Save The Axiom

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Save The Axiom

Postby LYScienceLover » 14 years ago

Here is chapter 1 of my Astro Boy 1980's version and WALL-E crossover fan fiction, Save The Axiom. Enjoy!

It was nighttime when a small silver spacecraft landed in front of Astro’s house. Out of the spacecraft came a small female alien, which had green skin, a single antenna on top of her head, two blue eyes, and hands that had only four fingers. Astro was awake and he saw the spacecraft land. “Whoa!” Astro exclaimed as the spacecraft landed and the female alien stepped out of the spacecraft. “Mom, dad there’s a spaceship in front of our house!” Astro told his robotic parents as he rushed out the front door to meet the female alien. “Are you Astro?” the female alien asked Astro as he walked over to her. “Yes I am. Who are you?” Astro replied. “My name is Christina and I have traveled all this way to your planet because I need your help.” Christina told Astro. “Oh. What do you need my help with?” Astro asked. “You see Astro, my species have developed a time portal device. I have been using that device to make sure that the future of your planet is OK. But when I looked 775 years into the future I saw that your planet has become covered in trash and that all of the humans have left the planet in luxury spaceships the biggest of which is called the Axiom. Well, the Axiom has a big problem. Two robots named Auto and Go-4 have taken complete control of the ship and are preventing the ship from ever returning back to Earth. I believe that the Axiom will never return to Earth unless I send you Astro to the year 2805 so that you can defeat Auto and Go-4 and get the Axiom safely back to Earth.” Christina explained to Astro. “So would you please come with me into my spacecraft?” Christina asked Astro. “I don’t know. Will I be gone long?” Astro replied with a bit of worry in his voice for he knew that his parents, Dr. Elefun and Daddy Walrus would surely worry about him if he were gone too long. “Don’t worry. With the power of time travel, you will be gone for only a few minutes even if you spend weeks, months or even years in the future. So will you help me?” Christina asked Astro again. “Sure. So is your time portal inside of your spaceship here?” Astro asked Christina. “Oh no. This spaceship is just a landing ship. My time portal is in my main ship which is up in orbit right now.” Christina told Astro as she led him to her spacecraft. “Would you please wait for a second Christina? I have to get something from my room.” Astro asked Christina. “Sure.” Christina replied with a smile. Astro soon returned with a small bag. “So what is in the bag Astro?” Christina asked Astro when he returned. “Just a few energy cassettes. I don’t want to run out of energy while I’m in the future.” Astro replied.
As Christina’s landing ship climbed through Earth’s atmosphere Astro asked Christina if she was going to come with him to the year 2805. “I am not going to with you Astro because you must complete this mission yourself and also because I must be at the controls so that I will be able to open a time portal back to my ship once you have completed your mission. I hope that you understand Astro.” Christina replied. “Sure I understand.” Astro replied back. They soon reached Christina’s main ship. Once aboard Christina told Astro that she is sending him a bit earlier in time so that he will be able to build a strong friendship with the two main robots named WALL-E and EVE who will help him defeat Auto and Go-4. “Once you arrive in 2805, look for a small box-shaped robot on treads named WALL-E and stick with him wherever he goes. OK?” Christina instructed Astro as she powered up her time portal and set the destination time. “Good luck Astro!” I know that you can do it!” Christina shouted to Astro as he began to fly through the portal. “Thanks Christina! I won’t fail you!” Astro replied back.

So what do you think of my story so far?

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Beyond the Stars
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Postby avatargirl » 14 years ago

lOVE THE STORY AND ASTRO BOY making friends- LYScienceLover

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Kokoro Robot
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Postby LYScienceLover » 14 years ago

Here it is! Chapter 2! In this chapter, Astro and WALL-E meet. Enjoy!

