World's first Astro Boy Convention

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World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby Dizrythmia » 7 months ago


The world's first Astro Boy convention is happening in Melbourne, in February 2024. You can meet Patricia Kugler Whitely, Astro Boy himself! There's opportunities for photographs, autographs and a VIP lunch with Patty, so you can ask her all those pressing questions.

Sorry to come on here and sound like an advertisement, but here is the link if you're interested:

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby jeffbert » 7 months ago

"Patricia Whitley, the voice of Astor Boy from the popular 1980's series will be chatting with fans, telling us about the recording process and sharing many behind the scenes stories."

Hmm, was that a typo or omission? Could have said Voice of Astor Boynton/Astro Boy. Hmm.

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby InsaneAstroBoyLover » 7 months ago

Wow, I wish I had the means to travel out to Australia :P this looks super fun!

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby DrFrag » 7 months ago

I've love to go to this but it'd be $500+ just for my airfare and accommodation.

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby Kirben » 5 months ago

Some feedback, in case you attempt similar in the future:
Your talk on the English side on Astro Boy 80s was really interesting, but it wasn't the advertised 'Tezuka Talk: A Deep Dive into Astro Boy'. I was expecting an in depth on Astro Boy the character, and you didn't mention anything beyond the 80s series.
The Q & A was really disappointing, because she really couldn't talk in depth about Astro Boy. The questions failed to give any real insight, with short answers, and the organizer had to keep prompting to keep it going. She was very friendly and nice, but it was basically just a job she had fun doing with friends, which was forgotten right after, and never followed up upon.
Some real Astro Boy merchandise from Japan would have been good to have on offer too.

It would have been better marketed as just a 'Day with Patricia Whitely', without any specific panels. Great for anyone wanting to meet Patricia Whitely, or get autographs/photos, but not for anyone looking for something more in depth.

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby Dizrythmia » 5 months ago

I hate replying to these things over text, as they can be seen as biting or aggressive. Keep in mind, that is not the tone I am aiming to use here. No aggression implied.

Kirben wrote:Some feedback, in case you attempt similar in the future:

It wasn't my first talk, nor is it likely to be my last. I was disappointed in it because I was running on 4 hours sleep. My son doesn't like hotel rooms, and the lack of sleep made him pretty grumpy during the day. My poor wife had to keep taking him out the room as he kept crying.

Kirben wrote:Your talk on the English side on Astro Boy 80s was really interesting, but it wasn't the advertised 'Tezuka Talk: A Deep Dive into Astro Boy'. I was expecting an in depth on Astro Boy the character, and you didn't mention anything beyond the 80s series.

Appreciate the compliment, but it was exactly as advertised. The deep dive was into Astro Boy, the series, not the character. I did briefly mention the 60s series at the start (you can't NOT mention it), but why would I focus on that or go beyond the 80s series when that is what the guest starred in? Anyone who follows me on Twitter (@dizrythmia) knows the 80s series is my speciality research area. It would be inauthentic for me to step outside that because it wouldn't be information I had sourced.

As well as that, the talk was 90 minutes (supposed to be 60 minutes) about a 52 episode TV series from the 80s. The dives don't get much deeper than that, and I could have kept talking...

Kirben wrote:The Q & A was really disappointing, because she really couldn't talk in depth about Astro Boy. The questions failed to give any real insight, with short answers, and the organizer had to keep prompting to keep it going. She was very friendly and nice, but it was basically just a job she had fun doing with friends, which was forgotten right after, and never followed up upon.

You were welcome to ask clarifying questions if you wanted to know more. Patty would have loved to do more episodes if that was an option.

Considering this was Patty's first ever fan event, I think she did well.

Kirben wrote:Some real Astro Boy merchandise from Japan would have been good to have on offer too.

The organisers don't sell merch. That's up to the vendors, but the prices on specialty imported products would have been pretty high compared to pop vinyls. I'm not a pop vinyl fan either, but I get that they're popular.

Kirben wrote:It would have been better marketed as just a 'Day with Patricia Whitely', without any specific panels. Great for anyone wanting to meet Patricia Whitely, or get autographs/photos, but not for anyone looking for something more in depth.

This feedback would be best given to First Contact Conventions. You can use the Contact page on their website.

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby jeffbert » 5 months ago

It seems that people's expectations were a bit too high. Perhaps their ideas of what content would be covered there were also off the mark. ;)

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Re: World's first Astro Boy Convention

Postby Kirben » 5 months ago

Dizrythmia wrote:Appreciate the compliment, but it was exactly as advertised. The deep dive was into Astro Boy, the series, not the character. I did briefly mention the 60s series at the start (you can't NOT mention it), but why would I focus on that or go beyond the 80s series when that is what the guest starred in? Anyone who follows me on Twitter (@dizrythmia) knows the 80s series is my speciality research area. It would be inauthentic for me to step outside that because it wouldn't be information I had sourced.

As well as that, the talk was 90 minutes (supposed to be 60 minutes) about a 52 episode TV series from the 80s. The dives don't get much deeper than that, and I could have kept talking...

First Contact Conventions only listed the title for the panel, and no description, that was the issue. I would suggest clarifying the title next time though (i.e. A Deep Dive into Astro Boy 1980s), it isn't good to assume people will know your area of expertise.

Dizrythmia wrote:
Kirben wrote:The Q & A was really disappointing, because she really couldn't talk in depth about Astro Boy. The questions failed to give any real insight, with short answers, and the organizer had to keep prompting to keep it going. She was very friendly and nice, but it was basically just a job she had fun doing with friends, which was forgotten right after, and never followed up upon.

You were welcome to ask clarifying questions if you wanted to know more. Patty would have loved to do more episodes if that was an option.

The questions people were asking were fine, she just couldn't provide what people were looking for, in terms of detail.

Kirben wrote:This feedback would be best given to First Contact Conventions. You can use the Contact page on their website.

Noted, I will send the details to them.

jeffbert wrote:It seems that people's expectations were a bit too high. Perhaps their ideas of what content would be covered there were also off the mark. ;)

No, it was a bad idea, and should have been photos/signings only. I have been to panels at many conventions over the years, and I remember the Star Trek ones long ago. There have been a few unusual ones, but I have never had one before, where the guest couldn't talk much about the subject. Usually the guest talks too much, and they have to limit the questions allowed, since time is reached.

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