Zircon's Jewel - Final

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 11: A Game No One Will Forget

“Glad we got that out of the way,” Kennedy groaned.
“Yeah,” Astro said. “Let’s just hope we win the bet, though I still have doubts.” Kennedy skated away while Astro put on his skates on the bench. Zircon moved towards him, with her skates already on her feet.
“Astro,” she said. Astro looked up at her from his skates. She appeared smiling softly and her cheeks revealed a light pink. “I can’t believe you stood up for me like that. I mean it was crazy enough to agree on that bet, but you said you’d do it for me. That’s really sweet of you.” Astro tilted his head down, blushing pinkish again.
“Thanks, Zircon,” he said and then stood up to look at her. “I just did it to make you happy. It wouldn’t be right for him to offend you, so I had to counter him. But don’t worry; everything will return to normal once this is finished.” Though he didn’t see it coming, but Zircon moved closer and hugged him. Since it was unexpected, Astro’s pinkish blushing went to a bright red, and his mouth was slightly open.
“You’re the best,” Zircon said. “For a friend, you’re the only one who seems to look out for me.” Zircon then lets go of him, waved and skated away towards the center court. Astro’s blushing dimmed down. *I don’t know what to say,* he thought. *Although I’ve only met her yesterday, she thinks she can trust me…*
“Okay everybody, listen up!” Kennedy yells to get everybody’s attention. “The game is about to begin! Get into your positions!” Everybody gets in their positions.
“Good luck, Zircon,” The captain said. “You’re going to need it!” Zircon looked at the team captain, and grumbled. The referee, Abercrombie, throws the ball into the air. Luckily, Kennedy jumped up and grabbed it first. “Over here, Kennedy!” Alejo yells out in the open. Just in time, Kennedy threw the ball just before one of the other team’s players tried to tackle him. Alejo starts skating down the court while the other team started charging at him. Alejo freaked and he didn’t know what to do at the time, till suddenly notices Zircon out in the open.
“Zircon! Take the ball!” he yelled while he threw it at her. Zircon caught the ball, but she was puzzled on what to do with it.
The other team started to charge at her in a V formation. She looked around and spotted Astro behind them waving his hands. She then saw the goal and had the idea of charging against the opposing team.
“What is she doing?” Kennedy asked, staring at her. “There’s no way she can pass the other team; they’re blocking her!” *She has an idea!* Astro thought while computing her plan. *I can see it!* Zircon threw the ball into the air, forming an arc over the five players, and then took a devastating slide under the captain’s legs!
Astro’s team was so amazed, their mouth’s dropped!
“How did she do that?” the captain said as he and his team chase after her.
“She had us fooled, captain,” one of the captain’s players said. “We’ll assure you that this won’t happen again.”
”That better be truth coming out of your mouth…” After she caught the ball, she noticed Astro was open, and was also near the opponent’s goal.
“Astro, take this!” She threw the ball at him just before she was tackled. Astro then took the ball, and threw it into goal. Astro’s team cheered, but for the other team, the captain just slammed his fist onto the concrete.
During a short break, Astro’s team was still amazed about Zircon’s tricky shot.
“How did you get pass them, Zircon?” Alejo asked. “That was such an excellent play, I didn’t see it coming!”
“Well,” Zircon began. “I just computed the best route. I had to do it unless I’d get trampled.”
“I’m sure they won’t regret that one,” Astro said.
“It probably doesn’t matter anymore. I only did it once so we could score an open goal.”
“We know,” Abercrombie said. “If we can keep this up, we can beat the other team in no time flat!”
One player from the other team came up to the captain a few feet across from Astro’s team.
“Don’t worry, captain,” he said. “It was just one goal, we’ll get them next time –“
“I don’t care about that!” the captain yelled. “I care about winning! We can’t let these losers beat us! It’s our job to never let them to win a single point; ever!” He was so infuriated, his eyes started to radiate a light red. Zircon looked at him suspiciously.
“Guys,” she said to her team. “I’ve noticed something weird about the team captain. I think we should keep an eye on him.” Abercrombie was confused.
“What’s wrong with him?” he asked.
“I just viewed his eyes; they were glowing red!” Astro and his friends took a look at the team captain, and noticed his eyes glowing red.
“We’ll keep an eye on him,” Astro said. “If anything else happens, we’ll approach with caution.” The others nodded.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 12: Close Game

