Romeo and Julliet ( Astro and Natalie)

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Romeo and Julliet ( Astro and Natalie)

Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

It was another day in Metro city and Astro was on his way to school. When Natalie came running from behind in excitement " Astro guess what! are class is going to be putting on a play and it's Romeo and Julliet". Then Astro thought " oh, brother I hope I don't have to play the part of Romeo, and I don't want to say anything that will upset Natalie, oh no I hope she doesn't ask"!!!! Then Natalie says " why are you so quite are you not excited , Astro replies " sorry I was in the clouds for a second there, yeah it sounds cool". Natalie asks " well was hoping I could play the part of Julliet and you play Romeo. Astro screamed in his mind oh great now I'm going to embaress myself infront of my entire school, eventually everyones going to find out that we like each other.

Instagram: astrogirl_draws

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Postby avatargirl » 11 years ago

THAT IS SO CUTE!- THANKS RACOONANGEL- PRAY YOU ALWAYS THE VERY BEST ALWAYS- and hope we will be friends also! look forward to reading this story!

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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

When they arrived on the school yard Astro went straight inside to his locker. He grabbed his text books and went to english class. Then the morning annoncements began " good morning everyone today is a beautiful day perfect for playing outside, we have some exciting news the grade 7-8 students will be putting on a play later this year, the parts will be chosen by their classmates, that's all I have today". Astro wasn't really listening so he had no idea that it was going to a class vote. When class began their teacher spoke "hello everyone, today we are going to be selecting parts for each other, the play we will be performing is Romeo and Julliet, you will put your name in for a part and the class will vote". Astro thought " great if Natalie wants me to play Romeo I at least need to put my name in so she doesn't get upset". Natalie comes to tell Astro something " so are you going to play the part" Astro replies " I guess I put my name in for you" Natalie jumps up in excitement " yeah ". Their teacher begins to speak " alright everyone it's time to put your names in, who wants to try for Romeo" then a couple people raise their hands as well as Astro who gulps. Alejo, Kennedy , and Abercrombie sees that Astro rose his hand and they begin to laugh.
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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Hehe, this is cute. Keep going ^_^

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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

After the teacher asked all the students which part they wanted the class began to vote " who wants astro to be Romeo" most people rose their hands even Astro friends did just to get a laugh. Then the teacher asked who wants Natalie to be Julliet half the class rose their hands but someone beat her by a couple people so she didn't get the part, a girl named Alexy got it. Astro ended up with Romeo, he thought " oh great now I have to be Romeo even worse it's Alexy I have to kiss in the end gross, I don't even like her.

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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Uh oh!!! Poor Astro! :S

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Postby muirtower » 11 years ago

"Astro-Rokku-chan" wrote:Uh oh!!! Poor Astro! :S

That's what I was thinking. I look forward to reading more of it. :)

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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

Natalie was pretty upset that she didn't get the part she'd praticed all the lines and even memorized them already she was so excited for today. Astro went up to Natalie it's okay maybe you can come to my place tonight and hang out even better go to the secret hideout. Natalie face lite up " okay".

During the lunch break Astro's sat with his friends Alejo said " I can believe you wanted to play Romeo is it because your in LOVE" Astro replied keep it down I don't want everyone to know we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Then Astro friends began to laugh.
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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Keep it up :)

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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

After school Astro and Natalie hung out at his house. Astro and Natalie had alot of fun just being goofy and having fun. Until Zoran ran in Astro's room crying " big brother, there were some people being mean to me in the park" she sniff and continues crying. Astro hugs her " what happened" he asked, then Zoran replies " I-I was playing with my ball when some kids came and took it "then they said "you little pip squeak get out of our way and this ball is now mine". Natalie then says " well thats mean so are they still at the park" Zoran replies " emhm". Astro stands up " come with me Zoran and I'll deal with these guys.
Instagram: astrogirl_draws

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