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Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 4:56 am
by GnatMan
Hi everyone,

Like many of us, I grew up watching Astroboy. Still my favourite show EVER. Apart from the amazingly likeable characters, storylines, morals and general fantastic animation/action, the music especially captured my heart. The themes complemented every emotion/situation experienced during the show.

Of course we all already know this, so I am really hoping someone can help me. I would love to find a link to somewhere that has Astroboy themes/music or actual mobile phone ringtones (midis, wavs, or mmfs, though ones that do the songs justice, I have already heard some that sound like country polkas, blaghh).

I know there is a sounds section on this site which i'm grateful for, but it still is limited.

If anyone can help that would be most appreciated, please response to this thread or email at


p.s. Can't wait for the new series!