elefun as a family for Astro. They don't have names, they are simply called "Mum" and "Dad".


Uran is Astro's sister, created as a prestent by Doctor Elefun. She is a very lively and mischevious girl, often getting herself and her brother into a lot of trouble.


Jump was Toby's pet dog. After Toby was killed, Jump found it difficult to accept Astro as his new master. But in time, they grew to be close friends, and Jump now lives happily with Astro and his family.


Atlas is Astro's arch-enemy. He was created a short time after Astro, when the plans for him were stolen from the Ministry of Science. Atlas lives in the Crystal Castle with Livian, who later discovers that they were both made from the same plans, making Atlas and Astro brothers.


Livian is Atlas' companion, although she is not evil like him. Livian has alerted Astro many times of Atlas' plans, and is the one to discover that Astro and Atlas are brothers.


Guiss is an evil scientist and the original creator of Atlas and Livian. He stole the plans for Astro from the Ministry of Science, and used them to create Atlas. Only he included the "Omega Factor" in Atlas, which made him capable of evil deeds. Atlas later rebelled from his master and rebuilt himself to be more powerful than ever.


Skunk is an escaped criminal, one of the most wanted in all Japan. Skunk and Astro have crossed paths many time, and Skunk is determined to destroy him for having foiling his evil schemes so many times.

Mandrake IV

Mandrake the fourth. Son, of the son, of the son, of the infamous Mandrake the first. His motto in life is simple, "to get everything he wants".

Inspector Gumshoe

Inspector Gumshoe is head of the Tokyo Police Department. A dedicated police officer who is always eagar to get his man. Unfortunately, his eagerness often leads him to snap convictions, and he usually ends up arresting Astro.

Chief McClaw

Chief McClaw is Gumshoe's loyal assistant. Thankfully, he is a little more opened minded than the Inspector and is always on hand to defend our hero.

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