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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago


"I KNEW ATLAS was too confident- now what are we going to do?"
"Send me no one hurts my boyfriend and my little sister and gets away with doing that!"
"ASTROGIRL you are not up to rescuing them- you are still in love with ATLAS AND......."
ASTROGIRL WAS MAD AND IF THESE HUMANS WOULD NOT SEND HER SHE WOULD GO ON HER OWN- her eyes were blue now and she was building up her power sorta like GOKU does on DRAGONBALL.
"Send her Dr. ELEFUN she is unstoppable if our readings on her are correct."
"Here is the information you need to defend yourself with ASTROGIRL."
"I PRAY she is as powerful as you say she is- her power level shot up 10 times ASTROBOY'S power level that she had when she was the robot boy hero. How is that possible and how long can she sustain that intensity without harming herself?"
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY got to where the robots were that had overpowered ATLAS and URAN/ASTROBOY. She was mad and if her ATLAS and her little sister were completely beyond being stabilized back to theirselves- those robots were going to pay.
"There is that puny robot girl ASTROGIRL- HER POWER LEVEL is pathetically weak - wipe her out!"
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY moved at a speed that completely overwhelmed those robots and left them paralyzed as she took them apart. She realized if she held back they would use her ATLAS and little sister against her.
" Tell those robots who are still there to retreat - never seen that kind of power in a robot- especially a female robot!"
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY smiled A CUTE ROBOT GIRL SMILE AS SHE SEEN THOSE ROBOTS LEAVE and retreat- "serves them right to underestimate a girl robot!"
ATLAS could not believe what happened- he was powerless against those robots and yet ASTROGIRL beat them easily- "my kind of robot girl friend!"
URAN/ASTROBOY was also powerless but she and ATLAS were unharmed- if ASTROGIRL had got there later - those robots would probably had enslaved them or
"THANKS"- both ROBOTS told the blushing cute ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY.
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY bow like the cute robot girl she loved to be and wave her hand like a little girl and said-" you both are sweetly welcomed!"
ATLAS FELL MORE IN LOVE and URAN/astroboy was so proud of her sister............
"I want that ASTROGIRL robot to be ours- do what it takes or you robots are terminated- understand!"

Last edited by avatargirl on Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby I-Am-Atom's-Sister » 13 years ago

Never underestimate a female robot like Astro boy. CX Spot the wrongness of that sentance.
Clothed Astro = cute little robot kid;
Naked Astro= Big damn hero.

I :heart: :astro:

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

hi- hugs

ATLAS got back to the SCIENCE MINISTRY with his male robot pride kinda at a low ebb- but URAN/ASTROBOY was so proud of her sister ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY. ATLAS even tho his male robot pride was kinda like a human male's pride- tho ATLAS would never admit it- ATLAS enjoy the fact that the robot female he kinda like- no was wild over kicked those traitous robots into pieces. ATLAS had at first overwhelmed those robots then he held back- big mistake- when he did they overpowered him and ASTROBOY. For some reason ATLAS still had not noticed the difference in ASTROBOY'S behavior- love apparently kinda effects robots too.
Uran was so happy her big sister was so powerful but all girl- she giggled when she thought how she could kid her about that- would be so girl cute sweet and URAN love acting like her human friends and so did her big sister ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY.
As girl as ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY was - her fighting power and skills were those of a cute tomboy female robot. Her smile when she seen those robots ordered away from her was that of a playful mischievious girl- who the boys lost too in a contest of strength. Except this girl was a powerful cute girl robot who had defeated some deadly robots with barely a fraction of her true power. This ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY girl robot because of her transformation powers had a level of power similar to Goku- as long as she survive the battles she was in she got stronger and stronger.
Apparently she was more then a female shape-shifting robot. Her heart was still a boy's heart with a girl's mind and powerful female robot body. The longer she stay ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY the more likely she would not only develop a sweet boy/girl's heart but she would completely refuse becoming ASTROBOY AGAIN.
"Dr. ELEFUN apparently ASTROGIRL has more ability and powers then we realize and we need to study her more. Thank GOD she is a sweet robot and is not capable of harming any human or peaceful robots."
"Wish we knew more about those robots and who sent them. IF you are right ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY has unlimited potential power and i pray her robotic computer female mind is just as stable as her power is unlimited."
"Unlimited as long as she is allowed to gradually get stronger and stronger Dr. Elefun.
Thank GOD she has a solid female/boy robot computer mind that is based on
kindness and only fighting when you have too."
ATLAS could not believe what he heard - this ASTROGIRL was potentially the most powerful robot that mankind/womankind had ever created. ATLAS knew those traitous robots would be back and he and ASTROGIRL as well as ASTROBOY would be ready this time.


