Jeffbert's Mighty Atom book

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Re: Jeffbert'a Mighty Atom book

Postby ASTROBUDDY » 6 years ago

Hi! Don't know if you have looked into self-publishing, but there is a company, Xlibris Corp known for getting Errol Flynn's daughter's book about her famous father published. Just a thought!

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Re: Jeffbert'a Mighty Atom book

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

Thanks, ASTROBUDDY. I am still a few months from even beginning to assemble everything in one file, & have yet to begin looking at publishing software. I am currently translating certain episode segments from the 193 book.

193_book_0000 sm.jpg
193_book_0000 sm.jpg (96.61 KiB) Viewed 11743 times

Last edited by jeffbert on Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jeffbert'a Mighty Atom book

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

After which, I will be doing a few parts of this MIGHTY ATOM COMPLETE book:
M ATOM CMPLTE sleeve sm.jpg
M ATOM CMPLTE sleeve sm.jpg (95.84 KiB) Viewed 11743 times


I dread the part about the publishing software, as I hate learning how to use such things.

But, I intend to post a bit of a preview, soon. :hyo:

Thus, I will have at least three JLV sources, including the DVD booklets; but not counting the actual JLV manga themselves. Fred Schodt, in his book, mentioned Tezuka's manga that had been adapted into MA 1963 TV episodes. Yet, he did not give details. My book will, unless somebody sues me over it.

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Re: Jeffbert'a Mighty Atom book

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

O.k. I finally got around to fiddling with Libre Office. There is much to learn, & I admit that I lack patience. It does allow more than one line of text next to an image, but the next time I opened that file the images were scattered all over the place. I had begun working on creating a table of contents, & so far, I think I understand that process.

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Re: Jeffbert's Mighty Atom book

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 6 years ago

In general everything that you can do in Microsoft Word is in Libre Office. The menus are different, as are the hot keys (though you can reconfigure that). I think that LO can also handle some MS macros as well (though probably only compatible with older versions of MSW).

I've taken images from web documents and pasted them into a LO document and was able to add multi line captions beneath them, then export the document as a PDF.

It will take some time to learn how to use enough of the program to create your manuscript, but it's well worth the effort. You can probably google for LO primers and howto's.

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Re: Jeffbert's Mighty Atom book

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

Thanks, Tetsuwan Penguin. It will be a few weeks before I try again. Still copying and translating the 193 book. ##$$%%!! I lost my place and redid 2 paras in the episode in which Atom, Uran, & Lamp go underground. Should have been the space princess /cocoon ep.

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Japanese speaker/readers, please help

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

I need help with finding the publication data for the 193 book. There is a good bit of text inside the rear cover, but after google & bing translations, I still cannot be sure what is what. English language books would have an easily identified format, but JLV must be very different.

There is this line:
本文図版 虫プロダクション(株)
Honbun zuhan mushi purodakushon (kabu)
Text Picture Mushi Production Co., Ltd.
Full text insect Production Co., Ltd.

Which suggests a corporate author; still, I need help!

株式会社 宝島社©
Kabushikigaisha Takarajimasha ©
Takarajima Co., Ltd. ©
Takarajimasya ©

Tōkyōtochiyodaku Ichibanchō 25-banchi
25 Nozomachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

2003-Nen 7 tsuki 27-nichi hakkō
Issued July 27, 2003

創刊人 蓮見清一
Sōkan hito Hasumi Seiichi
Originator Hirami Seiichi

There is more, but I do not want to overdo this post.

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Confrontation in Space / Outer Limits' Fun & Games

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

DVD booklet #4, page 11, commentary:
*米国のSF作家フレドリック・ブラウンの小説『闘技場』をヒントにした豊田有恒氏の脚本回. ところが、同小説をもとにしたSFテレビ『アウター・リミッツ』第23話「宇宙の決闘」が、約3ヶ月前の1964年7月11日にNETで放送されていた. 豊田氏も手塚氏もそれを知らずに本話を制作開始したしまったという.

● Commentary points
* Screenwriting by Mr. Yuzo Toyoda, a hint of Fiction writer Fredrik Brown's novel "Arena", but the SF TV "Outer Limits" based on the novel 23rd episode "Battle of the Universe" , Which was broadcasted on NET on July 11, 1964, about three months ago, said Mr. Toyoda and Mr. Tezuka did not know that and started making this story.

Both google & Bing provide inadequate translations for this paragraph. A hint of Arena? etc. :o

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Re: Jeffbert's Mighty Atom book

Postby DrFrag » 6 years ago

I'm not sure what Outer Limits episode they're referring to, but it sounds like Toyoda and Tezuka came up with a story that resembled it and bits of Arena too.

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Re: Jeffbert's Mighty Atom book

Postby jeffbert » 6 years ago

I am assuming it is Fun & Games, because both that, & the AB episode have several elements in common . :lol:

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