Fan opinions about Tezuka characters

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Fan opinions about Tezuka characters

Postby Astronomical girl » 13 years ago

Everyone has a favorite character.but what are your opinions about those characters? where they unrealistic? where they someone you could imitate? are they someone you can think about?

I think Astro in the Manga was adorable and realistic in the emotional mentality of a 9 year old

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Postby The Tawashi Bus Hat » 13 years ago

A little off topic: You know, the more of Tezuka's manga that I read, the more I really feel bad for him. :/ I think he had many trials in life that he used his characters to portray. Like, I cried and felt terrible after reading Apollo's Song. It was so emotional - I can only imagine what he went through when writing it... :cry:

ON topic: While he may no be a MAJOR character in the system, I really think that Pluto, while not entirely realistic, is an important character in that he shows that, even if we have been born into a life of violence and hatred, we have the ability to change into someone kind. :wub:


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Postby Astronomical girl » 13 years ago

yeah,i agree Pluto was the product of looking for a another view

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 13 years ago

Astro himself really grabbed me when I first read the manga. He was just so cute and his story often so tragic that it made me want to adopt him and take him home. Though I imagine he'd be pretty high maintenance XD
Another fave character of mine is Mr. Mustachio. I mean, a former private eye that knows Judo? How awesome is that? I've considered cosplaying as him

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Postby jeffbert » 13 years ago

Mustachio or Hijioyaji as his name is pronounced in Japanese brings this thought to mind:

In America, the TV/movie private eye usually gets little, if any respect from the police. Jim Rockford is a prime example, but characters portrayed by Bogart also come to mind. Yet, Higeoyaji is frequently working with the police! :lol: I have not seen enough of other Japanese PIs to put this in proper perspective, though. :lol:

On topic: Higeoyaji (in Mighty Atom)is an interesting character; who would think a PI would make a good school teacher? Talk about a career change, this is a bit extreme. Not only that, he occasionally forsakes school to visit Tawashi at the police Dept. Again, rather than telling him to go back to his students, Tawashi values his help. :D

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Postby F-Man » 13 years ago

I think the story of Gaou and Akanemaru in Phoenix: Houou are the deepest, most real performances of Tezuka characters I've seen. You've got a good guy, an artist, who just wants his name to be known forever, become selfish and uncaring of others in his quest, and a murderer who thinks people are born to fend only for themselves, learn the error of his ways after his actions cause him to lose someone he cared for and thus hurt himself for the very first time.
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Postby Xenops » 13 years ago

I enjoyed Black Jack when I first started reading about him, and I enjoy him and his series the more I read. At first I liked him because he was a "good guy at heart" that was a rogue surgeon. Now as I read the Vertical volumes releasing in the U.S., I realize he is a multifaceted person. I read his stories with an idea of what he'll do next, but often I'm surprised.

Astro himself really grabbed me when I first read the manga. He was just so cute and his story often so tragic that it made me want to adopt him and take him home. Though I imagine he'd be pretty high maintenance XD

That's how I felt after watching the 1980's anime. I only saw him appear in various forms (like Marine Express) and didn't understand the appeal. Now I do. ^_^

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Postby Astronomical girl » 13 years ago

I LOVE Black Jack! he's a handsome and intelligent and moral character to me and Tezuka really did himself credit with Black Jack becuase of his medical knowledge he knew what kind was real and what was made up people could compare Black Jack with House but Black Jack i think is more real then House for that the conditions and deceses wise the things that Black Jack came in contact with were not far fetched and uncommon as seen in House

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Postby Xenops » 13 years ago

...but Black Jack i think is more real then House for that the conditions and deceses wise the things that Black Jack came in contact with were not far fetched and uncommon as seen in House

It depends. In BJ we have conditions that are pretty "normal", like the kid who had all of his systems reversed, and then we have the shrinking disease. In House the point is to have outlandish diseases, since it is a diagnostic/detective story.

One thing that stuck out to me in BJ is the difference between skill and the use of technology. BJ can perform surgery anywhere, whereas other doctors are limited to working in a hospital. I hope when I get my M.D. I won't be too dependent on technology.

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Postby Astronomical girl » 13 years ago

you can't say that either, becuase BJ carries with him a starilized bubble when he's out in boonies and where there is no horizontal space,he always carries his surgical tools,anesthelics,and other drugs with him in his black case,i'm not sure about other real life doctors,buts its not a good idea.also wearing black is a good idea when dealing with blood,although why does he where a white scrub is beyond me.

(did you take your Med-CAT yet? and what are you going to be studing in and what do you want to specialize in?)

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