Astroboy 2009: The re-script

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 13
Stone’s anger

The scene shifts to Tenma’s house. A heavy knock on the door brings Orin up and he’s knocked out of the way by General Stone, his aide and several soldiers.

Stone: Out of my way you stupid rolling lamp! Search the house!

Doctor Elifun comes out and gets grabbed.

Doctor Elifun: What’s the meaning of this?!

Stone: Arrest this man for stealing state secrets! Where the hell is Tenma’s boy?!

Doctor Elifun: He isn’t here!

Doctor Tenma walks in

Doctor Tenma: What’s the meaning of this?! Let him go?!

Stone: You design an advanced robot and put the blue fusion core in it and you tell me what to do? Perhaps you can explain the behavior of your “Faux boy” over the past few hours Tenma?! You’ve created a dangerous threat to the safety of this city.

Doctor Elifun: Toby’s no threat to anyone!

Stone: A robot who can think on his own? One with such awesome power and you my fine friend who so warned us all about robots being capable of thoughts for themselves are now saying he’s not a threat?!

Stone turns to Tenma

Stone: I don’t know what you damn game is Tenma but I want that fusion core back, I want that little creation of yours back or so help you….you and this idiot here will be getting to know each other quite well in a deep dark prison cell!

Tenma: Ok General…I’ll help you find it. And when I do…I’ll remove the core and hand it over to you.

Stone turns to Elifun

Stone: Let him go. We’ll keep looking for that thing on our own.

The military people start leaving as Elifun looks out the window.

Doctor Elifun: I pray they never find you Toby.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 14
Hamegg’s Faganvile

Astro and the others arrive at Hanegg’s “Faganville” or as the sign says upon entry, “Our nuthouse…we catch em, we train em, you pay the insurance bills.”

Astro: People actually live in these ruins?

Cora: Ruins?! Oh sure….to a high up kid like you they’re ruins but to us?

Cora walks up to a door, knocks on it and a speak easy panel glides open.

Kid: What’s the pass word?

Cora: I…kick your face in if you don’t open the door?

Kid: Close enough.

The door opens to absolute insanity! Kids run amok all over the place. Astro’s ducking and dodging to avoid getting hit by flying paint balls, soccer balls, golf balls, plates being hit by sling shot rocks…pandemonium!

Grace runs up.

Grace: Hey Cora? Did you bring me something?

Cora: For a sweet little girl. Knock your socks off!

Cora gives grace a buzz saw.

Grace: All right! Banzai!

Grace goes nuts.

Astro: Are you sure that was the right thing to do?

Cora: She’s perfectly harmless.

Astro: Yeah…the trees are safe.

Cora, Sludge and Widget walk into a room where Hamegg is working.

Cora: Hamegg, we’re back!

Hamegg: Sweet! Back so soon? What did you kids get for me huh?

The kids unload their bags on the table. Astro snoops about.

Hamegg: Hmmm….alot of elbow joints and arms off some toilet cleaning bots? Guys I told you I really need some heads.

Cora: We would have had more time if the Scorpion Broth….

Astro suddenly knocks a robot apart and does a silly catching act.

Astro: Oops….sorry.

Hamegg: Who’s the new kid?

Cora: This is Astro. He saved us from the Scorpion Brothers.

Hamegg: The Scorpion Brothers? Where you from Son?

Astro: From Metro City.

Hamegg: No kidding! Heck, I’m from Metro City too! I used to work there a long time ago. So you’re probably wondering why I’d be running a crummy robot chop shop out in the middle of no where instead of staying in Metro City right?

Astro: I wasn’t really asking…

Hamegg: No problem kid. Actually I love robots. Especially the banged up ones. On Metro City I had no real freedom but here I can let the creative juices fly.

Astro: Then…you don’t enslave robots?

Cora: He ran into the RRF.

Hamegg: Slavery? Heck no! Robots are our friends! They’re the bread and butter of this place. How else could I afford to take in so many kids? To me…it’s a saintly sort of thing. Like helping the poor, healing the sick, walking on water, curing world hunger…By the way are any of you mooks hungry?

The kids gather at the big table.

Hamegg: Let me guess…take out pizza again?

Sludge: More like…taken out of the trash again.