Once Astro arrived in the year 2805, he saw that the landscape was totally different. The world now was basically a trash-covered desert. As Astro flew through a city filled with vacant, crumbling buildings and towers of trash which he saw were neatly cubed and stacked as far as his eyes could see, Astro passed by a holo-graphic billboard activating its message as he flew past. “Too much garbage in your face? There’s plenty of space out in space! BnL star liners leaving each day. We’ll clean up the mess while you’re away!” Astro flew over an old freeway overpass, activating another ancient billboard. Through the smoggy haze, the image of a sparkling BnL star liner flashed onto the screen. Its happy passengers appeared to be enjoying all the amenities of a luxury cruise ship. “The jewel of the BnL fleet: The Axiom!” the announcer’s voice boomed. “Spend your five-year cruise in style….” “The Axiom!” the voice exclaimed proudly. “Putting the ‘star’ in ‘executive star liner.’” In the distance across a bay that had dried up long ago, Astro could see a battered old BnL truck and rolling up to it was a small cube-shaped robot. “That must be WALL-E.” Astro thought to himself. He quickly flew over to the small cube-shaped robot. “Are you WALL-E?” Astro asked the small cube-shaped robot. Upon hearing Astro’s voice, the small cube-shaped robot turned around and once he saw Astro the small robot instantly cubed himself up. Astro landed and walked over to the small robot. “Hey little guy, you don’t have to be scared. I won’t hurt you. I’m a robot just like you.” Astro said in a calm voice. Upon hearing this, the small robot poked his head out. “So is your name WALL-E?” Astro asked the small robot. The small robot by now has completely unboxed himself. The small robot tried to form his beeping noises into the sound of his name. “WALL-E.” he replied. “Great! My name is Astro.” Astro introduced himself to WALL-E. “Astro.” WALL-E beeped out Astro’s name. WALL-E turned around and started rolling up the ramp into the truck and Astro followed the little robot. “Nice place you got here WALL-E.” Astro commented as he looked around WALL-E’s truck. WALL-E by now had gotten his treads off and was busy inserting an old VHS tape into his VCR. Once his movie starting playing, WALL-E grabbed Astro’s hand and led him over to his TV set. “Wow. So you like old movies huh?” Astro asked the little robot. WALL-E nodded his head. WALL-E then began to put away all of the interesting items he had found that day which included a spork, a rubix cube and a lighter. As he listened to the background music from the video, WALL-E perked up. He moved among his many treasures, stopping often in front of the fuzzy images scrolling across his television screen. The actors were singing and dancing to the song WALL-E had been humming all day. He paused, waiting for the next part. When it came, he hit the Record button on his chest and moved closer. WALL-E could see that the actors were not dancing now. They were walking together and looking into each other’s eyes. Then they took each other’s hands.
WALL-E tilted his head, his large eyes gazing tenderly at the screen. He interlocked his own two robotic hands And for a moment the lonely robot wondered what it would be like to hold someone else’s hand. Astro, who was busy looking at WALL-E’s collection of items turned around and walked toward the lonely little robot and stood beside WALL-E and put his hand on top of WALL-E’s chest. “You’re very lonely aren’t you WALL-E? But don’t worry you now have me to keep you company.” Astro told WALL-E in a quiet voice. WALL-E seemed to cheer up a bit at this, but he was still a bit lonely.
Later that night, WALL-E rolled outside with Astro following him and he turned over his collection box to clean it out. He pressed the Play button on his chest and listened to the song again. Although the little robot wasn’t programmed to understand romance, it was romance the pulsed through his circuits. It was this same strange impulse that made WALL-E gaze up at the few stars visible through the polluted haze and wish for someone else besides his new friend Astro to share his world.
Suddenly, WALL-E’s internal systems gave him a warning sign. The wind was picking up again. WALL-E checked the horizon. A massive sandstorm was approaching across the dried-up bay. “What’s going on WALL-E?” Astro asked the little robot. WALL-E just pointed ahead of him and Astro at the approaching sandstorm. “Oh no. It’s a sandstorm! We better get inside quickly!” Astro said in a worried voice.
WALL-E and Astro swiftly headed back into the truck. He was familiar with the dangers of being caught in a sandstorm-air so clogged with dirt and debris that he wouldn’t be able to see; whipping winds that would fill every crevice in his robotic joints with sand; and, of course, the chance of being buried. This time he and Astro were lucky: they were close to the safety of his truck.
A blinding wave of sand roared closer as WALL-E and Astro entered the truck and WALL-E began to raise its door. He stopped for a moment, remembering, and then turned and made a robotic noise-like a whistle-to call for his cockroach. The door shut just as the storm hit, with both master and pet and their new friend safe inside their little home.
WALL-E unwrapped a BnL sponge cake and set it on a self. Still moist from the preservatives that had kept intact for centuries, the little cake made a comfy cockroach bed.
WALL-E collapsed into a box shape and backed into an empty self. Rocking the shelf back and forth like a cradle, he closed his eyes and shut down for the night. Astro laid down on the hard floor next to WALL-E and fell asleep.

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