Astro Boy New Novels

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Season 1
The Horrid King of Black Gloves
Denkou returns
Dial 955 for Evil
Here comes Mitchy
Atlas's Saturn
Pluto's Arch Enemy:Mercury
The Devil's Mirror bot
Revenge of the Repo Girls
19th Cenutry Meiji Trouble
Reno returns to Bella Notte
Astro vs The Destroid
The Sun Vampire
Who kidnapped Reno

Season 2
The Renegade Princess from Dai Yunnan
Korean History Paradox
The return of the Blue Knight
Angel's Island of Singapore
20 Days of Indochina
The Emerald Puppy
The Arrival of Spiritual Tobio
The Origins of Astro Man
Adventures in the Ruby City
The triumph of the Lost Town of Kikaba
The Qin Dynasty Mayhem
The Balinese Silver Palace
Floral and Snakes.
The Small town of Dr Quanzaliante
Ms Yuko's Mischievious Nephew
The return of Rewind
The Burmese detonation hour.
The Abandoned Military area of Sukhothai
The dissapearing Angkor Wat
Save the Kingdom of Ieyasu
The mysteries of the Old Shrine of Isayama
Save the only Fragile Africa
The Destroyers of Paris
The Doomsday for British
The Malaysian Period Mystery

Season 3

1.The Orbit 32 from Planet Mars
2.The Angel's Tunnel of Poland
3.Norweigian Mysteries of the Sinking Village
4.Astro goes to Scotland
5.Astro vs the Belgian Mad Shark bot
6.The Stolen Mills
7.The Black Snake in Romania
8.Hannah and Astro in Italian Adventure
9.Dr.O.Shay's Troublemaking Niece.
10.Astro's Conscience:Tobio.
11.The Unbeatable Prantama the Tentacled robot.
12.Revenge of the Phantom Destroyer
13.Astro's showdown in Germany
14.Mimi's Adventure in Childrens' City
15.Mimi's Adventure in Childrens' City II: Black Snake's Terror Reign begins
16.Mimi's Adventure in Childrens'City III:Mimi's European team Fights back
17.Mimi's Adventure in Children's City IV:Sorrow tears of war.
18.Mimi's Adventure in Children's City V:The end of the Black Snake's terror
19.Mimi's Adventure in Children's City VI:Tobio in Childrens' City(The Abolishment of Mimi and Astro's Friendship.)
20.The 12 PM Showdown in Metro City
21.The 12 PM Showdown in Metro City II:The Time Stopper
22The 12 PM Showdown in Metro City III:The Final End of the Rewind
23.Dr Tenma Returns
24.The Platinum Destroyer
25.The Mystery of the Runaway Laotian Spaceship
26.The Indonesian Black Arrow
27. Chilean Golden Bridge
28.The Tomb of the Saigon Crimson Emperor
29.Brazilian Adventures at 21 Baneiro Drive(Starring: Azuma Boy(Cascalito))
30.Nitsel in Metro City
31.The Last City of Havarita(Starring: Rome trio(the triplets of Uganda))
32.Shibugaki comes back.
33.The Underground City of Sapphire Mekong
34.The Dark Tower of Spain
35.Toy Madness of England
36.The Shadow Knight
37.The Asian Twist of the Reunion of Astro's friends.(New Asian Childrens' City of Europe)
38.The Final Battle of the Shadow Knight
39.The Final Battle of the Shadow Knight II:The Ten Dark Castles of Europe.
40.The Final Battle of the Shadow Knight III:Goodbye Tobio.
41:The Curse of the Black Island.
42:The Forbidden Cave temple of India
43:Uran's First Transformation
44:The Final versus of Samtamsa
45: Adventure in the Bronze Castle of Metro City.
46:Astro's Final Adventure in Tahiti.(Mimi and Astro Reunite forever!!)

The End!

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

And now it's time for the Remake of the Astroboy New Novels with the Parody of inspiration of The Mask Animated 1994: The Mask Jr Novels.

About Tobio who is reborn in the great big Island of Singapore in the next world,As Tobio lived in an average life,he wasn't hit by an accident anymore. But he was pushed around by Fred and his Annoying neighbour twins of Silk Lagoon.Until the neighbour twin sister gave him the Mask of the Honeylexia Comet. After he reads the Message,Tobio Became a boy who never used to be.The Mask Jr.Singapore's Newest Wackiest Cartoon figure who is about to save the day from his first evil nemesis of the Black Snake: Dr Constantix.and many villains who are baout to take over Singapore and the world.

Find out more on the Mask Jr Novels.

