Astroboy the movie ( Sticky? )

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Postby sdp » 15 years ago

I'm still not liking it, I haven't liked it since the first trailer.

The promo pictures that they released first had me very excited, the first teaser had me with mixed feelings, the trailer after I didn't like and I don't like this one either.

I'm a big Astro-Boy fan (probably not as big as most people on this forum), love the 80s show, enjoy the 00's and find the 60s show amusing. I even made an Astro Boy tribute on youtube.

Astro boy looks too human and his hair is not brown and its supposed to be metal not actual hair. Don't like the designs for Tenma or Elefun either or most humans. This feels like an american CGi movie with the Astro license copy and pasted. Which is odd since Astro is not a very well known franchise to todays kids anyway. I really thought this was going to be a "love note" (for lack of a better phrase) to Astro Boy, oh well. Counting all the bad things we've heard about Imagi shortly after TMNT came out with them firing people that were working in their movies doesn't give me any hope at all....

Oh well, I'll still see it we'll see how it goes....Hope Imagi's Gigantor and Gatchaman movies look better than this.

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Postby AstroBoyGF » 15 years ago

hey look up at the left hand corner of the pic and look at the date its 4/7!! XD i was like omg!!

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 15 years ago

Not TOO keen on Tenma's look myself but I thought Elefun looks alright and Astro's hair doesn't look real to me. It may be a wee bit Ameircanized (I'm pretty sure the Japanese Astro Boy would never use the word Butt XD) but considering he was created by an artist who was in fact inspired by American animation, that doesn't sound too hard ;) Quite frankly, this feels a lot more like a "love note" than Dragonballs movie did.
Last edited by Dragonrider1227 on Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby AstroBoyGF » 15 years ago

love note?

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Postby Reno » 15 years ago

"AstroBoyGF" wrote:Image
hey look up at the left hand corner of the pic and look at the date its 4/7!! XD i was like omg!!

I don't get it :unsure:

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 15 years ago

Basically, that means the movie was made to show fans how much they care about the source material. The only thing I don't really like are how Tezuka and Hamegg look. I'll also be disappointed if the story lacks any of Tezuka's message of segregation but every comic book movie has it's flaws. Even the best of them. But personally, I think having stuff like the blue-prints be an original Manga image, Tezuka as one of the scientists, and even remembering his birthday are a good start.
Last edited by Dragonrider1227 on Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby AstroBoyGF » 15 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:Basically, that means the movie was made to show fans how much they care about the source material. The only thing I don't really like are how Tezuka and Hamegg look. I'll also be disappointed if the story lacks any of Tezuka's message of segregation but every comic book movie has it's flaws. Even the best of them. But personally, I think having stuff like the blue-prints be an original Manga image, Tezuka as one of the scientists, and even remembering his birthday are a good start.

well yeah i kno what u

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Postby Uran-chan » 15 years ago

Cool!. the movie astroboy unfortunately its not shown in here :cry:

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Postby Anapan » 15 years ago

Gotta say, I'm not really too excited about the movie. I loved the 80's version (I grew up with my hero so of course I'd prefer it), watched a bunch of the 60's episodes, read most of the original manga translated by Darkhorse and even enjoyed the comic remake by NOW - as much as it strayed from the original format it still made for a good read - especially #15 where Astro read to his sister Vortex#4 for her bedtime story - Ken Steacy at his best there. At their time they used the the best of what was available to convey a very important message. I think from the source material from this movie it's kinda lost something. I was severely disappointed by the 2003 version. I can see how some of the members here like it because it was their first introduction to Astro, but it's just lost something from what the originals tried to convey. I see that same thing lacking in the movie. I won't be going to the theaters for it. Maybe it's because Tezuka san isn't there to work his magic.

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Postby Uran-chan » 15 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:Not TOO keen on Tenma's look myself but I thought Elefun looks alright and Astro's hair doesn't look real to me. It may be a wee bit Ameircanized (I'm pretty sure the Japanese Astro Boy would never use the word Butt XD) but considering he was created by an artist who was in fact inspired by American animation, that doesn't sound too hard ;) Quite frankly, this feels a lot more like a "love note" than Dragonballs movie did.

Agreed in japan creators of astroboy would never use the word butt . this is only a hunch but i think the japan walt disney would like to be good influwence on other people specialy kids i think they predicted that many kids will watch the show(Like me:lol :) soo they don t use any major nor minor words like that
i don t know if thats true..but thats only my hunch...

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