Hamegg: Picky picky…it’s only a few days old. Look! This one’s still got topping!

Kids start grabbing for slices till…

Hamegg: Hold it! Have we forgotten something?

Hamegg looks at Astro

Hamegg: Son? Have we forgotten something?

Astro: I dunno….grace?

Hamegg: Precisely! GRACE!

Grace: What?

Hamegg: Turn the TV on honey. So Astro, do your folks know where you are?

Astro: No…I have no parents.

Hamegg: Very sad…did you lose them or did they lose you?

Astro: Actually…I’m…a….

Cora: You’re a what?

Hamegg: You’re an orphan. No worries my boy we’re all orphans here in one shape or another. It’s a parent free zone so feel free to shack up, bust a move, break a leg, cause chaos, blow the roof off…Chance!

A boy drops a box of dynamite

Hamegg: Not literally!
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 15
Hamegg and Astro

Astro is sitting in bed while the other kids are sleeping. He has to hide the sopping wet towel…and I do mean a big towel, that he’s been balling into. He straitens up just as Hamegg walks up with a lantern.

Hamegg: You ok Astro? Do you miss Metro City?

Astro: No…

Hamegg: You can’t fool me droopy eyes. I sort of miss it too but I’ll never go back. I was one of the top researchers at the Ministry of Science, right up there with Doctor Tenma.

Astro: You said you left?

Hamegg: I got tossed out. They feared my talent. This is where I fit in. I got a good sense about people Astro and I like you. There’s always room for a good kid in this family.

Astro: Thanks Hamegg.

Hamegg: Get some sleep kid.

Hamegg leaves and Trash Can barks onto Astro’s bed.

Astro: Shhhhhhh!....Don’t worry I’ll tell em soon ok? Let em get used to me first!

The scene fades out with Trash can going in circles and laying with Astro as he turns his light out.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 16
Mighty Zog

Next morning, Cora, Astro, Sludge and Widget go out on another parts hunt.

Hamegg: Good luck kids. Bring me back some good parts this time. Impress me Astro.

Astro: I’ll try Sir.

The kids walk along with Trash Can pulling on Astro’s leg

Astro: Cut it out! I’ll tell em when I’m ready!

Astro runs up to Cora

Astro: So why does Hamegg want all these parts for anyway?

Cora: They’re for his Robot Games.

Astro: Robot Games?

Cora: It’s a tradition, kind of a Roman thing.

Trash can is still barking up a storm when Widget calls Cora. Sludge stays with Astro.

Sludge: What is it boy?

Trashcan has drawn “He’s a robot” with an arrow pointing to Astro in the dirt.

Sludge: It might mean something if I could read it.

Trash can throws a fit.

Astro: Nice try rust bucket. Hahahaha….

Astro walks around till he sees Zog.

Astro: Hey Cora! I think I found something!

Cora and the others come up.

Astro: How long has that been here?

Cora: That? About a hundred years. It’s an old construction robot they just tossed here.

Astro: Think Hamegg could use it?

Astro runs down to Zog.

Cora: Sure! If he could get it back to the shop! It weights a hundred tons, what are you gonna do, throw it in your backpack?

Astro walks around Zog

Astro: She’d freak if she knew I could carry it.

Astro bends open a panel and walks into Zog’s body. He looks around, finds the name plate.

Astro: Zog huh? Hello Zog.

Astro scans around.

Astro: I know you’ve been off for a while but I know you’re not dead.

Astro opens his chest panel and applies the blue juice.

Astro: Zog…come on…I wanna help you!

Astro gets Zog to start up.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 17
Rehab Zog

The scene shifts to Hamegg training a new robot to fight in the games.

Hamegg: Ok tiger…let’s see you fight!

The bot dances around foolishly

Hamegg: Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! What do you call that? Slow dancing with the Rocketts? You wanna get your head punched off Rockem Sockem? Throw em like you mean it!

Now the bot is really getting it on.

Hamegg: Now that’s my boy!

The bot is happy.

Hamegg: You got the makings of an honest champ kid.

Suddenly the bot is squished by Zog’s foot. Hamegg shudders.

The kids: Hi Hamegg!

Astro: Sorry about your robot.

