Astro is real, he does actually exist!

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Astro is real, he does actually exist!

Postby GemTenma » 9 years ago

Well it's me again. Astro's significant other.
After posting my previous thread - (Astro's REAL story) - it appears that my hubby isn't happy with it. He says I didn't go into enough detail...smh! men!!
So I'm giving it another shot for him as per his request. But only because I love him so much.
As mentioned in the previous thread, I know most of you probably won't believe a word of what you are about to read. In fact you will most likely just say I'm crazy. That's ok. I don't mind.
HOW CAN A FICTIONAL CHARACTER BE REAL? Simple - he is not fictional. Most of the "fictional" characters you see on TV or read in comics are simply someone's interpretation of the truth. These "fictional" beings (as you call them) are living beings in another universe (dimension). Most often, dimensions try to communicate with each other commonly via telepathy. Unfortunately, messages can be warped, misunderstood or not completely delivered.
Thinking it was a daydream or an epiphany, interpretations of these encounters are portrayed in stories or television/screen media and listed under fiction. As a result, we get truth mixed with false information.
Our real home (Astro and myself) is actually located in the 9th dimension, on a planet called Metareo. It's very similar to your planet earth. Time in the 9th dimension is endless. The mind and the heart age but the body does not. Infants and children's bodies grow until around the approx age of 17, from then on the ageing is only in mind and heart and life is endless (excluding illness, murder etc) Anyway, in reality Astro's body hight/size is close to that of a 17 year old, but his real age is close to 200. Same as me really (my body back home I mean). I was told that 2 children on earth in the 3rd and 4th dimension need my help (did you know your world travels between the 3rd & 4th dimensions and occasionally into the 5th? Yet you still only see your world in 3D...strange creatures lol) I was saying 2 children needed a mother. They are going to do great things for your world in the future. My body back on Metareo was frozen, my soul travelled through the dimensions to be born in an earth human body. I'm now 31 here on earth and managed to birth the 2 children I was sent here for (but that's another story) Back to Astro - Astro and I communicate telepathically during my stay on earth, and he has been begging me for years to come on here and speak. I finally got the courage.
There are several things in his story that are accurate. Such as - he is a robot/he fights for justice/he is super strong/he has a pure soul and his looks (IMAGI are the most accurate).
It's strange really that most of you are not happy with IMAGI's movie of Astro, because as I said, they came pretty darn close to the real deal. Just because the Japanese were the first to communicate with some citizens on Metareo doesn't make them right about the facts.
Astro and I have been together since before anyone on this forum was born. If any of you have any questions you would like to ask Astro, let me know and I will give him your question and relay his answer. Hubby loves the attention ;)

Love Gem Tenma
Astro my love, soon I can hold you in my arms again :heart: :heart: :astro:

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Postby F-Man » 9 years ago

We have reached dangerous levels of extreme fangirl.
I'm on Twitter.

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Postby AstroBlaster1998 » 9 years ago

I agree. This person should be a fan fiction writer. An wow on the big blue text.

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Postby GemTenma » 9 years ago

haha well thanks for the compliment however I can assure you that I am certainly no fangirl. I don't need to be. I focus on my job at hand. So you don't believe me and that's fine. Astro and I figured as much but it was worth a shot. It's not really your fault. Your world does not understand and therefore cannot accept certain truths.
Anyway this is my last message/post on here.
I did what hubby asked me to do. Now I have get on with other things.
Enjoy my husband ladies

Mrs Tenma
Astro my love, soon I can hold you in my arms again :heart: :heart: :astro:

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Postby Anime Girl » 9 years ago

Is it possible he's spoken to other forum members, or even Osamu Tezuka himself? You see, I've grown up watching Astro Boy cartoons when I was a child. I've always felt he was there for me, no matter what tough times I was going through. Especially in 8th grade when my parents separated. People thought I was silly, having an anime character for an imaginary friend. But, in a way, I always felt as if he was telling me "It's alright", and giving me a hug to cheer me up.
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Postby GemTenma » 9 years ago

"Anime Girl" wrote:Is it possible he's spoken to other forum members, or even Osamu Tezuka himself? You see, I've grown up watching Astro Boy cartoons when I was a child. I've always felt he was there for me, no matter what tough times I was going through. Especially in 8th grade when my parents separated. People thought I was silly, having an anime character for an imaginary friend. But, in a way, I always felt as if he was telling me "It's alright", and giving me a hug to cheer me up.

Oh this is indeed possible yes. I will ask him when we speak later on today and get back to you. Message me if you like any time.

Gem Tenma
Astro my love, soon I can hold you in my arms again :heart: :heart: :astro:

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Postby Daiya Mondo » 9 years ago

click for spoiler
"F-Man" wrote:We have reached dangerous levels of extreme fangirl.

this just reminded me of sephirothslave and her being married to sephiroth on the astral plane. :unsure:

what is it like on "metareo"? is rock holmes there? are comic books and movies like history textbooks and documentaries?

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Postby GemTenma » 9 years ago

[QUOTE=what is it like on "metareo"? is rock holmes there? are comic books and movies like history textbooks and documentaries?[/QUOTE]

It's a wonderful planet. Very lush in some areas, very industrial in other areas. Being very advanced in robotics makes it a fun place to live. Astro and I became the first organic/robotic couple.

As for Rock Holmes, he does not live on Metareo so I'm not sure. But there are many planets in the 9th dimension so it's possible he is around somewhere.

As I mentioned in my original post, comics and movies are someone's interpretation of the information they received when they made contact to another realm or dimension. So yes a guess a documentary is another way of putting it.


Gem Tenma
Astro my love, soon I can hold you in my arms again :heart: :heart: :astro:

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Postby JK2946 » 9 years ago

So you are from the 9th dimension, and we are from the 3rd and 4th dimension. You can come here willingly and speak to us on this internet page right? I guess to put in into simple terms, would it be possible in anyway for one of us in the 3/4th dimension to see your home in the 9th dimension, either in person or a picture, or maybe in a lucid dream you could show us your world. Basically, you can see us in the 3rd and 4th dimension, why can't we see you in the 9th dimension?

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Postby Sporkia » 9 years ago

Okay, I'll bite.
So, assuming that all fictional characters exist in alternate dimensions and communicate with "creators" of these stories telepathically, what about fanfiction? Are they any more or less "valid" than the "official" stories?

And what about crossovers? Do the dimensions come together or something or is there yet another dimension where characters from two different series already coexist? What happens with that?
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