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Postby I-Am-Atom's-Sister » 13 years ago

I love these XDD I check back every day.
Clothed Astro = cute little robot kid;
Naked Astro= Big damn hero.

I :heart: :astro:

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

HI- THANKS I-AM-ATOM'S-SISTER for reading my story every day- you made my day with your sweetness- PM ME and i will tell you why this story is special to me- hugs

ASTROGIRL/RENEGADE FEMALE ROBOT versus ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY- THIS WAS GOING TO BE ONE of the hardest robot mental battle that ASTROBOY had ever involve himself now herself in. ASTROBOY allow himself to become a female shape-shifter robot to protect some girls- then he i mean she allow herself to become a low riq female robot fashion model to infitrate the renegade robots as a cute female fashion model. She made a big miscalculation that allow her to become a slave female robot to the creators of the renegade robots. These scientists did not know their robots were planning on enslaving them or worse. ASTROGIRL as her normal self would be able to protect them but these scientists were going to make her into another type of female renegade robot that would turn on them if she did not get back to her real self. They WERE USING A SIMILAR obedient circuits on ASTROGIRL to make her completely their slave female robot to serve them. These obedient circuits did not work- made the robots eventually turn on their creators. Because they use ASTROGIRL as a "computer boost" she would start to lose her true identity AND BE THEIR TOTAL PROGRAMMABLE FEMALE assassin renegade robot- love them but kill everyone who resisted the scientists commands. What these scientists did not know is if they succeeded ASTROGIRL would become a cute female assassin robot who obeys them at first but soon she would be the female robot in charge or these scientists would cease to exist. They WANTED HER to assassinate ........ to horrible to say- the true ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY could never do this- but they were trying to change her into their robot female. IN the form she was starting to transform into she would pretend to serve the creators and then turn on them.
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY- HYPNOTIC COMMAND- activated and made this female robot who originally called herself ASTROBOY TURN INTO a split- personality- one good- one........ can't say it or type it...... she can't be that. IF the good ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY won the mental battle - ASTROGIRL would be herself good and caring and loving and a sweet robot female who love robotkind and humankind. IF THE........... ASTROGIRL WON- CAN'T CALL HER that(she is me)- ASTROGIRL would become the exact opposite of the good ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY- THIS can't be happening -ASTROGIRL has to be good and caring- ATLAS was right she never should had took this risk. ASTROGIRL miscalculated and now she had to hope the one mistake those scientists made in programming her could be enough to release her from being........ can't say or type it just hope the good ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY wins or else i am..................

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

"Hey stupid you better listen to me or we both will be in trouble- you keep allowing this transformation and URAN will hate us and i want her to love us. These humans could care less about you or me(how could he blush there in HER/his computer mind SHE/he share with ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY- BUT SHE/he DID) and our feelings about being a.............. never mind they are using us and will turn me into something i will not let them turn me into."
"Who SAID YOU HAD A CHOICE? I love being a female robot fashion model and soon i will control these humans or else."
"You dare challenge my right- i am the original ASTROBOY who allowed himself/herself to become a female robot to protect robotkind and humankind and when they started the command process to make you into an assassin female robot you lost the right to control this female robot i am!"
"Whatcha mean -i am the female robot in charge in here!"
"You were as long as you were a silly robot female- then you started agreeing you would kill and hurt other robots and my human friends so you could become a female robot in charge!"
The good ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY refuse to back down from the ASTROGIRL who was letting herself become........ do not want to say that! The hypnotic command was so strong that it allow the good ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY to undo all harm done to her computer systems. ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY now back to her sweet self had a fight on her hand and she wanted to harm neither humans or robots.
These scientists when they realize they did not control ASTROGIRL anymore- called for their renegade robots.
"You will regret that- those robots are your enemies not your friends!"
"She is right- surrender to us humans and ASTROGIRL LET us reprogram you to be our Queen again."
"I would rather be a low riq robot female fashion model and make people happy then be the Queen of murdering robots."
"Then we will arrange for you to be the robot female laughingstock you deserve to be ASTROGIRL!"
"WHAT army will make me become a robot female laughingstock?"
"We will ASTROGIRL- GIVE UP or become a robot female laughingstock!"
"Don't GIVE UP ASTROGIRL we can take them now!"
ATLAS and ASTROGIRL WERE NOW about to see how powerful they both were or were not...................

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

"We can take them ASTROGIRL- I HAVE A WEAPON I got from studying information they had on your powers."
"Darling that weapon will not be enough to defeat all of these robots."
"With your transforming abilities it will be enough."
"YOU are right even if it means my end- we have to try darling."
"Whatcha mean your end? Transforming yourself into a female energy projector should not hurt you ASTROGIRL!"
"Using this weapon within my systems it could- cutting off my energy just like it would do to the Renegade Robots."
"You mean it could not only shut them down but you too ?"
"Yes- but if it reverse on me it could trigger me also into a statis sleep that would turn me into a Renegade FEMALE ROBOT if we don't do this right darling."
"-I almost became one and if enough energy is cut off my robot female body would compensate by turning me into something within my memory bank- a female RENEGADE ROBOT. IF IT DID THAT I WOULD ABSORB THEIR TRAITS and be like them when i am waken- i would be one of them totally."
"Then lets do this right ASTROGIRL my love."
"How darling?"
"Simple by using your advanced transformation powers to turn you into a female computer guided force field projector which will protect your systems while cutting their energy supply off."
"Ok darling"- then using the weapon ASTROGIRL allow herself to become they quickly cut off the RENEGADE ROBOTS power supply to their functioning systems.
ASTROGIRL was now a female computer weapon and she needed to be told to turn back into herself- ATLAS got hurt in the fighting -giving ASTROGIRL the time she needed for her weapon transformation form. Now unless the command was given - ASTROGIRL was now a female computer weapon totally that anyone could use- and make her do anything they wanted. Without ATLAS GIVING THE COMMAND to change back into herself- she was stuck and now helpless to resist being used.
Those scientists seeing ATLAS hurt and stunned - got to ASTROGIRL and gave her the command to be their robot- because her computers were still registering those scientists as human masters she became their female robot again to serve them and be their total slave and assassin female robot.
Last edited by avatargirl on Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added something

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

"Now robot female computer obey your masters and transform into our robot female and start to obey your masters."
ASTROGIRL had shut off her systems that made her a very powerful robot and a very intelligent one too- she had allow herself to become a total computer weapon that she thought that would be controlled for a short time by ATLAS and then he would give her the command to become herself again. She made herself a very low "riq" robot computer so she could defeat the Renegade Robots without damaging her very advanced computer systems by a power cutoff. ASTROGIRL once she detected the Renegade Robots defeated automatically became a robot computer that had to be ordered by her master to transform into whatever they wanted. ASTROGIRL expected ATLAS to be her master and give the command to be herself. ATLAS got stunned in the fight and was unable to give the command- the scientist who created the Renegade Robots took advantage and made themselves ASTROGIRL'S masters.
ASTROGIRL new masters wanted her to again become a cute female fashion model- but she would also be a cute assassin robot supreme- supreme meaning they now knew how powerful she was and would make sure by some codes they were getting ready to give her that she would be fully their robot for good. The codes were hypnotic commands that they had scanned off her computer systems that would make it impossible for her to disobey them. IF THEY WERE SUCCESFUL ASTROGIRL would be a programmable female fashion model who would no longer have any will of her own and she would be a total cute female fashion model that could impersonate other models and assassinate whoever she was told to kill. They were turning ASTROGIRL into a ......... can't say or type what they were trying to turn her into it is too horrible and they had no right to take advantage of me i mean ASTROGIRL like that- no right at all!
"ASTROGIRL you will love serving us and enjoy being a fashion model that loves serving us!"
"Yes masters i will love serving you and enjoy being a fashion model that loves serving her masters!"
ASTROGIRL was now a total obedient female fashion model robot with no will of her own and she knew and did only what these human masters told her to do.........
"ASTROGIRL transform into the cutest female robot human on the planet and ......."
"She is already the cutest female robot human on the planet- and do not obey these humans they are not fit to be a master to no one!"
"ASTROGIRL your first command- kill ATLAS!"
ASTROGIRL was confused with ATLAS' appearance she was paralyzed with indecision and not knowing what to do- ATLAS was also her master................
"ASTROGIRL obey us or become a brainless female robot...............

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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

ASTROGIRL was confused and because of her confusion she decided being a brainless female robot was ......... what was she thinking .......... she was so confused and wanting to listen to her human masters about being a cute female robot fashion model but not about being a assassin robot- but what was that? HER robot "riq" was still low and she did not know what to do. She knew she wanted to be the cutest female robot on the planet- she was still a girl robot and so glad she was. ALL GIRLS WANT TO BE CUTE and a fashion model didn't they?
ASTROGIRL/ASTROBOY OR NOT? Because of what these human scientists had done to her- ASTROGIRL still had no will of her own- and she could easily be turned....... "no way!- she can't become that- she is me....... who am I ?
"OUR obedient female robot to serve us and eliminate ATLAS now!"
ATLAS was trying to figure what he had to do to get ASTROGIRL back to herself- she seemed to now be back under those humans control and that was not good since they wanted to turn ASTROGIRL into a cute fashion robot who could kill- and with no will of her own under their control she was helpless to resist since she would be total female non-thinking robot machine for them with no human emotions or thinking capacity- except what she was told to think.
ATLAS had to get ASTROGIRL to raise her "riq" exponentially and get her memory back so she could not become a female non-thinking robot machine who blindly followed orders.
ASTROGIRL was now trying to build her power up and obey her human masters- but why? SHE wanted to only be a robot fashion model and model and be as cute human girl as possible and have fun as a girl and be the best female robot model on the planet- she was not going to........ "what did they tell her to do?.........never mind i am going to become cute and be a female robot fashion model -model some clothes and hairstyles and jewelery and enjoy that i am a girl."
Those scientists were mad- "she is too stupid to follow our orders- but she can do this- become a brainless female robot from now on- you must obey us- you have no choice!"
"Yes master i obey and start the process to become a brainless female robot from now on for my masters- who i now love to obey!"
"No ASTROGIRL IF you do that you will lose everything and become any non-thinking machine they desire you to become- going against everything you believe in and you will no longer have your dream of being a cute female robot fashion model!"
ASTROGIRL was now going to listen to the human masters or ATLAS.............
"ASTROGIRL now listen obey your real master and kill ATLAS and these humans!"
ASTROGIRL was now in the control of...............


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Postby avatargirl » 13 years ago

hi- hugs sweetly-
ATLAS DID not let on how scare he was but he was terrified and with good reason- how did whoever that voice was get that close without him sensing them?- and ASTROGIRL seem to be totally in their power.
"Yes master please do not make me kill my love ATLAS or these humans- they are fairly smart and will make good slaves for you masters. Can i stay very female and cute master?"
"Yes you can my sweet ASTROGIRL and you do not have to kill them yet!"
"Thank-you masters if you had try to make me kill them my hypnotic command would make me resist you and i want to obey you fully masters!"
"Thanks for telling us about your hypnotic command you gave yourself- shows you are now our female ASTROGIRL to help us conquer your home planet."
"Thank you masters but if i am your female ASTROGIRL- this is not my home planet anymore and i want to serve you as a female ASTROGIRL who will become anything you want and do anything you want as long as i don't have to hurt any humans or robots! Please masters let me serve you as a faithful female robot and give you entertainment."
"ASTROGIRL now transform into a female robot fashion model and do not move until we give you the command- you will receive our advance programming which will make you totally our robot female and you will obey us without questions is that correct ASTROGIRL?"
"Yes master i will become a total robot fashion model and receive your commands and advance programming making me your robot female totally."
ASTROGIRL was under those control partially- she had not detected them and that scared her- so she allow herself to be under their control until either she could resist them fully or she was fully their female robot. The programming they had sent her very advanced sub-atomic computers were turning her into a very feminine cute fashion robot human model who could be very sweet and kind but also a warrior female robot type who was also a very smart female computer robot. Otherwords ASTROGIRL would be herself again kinda if she could resist them but if she could not resist them she would also be a alien female robot with alien programming in her computers changing her totally completely into something that she might not want to be ...........
ASTROGIRL wanted to get new technology and learn but she did not want to quit being herself- she hope her hypnotic command she had given herself was as strong as mental neutronium- she calculated by telling these aliens "invisibles" they would underestimate her hypnotic control over herself completely and give her an advantage in a test of her robotic will against theirs. ASTROGIRL felt totally herself and also human robot female with an alien presence giving her more awareness of the UNIVERSE THEN SHE EVER HAD BEFORE. She WAS NOW PROGRAMMED with knowledge of two worlds- could she be herself now with this super-advanced programming or was she an alien robot whose allegiance would be to those aliens................


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Postby CaptainAstro » 13 years ago

hey avatargirl

i really know that astrogirl can get a boyfriend!

but theres one slight problem:WHO IS ASTROGIRL ANYWAY???? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
My ship is called Time And Relitive Dimention In Space!
or for short the TARDIS! :D :D :D :D :D


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Postby Ghost » 13 years ago

I don't know if it's just me, or if it's because I have an actual brain. But I'm having a hard time following this. This story doesn't seem to make that much sense, at least to me it doesn't.
Last edited by Ghost on Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Astro Boy2866 » 13 years ago

That makes two of us.
Image Astro Boy|鉄腕アトム [sigpic][/sigpic]

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