It was finally the last quarter of the game, and both teams are tied with 24 points.
“Alright,” Astro said. “We’ve got less than five minutes left on the clock. Hopefully, if we keep this up we’ll have an immense victory.” The others nodded. The team captain’s eyes were glowing so red, he couldn’t control himself. He started sending strange signals to his team players, and soon it started to control them!
“We need to go for all five players all at once!” he says to his teammates. “Tackle them as hard as you can, so that they won’t have enough energy to budge. That way, we’ll score and win the game as soon as time runs out!”
Both teams both got into their positions again, and Abercrombie throws the ball into the air. Roughly, the captain nudged Alejo, the person going for the ball, hard enough to send Alejo flying across the court! Once he slammed against the court fences, he sat there barely conscious. The others on Astro’s team were astonished.
“Something is definitely wrong with him!” Zircon said. “He even hurt Alejo!”
“I’ll tail him,” Astro said. “He’s not going to hurt anyone else.” Astro turned towards Kennedy, Zircon and Abercrombie. “You guys stay out of this quarter and help Alejo!” he recalled. Zircon stepped in.
“Let me help you,” she said.
“But Zircon,” Kennedy said. “Aren’t you afraid they’re going to take you out too?” She nods.
“But that’s a chance I’ll have to take. I can’t let him harm anyone else.” Astro couldn’t believe what she said, but he agreed and nodded.
“Alright,” he said. “Let’s show them what we’re made of!” Zircon nodded, and they both sped down the court, to catch up with the captain, who was rapidly charging down the court, trying to get a goal.
“The captain has the ball, now,” Astro said to Zircon. “If we both tackle him, he could drop the ball.” Zircon nodded.
Astro and Zircon quickly sped up the captain, just enough to tackle him, in order for him to drop the ball, about two to three inches towards the goal. Astro grabbed it, and started speeding down the other side of the court with less than three minutes remaining on the clock. The captain looked at one of his teammates.
“Do it now!” he yelled. One of his teammates shot a laser beam from his hands at Astro. The shot caused him to slow down his movements dramatically. Zircon suspiciously looked at one of the captain’s teammates. *They’re not humans,* she thought. *They’re just robots made to look like humans!* She then looked at Astro.
“Astro, quick! Throw me the ball!” she bellowed. Astro, still temporarily frozen from the laser beam, fought through it and threw the ball at her, so she can catch it the minute the captain’s teammates attempted to grab it. Astro got back in the game a few seconds later, with a little less than a minute on the timer.
Zircon skates closer towards the other team’s goal, and the team captain was tailing behind her.
“You can do it, Zircon!” Alejo yelled out with a hand covering his chest. Zircon was just about to throw the ball into the goal, but just before you know it, the captain slid down, performing an unusual leg move, causing Zircon to trip! Astro’s friends gasped. The team captain then grabbed the ball, and skated off. Astro was shocked.
“Nobody does that to her!” he mumbled. After a brief moment, Zircon soon got off the ground.
“Astro!” she yelled. “The captain is a robot! Do something to slow him down, or else he’ll win!” Astro nodded, and started speeding down the court, trying to catch up with him.
He soon caught up with the captain and tackled him, hard enough so he would drop the ball for the second time. With about half a minute remain, Astro grabbed the ball, and sped down the opposite side of the court. The captain’s eyes glowed to a completely dark red, yelling.
“NO!” he bellowed from across the court. With twenty seconds remaining on the clock, Astro sped down the court as quick as he can.
“STOP HIM, NOW!” he yelled again. Astro dodged their lasers as they try to aim for him. The countdown started on the clock: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…with just three seconds left, Astro quickly threw the ball towards the goal within a couple yards, and it went in as soon as the clock buzzed.
The final score was 28 to 24. Astro’s team cheered and jumped up and down except for the other team. Zircon got too excited, and ended up hugging Astro again.
“Astro! It was such a close game, but I can’t believe we won!” As usual, Astro blushed again. Zircon soon lets go of him, and they both smiled and laughed, as usual. Astro, Zircon, and his friends walked over to the other team, smiling because of their close, win. The captain was staring at the concrete, back facing them.
“Well, the bet was a done deal,” Astro said. “So let Zircon keep playing Rocket Ball!” The captain’s eyes suddenly turned back to normal, and he turned towards them smirking.
“I don’t have to,” he said. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Zircon asked. “You and Astro shook on it!” “I know,” he said. “But my fingers were crossed.”
“WHAT?” Astro’s team said shocked. “I only did it in case we lost the bet. So, the deal is off.”
“You can’t do that!” Alejo yelled.
“I can, and I will!” the captain said laughing maniacally.
“That’s cheating!” Zircon said. The captain’s eyes glowed red again.
“I don’t care!” he said. “It’s my turf, and what I say goes!” He and his teammates started glowing. “Zircon, I just knew you’d be in the way from the beginning! Because of this, I’ll prove to you that our might is better than yours!” *Might…What does he mean?* Zircon thought. They then started transforming into a huge army of robots! Astro’s team gasped!

