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Questions For The Girls! (about boyfriends)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:34 am
by stoogefreaky
I've never had a boyfriend and I was wondering what it feels like to have one.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:10 pm
by CommanderEVE
I don't know because I’ve never had one my self either, but I’m glad I’ll do it when I’m ready :) people say i look like a man and that i go out with woman. but i don't.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:05 pm
by Astro Forever
Stoogefreaky, I had always thought you were male! :blush: :lol:

What it feels like? :unsure: Hem, that's vague... :confused: I would say that when one is in love, it's very hard to concentrate on working or studying! :p Of course that stage doesn't last forever, so I it's good to not forget your usual friends and activities. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:06 pm
by stoogefreaky
lol, That's okay. But Yeah, I'm 100% female.

When I had crushes in school, I did had a difficult time concentrating. Expecially if the boy I liked was sitting next to me. I would tell myself to not have crushes. My senior year I was crush free.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:25 am
by mr skunk
It's hard to think about anything else. It's for that reason I've decided not to get into another relationship until my senior year is over and done with. I have to concentrate as best I can! :)

A good friend of mine recently told me she is pregnant. Which is the consequence of getting "involved" before you're ready. Grow up a little, finish school, and then see if you want to be in a relationship. It's a lot less stressful that way.

I applaud you for asking about it. Most girls just let curiousity get the best of them, and then they make stupid choices. If you want any more information on this topic, feel free in pm me. I'd like to help and give info. on anything I can. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:27 am
by mr skunk
oh woops! you have finished school!


disregard some things I just said, I wasn't aware you were older than me... :blush:

wait, how old are you?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:28 am
by stoogefreaky
20 but I don't act like my age.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:19 am
by jeffbert
"stoogefreaky" wrote:lol, That's okay. But Yeah, I'm 100% female.

When I had crushes in school, I did had a difficult time concentrating. Expecially if the boy I liked was sitting next to me. I would tell myself to not have crushes. My senior year I was crush free.

:lol: Speaking of % of female, I just finished Ranma 1/2 season #1. TRSI offered it at a large discount just before last Xmas, but it did not arrive until last week. The 1st few episodes were ok, but the series went full nutso after a few more eccentric characters were introduced. I really laughed it up! I rate it 5/5.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:27 am
by stoogefreaky
I'm like half way done filling my info at eHarmony, but I'm thinking about quiting it. Although I've started the personals on AOL.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:30 am
by Eileen sobora
It feels lovely to have one, but if he isn't true to you, it hurts. :cry:
I had one for a while until he and I had to face consequences on being together because of a rule his parents setted up, his mother didn't like me and wanted he soon to stay away from me, he couldn't lie to his mom so he did what she told him to do, everytime I gave him a gloup or a hug, he shoved me away. When I tell him lovely things (like I always do to make him smile) he glared and told me to go away. I loved him with all my heart, so one day I told him that we may need to have a little break until it is ok to be together. But I have been noticing him staring at me latety. I don't know what this means, can someone explain to me. :unsure: