Good Things about the 2003 series dub?

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Good Things about the 2003 series dub?

Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

So, you're all going to think I'm a loon for saying this, but I don't completely hate the dub version of the 03 series. There are parts of it I hate, certainly. I think it's safe to say that when you end up censoring things that are important to plot and character, you know you've screwed up big time. But, I'm not here to inflict my rage on anyone (that's a topic for another day).

What I am here to talk about today though, is what do you guys feel are the dubs saving graces, if there are any in your eyes.

For me personally, there are only factors that I feel at least make the dub watchable for my money, considering I own the actual dub release because that's all we have.

1. The Voices
Yeah, I do think this was a saving grace. Or rather, let me explain. I feel that (with the noteable exceptions of Astro and O'Shay) everyone sounds as they should. It is my opinion that a voice should fit the character, since it always gives you a clue as to what kind of person they are. And on that front, the dub delivers on that perfectly (again, save for noteable exceptions).

As for the voice acting...well, yeah. I do agree that it's very hokey, and therefore sort of wished they'd either taken things more seriously, or got a better voice director. But then again, I can't really say who's fault it is now, can I? I will agree however that the stand outs of the dub are easily Dorian Harewood as Tenma and Shadow, and Susan Blu as Zoran and a slew of side characters incliduing Denkou.

2. Dialouge
Now I don't know if it's just me, or the subtitles I've watched, but I don't feel that the dialouge in the Japanese vesion is very good. Don't get me wrong, I like the Japanese version, and think it's superior to the dub. But having seen what I've seen, I have to say that the dub dialouge is better. It just flows a bit more naturally, despite some hiccups now and then. And yes, that includes the corney one liners.

Also, speaking of dialouge, I actually appreciate that they left certain scenes silent during the Pluto episodes. It really spruced up the intensity of those two episodes, and I wish they'd done it more often (ESPECIALLY during the last episode, but I digress).

Do you think the dub has any saving graces?

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Postby Toshio » 11 years ago

The fact they cutted the emotion, changed the personality of certain characters and renamed some which was a lack of consistence, removed the original theme songs (plus replaced with half assed techno music), removed the best scenes and even had lies can't quite save it.
Last edited by Toshio on Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

I never said that cutting out stuff such as what you pointed out makes it a good dub. What I am trying to ask is if there were things people like about the dub version, such as the things I just mentioned.

If you don't find any redeeming factors in the dub version, fine. But please, don't come onto what is suppose to be as positivity thread and act negative.

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Postby Amaryllis » 11 years ago

Now that that site seems to be behaving, I can reply to this! I did enjoy the dub a lot more than I expected. I watched nearly half of it a few months ago when I checked out the DVD set from a nearby library, and I would like to own the set someday so I can watch all the episodes.

Anyway, I do agree about the dub voices being good, especially Tenma's. I would dare even say I liked his English voice better than his Japanese one! (Not to say that his Japanese voice wasn't good, because it was very fitting for him, but I just like his English one better.) I didn't mind O'Shay's voice that much, but when marathoning nearly twenty episodes in one week, it grew on me, so by the last episode I thought it was a good fit for him.

The same was true of the English opening theme too, actually. At first I was pretty meh to it, but by the end I liked it a lot more. The dub music was good in general, especially in the last episodes.

(Now, concerning the dialogue in the Japanese version, it probably does come across as poor because of the subtitles. I've seen some of the available subs, and they sound like they went through an online translator a few times, so I don't think it's quite fair to criticize the Japanese dialogue when you only have those subs to go on. Translation is very tricky, and it's more art than science, after all.)

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Oh good, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it Amaryllis. Luckily, the DVD set is very affordable if you know where to look. Heck, I got mine off Amazon for about $22.00, plus a few extra bucks shipping.

Yeah, I know what you mean about Tenma's voices. I really like the Japanese one, but I sort of prefer the english one a bit more. I wouldn't consider one to be better than the other. In my mind, they're both great choices for the character that encapsulate the author's intent. One is more confident and psychotic, and one is more evil and sinister sounding. Either way, they're both enjoyable to listen to.

As for O'Shay, admittedly I'm a little bit biased. Since after prolonged exposure to the Japanese version, I really like his original voice better. I'm not saying the dubbed one is bad, I just think that the Japanese voice captures his personality a little bit more.

As for the dialogue, I understand. Admittedly, I've thought that it's probably not fair to criticize really raw subs and translations, so I probably should have mentioned that in my first post. Still though, it kind of makes me wish that there was an official sub for this series. Oh well, maybe someday, but not today.

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Postby Satus » 11 years ago

As someone who greatly dislikes the 2003 series' English dub, I do find it interesting to see why people enjoyed it in that form. Your lengthy comments were enjoyable for me to read.

Anyway, good things, hmm..? What I think is an interesting thought is what would people think of the dub if they didn't know about all the edits? Would they have enjoyed it more? If the edits were unknown, how much would dislike it for what seemed different from the previous series? I think a few more people would like it if they didn't know it was so heavily edited. I guess, in a way, the changes aren't as bad as people make them out to be. When it first came out all those years ago, I had no idea it was an edit and enjoyed it enough to watch it for as long as it aired on Cartoon Network. I think it had it's worth in marketing, I remembered that dub when I got interested in the franchise again, I remembered that dub and decided to check out things like the 80's series. So, one of the dub's good points is that it was memorable. Also much like the CGI movie, it's enjoyable to watch if you throw out what you know and just enjoy it as the version and interpretation it is and have fun. :)

Nothing is ever good if you're too busy focusing on tearing it apart for being something it "shouldn't be". So while I agree, like most, that the English dub is not a perfect translation or what it "should have been", the dub is not the evil people make it out to be. It was a series made to entertain people and it does it's job just fine with or without edits. :)
Last edited by Satus on Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

That's a good question you pose Satus; I think people would probably be more accepting of the changes if they weren't aware of them. But considering the age we live in, people can easily just look up what was cut, and judge for themselves.

Regardless, I think you raise a good point in saying that the dub is memorable. After all, there are certain scenes where I think the dub version first, before the sub, such as many moments in the PLuto episodes, or the Micro Bear episode.

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Postby AprilSeven » 11 years ago

I think Satus makes a very important point - if someone can watch the dub without thinking about what is/might be missing . . . or comparing it to another interpretation of Astro's story, then there is a lot to enjoy.

On Christmas morning I showed my brother the "new" Astro (from the 2003 anime box)and he exclaimed, "Oh no!! They RUINED him!! Look, they made him all "pissed off" - THAT'S NOT ASTRO BOY!!"

He's only seen him in the 1960's anime, so the '03 Astro was a big shock to him. And it's true, every dvd sleeve had an angry-faced image of Astro, ready to fire his arm cannon, or digi-beam - focusing on his "avenging hero" attitude, and not the sensitive, gentle and lovable boy that he also is.

I actually feel the '03 anime had Astro - in some ways - more like his 1960 character - a bit more mature than the 80's. And I liked the overarching storyline (plus the development of Tenma's character, and Uran/Zoran). I just watched the "behind the scenes" segment they included, and it sounds like the American fellow they had on staff leaned pretty heavily on them in terms was what they could/could not include.

I also just read the Dark Horse vol 1 & 2, and there is a LOT more graphic violence to the stories than I ever imagined. So I guess no matter what "version" we're looking at, there are most certainly going to be "cultural edits" that will frustrate some of us. My wish is that we have the option - and soon! - to select which version we'd like to read/watch.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 11 years ago

the dub version did give us some funny lines but that's about it for me

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 11 years ago

Actually, I DO remember liking it somewhat as a kid; I thought it was a lot older than it was, though (I had VERY limited knowledge of the character; I had no clue he had come to the States before). It had not occurred to me that the series was a remake. ^-^;

Watching it now, though, and not taking into consideration all the edits that had been made (outside of thinking "the uncut version is probably so much better" rather grumpily as I watched), it's kind of... /hokey./ I suppose this is tolerable when you're like, ten, or something; but I do wish they had taken it a bit more seriously, instead of treating it as "just a kids' show". Also, it is cropped, you can tell; and it is horrible.

Now, Dr. Ochanomizu's localization into "Dr. O'Shay" wasn't a bad move on their part, and the editing became less ridiculous towards the end (the episode order is totally wacky, though).

But I agree with April; hopefully someday, we /will/ be able to choose which version we want to enjoy.

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