This movie makes me sad...

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Postby TasZero » 14 years ago

The plot has never been set in stone. At least as far as I know. It just seems to me like your resistant to change, which I don't have a problem with.
I do know that I prefer change to seeing the same thing again and again. The 03 series would have been incredibly dry if it were exactly the same as the 80's series and the 80's series wouldn't have been as interesting if it were exactly the same as the older material.

Plenty of characters were added for the 8's series that weren't in the older one and they did different things too. Adding things isn't bad at all, new material is god, it also helps people find the series and perhaps enjoy the older versions they haven't seen before. (like I did when I watched the 03 version then watched the 80's one)

I find it interesting to see Tenma working on a different project. What did he do in all the other series while Toby was still alive? Tenma had to be doing something, the movie gives us the approach that he was focusing on military projects, meanwhile Elefun is working in a completely different department by working on the core energy.

I have no problem with the cores at all, it modernizes Astroboy, Nuclear power is largely an old idea, so where better to go from there than to "Star Power". As far as I know most children don't associate the word Nuclear with something positive so Blue and Red are much easier to understand. Pity Stone is a bit thick.

The old Astroboy isn't dead, otherwise they wouldn't have released dvds. Just, like anything more than a few years old, its out of date by most standards. So, the fans are a bit hard to come by, most being those who grew up with it. I'm simply glad Astroboy is still in production, there are plenty of other older characters who disappeared from the public eye many years ago.
Lets back it up nice and slow now...

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Postby jeffbert » 14 years ago

"Uran&Astro1980" wrote:In my opinion, I think they messed it up. They changed the plot... A LOT... And there isn't suppose to be any blue or red cores!

I believe it was better to have Ochanomizu develop the Blue Core than to have Tenma do that and create the robot also. As it is, the two of them, working on different projects naturally came together when the power source was to be used in the PEACEKEEPER. Granted, the BLUE STAR--just kidding, no need for any angelic voices "oohing" (If you don't get it, tough)-- the BLUE CORE was only necessary because something had to make the thing go berserk, oops, it was the red core, my bad! So the plot had this big robot that goes nuts, & they needed a reason why; hence, the red core. I suppose the BC came about simply to give Atom his uniqueness; his HEART.

"TasZero" wrote:The plot has never been set in stone. At least as far as I know. It just seems to me like your resistant to change, which I don't have a problem with.
I do know that I prefer change to seeing the same thing again and again. The 03 series would have been incredibly dry if it were exactly the same as the 80's series and the 80's series wouldn't have been as interesting if it were exactly the same as the older material.

Plenty of characters were added for the 8's series that weren't in the older one and they did different things too. Adding things isn't bad at all, new material is god, it also helps people find the series and perhaps enjoy the older versions they haven't seen before. (like I did when I watched the 03 version then watched the 80's one)

I find it interesting to see Tenma working on a different project. What did he do in all the other series while Toby was still alive? Tenma had to be doing something, the movie gives us the approach that he was focusing on military projects, meanwhile Elefun is working in a completely different department by working on the core energy.

I have no problem with the cores at all, it modernizes Astroboy, Nuclear power is largely an old idea, so where better to go from there than to "Star Power". As far as I know most children don't associate the word Nuclear with something positive so Blue and Red are much easier to understand. Pity Stone is a bit thick.

The old Astroboy isn't dead, otherwise they wouldn't have released dvds. Just, like anything more than a few years old, its out of date by most standards. So, the fans are a bit hard to come by, most being those who grew up with it. I'm simply glad Astroboy is still in production, there are plenty of other older characters who disappeared from the public eye many years ago.

While I do agree that some changes are good, others are simply taking it too far. I do agree with Uran&Astro1980 that the BC was a bad change, perhaps I should say an unnecessary change; but with the degree of involvement of the American screenwriters, we should not be surprised. What is a bit surprising, is that Tezuka Co. endorsed the script, or, so I assume.

Compare this with Urasawa's Pluto, there is a very strict adherance to the book in PLUTO. Granted, the elements of the war and such, are new, but in a story so expanded as to fill 8 volumes, we should expect as much. Yet, there is a wealth of elements from all over the Astroboy corpus in PLUTO. I have mixed feelings about this film; true, the Cores are more fantasy than scifi, but there is a grey area between the two. I would have preferred Hamegg was skinny, but that was only a very minor detail.