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 13: Tenma’s Entrance

“I never wanted it to turn out like this…” Zircon said.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Astro said. “I just know there’s a reason behind this. Right now, we need to get Alejo, Kennedy, and Abercrombie out from this area!” Zircon nodded. As soon as Astro and Zircon got the three off the court, the captain and his teammates had a lock on Zircon, and started firing laser cannons at her! Zircon luckily noticed their laser cannons quick enough to get out of the way, however one of the laser cannons completely shattered her skates. She landed on the ground and rolled out of the line of fire to dodge the cannons. Astro noticed her dodging them.
“This is crazy!” he said. “What’s controlling them?” Zircon flew up into the air, glanced at the captain’s eyes and scanned his internal design.
“The captain’s the source of the other’s control,” she said. “It looks like their programmed to be locked on me, though I don’t know who’s controlling them.”
“We have no choice,” Astro said. “If they attack you, they could destroy you. They have to be stopped now!” Astro fired his laser beam at the robots to distract them, while in the air, but Zircon stopped him.
“No, Astro, you can’t!” she said. “If you do, they could destroy you, too!”
“There’s no other choice I have, Zircon,” Astro said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “If I don’t do something, it’ll be the end of you!” Zircon was surprised that she never heard Astro say something like that to her.
“But, Astro…” she started.
“Don’t worry about me; I just want to make sure you’re safe.” He took his hands off of her shoulders, and started firing his laser beam at the robots. Zircon sighed, and about seconds later she appeared shocked. Everything in reality started fading away and the world appeared darker around her; she felt as if she entered a room where there was nothing but emptiness.
*What’s going on?* she thought. *Where am I?* She soon heard somebody laughing maniacally standing on top of a building. Zircon looked around and noticed the person who revived her a couple days ago!
*Dr. Tenma!* Zircon yelled in her thoughts.
*So, you found out who I am,* Tenma said. *It’s been awhile since I awakened you. Don’t you miss me yet?*
*What are you talking about?* Zircon asked. *You can’t be my creator; at least I don’t think you are…* Tenma paused.
*You just had to ruin the moment, didn’t you?* he asked, grinning. *Oh well, that’s not a problem. However, I have special plans in store for you, especially for that jewel of yours.* Zircon gasped.
*What do you want it for?* she asked, surprised.
*When I awakened you, your energy levels were a lot higher than any other robot I’ve awakened,* Tenma spoke. *That jewel is the source of your power, and what keeps you alive. With it in my grasp, I could send this entire city into oblivion! In return, I’ll replace this A.I.-hating city into an ultimate city; a city where all robots can live threatening the lives of humans!* Zircon gasped.
*Humans don’t like robots to think for themselves?* she asked.
*Of course not! All I wanted was to create a robot that would take the place of my beloved son, Tobio…If it wasn’t for the ministry this would’ve never happened!*
*What happened to him?* she asked. Tenma paused.
*Why do you care? He was my son! You don’t need to know about him!*
*I know what you’re feeling upon this! You don’t need to hide it!*
*This is not something you need to know about!*
*Just listen! I know you’re upset but you can’t just run away from you’re nightmares! You have to tell someone! I can help!*
Tenma took a long pause, but he managed to speak.
*My son…* he began. *…passed from a car accident.* Zircon was shocked. *I should’ve listened to him…* Tears swelled up in his eyes. *None of this would’ve ever happened if I had only found the time to spend with him…* Zircon understood him; she knew that something was bothering him from the start of the conversation!
*I understand,* she said. *You’ve been living with the pain ever since then…* Tenma stared at her after his tears faded.
*Why does it even matter to you?* he asked. *You weren’t there when it happened, so what makes you think you have the right to know this?*
*You had to tell someone,* Zircon said. *You can’t keep it bottled up inside you forever –* A few seconds later he straightened up and tightened his fist.
*That’s enough!* He countered. *I should’ve realized...You’re just like Tobio; he always thinks everything can be solved through mediation. After from what he said, that he’ll never take forth in any of my plans, has changed me from the inside. You can’t rehabilitate me anymore; I’ve made this decision, and it is final! Once I possess the jewel, you’ll be six feet under!* Zircon appeared shocked as Tenma laughed maniacally once more. She then noticed him holding a small remote control. Tenma then had a change of voice.
*Speaking of power, why not join me?* he asked. *It’s easier to not go through all of this. Just imagine; you and I could rule as one! I could care less about Tobio…after all I did for him.” She looks down mumbling.
*It’s only a trick to get what you want,* she says, and then looks up. *How dare you treat Astro that way! Even I tried my best to help you! I know you’re going to regret this!* Tenma just stood there and grinned.
*I don’t care if mediate me for all of eternity,* he said. *But since you’re backing out on such a fine opportunity, I don’t need to force you.*
He pressed a button on the control to make the captain robot fire powerful laser cannons at her. Since she was mentally trapped in this ‘dark room’ temporarily, in reality, she managed to sense the laser’s direction and dodged them.
*You can’t keep doing this!* she called.
*Forget it,* Tenma said. *I’ve gotten this far, and I’m not going back now. And I thought you could join me without going through all the fuss…Oh well; you’ve been warned.* Tenma did a few minor adjustments to the robots using the remote control, and then threw a magnesium smoke bomb in front of him, exploding with a flash of light and smoke.
*This is only your first test, just a test of ability. I’d like to see how well you can stand up to these robots I’ve built.*
*I don’t understand,* Zircon said confused.
*Standing up to them will make you evolve, increase your strength, and enable the possibility to withstand anything in your way! The idea would also fulfill my goal as well…* His voice started to fade, and Zircon tried to respond.
*Goal? Wait! What do you mean?* she cried, but he vanished without a trace…

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 14: Robot Brawl!?