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Postby AnimeMeraklisiBlogcu » 9 years ago

Great novels! I have like. :lol: :tezuka: :astro:

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

thanks.i'm very sure that the fan art will develope into the new show to gain tezuka's show better in the future sometimes.

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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

i'm back wiht some special episodes.

here's the first episode of Astro boy special episode.

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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

Astro Boy New Novels Special: An Android from Area 400

By Eugene Tan Ong Siong

Astroboy 2003((C) Sony Pictures All rights Reserved.

(In Korea, There was a complex of the Android factory named Android 400 which is located at the monastery,12yrs ago. where all the good workers are manufacteuring the newest robotic androids who will make friends and communicate people
with care. as the workers are still working,the androids in the storage room are placed in an exact order to be delivered to the family.)

Worker 1: All clear,let's bring these wonderful androids to the shipping of Vietnam,Buddy.

Worker bot 2 : Okay.(he turns on the megaphone and use it.)Attention all worker bots,please prepare to bring all the androids to the shipping department.

(But then, the alarm has sound. as something went horribly wrong.)

(the workers ran into the laboratory. and they saw the machine that starts to malfunction. and the fluid from the fluid tronner container burst away. the fluid starts to flow into the haywiring it touch,the machine starts to all the workers and the worker bots evacuate out of the factory.the Android 400 factory explodes into impact.)

(after the factory explodes,many workers and the workerbots are jobless after the manager have died from the explosion.they need to find a place to work for the new manufacteur of they went to the
welfare line to get paid for each 32,000 wongs.back to the explosion lab. the one android in the cylinder survived in the sleep. as the android starts to glow. the android was effected by the new special fluid.)

(throughout the days,the snow has effected onto the last android from the Android 400,as the glow disspaears. it has turn into a special android with the ability of ice powers.)

(as the android burst out of the cylinder casket. the male android rise and flies away with the super ice jet.)

(will the male android be good? one thing will find out for sure.)

(In Dr O Shay's Houseon the winter day , Astro,Cobalt and Uran are watching the cartoon show. until the news has appeared.)

News man: we interuppt this cartoon show for the special bulletin,a special mysterious android has foiled the mastermind plan with the biggest chill of ice powers in Korea.many police thanked the hero of korea as the android
shall protect korea with the biggest freeze to freeze the bad guys.)

Astro(surprised): Wow. Cobalt,did you see that?

Cobalt: yeah, i never seen this unknown android who can stops the bad guy from taking over korea itself.

Astro: Shall we fly to Korea to meet him?

Cobalt: i dunno,Astro. But we better ask Dr O Shay about the unknown android?

(Later in the mInistry of science.)

You mean he's from the explodiong Android 400?!!

Dr O Shay: Yes. after 12 yrs later. the male android has effected with the super strong snow breeze that caused him to become a super ice android hero.

Astro: and now he's a good guy?

Dr O Shay: I believe so,Astro. why don't you bring him to the ministry so i can meet him for the first time.

Astro: Sounds like a good idea to me.I'll bring him here.

Dr O Shay: And just one more thing.

(In Korea, Astro and cobalt in their anti freeze armor finds the unknown android they spotted the android at the Taekyan ave. they approach him.)

Unknown Android: Hello,grateful androids,can i help you?

Astro: name's Astro. and this is Cobalt. we'e from Japan.

Cobalt: we came to take you to the ministry to see dr o shay about your first heroic dees you've done.

Unknown android: Really? That'll be great.

Astro: what's your name?

Unknown android: everybody calls me,Freezeright.

Astro: Freezeright?

Freezeright: i'm a male android with the ability of ice manipulation and ice pwoers after i've got effected by the strange fluid which combines with snow during the winter.That's why i became a superhero android ever in Korea.

Astro: sound's pretty cool.

Cobalt: and quite a chill too.

Freezeright: since you're here,i'll be going to japan to see Dr o shay if you guys want me too. i'll be much happier when i meet him.

(In the ministry of science.)

Dr O Shay: My name is Dr O Shay,Freezeright. and may i say to you that you're the most powerfl superhero in Korea for the first time.

Freezeright: thank you. i've already come out with the very good thoughs of justice.

Dr O Shay: Freezeright,i have a special mission for you wiht Astro and cobalt.

Freezeright: that sound's fun.

Dr O Shay: good!! I always knew that you love first adventure.

Freezeright: and here i am.

(In Guatemala.Astro,freezeright and cobalt are flying to find the giant volcano in guatemala downtown.)

Guatemala's Disastrous giant volcano is sure is mighty hot.we better put it out and investigate what's going on in guatemala.

Astro:I agree.

