Things that go 'bump' in the night

Off topic discussion.
Frau Brönimann
Kokoro Robot
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Postby Frau Brönimann » 20 years ago

@ Dr. Frag!
So being a janitor drove him to become a drug addict?

Maybe, dear Sir, you are familiar with the greek myth of "Sisiphos" - no other ancient fairy tale could describe Earnest's life better than this one. If you work without cease, day and night without ever coming to an end and without receiving a single "thank you" this will certainly start destroying your morality... Yes, Earnest has been a drug addict, he even was into dealing for a few weeks but this was only because we needed more money for our new car.

Even if the person you knew were called Louis, how can you be sure that someone with the name of Louis'74 , found on a forum hosted on another continent, is actually the same person?
That is the thing puzzling me.

OK, dear, let's explain it once more, slowly and clearly so that everybody can take it down. ;)
Louis spent half of his childhood in the schoolbuilding that my husband worked in - so: naturally I saw him on a daily basis.
Since I am browisng the web often and since I am a secret Astroboy fan I have been lurking for a while in this place. It was not difficult to find that the posting bloke called "Louis74" must be "Louis" that I knew from the past. The way he expresses himself, the way he talks and especially the little anecdotes from his past were more than enough to recognize him.
But the ultimate proove was that he recognized me at once, after I registered and started talking to him. So even if I was a little unsure at first, by now there is no doubt that this little bugger is exactly the one I have taken him for. 'k? :wacko:

Hmmmm... that might be a Louis'74's child nightmare that is coming back, who knows...

It is, it is...
There is no place on earth where our discussion would fit in more perfectly than here and there is nobody who will prevent me from opening my mouth, unless Louis our little äääääääääääähhh will respond with a public apology or at least a short distinction in written form of my husband's lifework.
I will not die before my eyes have not read it white on blue on my computer screen. In the Lord's mighty and everlasting name: Amen.

I wish you all a perfectly sunny day that none of you will hopefully spend in front of the TV. You watch videos and dvds wayyyy too often already. Sun and fresh air is good for the production of vitamin D3 and hence for the re-mineralization of your bones which provide you with stability as you are sitting and hanging in front of your TV sets.

Cheers, always yours
Frau Brönimann

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Postby dragon_child888 » 20 years ago

:p h34r: well, i dont know about the rest of you people but i am freaked out! i knew people can track what you do on the internet and all, but now that i think about it, sombody watching everything you do, reading everything you write :unsure: freaks me out too much and so, i am leaving and never coming back! :wahah: good-bye!!!! and i dont care what any of you think coz im never using the internet ever again and well, just saying bye to all the people that seem to be ok people :) and frau, i think you are sick! :angry: nomater what sombody does it is wrong to sit in the back and read everything sombody has posted and then use it to blackmail them. and well now im gong to go and just stick to coputer games. :P

BEWARE!!!! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THEY ARE WATCHING!!! :p h34r: :p h34r: :p h34r:

so, yeah, thanks for puting on da straw that broke the camels back and freakin me out so much!!!

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

Originally posted by Frau Brönimann@May 21 2004, 06:26 PM
[b] So being a janitor drove him to become a drug addict?

Maybe, dear Sir, you are familiar with the greek myth of "Sisiphos" - no other ancient fairy tale could describe Earnest's life better than this one. If you work without cease, day and night without ever coming to an end and without receiving a single "thank you" this will certainly start destroying your morality... Yes, Earnest has been a drug addict, he even was into dealing for a few weeks but this was only because we needed more money for our new car. [/b]

If I can remind you of your earlier post:

With all the dirt he had to face daily one must get certain emotional damages...

You claim was that facing dirt each day caused his problems, not that he wasn't being thanked. In addition, not being thanked while in paid employment is a pathetic excuse for becoming a drug addict, and becoming and a drug dealer to pay for a car is even worse.

Louis spent half of his childhood in the schoolbuilding that my husband worked in - so: naturally I saw him on a daily basis.

That sounds quite unnatural to me. Were you working there too? Or did you just spend your spare time hanging around in a school where you neither studied or were employed? That's just creepy.

You've caused nothing but trouble since you started posting here, and you've contributed nothing of value. I suggest you leave.

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Postby Danny » 20 years ago


DOn't scare the poor girl off!!!

This is the most entertaining thread we have had here since the "just where are those points supposed to be" photo alteration episodes of early '04..

ahh.. the good ol' days..
three and a half years.. for what?

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Postby fafner » 20 years ago

Congratulations, Frau Brönimann, you have passed stage 1: self-consistency basic checking :)
Now let's move to stage 2: external consistency checking...

The stage 2 is more difficult to prepare as it needs some background informations. Now I have them, let's go!
I know the first time you ever went to this forum was about 30 minutes before your first post, that is also about 5 minutes before you created your account. Now I guess I have caught your attention ;)
I just wonder how you could read all of Louis'74 posts AND write all your text in less than 30 minutes? Oh, maybe you are just very quick... So maybe I should remember you one of your sentence:
I have been following all of your posts ever since you joined the boards here.

If you have followed them, you had to be here since several posts of Louis'74, that is easily more than an hour. However this is a direct inconsistency with my previous assertion:
I know the first time you ever went to this forum was about 30 minutes before your first post

The time you where here before your first post is both less than 30 minutes and more than an hour. Your logical system is inconsistent, and therefore can't be projected into real world.

Now I'm sure you are thinking that I am bluffing. So I propose you a way to prove you I can get your IP address. When you read my post, note your IP address, and the next time I see a new post from you, I'll send your IP by MP. If you don't know how to get your IP, follow these instructions (I will assume you are running a Windows operating system): open a console, type "ipconfig" (for XP) or "winipcfg" (for >98) and enter. You will get either output in your console or a window, both will show you your network interfaces, one of them should be your ADSL connection ( yes you are using ADSL, not dial-up nor cable TV ;) ).

Maybe you now think I am a moderator? You can read more than 200 posts in less than 30 minutes, so you can easily read mine and find in which country I live, and think if I can moderate this site. Maybe I am merely a pure intelligence wandering in the waves of informations, who knows ? A kind of secret project who became aware of itself like in "Ghost in the shell"...

Now you have 2 options: continue or stop trolling.
Choice is yours, you are the only one to decide for yourself.
If you choose to stop, welcome aboard :)

But don't forget...
Fafner is watching you :p h34r:
Fafner who possess the Ring of Power
Mwaaaahahahahahahaaaa :wahah:
The real sign that someone has become a fanatic is that he completely loses his sense of humor about some important facet of his life. When humor goes, it means he's lost his perspective.

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

Hehe Fafner, you're not listed as "Advanced Member" for nothing! B)

I hope Frau understands what it means to have her IP address known. :p h34r:

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Postby Strange Wings » 20 years ago

Originally posted by Frau Brönimann@May 20 2004, 02:50 PM
All I want from you is a sincere and public apology. I want that you respect Earnest's lifework and keep holding him in high esteem. If you think that he's just a schafsecku i might agree with you, but after all: who is not, these days? :wacko:

<_< Alright, alright! I apologise myself. I apologise myself in all forms and shapes. May your Ernest still RIP, unless his vacuum cleaner has other opinions.

Now dust yourself under the carpet!
- 手塚治虫先生の最後の言葉

Frau Brönimann
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Postby Frau Brönimann » 20 years ago

Louis, dear! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thank you! Thank you! That is exactly what my heart has been longing for!
Never will I post again on those boards... unless MY vacuum cleaner has other plans.

@ fafner!
My goodness... I must have scared you...Tracking other people's IP is simple, but what you don't know: I am working on three different computers. During the daytime I am usually reading during my coffee break at work, miles from here. When I post I do so on my notebook and for other stuff I can still use my desktop PC with the analog connection to the web....

But now I guess it's time to unwrap my real identity and apologize to all of you... Your hospitality gave me the best laughs I had this week.
My nickname is Aido and I will soon register with that name. Louis74 went to school with me. We were sitting beside each other 9 years and have had a glorious time together. Our childhood was kind of a hell, but school was great - we saw and experienced things unthinkable... Mrs. Brönimann (Frau means Mrs. in German) was the janitor's wife. Louis and I have written whole books about her. In our imagination she and our teachers Mrs. Hurni and Mr. Gafner were the real heros, like Astroboy. It was so surreal, we often started to laugh when we saw those people during the daytime... We even started to make audio-tapes wehre we tried to put the stories into audible scenes (cameras were too expensive back then, otherwise we would have made films, I'm sure).
By the way: Louis and I are not German, we are not native with English. Languages have been a passion we still share. At times we even had our "own" language, a product of our escape into imaginery...

Louis sent me all episodes of Astroboy for last Christmas and it was a perfect present! I did not know they were available. So a few weeks ago he invited me into this forum and when I saw his post about vacuum cleaners it reminded me of Mr. Brönimann's horrible gasoline thingy that he indeed was running during our exams. What came to my mind then and what happened you can read above.

I feel kind of sorry for having freaked out fafner so much. Having read his previous posts I have kind of expected he would be able to resist the creepy feeling of Mrs. Brönimann a little longer.

And I want to apologize myself to Dr. Frag, my fellow soldier in the Lord, whom I have obviously pissed off quite a bit: sorry, man! It wasn't me, it was Frau Brönimann... :lol:

@ Danny - I am sure you would have loved Frau Brönimann in person...

So: I wish you all a wonderful evening or morning and thank you for your humour! I already feel familiar here... :D

Please welcome me as soon as I have posted under my real nickname.

P.S. Im am not soooooooooooo much into Astroboy like most of you. I mean I don't know all the episodes by heart (too busy to watch TV, usually)... but maybe I'll post here and there (mostly to ask you for advice, I guess...)

Cheers - Aido (aka Frau Brönimann)

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Postby fafner » 20 years ago

Oooohhhhh.... too late, the massive attack has already been lauched, hope your computer is correctly patched :wahah:

Seriously I really had fun. From the beginning I knew you weren't really Ernest's wife, but I couldn't find a way to demonstrate it. It's the same thing for detectives: they KNOW the culprit, but can't find a proof ;)
I started by asking for some precision on unclear details, this usually destabilize standard trolls... But I quickly saw that you weren't a "standard troll", so I had to exhibate more impressive weapons :D
Ok, now I will put them down for the next troll :P

Oh, and welcome aboard :)

PS: I will save this thread, I'm sure it could interest many people :D
The real sign that someone has become a fanatic is that he completely loses his sense of humor about some important facet of his life. When humor goes, it means he's lost his perspective.

Wedge Antilles

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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

Too bad I cannot think of any snappy Psycho quotes. So, I'll make one up:

"Norman [whatever middle name] Bates! are you bothering those nice people at Astroboy Online again?"
"Yes, mother, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." :lol:

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