Astro Boy Animation Jack In The Box

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Astro Boy Animation Jack In The Box

Postby Alittleacorn » 14 years ago


I came across this really cool animation of Prototype Astro during early tests for the movie! As it says on the link it was used as an animation test to get the feel of the character.

To get the video to play, click on the picture within the link and wait for it to load. Might take a while. If you have realplayer I suggest downloading it that way.

It lasts about 20 seconds I think, but what they add in there is just brillent, you even get to see the original arm cannon. Even though I hate to admit it, the old design they had for Astro is starting to grow on me. I'm starting to wish they'd stuck with it. Though they did a great job in making Astro look human in the final version, no mistake.

I've found a whole bunch of other Astro Boy animation tests on youtube, buuut, another time. :hyo: it's very late here.


Oh! And you can comment on that site. Maybe if you hint enough the guy might upload some more! So start begging! XD
Last edited by Alittleacorn on Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby AprilSeven » 14 years ago

Wow LittleAcorn -- is this is AWESOME (for many reasons!!)

I also like the way he looks here (a little younger -- but still similar) -- it is a very cute segment. He looks so embarrassed -- I also left a message. Hope this guy posts more!

Thanks also because my husband is an illustrator (VERY realistic) and is trying to get some freelance CG movie work. He's working in a program called Lightwave now (Astro Boy and most other CG movies use Maya - VERY EXPENSIVE). He's done stuff for lots of magazines/web/corporations -- but it takes time to break through (hopefully he will this year). He says he'll do an Astro Boy animation -- I'll link to it when he does!! :wub:

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Postby Big Astro Fan » 14 years ago

That was awesome. I just love how he shot the jack in the box and then acted like OOPS! That part was so funny. :lol: :p

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Postby diehard67 » 14 years ago

I lold so hard at astro's faces in this, I shoed my mom too she thought it was funny.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

That was cute and awesome!
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

LOL That is hilariously adorable! I'm totally saving that. Thanks for showing

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Update! =D

Postby Alittleacorn » 14 years ago

I return, with more eye-candy!

(Astro plays the piano a bunch of times, I wonder if he was supposed to originally for the movie? o.o)

So are these videos called Show-reels or Demo-reels from people who used to work at Imagi who've posted up videos of animations they've done as a way of seeking work. TMNT, Father of the Pride, and of course Astro Boy.

I've put together the animations not to featured in the Astro Boy, and put them on mediafire, here. It's under 3 minutes long, EYE-CANDY AWAY! =D

As this is people's hard work it's only fair I link to the original videos, I hope they find jobs they've done good stuff =3

Here is my playlist that has all the demoreels with the rest of the Astro Boy test animation to feature in the movie (along with some other videos), they're tied together with the other works sometimes so yesh do watch them through.

Oh and as for that stuff with Astro fighting the giant robot, I found a tiny eye-candy to that.

This picture shows on the wall tiny screenshots from the fight, and even smaller (at the bottom) looks to be CGI snapshots from it, since if you squint your eyes and look at the last blurry screencaps you can see Astro using the arm cannon like he does in the video you'll download....yes it's blurry =_=;

Seems like Imagi animationed that scene all the way through. Really wished they'd included it in on the dvd as a deleted scene. ;_; I swear if I ever see it I will cry tears of joy cause it looks freakin COOL!

For more on original Astro and to see some more snapshots on 'Astro vs Not Zog but still cool robot' just go here.

Now, I know there's another demo-reel out there showing a test on prototype Astro flying...v.v but I couldn't find it sorry guys.

"AprilSeven" wrote:Wow LittleAcorn -- is this is AWESOME (for many reasons!!)
He says he'll do an Astro Boy animation -- I'll link to it when he does!! :wub:

No problem. *_* Wow that's awesome please do link when he does it that'd be so cool!
Last edited by Alittleacorn on Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby AprilSeven » 14 years ago

Oh man is this stuff GREAT!! I love the scenes with him playing the piano - the movements are so fluid -- it's really spellbinding to watch (and to see how they bring it all together/add texture and lighting -- soooo cool). Like the green and orange hair on Astro too (not to mention the pink eyes!) It looks so easy, but I know a GAZILLION hours go into creating these clips. Thank you SO MUCH Alittleacorn!

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

LOL Those are great! At first the video actually caused my computer to kinda crash but once I restarted and converted the video into an MP4, it worked just fine. Those are amusing.
Any Cora/Astro shippers catch how just after they put Astro to that "There's this girl..." line from Aladdin, they show a shot of Cora? ;)

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Postby Alittleacorn » 14 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:LOL Those are great! At first the video actually caused my computer to kinda crash but once I restarted and converted the video into an MP4, it worked just fine. Those are amusing.
Any Cora/Astro shippers catch how just after they put Astro to that "There's this girl..." line from Aladdin, they show a shot of Cora? ;)

Oh o.o i'm sorry i should've saved it in lower quality. Still, glad chu liked it! x3

Er yeaaaaah Astro/Cora shipping, hate to tell you but that was me, i stuck those clips together. :whistling: sorry dude.

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