Zircon's Jewel - Final

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Postby Uran-chan » 15 years ago

Whoa i din t get kind of story is that a manga??? it confused me

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 14 years ago

"Uran-chan" wrote:Whoa i din t get kind of story is that a manga??? it confused me

Oh no, it's not a manga; it's just a fan fiction I made years ago. I actually finished it my freshman year in high school, but now I'm revising it to make it sound like the present me. ^^
Here's 19:
Chapter 19: A Worthy Trustee?

With not a moment to spare, Astro came angrily at the dragon with another arm cannon aimed at its head, yet for once the dragon moved its head aside to dodge, which stunned Astro even more.
*It’s like it knows what we’re throwing at it!* he thought. *This dragon must’ve been collecting data on our abilities!* The dragon came at him with more slashes, but he simply dodged them, even ones that it feinted.
Zircon was somewhat conscious after receiving such a blast from the dragon’s laser. Her mind was rambling with so many questions. Not just any questions, but something made her feel uneasy. What was this new feeling that was building inside of her? Was it sadness? Anxiety? Confusion? She couldn’t really figure it out; there was just so much of it she couldn’t read the signals her jewel was emitting. As soon as she pushed off the ground, her eyes opened revealing a bright blue. Her body once again turned completely silver, and an aura emanated around her. It wasn’t long before her mind put all the pieces together.
*Rage…* she thought. *But I’ve never felt this way before…What could it possibly do?*
Although her mind remained intact, her body didn’t. It soon blasted out of the deep pit at high speed and came at its enemy. While Zircon was down, Astro took several more hits himself, practically playing hot potato in between the dragon’s metal claws. It attempted to drive one of them into him after spiking him at its feet, but Zircon came just in time to stop its attack using her hands. Astro was surprised she came to his rescue, but felt a little uneasy.
“…Zircon?” he asked. Not being able to control herself, her body still managed to turn her head towards him. Astro was stunned seeing her in this form, especially her eyes, and had nearly taken aback. Her face looked so frightening, as if she had no emotion.
*So this is what she meant by ‘a silver being’,* he thought. Still holding back the dragon’s hand, she turned her head and pushed it back. Amazingly, it had enough force to make it lose its balance and fall over!
*Rage…it makes me stronger!* she thought, and blasted into the sky once again. The dragon regained its balance and attempted to throw more slashes at her, but her dodges were too fast for it to learn her patterns.
*It makes me quicker!* she thought. *Perhaps this is a good thing!* Apparently she never felt rage before been reawakened by Dr. O’shay. If she doesn’t even remember the first time she was truly awakened, what makes her believe that such anger brings happiness? Perhaps her creator taught her that, but her mind’s too blurry to picture it. Her arm then quickly charged a laser cannon and fired at the dragon’s right arm. Astonishingly, it went straight through without fail! She did the same to its other arm, chest, and several abdominal areas. Doctor and Astro were surprised.
*That jewel,* thought from Doctor’s point of view. *It must’ve amplified her abilities!*
*But her power…* from Astro’s point of view. *It’s too overwhelming! She must be under some kind of control!* After receiving numerous attacks, it stretched its wings and ascended several yards to get away, but Zircon circled it punching holes through the wings. The holes made the dragon lose altitude and crash into the ground. Astro was standing only several meters away observing all of the damage Zircon had given to the dragon, and then turned to look at the crowd’s terrified faces.
“Dr. Tenma wasn’t lying about the situation…This is too much! I need to stop this!” As he flew closer he nearly avoided an attack from the dragon’s tail.
“Astro! What are you doing?” It was Dr. O’Shay speaking through Astro’s communication system.
“I have to stop Zircon! She’s not just causing damage to the dragon, but also the park!”
“But she’s enraged! She doesn’t even know it either! You’re could be taking a big risk!”
“…I know. That didn’t stop me before, right?” Doctor was surprised hearing that from him.
“I understand…Just be careful!” Astro nodded.
“I will!” He approached the area with caution Zircon continued to circle the dragon. “Zircon! You have to stop this! You’ve done enough!” he yelled, but Zircon didn’t listen. Instead, she flew above the dragon, which was now shut down, and slowly pulled its inactive body over her head. The crowd bellowed in fear of her actions as Astro flew up to her. “Please, Zircon, you have to listen to me! You’ve been enraged from your jewel’s power! If you don’t stop, how do you think everyone is going to react?” This question caused her to perk up.
“E-Everyone…?” she asked. Astro realized part of her mind had returned to reality and nodded.
“That’s right! Remember when Dr. Tenma spoke to you? Because of that dragon robot, he knew this would happen to you!” He turns to face the crowd outside the park. “And the people…They don’t look like they’re pleased…”
“…What?” Zircon looked at everyone’s faces; not one of them had a smile. Doctor, her friends, and even Zoran too had similar expressions. “Oh no,” she said. “Dr. Tenma was right about everything…Why did I fall into his trap?” Astro turned to her.
“It’s not your fault,” he said. “He set this up so you would have no choice but to become enraged.”
“But everyone saw it all,” Zircon said looking at him. “How can they trust me after what I did?” Tears were sliding down her face.
“Zircon…” Astro said.
“I…I don’t know what to do!” Astro moved closer and hugged her.
“We just need to make that happen,” he said. “Maybe not now, but I know it will happen soon. Don’t get your hopes up; I know I haven’t.” Zircon was taken aback by his words; the result caused her to revert back to normal and drop the dragon shell behind her which crashed into the ground. She then wrapped her arms around him and cried even more.