Zircon’s mind soon cleared up and she then got a clear remembrance on what happened before Tenma appeared. However, she couldn’t figure out what he meant from his last sentence: “This idea would also fulfill my goal as well…”
*What did he mean?* she thought to herself, but then her thoughts changed. *It doesn’t matter now…If he wants me to evolve, I’ll have to take his advice!* She suddenly heard Astro hit the ground from getting blasted by one of the battle robots. His body was completely covered in scratches, and sparks were coming out of him. He tried pushing himself up, but it was useless.
“Puny weakling,” the captain said. “Don’t you get it? You’re no match for us! All of us combined make us five times stronger!”
“You won’t…put a hand on her…” Astro said weakly. “I…have to keep her safe…!”
“Don’t make me laugh,” the captain remarks. “Is this a joke? Do you seriously think a puny robot like you has the energy to stand up to all of us? That’s hilarious!” Each robot warmed up their laser cannons and aimed for him. Zircon gasped.
“So you’re the greatest robot in the world, huh? I never thought this would be so easy…Anyway, I just know I’m going to enjoy this! See you in the next millennia!” As soon as their cannons fired, Zircon quickly flew down to block the hit using an orange, transparent force field. The area went up in dust clouds when they collided.
“What?” the captain was surprised once he saw what happened. “What is the meaning of this? Your mind’s paralysis shouldn’t have worn off yet!”
“You paralyzed me for time?” She asked in surprise. “Sorry if that had worn off a little too soon!” The captain grumbled.
“I can’t allow this! Take her out now!” All of their lasers fired for the second time, but Zircon used her force field as a barrier to sent them right back, knocking them down from the sky! Astro was stunned.
“…Zircon,” he said regaining his strength. Zircon cut off her force field and turned to him.
“Astro, I’ve just realized something,” she started. “Dr. Tenma is the one controlling these robots. They were designed to never lose. Since they lost against us, they were programmed to transform into what they are now, and then try to destroy the winners.” Astro pushed himself up.
“What? How do you know?” He asked surprised.
“It was from when I was temporarily paralyzed,” Zircon stared at the ground. “Though, he said some awful things…” There was a short pause, and then she looked at him.
“Astro, Dr. Tenma is not the same; he’s completely changed since he met me; He couldn’t care for you anymore…I’m starting to think he’ll never change his mind…” Astro slowly got up, but he remained knelt on one of his knees while he took in her words.
*Zircon…* he thought. The team captain was shocked!
“Impossible!” he said. “Your power is no match for us! We’re invincible!”
“I hold the power of a jewel that has unlimited energy,” Zircon says; her jewel glowed brightly. “With this power, I am invincible!” Zircon raised a hand into the air, palm towards the sky, drawing energy from the jewel. After a brief moment, an orb of energy was formed and it was strong enough to wipe out the whole army!
“We mustn’t let her destroy us!” The captain yelled. “Let’s fuse our laser cannons together. Increase it to full power! That way, our power will be equal!” Zircon pointed her arm at them and the energy fired in the form of a cannon. The army robots combined their cannons and launched them back at hers. Astro and his friends were surprised that both of their powers were matched!
“I told you for the last and final time, Zircon!” Team captain recalled. “We’re invincible! Our powers are equal!” Zircon wasn’t giving up, and she then increased her power twice as much as the army robots power. Her cannon then began pushing towards theirs, and it backed up into their barrels.
“WHAT!?” Team captain and his players were shocked. “NO!” Zircon’s energy cannon blasted the robot army high in the air, activate their self-destruct systems, and the whole army blew up in a massive explosion!
Zircon sighed, but sparks were now coming out of her. Astro’s friends cheered, while Astro smiled happily. He was now able to fully move through all of the damages the robot army did to him. He ran over to Zircon to congratulate her.
“That was amazing! I can’t believe you destroyed them all by yourself!” he said. “Just wait until Dr. O’shay hears about this!”
“Yeah…” Zircon says partly smiling and also feeling weak. “I think I might’ve used a little too much power from my energy cannon. I never really used that much energy before…I’m not sure if I can make—” Her body started drooping, hoping it would hit the ground. Luckily, Astro caught her in his arms. Astro’s friends gasped, and walked over to them to get a closer look.
“Whoa,” Abercrombie said. “I didn’t think she’d pass out from something like that.”
“She just used too much power,” Alejo said.
“Astro, will she be alright?” Kennedy asked.
“I believe so,” Astro said. “She never used that much energy before. I’m sure she’ll be fine by tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Alejo said. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I hope she’ll be okay,” Kennedy said. Astro’s friends walked out of the practice court to head home.