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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago


"Dr. Elefun where is Uran?"
"No she could not had left here- if she did she is in big trouble against those robots!"
"She study the information we gave ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY and figured since she can transformed into ASTROBOY'S robot form she can defeat those robots with his powers. SHE DID NOT WAIT TO SEE THAT HER POWER AS ASTROBOY would have to be increased tenfold at least!"
" She is a headstrong robot female and ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY may well become just like her. Can't believe how cute ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY' cute robotgirl smile is- it is almost a cute weapon she can use. Where is ATLAS?"
"Do not know but will have to send ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY after her HEADSTRONG sister/brother. Hard to believe URAN is more boy then ASTROBOY is now- ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY is every bit a female robot- her tests show no trace of ASTROBOY in her system. I pray she finds her sister/brother before she gets hurt."
"If they harm URAN those robots are scrap metal not fit for the dump!"
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY was scanning the area for her sister and then she detected her- she was laying under some bricks from a wall that had been push on her. She was still functioning and ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY got her back to the SCIENCE MINISTRY.
"She will survive but only because we can transform her back to her self as Uran!"
"Please Dr. Elefun do not let her become ASTROBOY again- if she were to be hurt or worse i could not stand the idea of my little sister being harmed."
The two girls hugged each other when URAN became herself permanently.
"FOR the time being SHE IS A POWERFUL robot girl and a cute one- how can such a cute robot girl be so powerful!"
"When you find where those robots are tell me please so i can stop their senseless attacks. Want no one else to get hurt!"
"As long as ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY still cares about humans and peaceful robots she is a very stable robot girl . We better keep URAN here and safe as possible."
The two scientists thought that ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY had went outside but she heard what was said.
"I am ASTROGIRL- always your friend and big sister to my sister URAN want her and all of you proud of who i am always!"
Then ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY went outside to think and look at the night sky.
" She is really ASTROGIRL now and she passed her true test easily. Thank GOD she is really sweet and so glad she is on our side. She has a sweet heart and truly cares like a sweet girl."
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY was thinking- can't let anyone get hurt not as long as i live- want to protect all my friends and my sister URAN.


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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago


ASTROGIRL WAS THINKING ABOUT THE UNIVERSE- SHE REALIZE that this universe was a beautiful place and she wanted to protect everyone she could - she care now even more then she did as ASTROBOY- and he cared alot. She consider violence to be stupid and she hated when she had to fight- she rather have fun as a girl and use her abilities to solve problems and end suffering. ASTROGIRL realize her abilities would attract some who would try to use her for the wrong reasons- no way! SHE WOULD always be a female champion for the rights of others to live free and no one would use her to harm others. ASTROGIRL as she was becoming more and more wanted her friends- her sister to all be proud of her. ASTROGIRL had to admit she was kinda in love with ATLAS. She wanted to always be a role model for all girls and female robots and always act the way a good girl should and love and care about everyone- humans and robots. Anyone that try to use this robot girl to harm others would be out of their league.
ASTROGIRL felt sorry for robots who were use for the wrong reasons- and also mistreated, she felt robots should be treated fairly and given freedom as long as they harmed no one and would help those they could. ASTROGIRL also loved the human race and as long as she could she would protect them and be a friend to both robots and humans. ASTROGIRL felt she was destined to be a protector of both humans and robots as well as any life-forms that needed her help. She felt a need to want everyone to be proud of her and she wanted to never disappoint anyone who needed her help. ASTROGIRL thought about volunteering herself for the charity show and using her abilities to make the children happy. SHE LOVE THE IDEA of becoming something that would make a child happy and bring a smile to their faces. ASTROGIRL was so happy that she was a female robot that she smile her cute robotgirl smile- that was so cute. WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO BE ANYONE ELSE- unless it was performing to make children happy. ASTROGIRL knew in her now girl's heart she was destined to a be female robot who would be a friend to all who would let her. She WOULD TRY HER best to never harm any robots and always protect her friends and all humans. She made her now female mind up- she was ASTROGIRL permanently.