Cobalt: when we found out who cause this volcano? we'll beat the new villain who cause this volcano.

Freezeright: hope i could find the big block of ice to give me strength and power to freeze him or her.

Astro: you already are powerful. and you don't have any weakness.

Freezeright: if i have one.

(he spotted the volcano in downtown.)

Look!! there's the volcano!!

Astro: and it's gushing the lava onto the downtown!! let's cool the volacno down!!

Freezeright: with the teamwork of trust!!

(as they swoop down to cool the lava, they join themselves into tiangle and create the super tri freeze to freeze the volcano lava the lava slowly came to burn the city,suddenly,the lava cools and dries into a cooling lava rock.)

(as the volcano melts the ice,the volcano suddenly stops erupting.)

(the people of gautemalan cheer them wildly for saving the volcano.)

Astro: now let's tell them who have started the volcano?

(later,after they tell the grocer about the volcano.)

Grocer man: i found these two evidence which it drops on the road.

Astro: A broken glass and a bolt.

Grocer man: yeah,it can be only one thing that it's not a human or a robot. it's a machine.

Astro:you saw it before?

Grocer man: No. but my son spotted a space flying machine that galls into the amazon jungle of guatemala.

Astro: And your son tells you about the volcano.

Grocer man's son: Yeah,the crashed machine have cause the eruption after it falls on the jungle amazon.which links to the downtown that starts the volcano rise.

Astro: i see.

Freezeright: well one thing's for sure. where could we find the Machine in the jungle?

Cobalt: that's a good explanation,Freezeright.We must find where the ship crash.

(In the amazon jungle.)

Any sign for the crash machine?

Astro(still searching): no.

Freezeright(spotted the tracks from the machine.):I think we better follow the track.

(After they follow the track,they spotted the giant machine which is at the nearest mountain.)

There's the machine!!

Astro(identifys the machine with his brain analyzer.):I'll identify the machine .(as his analayzer founds.)Guys,this machine must be the alien starship's Engine.

Cobalt(spots the name of the engine.): And it's from planet Nymosumbus. I think it must dropped into earth's guatemala.

Astro: Which means somebody has drop the engine into earth.

(Astro flies to the huge engine,and try to carry. but the engine is still hot.Astro's hands are painful.)

It's hot!!the engine's hot!!

(as the Computer of the engine wakes up.)

Computer: Where am i?

Cobalt: it talks.

Computer: tell me where am i?

Cobalt: you're in guatemala.I'm Cobalt. this is Astro and freezeright from Korea. what's your name?

Computer: I'm Fire Starter 4300 from Planet Nymosabus Sungainer. from 100 yrs ago.After the war has end.

Cobalt: what war?

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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

Fire Starter 4300: the battle between the nymosumbus vs the evil raiders from planet Manchuria.

Astro(shocked): You're the engine from the sungainer ship?!!

Fire Starter 4300: yes. since my memories has restored. i'll tell you the whole thing that it all goes.

(flashback of the friestarter's past.)

it all begin in 10 years ago,in planet nymosumbus. i was made by the alien Beings of nymosumbus who are about to defend the planet from the evil machurian raiders. i was attached into the sungainer. the newest space cruiser
which only fires the great flame lasers and the lava which will melts the ship of machuria away.i was ready to battle.As the sungainer flies away with the rest of the ship,i was ready to operate the sungainer's firepower.

I was happy that i'm ready to fight agaisnt the raiders of manchuria. and the captain smiles at me very happily.until the evil manchurian raiders came. they prepare to battle.

as the battle goes on. i control the firepower for the good nymosumbus to fire the lava at the manchurian destroyers.i kept on fighting until suddenly,the giant bruiseship has came. the bruseship fires the super missiles at the sungainer until the sungainer explodes into impact and died. the only sungainer part is me. my friend,the captain have died. as the nymosumbus are furious.they tackle the manuchrians for me and the avenge us from
destruction of sungainer.after nymosumbus won,me and my friend rest later the years pass, i started to fall onto the i'm about to lose the captain.and fell into guatemala.

(flashback ends.)

As i slept in peace,suddenly,i have a strange feeling that i have a nightmare and caused the volcano to erupt the downtown by mistake.when i was sleeping.i'm sorry for making the volcano. but if only i wish that i want to go back
to Nymosumbus to repair me.and now.

Astro: Don't worry,Firestarter. we'll bring you back to the planet nymosumbus to reapair you in no time.

Fire Starter 4300: Thanks astro. i knew that you three will never give up on me.the bad news is that i'm magnetized by the lava.what should i do?

Freezeright(had an idea): I know what i could do.
Fire Starter 4300: You will?

