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Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:04 am
by Toshio
Tezuka himself would say the movie had horrible drawn characters just like he considered the NOW comics back then.
They even wanted to re-use the horrible dub name for Ochanomizu again. I believe Ochanomizu sounds way better than Abercrowbie (say what?).
The interpretation of the characters was quite awful (either main cast or minor villains) which may mislead people who never saw the original series.
Stone was pretty pointless and with a very vague ambition.
Frankly, when Tezuka lets american producers from Hollywood to do whatever they want, then they cannot get anything right.
That movie, instead of a tribute is just a pile of junk which should never have been made.
Even in Brazil we got a horrible dub for it and was not even made by the same team who did the 2003 version dub.
I don't want to generalize, but when american producers wants to make a movie based in a anime or game, they really ruin everything.
Anyone remember of Super Mario Bros. movie?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:45 pm
by Prettywitchiusaka
Um, how do you know if Tezuka would have approved of this film or not? Granted, Tezuka was a very strong-minded individual, but I doubt that he was unwilling to give something a chance before judging it outright.

Also, I understand what you're saying in regards to American films based off of anime, but there's also something you have to understand. Many of these projects have lingered around in Hollywood for years, so naturally, it makes sense that by the time they're made they end up in the hands of someone who is only interested in just making profit of of something. Astro Boy is no different; the rights were bought in 1997, and were swapped around Hollywood for over a decade before the film we got came out.

Now does that excuse the film's quality? No. But I honestly doubt that a good Astro Boy film couldn't be made by an American company. You just need the right writer and director, who are passionate about the material, and they could easily make a memorable film.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:15 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
They didn't try to make the characters look like the way Tezuka drew them, but they did base the artwork on the original. Don't forget this was CGI not hand drawn cells. BTW did anybody notice that Tezuka himself had a camieo role in the film? As far as Hamegg, his role was a clone of Fagin from Oliver Twist! And the same goes for all the children living with Hamegg, with Astro as Oliver. This bit of plot twist (pardon pun) is the part of the movie that I didn't like. Oh one other thing, where was Lamp? They should have included Lamp (candle and all).

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:03 am
by Prettywitchiusaka
I ask myself that same question regarding Tawashi. Why wasn't he in the movie? You could've easily tied in a solid side story about how Tawashi doesn't like president Stone, but he's only doing this because he does;t like robot very much. And then at the end, have him go through a change where he sees how human Astro is, and can't bring himself to hurt him.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:13 am
by Little Brown Fox
Ahahah, I like Tawashi, that crusty old cuss. :p

Btw, I recently discovered something (that may or may not have been brought up around here before): in the English dub of the first episode, when Caciatore(?) asked why Astro couldn't finish the other robot, Astro called the other robot "Zog". :D Somebody somewhere at least gets points for this veritable fossil of a reference.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:14 pm
by BlueCore
But really? I understand that it didn't match the story of the real Astro Boy.

But aren't you at least a little happy it wasn't exactly the same? To see the same thing again for little kids to watch. Well, it would make those little kids HATE the movie. It is very sad for a kids movie anyways!

Astro Boy from 2009 is a part of the astro boy family now wether you like it or not. It's a new version of him.
Think of fanfictions! A lot of them don't match the story line of Astro boy!!! But we still love them! So the 2009 movie is like a fan fiction that got animated! Would you really make a thread about somebodys fanfiction and he much you hated it? I didnt think so!!!!

Sorry that I'm so mad about this, but the movie was the thing that got me into the fan site. Te movie is why I am here right now explaining this to you. And when you disrespect the movie, you disrespect me.... You disrespect Astro boy.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:49 pm
by Prettywitchiusaka
No, I understand what you're saying BlueCore. I didn't have a problem with them doing their own take on the origin, it's just that I didn't care for the direction they took it in.

At the same time though, I understand the movie is what got a lot of people into Astro Boy in the first place. And as a result, I can respect that there are people who like the movie, and I'm sure the other contributors on this thread feel the same as I do.

So don't take it too personally Bluecore; we're not trying to disrespect you, we're just giving our opinions.

Since you like the movie, maybe you can start up a thread asking people what they liked about the film. After all, I may be in the camp that care for the film, but I do think there were things that were done well.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:12 am
by BlueCore
"Prettywitchiusaka" wrote:No, I understand what you're saying BlueCore. I didn't have a problem with them doing their own take on the origin, it's just that I didn't care for the direction they took it in.

At the same time though, I understand the movie is what got a lot of people into Astro Boy in the first place. And as a result, I can respect that there are people who like the movie, and I'm sure the other contributors on this thread feel the same as I do.

So don't take it too personally Bluecore; we're not trying to disrespect you, we're just giving our opinions.

Since you like the movie, maybe you can start up a thread asking people what they liked about the film. After all, I may be in the camp that care for the film, but I do think there were things that were done well.

Thank you. I just needed to vent a little

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:35 am
by Little Brown Fox
Actually, hearing of the movies impending release in theaters, reminded me of the cartoon I used to watch as a kid (the 2003 series :D ), and prompted me to perform research in around December of 2009 to February or March of 2010. After awhile, I discovered this site through a search for more information and/or pictures of Chi-tan, and stuck around ever since. (It took me awhile to make an account, though, because I was busy looking at one of the image threads) I tended to lurk a lot, though, because of the automatic logout (that's not much of a problem anymore). I even left for about a year, or slightly over. But if my interest in the franchise picks up, I may come back- like now! ^-^

@Toshio: About your burning of anything American: I thought David Bowers (lol i can't spell) was English?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:16 pm
by Prettywitchiusaka
"BlueCore" wrote:[QUOTE=Prettywitchiusaka;204162]No, I understand what you're saying BlueCore. I didn't have a problem with them doing their own take on the origin, it's just that I didn't care for the direction they took it in.

At the same time though, I understand the movie is what got a lot of people into Astro Boy in the first place. And as a result, I can respect that there are people who like the movie, and I'm sure the other contributors on this thread feel the same as I do.

So don't take it too personally Bluecore; we're not trying to disrespect you, we're just giving our opinions.

Since you like the movie, maybe you can start up a thread asking people what they liked about the film. After all, I may be in the camp that care for the film, but I do think there were things that were done well.

Thank you. I just needed to vent a little[/QUOTE]

You're very welcome.