What's the best cartoon you've ever seen?

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Windswept Cloak
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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

Classics will always be classics! :)
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

My favorite show as a kid was Tom and Jerry. Classic slapstick humor.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

I used to love tom and jerry as a kid. But when I take a look at it now... meh... I just don't get that fun and happy feeling anymore like I used to get while watching cartoons as a kid.

I guess I grew out of cartoons when I turned 10, and moved on to anime. In fact, anime is all I watch now. (Most of it is Tezuka anime) I don't even pay attention to cartoons anymore, cause the cartoons that they show to kids now days are just ridiculous and awful.
Last edited by tailz on Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

To be honest, anime are just cartoons from Japan. The only differences are the fact that they're made in Japan (obviously), the style is different, and there's more aimed at older audiences. Most cartoons in other countries are aimed at younger audiences or full grown adults (aka not a lot of young adults).

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

I know that already, but some otakus (Like me) see anime way differently than cartoons.

I just grew out of western animation. It's too kiddish for me and ridiculous to get into. End of story.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 10 years ago

"SOPikaMeowMeow" wrote:My favorite show as a kid was Tom and Jerry. Classic slapstick humor.

Gotta love Tom and Jerry. I especially like the episode, "The Two Mouseketeers". :)

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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

I like the oldschool episodes of Tom and Jerry very much, but I can't stick the new shows. They're just plain silly. The old ones are better.

Anime are typically "Japanese cartoons", it's just that the style is much different and they give off a much deeper meaning - or at least, Tezuka anime, Ghibli anime, Shinkai Makoto anime and stuff like that do. Anime like Naruto and One Piece, in my opinion, are no better than the "silly western animations" we're talking about.

Most of the western animations I like are the older ones. Classic Disney movies, for instance. I still watch Pinocchio and Robin Hood from time to time. :lol: And of course there's Charlie Brown, and some of the oldest episodes of Tom and Jerry, and the Pink Panther. I'm also a huge fan of Adventures of Tintin, a European cartoon. :)
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Yeah, but they are typically called "Japanese Cartoons". Wait a second, they are called Japanese Cartoons for a reason; That's what makes it anime! :lol:

Anime is better in my opinion. Cartoons are just plain silly, ridiculous, and stupid. I just can't stand them. But, One Piece and Naruto are about the same as those western cartoons (Especially one piece, but a lot of people like that show cause of the humor.)
However, it was a different story back when I was a kid. The cartoons back then were actually worth watching. But the cartoons now days, forget it. Shows like Adventure Time, and Regular show is just stupid and ridiculous, and something we shouldn't let our kids be watching if you know what I mean. I remember hearing jokes about 'flipping the bird' in Adventure Time, and I know that there was something a bit pg 13-ish in Regular show.

Anime however, is shown at a different pace and a way different and more realistic art style than our silly cartoons that americans get over here. I like anime cause Tezuka and Shotaro anime (and others like Mia Ikumi's and Reiko Yoshida's ect.) have meaning to them, and are more serious than western animation.

And yeah, Tom and Jerry... I enjoy the classics, but however, like I said before, cartoons just aren't my thing anymore. I mean sure, I'll watch some like once in a blue moon on Netflix like Courage the cowardly dog, Foster's home for imaginary friends, and Dexter's laboratory, but it's just not my thing, and I don't become a fan of it. It's just something I used to watch as a kid, and I am jumping back to take a peek at my childhood.

I am glad I found out about anime, cause western cartoons get old to me pretty quick. Unlike anime, which is more defined, brisk paced, beautiful, and entertaining. (Especially Tezuka anime like Astro boy and Black Jack! XD)

Anime For The Win! XD
Last edited by tailz on Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

Tezuka has a much better sense of humour than the One Piece author if you ask me.
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

It's not like I hate One Piece or anything, but it's just not my thing as all. Most Shounen anime and manga aren't very good to me. I'm more of a retro Shounen anime and manga fan. I like Cyborg 009,Black Jack,Astro boy, ect. of Shotaro's and Tezuka's works that are shounen.

I'm more of a shoujo fan when it comes to anime and manga. I enjoy Tokyo Mew Mew, (Which has meaning to it, btw. Shows people how animals are endangered now days and encourages others to help animals who are endangered.) I used to be all over Sailor Moon when I was a kid, but now, I'm not that much big of a fan of it as I used to be. I grew out of it to tell the truth, but I still show about like 10 or 20 percent of interest in it or so, but hardly ever. Card captor sakura. The English dub was kinda a bit thrown off, but I liked it. (At least the voice acting was decent, unlike some English dubs I know.)

Actually, now that I think about it, all I have been all over about is Shounen anime and manga lately like Black Jack,Astro boy, and The Three Eyed One. I still dig Tokyo Mew Mew though. I remember when I first got into it back in 2006 or 7. (Was back in the day, when 4kids showed Mew Mew Power, the English dubs of Tokyo Mew Mew.) Though, I lost interest in it rather quickly and forgot about it the day after. Then when I decided to watch it again on youtube years later in 2011, I have been addicted to it like with Black Jack and Astro boy and other Tezuka anime ever since. :3
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