"This is bad Dr. ELEFUN very bad!"
"What IS?

"ATLAS is now under their control and is now threatening all of us!"
"From the long distance monitoring we have done all of those robots seem to be following ATLAS leadership and now are preparing for an attack against us!"
"What happened to ATLAS?"
"Do not know ASTROGIRL- HIS PROGRAMMING is now very ANTI-HUMAN and he told us to surrender or face annihilation at his hands."
"No way am i going to let him become a renegade robot!"

Last edited by avatargirl on Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: correct spelling

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago



"Here comes our queen and with me as the king we will defeat these pathetic humans."
"You are nuts- what did they do to you ATLAS?"
"This ASTROGIRL!"- THEY USE a back-engineered version of ASTROGIRL'S own hypnotic powers on her.
ASTROGIRL detected the energy pattern and evaded the hypnotic waves they were trying to use on her. ATLAS was the one trying to hypnotized and reprogram her. The other robots seem to be watching- otherwords this fight was between her and ATLAS.
"Give up and join our fight against these weakling humans- they are not fit to control this world my queen ASTROGIRL."
AS fast as ASTROGIRL was moving she still was not able to evade all of the hypnotic-reprogramming waves that ATLAS was trying to use on her. She was starting to love the idea of being a queen but never to harm these humans. SHE was slowly being reprogrammed to want to rule these robots and lead them to peaceful co-existent with the humans. ASTROGIRL was now being bombarded by the total power of the hypnotic reprogrammer and she now wanted to rule by the side of ATLAS. THEY could not change her core beliefs and sweetness- but they could reprogram her to be a queen robot who now was totally a robot girl who would be the female leader of these robots and serve robotkind- but she would not fight the humans who were still her friends.
" For the time being let her be a queen who will lead us while still being a friend of the humans. UNDER CONSTANT hypnotic-reprogrammer exposure she will soon be whatever we say."
ASTROGIRL was starting to lose herself- she could only remember be friends with the humans and become the queen of these robots and all of robotkind. SHE LOST HER fight with ATLAS and became a willing but peace queen of these robots. ATLAS was now happy ASTROGIRL was now under his control and his queen to rule by his side.
"Yes ATLAS want the robots to be a powerful but peaceful race of sentient beings on this world."
ASTROGIRL under their control prepare to become a robot queen and tell the humans she was now QUEEN ASTROGIRL who would rule these robots and lead them into a peaceful existence with the humans and be ruling by the side of her beloved ATLAS.
"I was afraid of this- ASTROGIRL was over-powered by a version of her own hypnotic powers and she has been reprogrammed to be a queen and rule with ATLAS."
"What can we do- she was our best hope against this threat!"
"So happy to be your queen my beloved ATLAS."
"Glad you are with us ASTROGIRL!"