Freezeright: i'm going to cool you down so that the lava will be unplugged .

astro: are you sure?

Freezeright: when we use our ice powers to cool him down. we will unplug him from the lava system.that way we could bring him back to planet nymosumbus to repair him and he'll operate on his new sungainer for sure.

Cobalt:what do you think?

Firestarter 4300: sound's like a good idea. but let's give it a try. i feel like i need to cool when i sleep.

(as they join their hands, they begin to freeze the firestarter the firestarter 4300 cools. the lava starts to repel away by the cool firestarter 4300 like a magnet that repels the south from the north.)

(after they carry the cool firestarter 4300. they take him to planet nymosumbus.)

(as they speed their flight faster 4300 times. they reach to planet nymosumbus.)

(in Planet nymosumbus,the alien people saw them who are here with the firestarter 4300.)

(in the palace, the good king of nymosumbus saw the firestarter 4300 engine which is back.)

King of nymosumbus: It can't be.

(back to Astro and his assistants(cobalt and freezeright,in nymosumbus.they placed him onto the the firestarter 4300 melts the ice away.and wakes up.)

Firestarter 4300: am i back in nymosumbus?

Astro: you are now?

Firestarter 4300: thank you very much,astro.and you two,cobalt. including,freezeright from south Korea.

(when the good king approach them from his car.)

King of nymosumbus: Greetings,Astroboy,cobalt...(face to freezeright.)And you?

Freezeright: i'm freezeright from South korea Android 400.

King of Nymosumbus: okay,nice to meet you,freezeright. anyway. welcome to Planet Nymosumbus. what brings you here to this planet?

Astro: we found the firestarter 4300 in earth's guatemala 10 yrs ago. until it came back to live.

King of Nymosumbus: i thought that the firestarter 4300 is dead.

Firestarter 4300: no,sire. it is i who have return from the sleep.

King of Nymosumbus(shocked): he's alive!!

Firestarter 4300: yes,i'm back. and i need someone to repair me so that i must begin to operate on the new defend the planet from the new raiders from any planet that they're about to invade.

King of Nymosumbus(face to astro.): Well,Astro. it appears now that the firestarter 4300 is back. what do you think?

Astro: we all have to take him to the new hangar.

King of Nymosumbus: it shall be done.(face to Firestarter 4300)Firestarter 4300,you are about to become new and then will take you on the new ship to operate. it's called the sungainer 2000.

Firestarter 4300: Wow!! i can't believe it's true!!

(later int he new Sungainer 2000. after the firestarter 4300 is rebuilt int he new engine computer body.)

I want to thank you for everything you gave me,Astro. now i'm so happy that i'm operating on the new Firestarter 2000.

King of Nymosumbus: including the new barrier system which will protects you and the ship from the incoming missiles. but it also gains your power to fire.

Firestarter 4300: this is amazing. i feel like i'm reborn now.

(the alarm has sounds,the firestarter 2000 is ready to takeoff.)

it's the alarm. i've gotta go to work now.I guess i'll see you four next time when i return from the battle soon.

(after the sungainer 2000 launch away into space.)

(Astro,cobalt and freezeright flies abck to earth.)

King of Nymosumbus: Goodbye,my faithful friends. and thanks for your help to return the firestarter 4300 which is now operating on the new sungainer 2000.

(in space.)

Freezeright: that was the greatest adventure ever!!

Astro: yeah,and it's packed full of actions to rumble.

(but then,the communicator is ringing as he answers.)

Astroboy here.

Dr O Shay(on the communicator): Have you solve the problem?

Astro: we've finally did,doctor.

Dr O Shay: good. than what is it?

Cobalt: we've found out that the firestarter 4300 have caused the volcano eruption. after we found the engine which is dropped into the earth's guatemala.we've decided to retrun to the planet nymosumbus to be repaired.

Dr O Shay:so that's how what the volcano caused.Well done,boys. Mission accomplished.

Astro: now we shall return home and celebrate.

Dr O Shay: yes. and be sure to get ready for the next adventure assignment tomorrow.see ya.(he ends the call.and astro palced it back into his chest.)

Astro: well,boys. let's fly home.

(as they fly faster to home to celebrate their victory. they will have the next adventure ont he next story.)

The End.

Next episode: the trail to the golden spider palace.

Catch you next time.

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On a Flight into Space
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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

Astroboy New Novels Special Season: The Adventures at the golden Spider Palace.

by eugene tan ong Siong

Astroboy ((c) 2003 sony picture entertainment.

(It's a beautiful day of the great Holiday to Jaka Jaka island of Hatyai.where astro is at the ferry terminal with all of his friends(Reno,Kenichi and Mongkut john.)waiting for the ferry to come at departure 2.)