Hamegg: That’s…..ok….he wasn’t working out really…but…..WOW! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS GUY?! HE’S SOMETHING ELSE! He must have been sitting around for 50 years or more!

Hamegg walks around Zog.

Hamegg: They just don’t make em like this anymore, I mean look at those legs! And this body’s not cheep! Good old fashioned pig iron, he’s a freeking tank! And you can still see the original detailing!

Widget: Astro found him!

Cora: Got him running too. I still don’t know how he did it.

Hamegg: No kidding…what did you do?

Astro: Oh you know…I gave him a kick…like those vending machines? Give me back my money!

Hamegg: A genius who’s humble, I never thought that occurred in nature. You keep this up kid and I may have to adopt you. All right! Let’s see what you kids can turn this old boy into.

Note: With a few changes, the Zog clean up scene in the movie stays mostly unchanged. Hamegg figures out that Astro’s a robot. Astro catches Cora. The scene ends with the group photo.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 18
Cora and Astro

The scene begins with Astro saying good night to Zog. Trash can runs up and Astro plays with him.

Astro: Here boy…want the wrench?

Trash can: Bark bark

Astro: Go get it!

Astro super throws the wrench

Astro: Oops….sorry Trash can.

Astro hears Cora in Hameggs car trying to use a cell phone. He walks up and surprises her and she falls out.

Cora: Didn’t your nanny bot tell you not to sneak up on people?!

Astro: Sorry…I was just hearing you trying to talk to someone. How’s your head?

Cora: It’s still on. The connection around here is poor but they say on a clear night you can reach someone in Metro City.

Astro: You want to call Metro City?

Cora: Yeah, you never make prank calls?…if this dumb phone would ever work.

Astro: Let me see it?

Astro zaps the phone

Astro: Here. It’s kinda weak but it’ll work.

Cora: The kid has tallents

Astro: You have no idea.

Cora: Come on you guys….pick up…please? It’s me…

Astro sits on the car as Cora looks sad.

Astro: Are you ok?

Cora: Sometimes I wonder if they even care if I’m gone.

Astro: Who?

Cora: My parents.

Astro: As Hamegg says…you can’t fool me with those droopy eyes. I can tell you care.

Cora: I left because I was sick of all the rules. I wanted to do my own things but they had all these big plans for me. They never listened to what I wanted. I just didn’t know how I could fit in.

Astro: Hmph…we’re alike…in some ways anyways.

Cora: So go ahead. Tell the others I got parents and that I’m from big wonderful Metro City.

Astro: Your secrets safe with me. Can I trust you with my secret?

Cora: Of course! You’re such a good kid Astro.

Cora gets closer…

Cora: it’s getting a little chilly out here.

Astro: I didn’t notice…not like I could feel it.

Cora: So…what’s this big secret?

Astro: Well……uh….I’m…..I’m a r….r….uh….I’m really starting to like it…here…and I think?....I think…I like….you the most.

Cora smiles and rests her head on Astro’s shoulder

Cora: I can keep that secret

Astro slowly slips his arm around Cora’s shoulder and pulls her close as they look up at the sky. Scene fades out.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 19
The Robot Games

The scene opens with the robot parade through town…

Hamegg: Look at this heavy weight slugger folks! The mighty Zog! The kid in the red boots on his shoulder was the one who got this titan killing machine back on his feet, give em a hand!

Cora: Hamegg really likes you!

Astro: I like him too! What did he mean by killing machine though?

Cora: The robots fight each other till they get destroyed.

Astro: THEY WHAT?!

Cora: Yeah, but don’t worry. Zog will crush em all!

Astro: Nobody told me they had to fight?

Cora: Well what did you expect? Robot rock, paper, scissors?

The scene shifts to the RRF who are hiding in cardboard boxes

Sparx: Robot Revolutionary Front! Transform!

They pop through the boxes.

Sparx: Awsome.

Robotsky: Nice.

Fridge: Uncomfortable

Sparx: Produce…the secret weapon!

Robotsky brings out the briefcase with the feather. He opens it and pulls out a flashlight.

Robotsky: Oops! I’ve been looking for that.

Sparx: Where’s the secret weapon?

