Welcome to AstroBoy Online

Welcome to AstroBoy Online! Here, you'll find a wealth of information regarding the world's most iconic robot hero, including:

  • A comprehensive list of all characters, from Alvin to Uran
  • A detailed guide of all series to date (1960s, 1980s, 2003, Little Astro Boy, and Go Astro Boy Go!) including an episode guide and detailed plot overviews for each one, complete with pictures
  • Exclusive information on the original manga, its many adaptions as well as the film
  • And much, much more

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Astro Boy Tetsuwan Atomu 100,000 kounen no raihousha: IGZA

Known on English websites as Astro Boy–Visits the Person, IGZA–100,000 Light Years Away and sometimes Astro Boy vs. IGZA for short. This is 40 minute IMAX film made by Tezuka Productions in 2005 and distributed by Sarai Inc.1) It is in Japanese language only.

In the film there are new characters, including: IGZA, Arifi, Yuna and her grandfather.
