Wow, this login still works!

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Wow, this login still works!

Postby Androids101 » 3 weeks ago

Wow, this login still works!

Hello everyone. I'm Androids101 and I used to post here pretty frequently between 14 and 12 years ago (so between around 2010 and 2012). I see my last post here was 12 years ago where I promised to create some articles on the wiki "later in the week". Suffice to say, looks like I broke that promise. :cry:

I'm 25 years old now, so I would've been posting here when I was between the ages of 11 and 13 (no I won't go digging through my post history, at that age I'm sure I posted a lot of cringey things I'd rather not remember!). I'm sure my behaviour on there was that of your average over-eager teen internet user :w00t:

Earlier today me and some of my mates were chatting about our childhood on the internet and the websites we frequented and I suddenly thought of this forum. For a few years I'd remember jumping on here right after getting home from school, and would happily post away until it was time for bed. Those were the days :D No adulting, no job, no dramas!

Anyways, enough rambling from me. I thought I'd pop in here and say hi. Awesome to see that the forums are still here, just as I remembered it! (Admittedly my memory is a little hazy.) I'm stoked to see some of the regulars that were around back then are still around - Jeffbert, Shiyonasan, DrFrag. I hope y'all are all doing well!

Happy New Year everyone (yes, I know I'm 2 weeks late to the party) - here's to 20 more years of the AstroBoy Online Forums!

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Re: Wow, this login still works!

Postby Shiyonasan » 2 weeks ago

Welcome back, Androids101! I do remember seeing your username back in the first couple years after I joined this site. You're one of a few people in the last couple years who have come back to visit temporarily; it's good to see you and everyone else again!

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Re: Wow, this login still works!

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 2 weeks ago

I'm guessing your last login was a year or two before I joined, which was after the 2009 movie came out. Back then I'd completely forgot about the old anime, and I'd never even heard about the 1980 and 2003 series either. Glad to meet you!

:tenma: I'm on as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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