Mongkut John: this is so exciting,i can't wait till we get to the island of Jaka Jaka.

Astro: me too. i wanna slide to the great wakamua's Hawaiian water park.

Reno: Uh uh,astro. i wanna go to the amusement park with all of you guys first.

Mongkut john: guys,let's not fight anymore okay.what say we shall flip the coins to choose.

reno: i'll take heads.

Astro: and i'll take tails.

(in the ferry.)

Mongkut John: Tails wins. Astro will get the first to ride.

Reno: some luck. hmph.(grouchy)

Mongkut john: so,astro. what are we going to have fun?

astro: the largest deadliest funslide as we have never been there before.

Mongkut john: the Tyrantsaurus.

Astro: yeah!!

Mongkut john(surprised): Sound's great! let's go for it!!

(In Wakamua's hawaiian water park. they slide into the tyantsaurus ride. then they play some water gun frenzy at the wild wave.taking a big ride at the Kanua tiki's double dare slide.)

(they laugh happily as they enjoy more rides around Wakamua's park.)

That was fun!!

Astro: yeah!! let's go..

(suddenly, they hear the screm coming from the Tyrantsaurus slide.)

Mongkut john:what was that?

Astro: i dunno. but we better check it out.

(as they saw the man who is laying agonized in the effects of the golden spider symptons. the man feels painful.)

What is that?

Mongkut John(shocked): it is the golden spider!!

Astro: no way, i better take him to the hospital.

(he(mongkut john) stops astro.)

Mongkut john: No,Astro. it's poisonous.

Astro: what?

Mongkut john: haven't you heard. the golden spider web can also poisoned robots too. causing it to effect on robots until the robots die when you touch the body.

Astro(shocked): yikes.

Mongkut john: call the ambulance immediately.this man has to be healed.

(in the hospital of Hatyai.the doctor examine the golden spider blood from the man. as the blood is gold in the beaker. they analyze the sample until the computer founds the solution.)

Doctor 1: it would seem now that the golden spider poison tatoo was found from the ruins of the golden Spider palace.

Mongkut john: somebody revived the clan.

doctor 1: legend has it, that the golden spider is the evil monster who kills the people with the golden poisonous web. in the ayutthaya period.

Mongkut John: tell me more.

Doctor 1: i don't hink i could understand the histroy. but maybe the professor of the ministry of science can answer that.

Mongkut:good idea.(face to astro)Come on,Astro. we better bring this blood to the ministry.

(in the ministry of science of Hat Yai. the docotor explains them the legend of the golden spider.)

Dr Sanmai:the legend has it that the golden spider has appeared in the pre-sirijaya period. (flashback of the past of the golden spider.)it has said that the golden spider creates to poisonous golden web to kill them off.

as the golden spider finished using the webs to spin. it waits for the victims to come. and when the victim's legs touched the web. it instantly poisoned him.and leaves the golden spider tattoo that will contaminate the blood and dies.

but only one guardian who can rid the golden spider. and the guardian using his miror to reflect onto the spider and pulls it the villains built the golden spider palace for the golden spider to come back,the guardian pulls the villain into the mirror too and place the miror
into the new altar.

(flashback ends.)

Mongkut john: so that;s how the ancient villains built the palace.

Astro: but not for long.

Mongkut John: Astro,we are going to hunt for the golden spider's palace no matter what.

astro: aye aye,sir.

(in Satun.where the golden spider palace stands at the forest jungle.)

It's at Satun,alright. let's go down.

(at the entrance of the golden spider palace.)

(Mongkut suddenly spotted the broken mirror which is on the floor.)

look,the mirror.

Astro:this must be one of the mirrors that the professor has told us.

Mongkut john: and it popped right out of the mirror itself to free the bad guys and the golden spider.

(they hear the music from the inside.)

let 's go inside to find them.

(in the golden spider palace.Astro and Mongkut John sneaks into the chamber hallway to investigate.)

see if you could find any traces of clues around this place. but we have to be careful,Astro. Some golden webs are everywhere.

Astro: you bet we will.

(until suddenly,they spotted a skeleton lies dead with a glasses and a 2001 cap.they scream in fright.but then mongkut is shocked.)

Mongkut John: Astro,we really have to be careful. some golden webs could eat the enitre flesh and blood from the human and robots.

astro: but robots don't have flesh and blood.

Mongkut John :o h. but anyway,we better be careful.

(as they spotted a digital pad lies on the floor.)

Look!! A digital Laptop.

Astro: it could be the first clue.

