Astro Boy fanfic

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Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
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Astro Boy fanfic

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

I made this myself based on a dream i had. Post "X" if your hooked and/or you want me to post the rest ps tell me if i didnt some thing incorect. :) and the name of the chapter is the piont of view its coming from :lol:


“Alright class, this fieldtrip flight to Washington D.C. is going to take awhile, but I want you to follow this rule. Don’t separate, no matter what.” Ms. Magnokey stated.
“Ah, help me” I heard a girl yell. I looked toward the screaming noise and saw a woman hanging on the ledge of the upper storie she must have tripped and fell over the rail. I was about to take off when Kennedy yelled.
“No, Astro, we aren’t supposed to separate no matter what!”
“I can’t just leave her hanging there, I will be back before we board the plain I promise.” I told him. Kennedy nodded and I took off flying fast towards her. I lifted her in my arms and placed her back on the ground.
“That was a close one lady you should be more careful.” I told her.
“Oh. Thank you so much Astro.” She said then looked at her watch “Oh no! I’m going to miss my bus home.”
“Done worry lady I will get you there in time to catch your bus.” I said partly upset that I was getting myself dragged into something else. Again, I had the lady in my arms and was flying her out of the airport. “Were is it?” I asked once we got outside.
“It should be just around the corner.” She said while pointing right.
I flew around the corner, but there was no bus just a van with its backdoors open. I set the lady down. “I’m sor…”
A man jumped out and grabbed the lady. Then he held a knife up to her throat. “If you don’t want me to hurt her I suggest you get in the back of that van.” I couldn’t do anything without breaking my number one rule not to hurt humans, so I climbed in to the back of the van. Still holding the knife to her throat he came and shut the doors then I heard him lock it. “This van has 4,000 volts running though it so if you even try breaking through, botta bing lights out for you.” Though the window I saw him let the lady go, but instead of running she just stared at the man.
“Run lady, go get help!” I yelled to her then she looked at me and I saw that she along with the man had and evil smirk on their face. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”
Last edited by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY on Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

“No, Astro, we aren’t supposed to separate no matter what!” I yelled.
“I can’t just leave her hanging there I will be back before we board the plain I promise.” Astro said. I swear he is so stubborn, but what was I suppose to tell him let her die, so I nodded yes. I watched him pick up the strange lady and place her on the ground. It looked like she was thanking him and then she looked at her wrist and started worrying. Astro picked her up again and flew around the corner.
“Kennedy, where’s Astro?” Ms. Maganokey asked.
“He went to help this lady but he promised he would be back.” She nodded and walked away for she too knew how thrust worthy Astro is.
Then they called our class to board, so I went in hoping that Astro would show up.
The fight attendance announced that why would soon be leaving the boarding dock and this is when I really started to worry. I looked all over the plain, but still couldn’t find Astro. “Ms. Maganokey, Astro still isn’t here!” I proclaimed.
She instantly had fear take over her face. Then she took out her cell phone and dialed a number “yes we are at the Metropolis Airport, Astro went missing,” pause” Yes the robot” she hung up looking very frustrated. Then she dialed another number.
“Yes Dr. O’shea. This is Ms. Maganokey,” pause” its Astro he disappeared!”pause” yes I have they don’t do robots.”
Last edited by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY on Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Dr. O'shea

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

"What disappeared, have you tried the police?” pause” Well that’s madness.” pause” How about we wait until tomorrow and if there still no signs of him I’ll call Detective Tawashi,” pause” okay just relax, good bye” I hung up the phone after this discussion with Ms. Magnokey. I was very afraid for Astro, but I had this strong felling that he would show up tomorrow.
I walked up the stairs into Zoran’s and Astro’s room to tell Zoran of the news, but Zoran wasn’t there and most of the furniture had been flipped over and the window was flung open as if there had been a great struggle then they left out the window. Nora was lying on the ground completely shut down. Why didn’t I notice that neither of them had greeted me when I came home? Was this some sort of robot kidnapping game? That is what made me realize that this could be more serious, but nobody would do anything about it until it had been 24 hours.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

I was sitting in mine and Astro’s room playing with my Rainbow Bright dolls when it got really hot, so I opened the window and went back to playing. Then a shadow was cast over my room, I looked back and there was a strange man standing in the window. Then he leapt on me and tried to tie me up, so I kick, screamed and struggled and bit. Then Nora came in and at the same time so did another man he hit her instant shut down switch and then he came up to me with a high powered electric gun and fired right at my head, I instantly passed out and only would flicker into consciousness then back out every so often. When I woke up and gained full consciousness I was in a van and my head hurt like crazy. There was another robot there, she had strange fluffy green hair and a green suit and was about the same size as me, she was crying and I soon began to cry to. I decided couldn’t just let us be kidnapped so, I tried banging the walls of the van apart. It sent a pulse though me that was so strong I was thrown back into the other wall. It hurt so badly and there was nothing and I could do anything to help, so I just sat there and cried and sometimes screamed. Then one of the men turned around from the cab and again shot me in the head with the voltage gun this time everything went black.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

“I’m Skunk and this is Melody, and we wanna sell your body on the Black Market! He, he, he!” Skunk said. Then Melody climbed in the back with me, opened me chest plate, and pulled out my locater. Then she crawled out through a small window that led from the back to the driver’s compartment. They pushed a button that darkened up all the windows so I couldn’t see where we were going.
I scanned and rescanned to see if there was any way out, but if I did anything to it would leak the electricity into me. Also, now that Melody took out my locator there was no way of them finding me. All I could do was sit, hope, and cry. After a while of crying I felt myself drifting into dreamland.
I dreamt of me and Zoran running through a field with my friends following on bikes and Dr. O’shea in his car. Then I tripped and fell in thistles. I woke up it was the next day and found that there was a crack in the isolation of the van and it was seeping the electricity into me, that’s probably what caused the thistle dream, so I stood up and welded it with my digi beam. Then I heard a click and felt tons of volts going through my electronic brain then leaving I felt like my head was going to explode for I had just been shot with a voltage gun. I was flung into the back of the van as the agonizing pain spread through me.
“Sit down, stupid robot!” Skunk yelled. I slid down the wall onto my butt then curled up in my knees and began to cry again wishing I could just be home with my sister, friends, and everyone else I care about.