Astro flew home carrying Zircon in his arms.
*I don’t understand,* Astro thought. *I thought I would protect Zircon from those robots, not the other way around...* When he got home, he entered the door in an I-can’t-believe-this-was-happening mood.
“Big brother!” Zoran yelled happily as she was drawing in her coloring book. She ran towards him and then gasped when she saw Zircon in his arms, covered in scratches. “Zircon…?”
“Zoran…” Astro began. “Hear me out; we won the match, but there was a huge problem with the other team. It turned out they were robots, and since they lost, they were programmed to transform into these battle robots, and they try to destroy the other team in order to recover their loss.”
“Why did she do this?” she asked.
“She did it to protect me from anymore damages,” Astro said sadly. “I was trying to protect her, but the whole thing was turned around.”
“She can’t do this!” Zoran yelled. “Zircon was the only robot I know who seemed to be very special to me! And now, she’s gone!”
“Zoran…” Tears were starting to run down Zoran’s eyes.
“How come you didn’t do something about it?” Astro closed his eyes and tilted his head down. Zoran was so upset, she ran upstairs. Astro opened his eyes to look at Zircon.
*Wow, even that made her upset,* Astro thought. *I better tell Dr. O’shay about this.* Astro ran out of the house and flew towards the Ministry of Science.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 15: Zircon revived!

It was in the evening when Astro got Zircon to the Ministry of Science, he quickly ran to get to Dr. O’shay’s office. Doctor noticed him enter through from the elevator entrance, and also holding Zircon in his arms.
“I see that Rocket Ball didn’t go very well,” he said, crossing his arms.
“Oh, it did,” Astro remarked. “We’ve beaten the other team, but—”
“Don’t bother telling me now,” Doctor said. “Tell me once I get home. But I have one question, what happened to Zircon?”
“That’s also part of the story.” Doctor nodded.
“Alright; hand me Zircon. I can fix her and put her in bed once I get home.”
“Okay,” Astro said, and flew back home.

Once Astro got home, he headed up the stairs to get ready for bed. He walked passed Zoran’s room, whose door was halfway opened, lights were on, and she was wide awake under the covers while staring at the ceiling.
“Are you okay, Zoran?” Astro said as he entered her room. Zoran looked at Astro.
“Yeah, I’m fine I guess,” she replied. “But what about Zircon? She’ll be alright, right?”
“She’ll be fine. I sent her to the ministry for quick maintenance. Zircon will return home as soon as he finishes.” Zoran smiled and hugged Astro.
“Thanks, big brother,” she said.
“No problem, Zoran. Now go to sleep. You’ll get to see Zircon tomorrow.” Zoran nodded, and went straight to sleep. Astro then sighed, turned off her bedroom lights and shut the door.

Without noticing, he headed for his room and spotted Dr. O’shay placing Zircon under the guest bed’s covers.
“When did you get here?” he asked standing by the doorway.
“About awhile ago, thanks for asking,” Doctor replied. “Zircon didn’t have any serious damages; it was nothing but exhaustion.” A sigh of relief came by Astro.
“Thank goodness,” he said.
“By the way, you owe me a story, do you not?”
“Yes, and it’s a pretty long one if you want details.”
“Lay it on me.”
Astro explains it to him from square one and finishes about forty-five minutes later. As soon as Doctor was about to leave the room he turned to see Astro’s concerned face, which was currently affixed to Zircon’s.
“Listen, Astro,” he began. “I promise you that Zircon is not in any poor condition. She’ll be up and peppy before you know it. Please get some rest; you don’t want to be weary tomorrow morning.”
“I know…sorry. Good night.” Doctor smiled slightly and closed the door. Astro turned off the lights and pulled under the covers. Moonlight from the window shined through, dimly lighting the floor, and partially reflected off of Zircon’s jewel. He continued to stare at her, though overtime he grew weary.
*Please be okay…* he thought before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Astro woke up smiling. He then checked Zircon’s bed; she wasn’t there. Astro gasped and started looking around his bedroom to find her, but still, no Zircon. Zoran opened Astro’s door and noticed trying to look for Zircon.
“Morning, big brother!” she said. Astro turned around, ran towards Zoran in a quick rush, and started shaking her to death.
“Zoran! Where’s Zircon? Isn’t she supposed to be here?” Zoran laughed after Astro stopped shaking her.
“You know,” Zoran continues. “Zircon has been up way before you, Astro. She’s downstairs if you’re looking for her.” Astro came across one of those “what-a-relief” sighs. Zoran laughed. “Well, come on! Do you want to see her, or not? She’s been waiting for you to wake up!” Both of them headed downstairs and spotted Doctor reading the newspaper nearby the kitchen. He heard them run down and closed the paper.
“Well, good morning, Astro!” he says. “I suppose you were wondering where Zircon is?
She’s been in the living room waiting for more than half an hour.” Astro smiled.
“Thanks, Doctor!”
“No problem; now go and get reacquainted.” Astro nodded and ran into the living room.
“Zircon!” he says. Zircon, working on a 300-piece jigsaw puzzle (with more than three-quarters finished) of Metro City on the coffee table, overheard and turned her head smiling. She stood and ran towards him.
“Astro!” she said. They both ran towards each other and hugged. “I’m so glad to see you again! Sorry if I troubled you.”
“It’s alright, I’m glad to see you’re in good condition!” They both laughed as Doctor entered the living room.
“Alright, you two,” he said. “We better get going.” Zircon was confused.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“Don’t you remember from before? You said you’ve always wanted to go to the amusement park!” Zircon wasn’t confused anymore, and smiled.
“Oh, yeah; I remember that! It must’ve slipped my mind.”
“I’ve heard that my friends will be there,” Astro said. “So, let’s go!”