(after they picked up every clue. they reached the golden spider room.)

That's all the evidence we have. but we finally made it to the golden spider room.

Mongkut John(hears people who are chanting and working.): listen.(listening the mechanic sound.)wait,something's not right.

Astro: what?

Mongkut John: the sound of the mechanic is in the room.

Astro: why would the people chant and work with all the machines?

Mongkut john: could be,but we better find out.(as he listen to the people walks away.)they're going out.(face to astro.) now's our chance to investigate.

(in the golden spider room,Mongkut john ignites the torch with flints that ignites on the stick . and he picks the torch up and saw. A robotic Golden Spider!!)

I don't believe it. is that a golden Spider robot?!!

Astro: why would the people wanted to rebuilt the golden Spider?

(as suddenly the light turns on automatically.)

Wilson: to give Thailand an eternal destruction,What else?!!

(As they spotted wilson in shocked.)
Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

Surprise to see me again,Astro. and who is this cool kid?

Mongkut John: Name's Trustful John of Siam: Mongkut John. and who are you suppose to be?

Willson: The name's Wilson,monster creator extrodinaire.(he claps his hands to summons the guard) i created all sorts of robotic and cloned made monster to tackle the town.and you too are about to test my newest golden web formula i made.

Mongkut John(shocked): So it was you who made all that poisonous Golden web!!

Willson: indeed. i accidentally spilt some of the newest special poisonous chemicals to make the poison laser that consumes robots onto the orange juice. until it finally came wiht the enitre miracles.when i wear the glove.i took a big scoop of the web from the orange juice.
i personally discovered that the orange juice of mine has turned into a golden make the golden spider a reviving poisonous weapon i need.

Mongkut John: you won't get away from this!!

Willson: when i rule Thailand with the glorious spider touch,you shall see that Thailand has gone to heck!!

(in the golden web room.where astro and Mongkut are tied onto the right wall hook in chains.)

now,allow me to demonstrate this newest torture device.when the new web gun spins the golden web,both of your fleshes are about to be eaten by the golden web. then after when you die from the web,you'll be nothing more but the piles of bones like the ancinet skeleton in the

mid 2001. well then,i must be going now. but i do hope you'll enjoy being the golden web's lunch.(he press the button to countdown the web gun in 7 mins.and they walk away,leaving them to die.)so long.

(as the door is closed,Mongkut tries to reach into his sleeve to get the keris.)

Mongkut John: Hold on,Astro. i'll cut the chains loose.

(as the chains are cut by the keris, the web guns spins the golden web at them.but astroboy uses his finger blast to burn the golden web and destroy the web gun after they drop onto the floor.)

Nice shot,Astro.

Astro: We got to save Thailand from the robot golden spider.

Mongkut John That won't be neccesary,Astro. we need to take a sample of the golden web to analyze for the weakness of the golden web.

Astro: i'll wear the gloves to take a sample of that.

(in the ministry of science with the sample of the golden web in the jar.)

Dr Sanmai: (using his machine to create the golden web's weakness and the medicine.): i'm almost done to make an antidote for the golden web.

Mongkut John: what about his armor.

Dr Sanmai: i've finally finished building the new super hydro armor for astro. so that i may begin to fill it with the new antidote laser.

(as the machine finish creating the medicine.)

there,now it's done.

(later after he fills the armor with the medicine.astro in his hydro armor flies away.)

Mongkut John: Good Luck,Astro. be careful.

(At Bangkok,The robot golden spider spins the golden web attack on the people that suffers until astro in the hydro armor appears.)

Willson(in the golden spider.): What?!! Him again?!!

Astro: your regin of golden webs are over,Willson.

Willson: I don't think so,Punk!!

(the golden spider tackles him wiht the golden web,but the golden web melts away by the squirting anti golden web medicine from Astro's armor.)

What?!! NNOOO!!

Astro: Without the golden web,you're powerless against me,Willson!!

Willson: We'll just see about that!!

(the golden Spider launches the tronowave missiles at him,astroboy destroyes the missiles with his rapid laser blast.)

Astro: nice try,Willson!

(the Golden Astro tackles Astro by jumping onto him, it hits astro on his chest. but astro lifts the golden spider and throw it onto the building. and out goes the spder that falls onto the ground. the golden spider flies to attack him.)

when we're you ever going to give up?

Wlllson: you think so,Punk?

(the golden spider fires the golden chain at astro. but astro catches the chain and swing the golden spider 400 times faster and throw it out of Thailand.)

(in the golden spider,the computer alarms them.)

(and they evacuate the golden spider that crashes onto the sea and explodes into impact.)

(as they we're landing onto the island of Batukol prison of thailand.)