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

These robots did not know when they were outclassed-
"MISS QUEEN ASTROGIRL you will now surrender yourself to our control and be a brainless computer female robot until i tell you otherwise!"
Suddenly ASTROGIRL TRANSFORMED HERSELF INTO a female robot duplicate of herself that seem to be totally under their command.
ATLAS SUDDENLY BECAME HIMSELF AGAIN and attack the real leader of these robots.
He WAS QUICKLY OVERPOWERED by this robot power- now you will be terminated ATLAS.
Now the female robot duplicate of ASTROGIRL was told to turn herself into a female robot terminator and destroy ATLAS. She quickly became a very cute female robot terminator and pick up ATLAS and flew away.
"I will be back- got to get you safely away my beloved ATLAS."
Then she went back to this stunned robot and became a cute female robot named ASTROGIRL AND QUICKLY overpowered him.
"Any other others want to fight me?"
ALL of these robots obeyed the now QUEEN ASTROGIRL without questions.
"She is more powerful then we thought- let us withdraw and let her think she has won!"
Those robots who were in hiding left- QUEEN ASTROGIRL detected them and started analyzing them- she wanted to be ready when they came back. ASTROGIRL MADE CHANGES in her powersystems that made her more powerful and yet more girly robot cuter.
"DR. ELEFUN these robots will be our friends- those who were in hiding will be the real problem- making adjustments to myself to be ready for them!"
"It is not possible she not only seem more powerful but more cuter then before- HOW!"
"SHE IS NOT ONLY A POWERFUL female robot shapeshifter but also a girl who truly loves being a girly robot when she can!"
ATLAS agree and could not believe how cute ASTROGIRL WAS and yet so powerful a female robot.
ASTROGIRL had allow herself to be made into a female robot who could impersonate those robots who had been hidden and did not face her when she took command of those robots out in the open. She would be a duplicate of herself that those robots would be powerless against. WITH the POWERS at her disposal- she was making being a cute girly robot a weapon.
"So glad she is on our side!"
"Yes she outclassed those robots without even trying!"

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Postby cybotron » 13 years ago

:lol: Ahhh! So we see you are a lot smarter and lot more intelligent than you were letting on! :lol:
I have saying which I only use on the very smartest and most insightful.
"You know tooooo much!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :heart: :wub:
[sigpic][/sigpic]Safe :ninja:

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

hey ! how dare you i am a very smart female- i love being silly but when i am serious i have some brain cells but that also makes me a sad girl too- hug sweetly-

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

ASTROGIRL had realized those robots were very vulnerable to her since she was a female robot. For some reason they could not comprehend that she was a very powerful robot and very capable of defeating them. Her transforming powers gave her tremendous energy that she never had when she was the boy robot ASTROBOY. She could do things as a female that ASTROBOY could not do- act silly girl and twist robots around her cute fingers- something she loved doing very much. ASTROGIRL hated fighting and she could use her hypnotic female powers to defeat these robots and help them befriend the humans. ASTROGIRL wanted to become more feminine and more girl robot also so she could defeat those robots who kept themselves hidden. ASTROGIRL could impersonate those robots but she did not want to become like them. They were enemies to robotkind and humankind. She could act like them and be exactly like them but she would not try to impersonate them unless she had too.
ATLAS felt like ASTROGIRL with the changes she made in her looks was even more powerful and she was the cutest girl robot around. He loved the idea she was so powerful but so cute as a female robot. He wanted to see if they could perform in the charity talent contest. He would be the magician and she would be the hypnotized robot female magician's assistant - if she agree to perform. She did ! SHE LOVED THE IDEA of him hypnotizing her- she trusted him and would be fun to become different transformations to please and bring smiles to little children faces.
ASTROGIRL would let him use a code word that would put her in his power for the charity talent contest. Only he could use the code word and she would be totally in his control as long as he was sweet and nice. ASTROGIRL would be his to command and transform into anything he wanted for the show. She hope he would let her become sweet pets like kittens and puppies and zoo animals like seals and monkeys.
SHE WANTED TO BE a female robot entertainer and bring smiles not fight unless she had too. SHE was so cute that she was irresistible and she could use her cuteness as a robot female weapon.
ASTROGIRL wold love being the hypnotized FEMALE assistant to ATLAS- BUT SHE WOULD keep herself alert for attacks from those robots. She hated fighting but she love entertaining others using her transformation powers. She was now a sweet robot female who would fight only if she had too. ASTROGIRL would fight with all her power if she had too- but she just as soon would rather enjoy entertaining others and be the cutest robot girl around!

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