Fridge pops open to show the feather.

Sparx: I bought this shiny new briefcase for dramatic effect and you just ruined it.

Fridge: Would look good on a mantle though….if we had one.

Sparx bops the other two…

Sparx: Come on!


The scene changes back to the games and a trainer pumping up a Rocky knock off.

Trainer: There ya go kid! Yer a Tiger tank kid! A viciously fast wrecken machine! Who’s da robot!

Robot: I’m the robot!

Trainer: No mercy!

Robot: No Mercy!

Zog stomps past

Robot: Mercy?

Trainer: Nice knowin yah kid.

Astro runs behind Hamegg.

Astro: I thought you said this was a show, not a slaughter!

Hamegg: They’re just robots son.

Astro: I thought you liked robots.

Hamegg: I do! But at the end of the day kid they’re just junk waiting to happen. I know there’s more advanced ones in Metro City who can laugh and smile like us.

Astro: There are some that could even feel like you, don’t you realize that?

Hamegg: I do…which is why I can do….THIS!

Hamegg whips out the device and shocks Astro down.

Cora: What are you doing!

Hamegg: I swiped this from Tenma before he fired me!

Cora: Who cares! Why did you do that to Astro?

Hamegg: Didn’t I teach you better? He’s a robot!

Cora: No! He can’t be.

Hamegg: Not just any robot. The military is looking for him which means he’s a very powerful robot. Just what I need. Don’t tell me you liked him Cora? He’s programmed to look and sound real! You’ve been shucked all along.

Cora gets up and walks off.

Sludge: What are you gonna do to him?

Hamegg: Take a wild guess?
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 20
Robo Maximus

The scene shifts to the stadium loaded with people. Hamegg hovers overhead.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! And all you riff raff who slacked in without a ticket! We got a treat for you today! All the way from Metro City, the world’s most advanced war machine in red boots! I give you…..ASTRO BOY!

Astro comes up in the center by elevator and the camera revolves around him.

I know what you’re thinking folks…you’re thinking…”This is a killer robot?! Well my friends he’s told me what worthless, scum filled, toilet water sucking excuses for flesh that you all are! And that he can rip apart any of your metal heroes you can throw at his scrawny little hide!

The crowd boos and throws trash into the fighting field.

Sludge: He never said that?

Cora: He never said he was a robot did he?

The crowd chants FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Hamegg: This is what we’ve been waiting for! A fight between the common people and those spoiled rich Neanderthals of Metro City! Let’s get it on!

Astro throws a rock off Hamegg’s platform

Astro: I’m not fighting! I’m not going to destroy robots for your entertainment!

Hamegg flies down

Hamegg: You’ll fight you little brat! Or you’ll fry and end up as car parts!

Astro hears the door open behind him and the Samurai bot tromps out waving it’s blades.

Astro: I’m not fighting!

The samurai begins to swing viciously and Astro dodges his moves. He jumps on his back.

Astro: Stop this! I’m not going to fight you!

Astro flies up and hits the energy shield. He falls back down and avoids another swing only to see the Samurai bot cut into the stands and sends people flying.

Astro: NO!

Astro flies, flies around the Samurai bot, lifts him into the air and shorts him out.

Hamegg: Bring out the next robot!

Astro: NO!

Astro turns to see this cute little robot come out.

Cute: Let’s play.

Astro: Us?

Cute: Yes….us!

Cutie turns into a duel set of killer bots

Astro: I don’t want to fight you!

Cutie attacks and Astro quickly knocks them out


Robots come popping out of everywhere and now it’s a full on brawl. During the fight the RRF come running out and pull the secret weapon!


A flame reduces the feather to dust.

Sparx: Uh….plan B comrades.

Fridge: What’s plan B?

Robotsky: We….scream like little girls and run.


The scene shifts to General Stone and his aide.

Lieutenant: Sir! We’ve located the robot!

Stone: Prepare the troops for an airborne assault, we go in locked and loaded.

The scene shifts back to Astro dropping the last robot.

Astro: This is enough Hamegg! No more!

Hamegg: Oh no kid….you ready folks?! I bring you our newest super titan! The mighty Zog!

Zog comes stomping out

Hamegg: Zog is powered by the same energy Astro is. Let’s see what the kid can do now!