You haven't seen the last of me yet,Astro. i'll be back!!

(Back to Astro.)

Astro: that takes care of him.(face to the people with golden web .)now to cure them.(they fire the laser at them,the golden web poison is disposed and they felt much better.)

now to the hospital where i could cure the man with the golden web i saw.

(in the hospital,.)


Man 1: oh,thanks,astro. you've saved my life. i thought that i was going to die.

Astro: it only eats the flesh at night.

(but then, the news is on.)

what's this?

Newsman: the robot golden spider has been disposed by astro,but unfrotunately. there's the real golden spider that came from the undergound. terrorizing the downtown of Chiang mai. and the golden spider is about to strike next.)

Astro: the real golden spider?!! it hought that it was a myth.(sigh) it's a twisted world out there,but i will get a chance from that monster.

(at Chiang Mai,the real golden spider is attacking the city. until Astroboy have arrive.)

(the golden spider spins the golden web. and Astro use his laser to kill the golden web and gush the laser into the golden spider's mouth.)

(as the golden spider is painful for the mouth. the golden spider tackles him. but he evades the golden spider attack. and plunders the spider,pulverize the spider,tackles the golden spider and throw it out into space.)

(again,he cured everyone in chiangmai with the laser of the antidote.they cheer him wildly as the golden spider has been vanquished.)

Well,guys. it's nice to see you all but i really gotta go back.(he flies abck to the ministry.) catch you next time!!!

(in the minsitry of science.)

Dr Sanmai: A real golden spider?!!

Astro: after i've dispose the robotic golden spider,i've vanquished the real golden spider from attacking Chiang mai.

Dr Sanmai: wow!! Pretty quite amazing for this words between the fake and real. but i'll tell ya,this legend is getting weird all the time.

Astro: me too.

Dr Sanmai: but anyway,you sure did save the town. and you've cured everyone from the golden web.

Mongkut john: and you know what that means?

(in Wakamua's hawaiian water park.they finally have fun after astro have save the day from both golden spiders.)

This is the most happiest day of our lives!!!

Astro: Me too.

(As the story ends,astro will continue his next adventure on the next episode story.)

the end.

Next Episode: The Lost Temple of Singapore (Part 1)

Catch you next time!!

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On a Flight into Space
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Postby teugene50 » 8 years ago

Astroboy New Novels Special Season: The Lost Temple of Singapore Part 1

by eugene tan ong Siong

Astroboy ((c) 2003 sony picture entertainment.

(In Singapore, Singapore Rajah Babaraski and Astro have arrive in the appartment of the airport.)

Singapore Rajah: We're here in Singapore at last,Astro.

Astro: Now all we have to do is to see the professor of the singapore Science ministry.

Singapore Rajah: to find the great lost temple of singapore which is definitely unknown to locate.

Astro: You said it,Babaraski. it's hard to find the lost temple. but we are going to try to find the place no matter what.

Singapore Rajah: also we have to avoid danger of the jungle.

Astro: i'm not going to get hurt for it.

Singapore Rajah: well,let's go then.

(In the Singapore Science Ministry.Dr Aw Boon met Astro for the first time.)

This is Dr Aw Boon. he's an Archaeologist. I met him before when i used to be an average Polish boy to myself.

Dr Aw Boon: It's nice to meet you,Astro. Welcome to Singapore Science Ministry.

Astro: Thank you,Doctor. so tell us what assignment are we goign to do today?

Dr Aw Boon: The Lost Sirijaya Hindu temple of Pasir Ris.

Astro: A Hindu temple.

Dr Aw Boon: Not just an ordinary hindu temple,it has got a tomb and places with magic inside.

Astro: And it's at the forest of Pasir ris.

Dr Aw Boon: yes.

Astro: though i'm not so sure where we could find the Lost temple of Pasir ris is.

Dr Aw boon: with my new navigation watch,we could find the temple easily without any problems on finding the place.

Astro: Sound's good. Let's go.

(In the Pasir ris Jungle.)

Boy,this sure is the paris ris jungle alright.

Dr Aw Boon: Alright,we must stick togehter to find the lost temple. so don't leave out of the sight.

Astro: yes,Doctor.

Dr Aw Boon: Okay.(he turns on the navigation watch.) Navigation watch is all set.

(they begin to find the trail of the lost temple.)

Kepp an eye on anything,astro. it might have a hornets who are about to sting us.

Singapore Rajah: okay.

(as the navigation watch vibrates, the watch found somthign on the right.)

Dr Aw Boon: I think my watch has found the place!! Let's go.

(At the right,they spotted the medium Hindu temple of sirijaya.)

