Astroboy 2009: The re-script

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Astroboy 2009: The re-script

Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

I have finished my attempt at re-writing the movie script. I'll post it or if some of you wish to read it and comment about it I could send it by e-mail.

Of course...major spoilage warning.
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Postby happymoments » 14 years ago

Oh! Please do! XD

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Postby ebronstein » 14 years ago

Great. So I assume you didn't like the movie. Because to be honest, I sure didn't.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

It was a nice effort flawed in some ways and released at a poor time.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

Yeah, it could've been released at a better time.
I want to read your approach to this

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

and so....


Re-writing the Script

By Dan Rush

Tetsuwan Atom © 1954, 1980, 2003 Osamu Tezuka
© 2009 Imagi All rights respected. For non-profit fandom only.
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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Characters and Voice Actors

President Lear: Samuel L Jackson

General Stone: Donald Southerland

Astro/Toby: Freddie Highmore

Bill Tenma: Gabriel Byrne

Albert Elefun: Bill Nightly

Ham Egg: Nathan Lane

Mr. Mustashio: Ryan Stiles

Zog: Michael Dorn

Grace/Widget: Madeline Carroll

Orin: Eugene Levy

Our friends narrator: Mila Kunis

Professor Osamu: John Lovitz

Cora: Kristen Bell
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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago


Production company credits

Starting off in the black with no noise

Dedicated to Osamu Tezuka

Begin the Blue Energy effects. Begin Music

Note: The “Astro Track” of the movie has been dumped for the 1993 track produced by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. This track would be “Upgunned” with new tempo and put the original Astroboy theme into the movie.


Starring the voices of

Freddie Highmore

Kristen Bell

John Mallklovitch

Donald Southerland

Bill Nightly

Gabriel Byrne

Nathan Lane

Michael Dorne

End scene: flow through the blue tunnel and into a black hole.
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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene One

“Our Friends the Robots”

Opening from black: This scene begins with the public service film “Our friends the robots”, a take off on the old school films of the 1950’s

Narrator: In the beginning, robots were the fanciful dreams of great science fiction writers like Jules Verne, Issac Asimov and others who believed that one day many of man’s daily tasks could be carried on by mechanical beings we eventually called robots.

The first robots were crude, certainly no different than the old fashioned remote controlled toys played with by your grandparents. And of course, they were not all that smart were they?

But as time progressed and technology improved, mankind finally realized that long desired dream of a healthy automated society. Welcome friends to Metro City, a city enhanced and made possible by our friends….the robots!

Robots have progressed in technology to take over many of the dangerous, tedious and absolutely unnecessary work once performed by humans. From cleaning our homes to doing our shopping to taking on the most dangerous of everyday duties, robots have made our city a better place.

And here is the man responsible for the fastest advances in robot technology, Doctor William Tenma! He not only advanced the intelligence of robots but greatly improved the production process to keep their delivery up to speed when our old friends reach the end of their useful lives. And don’t worry about your old friend when he wears out because as fast as he’s carted off to the dump a new one is brought in to keep up the good work!

Without the robots where our great city would be today? Our protectors, our servants, our friends. Thanks a lot robots! Have a can of oil on us!

Scene two
Class exam

Moustachio clicks off the viewer as the students yawn and stretch from the video.

Kenichi, sitting next to Toby Tenma, butts him in the side.

Kenichi: That was exciting huh?

Toby: Yeah…like pulling a bee stinger from my butt.

Moustachio: Ok class….pop quiz.

Moustachio goes to dim the class room as the kids moan and complain.

Little girl: I’m so busted.

Moustachio: You have 3 hours to complete the exam…ready? Begin.

Toby sits for a moment with his pen twirling in his fingers before he whips through the exam and pulls the zip strip from a USB port. He raises his hand.

Moustachio: Yes Toby? Is there a problem.

Toby: No teacher…I’m finished and I’d like to leave.

Moustachio: Leave?

Toby walks up to the teacher’s desk.

Toby: Yeah. It’s not like the quiz was exactly rocket science.

Moustachio takes the zip strip.

Moustachio: I guess there’s no point in you staying is there? Give my regards to your father and thank him for fixing the classroom computer desks will you?

Moustachio pops the zip strip into his desk computer and it pops the grade of 100%

Toby walks out waving.

Toby: By guys!

School books smack into the door when it closes.
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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene Three
Toby and Orin

Toby walks from the school and tosses his bag in the air.

Toby: Think fast Orin!

Toby climbs into the car and pushes a button next to his seat. A holograph of Doctor Tenma appears to be sitting next to him.

Tenma: You’re out early again Son?

Toby: Yeah. Moustachio threw a pop quiz that wasn’t so quizzy.

Tenma: Now Toby I don’t want you to get complacent. Just because you can leave school early doesn’t mean you can take the rest of the day at that skateboard park. Onward and upward right?

Toby: Sure Dad.

Toby starts playing with a PSP in his hands.

Toby: I need more challenging games.

Tenma: By the way Son? I know I promised to be at your science fair presentation tomorrow but I’m afraid I have to take another rain check.

Toby: But Dad! You promised!

Tenma: It’s unavoidable Toby. You understand the demands of my work?

Toby: Yeah…the demands always win over me.

Tenma: Sigh…son…this is important. We’re nearing the final research stage for the Peacekeeper system. I plan to test it this afternoon after a conference meeting.

Toby: Will you let me watch?

Tenma: Toby?

Toby: Please Dad?

Tenma: I gave Orin exclusive instructions to take you home. I want you to study till 3 o’clock Toby, no excuses. I’ll see you when I get home.

Tenma vanishes. Toby starts getting ideas.

Toby: Hey Orin? Take me to the Ministry of Science?

Orin: I can’t Master Toby. The Doctor said you have to go home.

Toby: Oh did he?

Toby messes with Orin’s head.

Orin: Hey! What are you doing?! Cut that out!

Toby closes the panel

Toby: Now what were you saying Orin?

Orin: Next stop…the Ministry of Science!

The limo is shown driving down the elevated highway towards the Ministry.
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