Astro stands his ground

Astro: I will not fight you Zog.

Zog towers over him

Astro: I mean it! I won’t hurt another robot!

Zog reaches down and pets Astro on the head. He lieft him up in his hand.

Hamegg: What the? What the heck is this?!

Astro: Let’s just say your box office went bust.

Hamegg flies into a rage and hits Astro and Zog with the ray

Hamegg: FIGHT!

Cora is horrified as Astro falls and writhes on the ground.

Hamegg: I’m not going to be embarrassed by a two bit piece of junk like you!

Cora chucks a rock at Hamegg and knocks off his hat.

Cora: Leave him alone!

The crowd begins to boo.


Zog becomes enraged. He knocks Hamegg off his platform and goes after him. Hamegg falls and Zog poises his big foot for a big kill.


Zog: I’m old school.

Just as Zog lowers his foot. Astro flies in and stops it.

Hamegg: Huh? What…..what kind of robot are you?

Hamegg, Astro, Zog, Cora, Widget and Sludge suddenly see the military drop from the sky, take out the overhead shield and hit the ground with troops charging towards Astro as General Stone walks out behind them.

Stone: Seize the robot and secure the area!

Soldiers gang tackle Astro. The crowd is angry and throws things on the field.

Hamegg: Hey! Under the laws of salvage…

Stone pulls a pistol

Stone: My gun…your face. I win… lose.

Hamegg: But…but I found him! There has to be a reward!

Stone: Be thankful I don’t arrest you for withholding military secrets. I’m sure I can find a reason to have you shot for espionage…get the drift circus man?

Soldiers are screaming. Zog is batting them around like toys. He snatches one off the ground.

Astro: NO!

Astro runs up and rubs Zog.

Astro: No Zog…it doesn’t matter any more…come on big guy put him down.

Stone walks up to Astro

Stone: Time to go home.

Astro is taken into the ship as Cora, Widget and Sludge run after him.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 21
Deactivation, reactivated love

Astro is handcuffed aboard the military ship as Stone walks up to him.

Stone: I was quite mistaken when I canceled this program after all. Robot boy, once the Peacekeeper is approved I’m going to reactivate the Mighty Atom project. Don’t be so glum son…your kind will make the old land mine look tame compared to the damage one of you can cause walking through the streets of an enemy city. As for me? I’m sure to beat out President Lear in the next election when I play the robot fear card.

Stone pulls out a can of oil

Stone: Care for a drink?

The soldiers laugh

The ship arrives at the Ministry of Science and Astro is marched into the lab.

Stone: The experiment is over. Remove the core and put it in the Peacekeeper now!

Doctor Elifun: For God sakes Bill…this is where we created him.

Doctor Tenma: It’s just a machine. Help me deactivate it.

Stone: Stop stalling…it’s vital to national security. The robot’s proven he’s a threat now deactivate him.

Doctor Elifun: Let me talk to him first.

Doctor Elifun: Hello Toby

Astro: Hmmm…Toby. Nobody’s call me that in a while. I tried Doctor. Tried to fit in like you said? It’s more complicated than I thought. Guess I am just a machine to be used after all.

Doctor Elifun: No! son…you’re special, you’re one of a kind, wonderful…

Astro: I always liked you Doctor Elifun.

Astro stops by Tenma but Tenma doesn’t even look at him.

Astro: I guess this was my destiny after all…goodbye Doctor Elifun.

Astro is led to the table while Elifun blocks Tenma

Doctor Elifun: Bill?....Bill this is wrong....It’s wrong and you know it!

Stone: Very touching…Lieutenant, remove Doctor Elifun! Tenma? You will remove that core now! I have a press conference for the Peacekeeper in five minutes! It’s a stupid machine without a soul or a heart now get on with it!

Tenma turns his head sharply then back to Astro as he climbs on the table and pulls his shirt up. This small act alone starts to hurt Tenma emotionally.

Tenma: I’m….I’m so… sorry.

Astro: It’s ok Dad…

Astro touches Tenma’s hand

Astro: I forgive you. I wish I could have been a better Toby for you.

Tenma removes the core and shrinks to the floor as Astro slowly deactivates

Tenma: It’s done.

