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Astroboy's Crushes

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:19 am
by Robin
Who all did Astroboy ever have a crush on? (From all the years)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:33 am
by AprilSeven
Are you SERIOUS?? :lol:

No - wait . . . you said crushes HE had on girls? If it's girl's crushes on him, well, that's quite a long list! :p

Jeffbert will have to contribute any from "the 89" Japanese-only episodes . . . but let's see. . . .

There was whatzername (something like Princess Papaya Petal) from Sea Serpent Island

The princess from the Terrible Time Gun (he said he wished he could stay and marry her, but maybe he was just being polite)

What about the Girl from Alzoar (sp)? He went back to see her bloom (but she turned into a plant, so there wasn't much of a future there)

hmmm . . . he goes in for royalty, I see . . .


Niki/Nuka/Ryoka of course . . . wow . . . was that all?


Brianna (Astro digs older women!:cool :)

hmmmm . . . .

Movie . . . Cora (also older than he!)

Wow, not as many as I would have thought - guess the love predominantly flows the other way! :lol:

Picky little bot, isn't he? :astro: :heart:

He does seem to have a preference for older & blonde & princesses :ninja:

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:45 am
by Juanita
I honestly don't think Astro had a crush on Cora in the movie. It seemed like they were just friends. I think it's really just a ship that practically everyone in the fandom has accepted. :lol:

He does seem to have a preference for older & blonde & princesses

I was thinking about that!
All the crushes I've seen him have are blonde. Interesting...
:astro: Don't judge me.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:58 pm
by jeffbert

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:16 pm
by Little Brown Fox
Live-action Atom scares me. O-O;

Does that even count? And I thought that it was the other way around, on Sea-Serpent Island. Maybe it's different in the 60's version, though? I've never actually seen it.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:50 am
by Robin
"AprilSeven" wrote:Picky little bot, isn't he? :astro: :heart:

When you look as good as Astro, I think you are allowed to be picky with girls :D :astro: :heart:

Am I right or what?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:52 am
by Juanita
Michelle looks so scared in that picture...

M: "Somebody help me. This scary robot kid is trying to hit on me."
:astro: I like your shirt today
M: "Somebody? ANYBODY!"

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:42 pm
by AprilSeven
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am amazed at how UNcute live-action Atom is. But I can imagine how much Dr. Tezuka would have loved to create a "real" Atom. Makes me wonder how the 2009 movie would have turned out if he had still been alive

As for the small number of crushes Atom has on girls, I believe it's because he knows how dangerous his life is, and how at-risk any girlfriend of his would be . . . plus the fact he's just a kid! :whistling: I don't remember ANY 9-10 year old boys having "crushes" on girls :shifty:

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:00 pm
by Juanita
I am amazed at how UNcute live-action Atom is. But I can imagine how much Dr. Tezuka would have loved to create a "real" Atom. Makes me wonder how the 2009 movie would have turned out if he had still been alive

I read somewhere that Tezuka actually didn't like the live-action Atom stories. I don't know if it's true though.

I don't remember ANY 9-10 year old boys having "crushes" on girls

You should see kids these days. *shakes head*
Funny story about crushes:
I've had like four boys have crushes on me, but they were all toddlers! :lol:
The most recent one was at Wendy's. there was this adorable little boy whom dropped something of his. He was crying, so I figured I should pick it up for him. When I gave it to him I gave him a big smile and he just looked at me like I was some angel from heaven. He was staring in my direction the rest if the time we were there, and he'd look at my friends mom and point to me in order to get her to make me look at him. When I'd turn around he'd make the biggest smile at me, and he looked devastated to see me leave. Even his dad was laughing about it!
So yeah, that's my experience with crushes XD

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:00 am
by Little Brown Fox
I'm not sure it was a "real" crush. Maybe it was something like "hero-worship"?