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Chapter 16: Tenma Remembrance

The four got into the air car, and arrived at the amusement park around noon. Happy to notice, Astro’s friends were already there.
“Hey, Astro!” Kennedy yelled. “Glad you can make it!” The four walked towards Alejo, Kennedy, and Abercrombie.
“Where’s Zircon?” Abercrombie asked. “Is she feeling okay?”
“She’s better than okay!” Astro said. “I asked Dr. O’shay to repair her last night.” Zircon stepped out from behind Astro.
“Hi guys!” Zircon said happily. “Did you guys miss me?” Astro’s friends gasped while smiling.
“We’re glad you’re back, Zircon,” Alejo said. “Come on! Let’s go ride some rides before the lines start to fill up.” Astro’s friends and Zoran left the parking lot to go ride some of the roller coaster rides.
“Astro,” Doctor said before Astro left the parking lot. “I need to talk to you.”
“What is it, Doctor?” Astro asked. Before Zircon left the parking lot, she accidentally overheard their conversation.
“Do you remember telling me yesterday about what happened at the Rocket Ball game?”
“Yeah, I remember,” he said. “Why did you ask?”
“Well, when I was looking at Zircon’s memory bank, it showed several memories of her encounter with Dr. Tenma.”
*Dr…Tenma?* Zircon thought, while peeking from behind an air car in the parking lot.
“You don’t mean the time when she told us about it the night before, right?” Astro asked.
“I’m afraid not,” Doctor said. “These are in fact different then the night before. I’d say recently when you were at practice. She was talking to him, as if Tenma was able to send a signal to her electronic brain.” Zircon perked up. *He must mean the time when that captain temporarily paralyzed my brain, but my mind remained unharmed…*
“I never knew that,” Astro said. “I guess that captain’s special laser did that to her when she was avoiding the lasers. She might’ve been caught off guard…” He trailed off. “Why didn’t I stop them? I promised that I would protect her…”
“Astro…” Zircon said quietly. Doctor sighed and puts a hand on Astro’s shoulder.
“It’s alright; it’s not your fault,” he said. “You did what you can, and that’s all that matters.”
“You did the best you could for me…” The two spot Zircon as she walked out from the car.
“Zircon?” Astro asked. “What are you doing here?”
“You heard everything, didn’t you?” Doctor asked.
“Every word,” Zircon said. “In addition, I now remember why he sent me those robots...They were tests; test of my ability. ‘I want you to evolve’ was what he said…”
“He said the same thing about Astro…That is strange…” Doctor closes his eyes for a second and goes on a tangent. “Well, I don’t want to waste your time speaking more of this in front of the park, do we? Run along and tell the others to meet back at the parking lot at five sharp.”
“Okay,” Astro said smiling. “Come on, Zircon! Let’s go tell the others before they all wonder off.” Zircon giggled as they both ran through the amusement park entrance.