Stood: Good man. When I win the Presidency, you’’ have all the funding you want to build as many little toys as you want.

Tenma snatches Stone’s arm.

Tenma: What did you call that “machine” again?

Stone: A stupid machine without a soul or a heart.

Tenma grips harder

Stone: What?.....Tenma?

Tenma: You don’t call my Son stupid.

Tenma yanks the core from Stone’s hand.

Stone: Don’t do this Tenma. I warn you…

Tenma: Then kill me.

Stone knocks the core from Tenma’s hand and it bounced to Doctor Elifun

Doctor Elifun: No! I created the core so kill me!

Stone: Hand it over!

Doctor Elifun opens his hands

Doctor Elifun: Oh my….I lost it.

Tenma runs to the control panel and closes the barrier, sealing himself and Astro from Stone.

Stone: Open it Tenma! Open it now!

Stone pulls a pistol on Doctor Elifun

Stone: I said open it!

Tenma starts putting the core back in Astro. Stone glares at Elifun

Stone: Open it.

Doctor Elifun: No…

Stone finds the card key

Doctor Elifun: Oh blast.

Astro wakes up

Astro: Dad?

Doctor Tenma: You may be a robot Toby…but you’re still my son.
The barrier starts to come up

Doctor Tenma: Fly! Go!

Astro rockets up and out of the building.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Scene 22
Battle Royal

Stone runs to the Peacekeeper

Stone: We’ll have to use the Peacekeeper to get the blue core back! Power it up!

Doctor Tenma: Stone! The red core’s too dangerous! Stop!

Stone runs to the controls and when a researcher refuses to load the core he pushes the man out of the way and loads it.

Stone: You ready to do as you’re told? You ready to rock and roll? Destroy the boy robot and retrieve the blue core…DO IT!

The Peacekeeper surges up, snatches Stone and pulls him inside it.

Doctor Elifun: Oh no….EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!

People run as the Peacekeeper starts wrecking the inside of the building. Outside an officer and the press are waiting for General Stone. The Peacekeeper crashes through the front of the building and walks up to the mic.

Peacekeeper: Tap tap…is this thing on?

The press scream and run. Inside the General’s aid is calling for help.

Aid: The Peacekeeper! Yes it’s out of control! Send in the Bulldogs now!

Bull dog interceptors close in and get sucked into the Peacekeeper’s matrix. The scene shifts to Astro who lands on a street as the Dragon flies overhead and vanishes behind some buildings. There’s brief explosions then….nothing till he hears the Peacekeeper.

Peacekeeper: Where are you robot boy?

The now morphed monster comes over the tops of some buildings.

Astro: Oh no….

Peacekeeper: Come out, come out wherever you are….There you are…

The Peacekeeper surges up and unloads, chasing Astro with a wall of fire. It wrecks everything in its path! Astro flies up into the sky and hovers as the Peacekeeper begins a rampage through the city.

Suddenly…Astro sees a flashing indicator in his eyes…


He suddenly feels strange and his forearms transform into the duel Arm Cannons.

Astro: What?!.....Oh….COOL!

He cuts loose a barrage and flies backwards from the recoil. The energy balls slam into the Peacekeeper and make it even more enraged!

Back at the hideout. Cora and the other kids are watching the battle on television. Cora suddenly sees Hamegg ditching out. She runs after him and slides to block the car.

Cora: Sorry, but I’m borrowing the car.

Hamegg: I think not! You brats are on your own!

Cora snaps her fingers and Zog rips the top of the car off and throws Hamegg out. Widget, Sludge and Trash can pile in.

Sludge: Let me guess? We’re going to help Astro?

Cora: No duh!

Widget: Giggles….she loves him.

Sludge: I told you she was weird.

Cora: You wanna get out and walk?!

Back in the city, Astro catches a little girl before she falls out of a window, drops her to a nanny bot…

Astro: Get out of here! hurry up!

And flies back up letting loose a barrage of cannon fire till he’s close enough to fly circles around the Peacekeeper, grab it and flip it like a judo wrestler. The resulting crash sends a building on top of the Peacekeeper.
Astro flies down to a group of obviously crazy reporters. We see this from the camera view…

Reporter: It’s absolute pandemonium down here! This little robot….