After the robot crisis, the police force entered the area followed by construction workers to survey the damage and remove the dragon robot from the premises. Astro walks out of the park with Zircon, who kept looking down at the ground in skepticism.
“Zircon,” Zoran says running over to the two; Doctor walks up behind her. “How are you feeling?” Zircon sighed.
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel,” she said. “Dr. Tenma knew what was going to happen to me and I fell right into it. My jewel took advantage of me because I was longing for it to; defeating that robot was of top priority because my normal abilities couldn’t overwhelm it. Because of how I reacted in front of everyone, they might have lost trust in me…”
“So it was the test of trust?” Dr. O’shay asked while thinking deeply. “Tenma has done it this time; planning something this extreme was pretty clever…”
“Using the citizens of Metro City to drag down a mere robot is unfair!” Astro said. “Zircon is a special robot just like me! She wants to be treated just like everyone else; we can’t let Dr. Tenma continue with these tests!”
“I understand, but we don’t know when he’s going to strike next,” Doctor said. “We can do nothing but wait. After what has occurred today, I’m sure Inspector Tawashi and the police are planning on bumping up their security. If we were to search his usual whereabouts now, we could put Zircon in even more danger.” Astro sighs.
“You’re right; we can’t risk it,” he said. “Anyway, where are Kennedy and the others?”
“Their parents drove them home a little while ago; they said they would hope to see you soon.” Doctor looked at his watch. “Although major havoc occurred here today, I can’t have my meetings postponed. I’ll take Zoran home and head to the ministry. However, Zircon, I’m sure you’ve taken a major toll after going against that robot; would you like me to take you home as well?” Zircon looks at him, but looks down still feeling skeptical. Astro looks at her sorrowfully and then back at Dr. O’shay.
“I think she can make it home on her own,” he said. “Don’t worry; I’ll accompany her.” Doctor nods.
“Alright then,” he said. “I hope you two make it home safely. Let’s go, Zoran.” Zoran nods and follows him to the car which eventually flew off. Astro looks at Zircon.
“Zircon, are you sure you’re okay?” he asks. Zircon looks at him.
“Astro,” she said. “Could you…carry me? I don’t think I have enough energy to…” Astro smiles slightly.
“Sure,” he said, and immediately picks her up. “Just relax; this will blow over soon.”
“Thanks…I just hope so,” Zircon said smiling slightly and closed her eyes. Without too much delay, Astro blasted into the air to head for home.

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Astro Forever
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Postby Astro Forever » 14 years ago

"tic_tac_astro" wrote:I actually finished it my freshman year in high school, but now I'm revising it to make it sound like the present me. ^^

That makes me feel old! :lol: I remember when you were 15 or so. :D

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Astronomical girl
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Postby Astronomical girl » 14 years ago

I like your story :)

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