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Making BIG edits...perhaps adding a new chapter.
Chapter 17: Groundbreaking

When Astro and Zircon entered through the amusement park entrance, they both flew into the air.
“Let’s split up and tell the others what Doctor told us,” Astro said to Zircon. Zircon nodded an “Okay,” to Astro.
“Which ride do you want to go on first before we search?” Astro looks around and then points.
“The line’s pretty short; how about the Ferris wheel?” Astro asks.
“Okay,” Zircon said. “I’ll meet you there afterwards.” Astro and Zircon set off flying into different directions, trying to find Zoran, and Astro’s friends. Luckily, Astro found his friends, and Zircon only found Zoran.
“Dr. O’shay told us that we all have to meet in the parking lot at five o’ clock,” Astro and Zircon both said in two different areas of the amusement park. “So, don’t be late!” They all nodded.
Zircon then remembered that she promised Astro to meet at the Ferris wheel, so she started flying there. While Astro was headed in one direction and Zircon in another direction, she suddenly heard the voice of Dr. Tenma.
*Your time is starting to run out, Zircon,* She heard him say. Zircon suddenly stopped. *This is only the beginning. Your next test is among you; a test of trust. How can you get thousands of people to trust you? The rumors of your power are bound to go around. What will the citizens think? How would you react to seeing hundreds of terrified faces?* Zircon was really shocked, that she put her hands over her ears.
*How are you getting to me?* she thought.
*I want you to evolve…yet you decide to fight with the resistance. I’m giving you a choice once more; will you join me? I can make you evolve quicker than you can ever imagine; surely stronger than Tobio…After his betrayal, he means nothing to me…* Zircon perked up.
*I’m not going without a fight!* she thought. *It’s going to take a lot more than persuasion to change my mind!*
*Hmph, suit yourself…You know that won’t stop me. As soon as I’m done with you, that jewel of yours will make an excellent source for my future creations.* His maniacal laugh echoed in her mind, practically ringing through her head like a school bell. Her hands moved from her ears to her stomach, wrapped around tightly.
*Why…?* she thought, till she was then interrupted by Astro, who was waving one of his hands.
“Hey! Zircon! Are you coming or what?” Zircon flew towards Astro at the Ferris wheel ride. Zircon partly smiled.
“Sorry, I was thinking about something else,” she said.
“No problem, luckily that gave you time for me to move to the front of the line,” he said, smiling.

The two entered one of the carriages of the Ferris wheel sitting beside each other, and Astro noticed Zircon quietly staring out the window.
“Is everything alright?” he asked. Zircon turned her head towards him, showing a soft smile.
“Everything’s fine,” she said. “Why did you ask?”
“Well, it doesn’t look like it,” Astro said. “Is something on your mind?” Her smile vanished and she looked to the floor.
“Dr. Tenma is after me again,” she begins. “I picked up his voice on my way here; he said something about a test of trust.”
“Trust?” he asked.
“I don’t know what he’s up to next, but he mentioned me seeing thousands of terrified faces…”
“I know I’ve been there…”
“But your powers are different! Imagine how the crowd would be if they saw a silver being with flaring eyes!” Tears swelled in her eyes.
“How can I stand up to that? He’ll just keep picking at me till I’m no more!” She presses her hands over her face and began to cry. The carriage they were in temporarily stopped at the very top. Astro couldn’t resist her tears, so he tried to calm her down.
“Listen,” he said, while pulling down her hands and wiping the tears off her face. “I understand you want to run away from your problems. Trust me, I’ve been there, but you can’t let it keep getting to you like this.” Zircon faced the opposing side of the carriage resting her head on her hands.
“What other choice do I have?” Without Zircon noticing, Astro laid his arms onto her shoulders, and turned her body to have her turn toward him. She looked up and stared blankly into his eyes.
“You’re a special robot I know who holds possession of a mysterious jewel, and it’s also your job to protect it. No matter how many times he gets to you, know you have the confidence to withstand him.” Zircon nods.
“I understand,” she said. Zircon turned both of her hands into fists and looked up. “With everyone’s help, I’ll be ready for him next time!” Astro notices she got her confidence back, and then smiles. She then hugs him without notice.
“Thank you so much, Astro!” she says. Astro responded with blushing.

Even though it was Zircon’s first ride of the century, she hasn’t seen what was in store for her next. Before their carriage approached the bottom, unknown vibrations first mildly shook all carriages. It nearly jerked the two from their seats.
“What was that?” Zircon asked. Another vibration shook the carriages more fiercely. Crowds started worrying. Astro looked out one of the windows towards the center of the park. He noticed a bulge the size of a car appear from the ground near the water fountains, which kept enlarging every second.
“I don’t know,” he said. “But I don’t want to stick around to find out. We have to clear the park!” Zircon pushed open the carriage doors and they both flew out. Soon the ground gave way at the fountains, revealing an enormous robot that resembled a dragon with immense wings. It roared a high-pitched scream that could be heard for miles. Hundreds of people have already started fleeing to the rims of the park.
“For a robot this big, we have to contain it in this park!” Astro says and then flies off. Zircon viewed the robot from afar. *A test of trust,* she thought, already having doubts. *How can I possibly pass this…?*

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 15 years ago

Heheh..sorry for the wait. Still making big edits..and a new chapter. ;)
Chapter 18: A Dragon’s Triumph

