Astro Boy Reboot (Future animated series)

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 9 years ago

In the 1963 anime, Astro was almost always drawn with four digits. But notice how HUGE his hands are compared with Uran's! (Popeye fists!)

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Postby Umbral-Coltwings » 9 years ago

I think Uran's small fists are to show her femininity, except it's kinda exaggerated.
Just like how someone noted how Uran has a Barbie like figure in the thread 'Atom stolen'.
:hyo: whoops

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Postby Earthshine » 9 years ago

I'm happy we got to see the trailer (I know I'm late to the party)!

Overall I'm pretty excited about this and I'm really digging the art style with some reservations on color choice(s) but these are cosmetic issues. What I'm really wishing would be revealed sooner rather than later is a broader idea as to; main plot, the characters involved (will Atlas be in this?) and how are they handling Atom's robot parents (of which I'm not particularly fond of, sadly).

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Postby FelicityRedbarrow » 9 years ago

I have found that I don't particularly like Astro's parents, either. They just seem unnecessary. Ochanomizu fits the parent role very nicely. I think the parents were added for the sole purpose of creating a traditional family, which really didn't need to be done, in my opinion.

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Postby Umbral-Coltwings » 9 years ago

The only parent I like is his father in the 80's one. He seems like a nice dad.
Astro's mom just seems strict. I like her in the 60's, but not so much in the 80's.
Overall, I love the idea with Ochanomizu as their father.

Maybe they could put Cobalt and Atlas in the same anime this time? Aw man, I just want Cobalt back. :lol:
Last edited by Umbral-Coltwings on Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:hyo: whoops

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Postby rescuebot » 9 years ago

Speaking of Astro's family it would be awesome, if improbable, if we got Chitan as well at some point. Or maybe even a cameo by Jetter Mars or Roppu-kun. I can dream at least :whistling:

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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

Just found a rough reel of a portion of the Astro Boy Reboot teaser on Michael Crouzat's blog (the guy who animated it):

As for the discussion at hand, I'd be fine with Atom's parents not returning. I agree with Umbral-Coltwings that I love the idea of Ochanomizu being the father to Atom and Uran like in the 2003 series. It was kind of weird to see Atom's parents return in Little Astro Boy to be honest.

I also wonder which characters from previous series are going to return. I'm predicting that Uran and both doctors will be in. Other characters, I'm not so sure about. Atlas I could see returning as well, but I'm not so sure about characters like Cobalt or Chitan.

I have a feeling that we'll be seeing plenty of new characters though like we did with Little Astro Boy.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:25 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 9 years ago

But we saw plenty of recycled characters in that, too. They had somewhat different names (like "Paul" I think it was?), but there was no mistaking who they were. Although some cases may have required a bit of squinting. Heck, I can't even remember some of the newer one's names.

As much as I'd love to see him, the chances of Cobalt ever being seen again (or at least in this particular reboot) are, quite frankly, exceedingly thin. Does anyone have any idea of who all else might be in it? I have a bad feeling that Uran is a cert (I just don't like her most of the time...); people keep mentioning his parents, too. Are they confirmed, mentioned at all, or just speculation at this point? And do we know for sure if they are robot parents? Keep in mind that they have pretty much a free licence to do whatever they want to with the story this time around; and they've been waxing "original", from what I recall reading about. It'd be interesting to see how this goes; I've been wondering if he's even a robot in this one, himself, and if he isn't actually living in a virtual world- the trailer makes me think of that a little bit, in the beginning. Plus how he takes off to fly in the first place (also, I know it was probably for dramatic effect, but it certainly seems to take him a long time to even get off the ground...).

I wish they would tell us more. Even if they tell us little to nothing of the plot, if there is one (which I hope there is one; although that "comedy" tag has me twisted in despair a little bit on the inside), I would really like to know about more of the characters, even if they don't tell us what role they play, exactly.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

Good to see you on the forum again, Little Brown Fox.

"Little Brown Fox" wrote:But we saw plenty of recycled characters in that, too. They had somewhat different names (like "Paul" I think it was?), but there was no mistaking who they were. Although some cases may have required a bit of squinting. Heck, I can't even remember some of the newer one's names.

Yeah, his name was Paul in Little Astro Boy. I actually documented the new characters' names from LAB over on our wiki because they're not really mentioned explicitly anywhere on the internet. Honestly, I don't blame you for not remembering their names, as I honestly would've forgotten most of their names had I not put them on the wiki.

But yeah, you're right that there were a lot of recycled characters in Little Astro Boy. Hopefully we'll see many of them return in Astro Boy Reboot, but as to whether they will or not is anyone's guess.

Does anyone have any idea of who all else might be in it? I have a bad feeling that Uran is a cert (I just don't like her most of the time...); people keep mentioning his parents, too. Are they confirmed, mentioned at all, or just speculation at this point? And do we know for sure if they are robot parents?

Atom is the only confirmed character to be in Astro Boy Reboot at this point. Details on this series are very scarce at the moment. Everything I've posted on the first post of this thread is everything we know at this point.

Earthshine first brought up Atom's parents as a means of wanting to know how they'd be handled in Astro Boy Reboot if they do appear in the series; everyone else is discussing their general thoughts on them. They haven't been confirmed to appear in ABR at this point.

It'd be interesting to see how this goes; I've been wondering if he's even a robot in this one, himself, and if he isn't actually living in a virtual world- the trailer makes me think of that a little bit, in the beginning. Plus how he takes off to fly in the first place (also, I know it was probably for dramatic effect, but it certainly seems to take him a long time to even get off the ground...).

I think the creative liberties that Shibuya Productions will take with this series will be more based around the story itself than the identity of the characters established in previous Astro Boy series.

However, your theory is interesting. I have a feeling he's still a robot in ABR, but no one outside of the three companies working on this really knows if he's a robot or not at this point. Any theories are fair game until more info is released.

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 9 years ago

Well, I'm pretty sure that would have a lot to do with the story, if he was a virtual construct. We also really don't know much about what kind of personality he'll have; LAB was a pretty drastic departure in that regard, so, we shall see, hm?

Also, I mostly came back because I was linked back in an image search for Roppu-kun, for artistic references (because there's literally not much else that any kind of search for the guy turns up :T ). I tend to avoid this place like the plague nowadays; being here makes me feel as if I'm doing something wrong, and the sight of certain people, no matter how innocuous their behavior in the moment, kind of makes rage a little inside, and even kind of makes me want to scream...

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