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Postby TasZero » 14 years ago

"jeffbert" wrote: I believe it was better to have Ochanomizu develop the Blue Core than to have Tenma do that and create the robot also. As it is, the two of them, working on different projects naturally came together when the power source was to be used in the PEACEKEEPER. Granted, the BLUE STAR--just kidding, no need for any angelic voices "oohing" (If you don't get it, tough)-- the BLUE CORE was only necessary because something had to make the thing go berserk, oops, it was the red core, my bad! So the plot had this big robot that goes nuts, & they needed a reason why; hence, the red core. I suppose the BC came about simply to give Atom his uniqueness; his HEART.

Yes, having them working on different projects at the same time isn't really changing what happened in the original, rather just saying "this is what happened before."
The cores were about as simple as you can get. I mean, try explaining Astro's "Heart" to a 6-10 year old without going into detail about robotics and the workings of the human mind, while the idea may not have been taken well by some fans of the series overcomplicating it would have made the movie less accessable to the younger part of the target audience. (In my opinion anyway)
Plus remember we had a limited time frame to tell the entire story.

"jeffbert" wrote: While I do agree that some changes are good, others are simply taking it too far. I do agree with Uran&Astro1980 that the BC was a bad change, perhaps I should say an unnecessary change; but with the degree of involvement of the American screenwriters, we should not be surprised. What is a bit surprising, is that Tezuka Co. endorsed the script, or, so I assume.

Compare this with Urasawa's Pluto, there is a very strict adherance to the book in PLUTO. Granted, the elements of the war and such, are new, but in a story so expanded as to fill 8 volumes, we should expect as much. Yet, there is a wealth of elements from all over the Astroboy corpus in PLUTO. I have mixed feelings about this film; true, the Cores are more fantasy than scifi, but there is a grey area between the two. I would have preferred Hamegg was skinny, but that was only a very minor detail.

Pluto is something I really have to look up and read, until about a week ago I had never heard of it, but it sounds to me like it has an interesting story to it.

And if anyone should know about the "grey area" between fantasy and scifi, its fans of Atom from the very beginning. Huge fantasy elements are present in all of the series, so I don't have a problem at all with the writers including the fantasy element that was the BC. Of course, I respect your opinions about it.

Lets back it up nice and slow now...

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Postby clashing claws » 14 years ago

I liked the movie to...... and I also want more........... I just don't get it why they would stop making the 2nd movie :(
[sigpic][/sigpic] Astro boy is the best :D

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Postby avatargirl » 14 years ago

hi- agree ASTRO BOY is the very best- hope they do restart and make the second movie- thanks clashing claws

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Postby clashing claws » 14 years ago

"avatargirl" wrote:hi- agree ASTRO BOY is the very best- hope they do restart and make the second movie- thanks clashing claws

Your very welcome :)
[sigpic][/sigpic] Astro boy is the best :D

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Postby avatargirl » 14 years ago

hi- hugs thanks and thanks for being sweet clashing claws

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Postby clashing claws » 14 years ago

"avatargirl" wrote:hi- hugs thanks and thanks for being sweet clashing claws

Sure thing :)
[sigpic][/sigpic] Astro boy is the best :D

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Postby avatargirl » 14 years ago

thanks clashing claws i love sweetness - hugs sweetly

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Postby UraniumxAtom » 14 years ago

"Laughing Dragon" wrote:...because I want MORE.

Imagi did such a superb job with that movie. It makes me sad that many people ignored it, and that, as a result, a sequel isn't being planned (at least not at present). Astro Boy did pretty good on DVD/Blu-Ray, and people rave about it on Twitter, but I don't know if that's enough to put Astro back in action again.

It just sucks, because I want MORE. :( :astro:

I agree! They left off on a cliff-hanger when Atom punched the robotic sun! D< I DEMAND MORE, IMAGI!!! I still don't like the movie very much, but I want to see a REAL ending...[sigpic][/sigpic]
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