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Postby Atoman » 18 years ago

Hey all,

How many Japanese people post at this forum? I'd be nice to talk to someone from Japan about everything from the language to the culture. I would understand and appriciate anime and manga evan more. I've noticed some things in anime and live action that I don't understand completely, like a swarm of cats attacking Princess Knight, Sasuke, Watari, and others, so there has to be a Japanese ledgend behind this, but I don't know what it is. Nothing like that in western litterature.

Your help would be appriciated. :)

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Postby Eileen sobora » 18 years ago

Hakuru-Chan is one :D Dannavy is also one :D others....well... :unsure: my friend who owns the site No Life King (look for it in japanese pictures) is Japanese as well :lol:
Ps: she can be very nasty at times :angry: cause she always talks about the yaoi relationships of temma/shadow, Reno/Astro/Kenndy,Temma/Astro so much :angry: and that is well...ew! :angry:
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Postby Astro Forever » 18 years ago

Can dannavy speak/understand Japanese?

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Postby fafner » 18 years ago

Originally posted by Eileen sobora@Oct 30 2005, 05:29 AM
Dannavy is also one :D

dannavy85 is certainly not Japanese, but he spent a very long time in Japan during his military service. I don't know if he speaks Japanese, but it is likely after the time he spent there. Obviously he is the one who will tell us about that :D
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Postby dannavy85 » 18 years ago

Hi guys,

I have kept up my Japanese but for one who was a bit late starting out it's still a learning process. You'll be surprised to know that most young Japanese have a good command of the written English these days, it's practically the second language there now.

she always talks about the yaoi relationships of temma/shadow, Reno /Astro /Kenndy,Temma /Astro so much

Eeewww...she may be Japanese but she has no concept, it bowls me that most of the Yaoi writers in Japan are women, they take every male/male thing they see and turn it into a sick perversion. The relationships of course are agopic, Astro is brother bonded to Reno, Kennedy, Abercrombie and Tamao because they were the first humans to truely accept him as non-threatening, Reno of course because Astro saved his robot family from destruction so Reno is obligated to him. Sometimes I worry that all these "perversions" may end up damaging the Anime relationship between America and Japan because you know how American culture will blanket blame the entire Jondrah for just one segment.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 18 years ago

dude, the american males arn't much better with Yuri. :lol:

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Postby dannavy85 » 18 years ago

LOL! I was watching an episode of Samurai Champloo and they totally got this anchient book explaining the brotherhood fellowship of Samurai all wrong, totally off topic.
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Postby Danny » 18 years ago

Originally posted by dannavy85@Oct 31 2005, 01:00 AM
Eeewww...she may be Japanese but she has no concept, it bowls me that most of the Yaoi writers in Japan are women, they take every male/male thing they see and turn it into a sick perversion.

Sick Perversion? Thats just a TAD bit of over-reacting isnt it? The fantasy imaginings of women in this manner is not just exclusively Japaneese either. The concept of "slash" has been around AT LEAST since the 60's in the US.
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Postby dannavy85 » 18 years ago

The concept of "slash" has been around AT LEAST since the 60's in the US.

True but given the current "moorish" climate of the country all it would take is a few self-important jerks to start complaining about anime/manga "slashing" and zip...an instant hate cause to take up!

Like a few others gaining ground on both sides of the political spectrum...




anti-Chuck Jones

anyone with a sight sensitivity these days can ruin everyone else's day. I say if you don't like something....stay the heck away from it and stop violating my rights! It all smacks of the 1960's and Action for Children's Nazism (aka ACT) who went to war over so called violence in children's television and ended up creating these stupid half-hour commercials and lame cartoons our kids watch these days...(with the exception of Anime on Cartoon Network)
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Postby Danny » 18 years ago

Originally posted by dannavy85@Nov 2 2005, 12:21 AM
I say if you don't like something....stay the heck away from it and stop violating my rights!

if that is your way of thinking, should it not therefore be projected to others as well? so in other words, some one who liked Yaoi has the right not to be judged as "having no concept", nor having their likes referred to as a "sick Perversion" too, yes? What is good for the goose is good for the gander and all that. Do unto others etc..

U certainly have a good point tho. the "soccer mum" generation (as I believe it is called), and an obsession with what I believe they call "political correctness" has stifled many peoples rights. The wash over of this phenominon has indeed been felt as a major impact on entertainment. mainstream seems to have become so cripled by the fear of upsetting the balance that the very small room they have remaining has caused almost everything to become a carbon copy of the things before it. Freshness, originality, risk, surprise, challenge.. none of these things are allowed any longer due to the conditioned responses of the people who create our entertainment industry. This is why 90% of what we have not is the "30 minute toy commercials" for kids, and "survivor" clones or "CSI" clones for adults. and do not think motion picture has excaped either. Every year the balance of remakes and sequels versus original works gets more and more disturbed. Oh, and those "original" movies? How many of those really are original? Mostly they are simply recycled materials as well.

The past fear of backlash combined with the corporate mindset has all but strangled our entertainment to the point that even the CONCEPT of something new is extinct.

At least Japan is trying to produce some new stuff. ok, so sure it may be mostly recycled, but I would rather watch "elfien lied" than "Law and Order: Dohnuts are for the Weak" or whatever the hell America is splattering all over my TV.

I am really glad that god invented FanSubs. I really am.

Sheesh.. Talk about off topic! lol. Gomen everyone.
three and a half years.. for what?

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