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Dr. O'shea

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

I woke up the next day and went to was my face. Then I remember Astro and Zoran. I called around and there was still no sign of ether one so I called Detective Tawashi and told him to send out a search party. Then I made an announcement on the news. Just after the news announcement a robot approached me.
“Hello Dr. O’shea I am Centa the psychic robot, of course I wasn’t made for that I just became that way, I believe I had a sign from your Astro in his point of view of course. I am in a box like thing. I can’t tell where I am and my head hurts a lot, so I reach up to feel it and there is to spikes. I can’t stop crying and I wish I was home. I look down at my red boots and wish I was free. Is this your Astro?” Centa asked.
“Oh yes, my poor Astro.” I said
“Well there is more. I changed points of view to the person driving this box. All I could tell was they were heading north. Well I hope that this helps.” Centa said.
I was going to thank him, but he had already left. I immediately called up Detective Tawashi.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

Then the van finally stopped.
“We are here.” Skunk told Melody.
Then he came around to the back, flung open the doors, and put an electrical collar on me so I couldn’t get away. He walked me into this strange warehouse looking building. When we got inside he picked me up and throw me in a metal box. Once my eyes adjusted I saw other robots. First, I saw Denku, then Epsilon, and then Delta. Then I saw Zoran, huddled in the corner she looked hurt and scared I ran to her.
“Zoran, Zoran!” I yelled because she wouldn’t respond.
“Astro?” She said quietly.
“What happened?!” I wailed.
“They hit her in the head with a high voltage gun. She has been blacked out for a while now.” Said Denku.
“Oh no!” I was extremely sad for Zoran and angry that anyone hurt her.
“This is mutiny. They treat us like rocks. Every so often they’ll throw an electrical bomb in here, just for fun!” Epsilon said.
“How long have you guys been here?” I asked.
“Delta and I have been here for five days, Denku and Zoran only a few hours.” Epsilon stated.
I was torn that anyone would do this to robots, but this also made me more determined than ever especially the part about Zoran being here. “There has to be a way out of here, come on we are some of the best and smartest robots ever made we can’t just give up.” I said.
“Don’t you think we’ve tried?! There is no way out we are all just going to be turned in to mindless robots that do as our masters say!” Delta yelled
I huddled with Zoran and Denku and we all silently cried. I think I even saw Epsilon shed a tear. We spent hours like that until I got an idea.
“Wait Epsilon, you said they throw an electrical bomb in here every so often. Do they open the top to do so?”
“Yes.” Epsilon said with questioning in her voice.
“How often do they throw a bomb in?”
“Like once a day in the afternoon.” one could tell that she started to catch on.
“Okay guys next time they open the top I will grab Zoran, Epsilon will grab Denku, and we will fly out of this box, Denku will cast her optical shields around us, and then we’ll break through the roof then fly away from here as fast as we can until we can’t fly any longer. Everyone got it?” I whispered so no guards heard.
“Yeah” Said Denku, Epsilon, and Delta in quiet voices.
“Hooray!” Zoran yelled and very one shushed her.
We all waited ready to take off at any moment. Then it happened the top was opened. We flew as fast as we could with me in the lead.

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Detective Tawashi

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

“How could you put so much trust in a robot that says he is psychic?” pause “Okay I’m checking for any abandoned places north of the airport right now. Yes there is one and apparently there has been reported activity over the last week.” Pause “There was other robots kidnapped over the week like Delta went missing five days ago maybe they are all there.” pause “it’s a twelve hour drive by road but if we use the Akita squad we could get there in just a few hours” pause “okay I will meet you at the airport.” I said to Dr. O’shea then hung up.
I got the Akita squad together and we went to the airport. Dr. O’shea was already there, so we headed straight for the warehouse hoping this was the right place and that we weren’t too late.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

I put my hand up that I wasn’t using on Zoran and broke through the roof of the warehouse with ease. Once we got out of the building I yelled for Denku to drop the optical shields and we all appeared again and that when I notice Epsilon was hurt badly. All the way down her side was torn.
“What happened?” I asked while taking Denku from her to ease the load on her.
“I was shot…” she began to fall, but Delta caught her
We were only flying like that for about five minutes when I saw the Akita squad coming toward us. It felt like a miracle. We all landed by the squad and instantly Detective Tawashi yelled “Where are they?!”
“Just down the road” Said Delta and the detective took off with the Akita squad except for one. Then out of it crawled Dr. O’shea.
“Doctor!” both Zoran and I yelled as we ran and hugged him.
“Zoran, Astro!” Doctor O’shea yelled back. Then after we hugged he walk over to Epsilon “What is wrong?” He questioned obviously didn’t he just noticed she was torn all the way down the side and was lying almost dead on the ground.
“She got shot” I said while kneeling beside her, and then I pulled out my digi beam and welded her back together. She opened her eyes and stood up she seemed confused, but then as quick as her confusion came it left.
“I think it is time we got you guys home” Doctor O’shea said. He put Denku, Epsilon, and Zoran in the Akita with him and Delta and I flew alongside as we all went home ending this bad day on a good note.

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

I gotta tell you it kind of upsets me that 70 people have viewed this but only one has told me what they think of it

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