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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

On the B&W series, I believe it to be either Astroboy goes to school, or A Wonderful Christmas. The former because Atom somehow ends up under the duncecap, and several other cute gags, not to mention the refueling gag. While the latter, because the way the robotic house rocks the kid and all his animal friends to sleep, the wind up key on the bad guys' tank, and the suction cups they shoot at Atom, and Uran on skis. Note that I have only seen the 36 that are available through The Right Stuf, so my comments pertain to those alone.

Without a doubt, the color remake's funniest has to be The Robot Vikings. There are dozens of sight-gags in just the first few minutes, even Osama takes part in one. It happens so quickly, that I had to rewind the tape and view in slow motion just to be sure, but there he was. The gags that occured while Atom was dressed in his puppy-dog costume were also very amusing, and those were all I remembered until viewing it again yesterday. That one must be the funniest!


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Postby DrFrag » 21 years ago

I've only seen two episodes in B&W so I can comment even less on that.

I have to agree the The Robot Vikings had the funniest bits in the colour series. The bit at the start where the television falls on the robot's head, then a picture of a head appears on the television screen was a classic. And in one of the offices the Vikings smashed up, boxes and paper flying everywhere. If you freeze-frame it, one of the boxes has Tezuka Productions written on it! The fight scene was good too, with the Vikings hitting traffic lights and ending up inside cars.
I didn't spot Osamu, I'll have to watch it again and look out for him.

My favourite funny line in the whole of Astroboy was in The Monster Of Clarken. Astro had just finished fighting some sharks and got rid of them by throwing them onto a fishing boat. After all the sharks had finished landing around the robot fishermen, one of them turned to the other and said "Sharks? I don't think the weatherman said anything about sharks." :lol:

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

Look at the tv screen that lands on the Woman robot's head. I did not know anything about Osamu the first time I saw it, so it did not click at that time. You will probably need to use slow motion to see it clearly though, I know I did. :wahah:

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Postby Big Astro Fan » 20 years ago

I like the new episode Rocketball. Where Astro helps score a goal and loses control as he goes toward the goal. Then they show a bird on top of the goal and then the goal shakes and the bird flys off as you hear a clanging noise. I could tell what just happend. :lol: That was so funny. A cool gag.

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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

As for the new series, Atom goes to Spacecamp is the funniest one I have seen. I think it was #35. Atom has an embarassing moment in front of a teenage girl, and even has palpitations of the heart. He seems to have a thing for older women :lol:

After that Atom & Uranium both go time-travelling, and that was also very funny. it is #39.

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 20 years ago

Originally posted by jeffbert@Mar 13 2004, 03:57 AM
As for the new series, Atom goes to Spacecamp is the funniest one I have seen. I think it was #35. Atom has an embarassing moment in front of a teenage girl, and even has palpitations of the heart. He seems to have a thing for older women :lol:

Well, being only menatlly nine, all the women would have to be older. ;)

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