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Battle Bots

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:39 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
I don't know how many of you are Battle Bots fans. The show is currently on the Discovery Channel, Thursdays at 8pm. It features robotic combats between RC controlled 250 lb fighting machines, most are the size of push lawn mowers. One particular robot that has proven quite 'deadly' is named Cobalt. Yeah, I could see Atom's brother in the ring.

Re: Battle Bots

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:06 am
by jeffbert
Is that still on?

I recall something like this years ago, I think one of them was called Mechadon (or something like it) and was like a mechanical spider. But, the most successful ones were wedges, such that they flipped others on their backs. That was when I lost interest, as they were boring.

Re: Battle Bots

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:20 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Yes, still on discovery channel. We now have flippers (robots bouncing off the ceiling!), full body spinners, hammer bots, flame throwers, drones dropping 'bombs', vertical and horizontal spinners, large robots ('mammoth', 'huge'). Anything but boring as the 'sport' evolves. Only issue is how expensive it is to create a battle bot these days. There are smaller weight classes, but those don't make the TV show.

You know I did write an Astro fan fic called 'Land of the Giants, Battle Bots', where Atom was a competitor in a Battle Bots TV show on a world of giants. As the name implied, this was a crossover between the Irwin Allen TV show 'Land of the Giants', and Battle Bots.

Re: Battle Bots

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:26 pm
by jeffbert
Sorry. I just do not bother with fanfics.

If they are going to call it battlebots, they ought to be autonomous. That movie called REAL STEEL, should have been called ROCKEM SOCKEM ROBOTS, because that's what they were. Two guys jamming their thumbs on levers. :lol:

I want to see fully automated machines destroying each other.

kinda good IDAK VS. all bad IDAK.

I remember Heathkit & its Hero1 robot. Its one arm was, of course radio controlled. How much of it was truly robotic?

Ahh, the good ol' days, when there were electronics shops targeting hobbyists. Even RADIOSHACK was more parts than toys. True, I never built anything that was truly on my own, except as school projects. I did buy quite a few parts, though. TAB books on such topics as BUILD YOUR OWN SELF-PROGRAMMING ROBOT. :lol: $$$$ How much I spent-or wasted on parts that I eventually threw away!