And here it is,the lost temple of Sirijaya.

Astro: just only one main hall?

Singapore Rajah: but where are all the complex?

Dr Aw Boon: I can tell you what's hidden inside. and i'll show you.(he takes the ancient key out of his pocket.) follow me.

(in the temple,he sticks the key into the hole of the wall. and the left floor near them opens the secret entrance.)


Astro: Wow!! It's amazing!!

Singapore Rajah: let's be careful.

Astro: okay.

Dr Aw Boon: What are we waiting for,let's get inside and explore.

Astro: Okay.

(in the tomb of the lost temple.)

Doctor,are you sure we're going to study in the entire level of the tomb?

Dr Aw Boon: i wanna know all about the documents about the lost temple during the sirijaya war.

Astro: Alright,Doctor. we have to stick together. no matter what.

Singapore Rajah: yeah,all i can see is some jewels and gold are all decorated on the mural.

Dr Aw Boon(surprised): Where's the mural?

Singapore Rajah: (points at the right of the mural.): Over there.

Dr Aw Boon: good work,Babaraski. now let's find the start of the history about it.(as he founds the beginning of the mural which is on the right of the mural .)There it is. Legend has it that there was a king named Jayamani. An

indonesian King of Singapura has ruled
the Sirijaya Singapura period befor ethe war has starts. as the evil sorcerer Mayana arrives with the demon soldiers,mayana rages war against the kind king Jayamani in vein. as the soldiers are fighting against the demon,

Jayamani have only one choice to defeat Mayana's
wicked War Crimes.He takes out the pendant and summons the great Golden shiva to kill off Mayana from taking over Singapura. and the demons are vanquished by his powers too.

Astro: that's fast.

Dr Aw Boon: When Jayamani have died. they begin to build the newest temple at the spot of pasir ris after they will built the tomb inside.when the tomb is done. they pay their last respect to Jayamani who will be chosen to become a

guardian of Singapura.
and no one knows when the evil Mayana will return.

Astro: i don't think Mayana will ever retrun. will he?

Singapore Rajah?:i'm afraid if he is about to be reasoned by the moon,he vow to get even on Singapore to conquer.

Dr Aw Boon: more like he's about to seek his revenge.

Singapore Rajah: yikes!!

Dr Aw Boon: although with the strongest Amulet,Mayana will never return at all,when the amulet is about to break away,the evil mayana is about to rise.however,we must not steal the sacred amulet jayamani has.

Astro: okay,doctor. i won't touch the sacred amulet.

Dr Aw Boon: that's good.

Astro: so what if the villains try to come to the tomb to steal the amulet. will the evil mayana free by them?

Dr Aw Boon: i'm afraid so,Astro. we must alert that the villains should not come to the tomb to steal the amulet. and who knows what will happen if the curse has just begun.

(meanwhile,in the black snake headquarters.)

Katrino: I have a very improtant case to you,Chuan chuang.

Chuang Chuang: you have my word,faithfulness.

Katrino: good. there's a sacred portal at the lost temple of Signapore which we're going to travel. they're not going to reach the portal as we are about to be the first who can go.

Chuang Chuang: and if they go first?

Katrino: we'll have to use our transporter pods to transport ourse;ves to Singapore. and find the lost temple of pasir ris with our new navigator glasses as well.

chuang chuang: i got the armour eating acid and the tronowave web gun.

Katrino: excellent. now you know what to do. now let's go to singapore.

Chuang Chuang: Right away,Katrino.

(In the temple.)

Astro: This place sure is longer as a hallway in the hotel.

Singapore Rajah: Yeah. And i dunno why would they try to pay good money on building more space .

Dr Aw Boon: They actually store more treasure in these each rooms to preserve,boys. and that's why how they protect the treasure from thievery.

Astro: i understand.

(at the next room.)

What's that,Doctor?

Dr Aw Boon: that's the shrine of the Portals. in each of the altars,there's each different portals that will take us on the ancient times about how the temple is born.

Astro: i know these portals. the three of them are the before,the middle and the after.

Dr Aw Boon: in bronze,silver and gold. that's right.

Astro: but isn't it really dangerous?

Dr Aw Boon: if we stay here,it is. but if we get back to our future dimension,it won't.

Astro: and how are we goign to get back?

Dr Aw Boon: i'll give both of you my new Time Badge.

Astro: a time travelling badge.

Dr Aw Boon: it's a new miniature time travelling device that can takes ytou back to the future.

Astro: and travel throughout the period?

Dr Aw Boon: yeap.

Astro: in that case,we'll take it.
Last edited by teugene50 on Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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