Citizens used their time wisely running out of the park; the majority stuck around after they exited watching the robot from afar. Astro and Zircon flew about gathering as many as they could at a time. The police had arrived as soon as the report was posted, along with reporters and their cameramen. Doctor, Zoran and their friends already escaped, staying by the perimeter of the park. Astro and Zircon rescued the last few, and put them at the entrance. The others ran up to them.
“Where did this robot come from?” Kennedy asked.
“We don’t have a clue; however, I’ll bet this is Dr. Tenma’s work,” Astro said.
“This is one of my tests, I’ll bet,” Zircon said. “Dr. Tenma wasn’t kidding around when he said ‘the next test is among you’.”
“Well if it’s one of them, get to it and hurry! We don’t want it to escape!” Doctor shouted. “And be careful!” With the final word, the two robots soared into the sky in attempt to keep the robot within the park’s bounds.

As they approached the dragon’s immense stature, it turned and performed its high-pitched roar in attempt to discourage them. Though it hardly had any effect, Astro stopped in place and hatched an idea.
“We need to keep it occupied!” he said. “That way we can take out its weak points!” Zircon nodded to agree and flew around it for a distraction. Astro stayed about 80 feet away and scanned the dragon’s inner cell, pointing out all its weak areas. He then managed to fire several lasers from his finger at its arms and the back of its neck with no problem, yet it wasn’t enough to take it down. Noticing that it was under attack, it turned to Astro and eyed him angrily with flaring eyes. Without warning, it opened its mouth and fired a crimson laser, but Zircon flew by and slammed hard against its jaw, redirecting the laser into the sky. Realizing that the lasers from his finger weren’t enough to pierce its armor, he moved to the arm cannon, aimed at its chest cavity.
After redirecting its laser, the dragon directed its attention to Zircon, who continuously dodged the broad swiping of its thick, metal claws. At this point, it was difficult getting a lock onto it for Astro.
“Keep it from moving!” He shouted. “My arm cannon should take care of it!” At this point the dragon had kept Zircon in one spot. Because of its broad arms, she hardly had any space to move about. However, that didn’t stop the dragon from quitting. In fact, it carefully eyed her moving pattern, and found the next place to strike next. Even Zircon didn’t see this coming; one of the dragon’s arms feints an attack, causing her to jerk forward, and then get slammed down by its other arm. Such force sent her several hundred yards, while crashing into a couple tents that broke her fall. Noticing her landing, Astro cancelled his attack and turned to call her name. Being found caught off guard, the dragon attempted to swipe its claws at him, yet Astro noticed just in time to dodge. From afar, parts of the crowd worriedly yelled in reaction to her fall, but Zircon stood up with no problem and flew towards the scene, only to be greeted by the dragon’s tail.
It’s like it has eyes on the back of its head! As soon as she was near its line of sight, its tail swatted her down like a fly! She flew up and grabbed its tail after a quick recovery, but the dragon swung its tail sending her flying near its line of sight. Astro called her name again and attempted to catch her, but its tail swatted him out of the way. When Zircon fell in front of it, it threw a series of slashes on her, revealing several tears in her clothes and scratches about her body. A final blow sent her slamming into the ground, completely destroying a carousel.
Astro got up quickly, and charged his arm cannon.
“I won’t let you hurt her again!” he shouted. As soon as the dragon turned to face him, he fired his cannon at his chest cavity. It penetrated its chest and went through, but unfortunately it didn’t cause the dragon to pause. In fact, it appeared angrier from before. Astro was taken aback that his arm cannon didn’t end this. The dragon sent its tail at him, sending him flying east and received multiple beatings just like Zircon took. Crashing into one of the roller coasters’ railings, it then opened its mouth once more, and this time it was charging. Astro slowly got himself loose and flew in the air in attempt to avoid it, but it already had a lock on him. Zircon slowly pushed herself up from the remains of the carousel, and within earshot she heard the dragon’s charging and spotted Astro in a tight spot. Without hesitation, she flew up and sped towards the scene. She called his name when she approached him, and at the same time the dragon fired a bright yellow laser. Zircon stopped in front of Astro and expelled her shield, but once the laser hit, it was then shattered. A laser fired at such speed sent her crashing to the ground by a few feet.
Astro’s face was so stunned he could barely move. With all his might he shouted her name. Doctor, Zoran and their friends were stunned along with everyone else’s. The dragon soon pointed its head towards the sky to let out another roar.

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby jeffbert » 15 years ago

I am really sorry, but I have not even read your story for a long time. :blush:

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Astro Forever
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Postby Astro Forever » 15 years ago

I'm lacking time these days so I'm in the same situation. I remember some of it from 4 years ago and now I'd have to read it from the beginning. I might but I think I'd rather wait until you make it to the final chapter so I won't get lost again. ;)

I encourage you to keep going though, it must bring a nice feeling of accomplishment to finish something like that. :cool:

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