Astro pushes the reporters around…

Astro: I can’t believe how stupid you people are! Get out of here!

The peacekeeper snatches Astro up and holds him tight…until….the fanny guns pop out and blast an eye out causing the Peacekeeper to lose its balance!

Astro: I got machine guns… my…..BUTT?! You gotta be kidding!

The Peacekeeper grabs a building…

Peacekeeper: Batter up little boy!

And socks Astro through the air, through some buildings and down a street. Astro looks up just as the Peacekeeper is dropping a foot and the car with the kids soars in to grab him!

Astro: Ugh! Cora? Sludge? Widget?

Cora: We got tired of watching it on TV.

Astro: Ok…so…who’s driving?

Trashcan pops up in the driver’s seat.

All the kids: AAAAAAAAH!

Sludge: Wrong way Trash can! Wrong way! Left! Left! Left!


The Peacekeeper swings with another building, looses his grip and drops the building near the city’s fusion energy plant. It wipes out the control room and sends the reactor into over-drive.

Inside the building the alarms go off. The reactor is on a countdown to critical mass.

Astro hears the alarms and the screaming workers below…

Astro: Cora? I have to stop the city’s power reactor or it’s going to explode.

Cora: What?! Astro!

Astro jumps out.

Astro: I have to take care of this!

Cora: The reactor’s gonna explode! You don’t have time!

Astro flies down, crashes through the building, blows the reactor off it’s shock mounts and carries it through the roof! He flies up, chucks it away and it explodes! The blast rockets Astro head over heels to the ground below.

Cora: Where is he? Where is he?!

The Peacekeeper is stomping about when Sparx gets his attention. He’s carrying a 9 iron.

Sparx: Hey big and ugly! We of the Robot Revolutionary Front call upon you to cease the oppression of our comrade Astro! Now though we must obey the robot laws about not harming humans but there’s nothing to stop us from kicking your big stupid metal butt! Isn’t that right comrades?

Sparx looks back to see Robotsky and Fridge running away.

Sparx: This isn’t how we voted!

The Peacekeeper continues to look for Astro.

Peacekeeper: Where are you robot boy! Come out you little coward! I know you’re still here!

Astro flies up with a steel beam and slams the Peacekeeper in the head.

Peacekeeper: Is that all you got?

Astro: You just had to ask!

Astro whales on the Peacekeeper’s face! Cracking metal, sending plates flying! Suddenly Astro is snatched by a robot claw and drawn towards the Peacekeeper’s chest…

Peacekeeper: Capture of the robot boy complete…Assimilation of blue core commencing!

Astro is pulled into the center of the Peacekeeper but the violent reaction of the two cores blows him out like a bullet! He blows through two buildings, crashes into a third, hits a wall and bounces into the floor. Doctor Tenma’s flying car lands and Tenma runs out.

Doctor Tenma: Toby?

Astro: Dad? Why didn’t the Peacekeeper absorb me?

Doctor Tenma: It can’t! If the two cores get too close the chain reaction will…kill you both.

The kids are still flying around looking for Astro when the Peacekeeper snatches the car.

Peacekeeper: Where’s the robot boy!

Cora: ASTRO!

Astro hears Cora’s scream as Doctor Tenma holds his hand.

Doctor Tenma: Toby, we have to get out of here…

Astro pulls his hand away

The car starts to crack

The Peacekeeper: Tell me where he is or I’ll crush this car like a grape!

Astro starts walking away

Doctor Tenma: Toby?.....

Astro turns.

Astro: I’m not Toby Dad…but if he were here? He’d be proud of you…things didn’t turn out as you planned but you built me for a reason and now I’ve found it…Goodbye Dad.

Tenma drops to the floor

Doctor Tenma: No….

Astro rockets through the air, flashes of his short life pop as he speeds like a bullet and crashes into the Peacekeeper. The kids get loose and fly off as the Peacekeeper shudders then breaks apart in a thundering blast.

Cora: ASTRO!

Doctor Tenma breaks down and sobs at a heart breaking loss of a second son. The scene fades to white then comes back with Cora and the kids looking for Astro.
"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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