Christopher Reeves

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Postby dannavy85 » 19 years ago

Christopher Reeves died tonight...


So damned unfair that such good people go before they should. I admired Reeves, how can you not admire someone who refuses to give up? Other people in Reeves situation accepted their fates long before but not him...surrender to condition was no option. How honorable, how heroic, how valorus, how courageous to the very last.

I wish he could have made it, I wished I could have seen him walk. When he moved his fingers and doctors said it was impossible I thought "Oh heck no not for this man, impossible? You must be joking!"

Christopher Reeves was an inspiration, not because he played Superman but because as a man....he was super. He will be missed.

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Postby cybotron » 19 years ago

Many are decieved.
Some years ago I had a run in with Mr.Reeves and his gang in Hollywood.
I had been in the VA hospital for sometime. And they had an old beatup grand piano in the basement. I would go down there and muck about on the piano and some of the nurses heard me and though I was just making noise, and had no musical training, I took up the synthesizer and bought a small cheap Arp Axe synth. I practised and saved what I could from my rehab comp check from the VA and bought an Arp odyssey duotonic synth and began experimenting with recording sounds. I met Juan Atkins in Ann arbor Mi, and we got together and recorded "Alley's of your mind" I wrote the lyrics and Juan provided the vocal and base, while I played the lead synth on my Arp. The record was picked up by Mojo a great Detroit DJ on the FM radio. And the song became a #1 hit in Detroit. We thought we might go somewhere in Techno Rock. But it was our fate to fall into the hands of Saul Zaentz the man who I found out later destroyed Creedence Clearwater Revival and who sued John Fogerty for sounding like himself. Saul is so hard hearted and cruel that the mind boggles to think he won 3 academy awards for best picture and is now King of the Hollywood producers and owner of the Tolken"Lord of the Rings" franchise. Needless to say I ended up broke and never recieved any money, and never got promoted, even though we did record a record "Clear" that was featured on the 'Solid Gold" TV show. Years passed and Phil Jones called me in the VA hospital to record an album.... This is my chance to shine I thought. Though the producers had rejected my script and though they had thrown me out for mentioning God, I would go down with a final act of defiance. I recorded "Cyber Ghetto" in my living room. I took a sample from the old sci-fi film "Village of the Damned" the original. And wrote a piece called "Fragment 17 proximian mythos cycle phase 1"....
But The clique I had run afoul of in Hollywood was only starting to stomp me into the muck. First they backdated my CD so it was listed a year earlier than what it was. Thus none of the magazines listed it as a new release. Then it was not listed in the Schawnn catalog which meant it did not exist as far as many were concerned. Even though I had been given a 3star review , even my first solo album got 4stars from the Ann Arbor news. Imagine my shock when I learned that John Carpenter had ran, and was making a new version of "Village of the Damned." These were the guys. Well I ended up back in the VA hospital broke and a nervous wreck. Saul refused to pay me, I let it go. And when I saw the new movie I was laid waste inside, I was blown to bits in that barn. Heart broken I slipped into my own poverty stricken computer dream world. Ahhhh they said, so we would have it.
Later when Reeves broke his neck.... I sent a fax to the Saul Zaentz film center and Fantasy inc. saying I never had any ill feeling toward those people, and I was sorry for what happened to them. I did not know they were going to make a new version of "Village"... In which they were going to kill the children of God. Blowing them to bits in that horse barn. I had offended the orgy. I wanted nothing to do with it. Leave me to die in some dignity in the VA was all I asked. I remained as the waves of Thug and pimp music washed over my soul like the sea over the rock strewn coast of some desolate desert island slowly sinking into oblivion. "....Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn...." And Reeves and his gang thought it wise to blow up that barn with the children in it. Who could I tell? To whom could I make complaint? These were mind games. The Hollywood wolf pack. Who cares? So it's over. The delusion and the lie is triumphant but that triumph is short lived. I wanted Hollywood.... That's Hollywood. Whatever.
People always think that these actors who would not hazard their lives for anyone, are so great. They see them play these roles and fall into believing them real, and think the most base and selfish of men to be noble. Why? I will never know. I spent many months in VA hospitals with real heroes. Reeves would not go across the street to risk a hair of his head. He often said there was no god before he fell from his horse. I have learned in this hedonistic and false world that the best policy when dealing with stuff like this is to say..."WHATEVER" :wacko:
R'lyeh Fatagin....
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Postby dannavy85 » 19 years ago

He often said there was no god before he fell from his horse.

And Saul of Tarsis was out to persecute Christians before God struck him down and he became Paul. You should watch what you say before you judge.
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Postby cybotron » 19 years ago

Originally posted by dannavy85@Oct 11 2004, 07:53 PM
[b]He often said there was no god before he fell from his horse.

And Saul of Tarsis was out to persecute Christians before God struck him down and he became Paul. You should watch what you say before you judge. [/b]

And you should hear at least some of this wretched fools story before you judge.
I die in the VA lost and forgotten but not ashamed.
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Postby jeffbert » 19 years ago

I know nothing of either Reeve's or Cybotron's histories, so I must limit my response to that about which I have knowledge.

Whether a person is good or evil, when that person is faced with a situation similar to Reeve's, he can collapse into dispair, or accept the condition & try to work around it, or try to better himself in that area. If he chooses the former, it matters not whether he is good or evil, public opinion of him for this issue should be focused upon his dispair: he is a loser. If he chooses the latter, again, good or evil, people should judge him in this honorably. If he chooses to accept the condition & try to live with it, some will criticize him: "he will not even try", others will applaude him: "he is mature enough to know he cannot change it, so he moves on". Although they may see him as good or evil for his deeds or words on other issues, they should be able to separate the two for the purpose of judging how he handles this situation. Nevertheless, his handling of that situation has no bearing on whether he is good or evil, only that he deals with that situation in a certain way.

I have tried several approaches to my own condition. Dispair only makes life worse, I was focused upon that which I could not do & the unfairness of it all. Acceptance of that which I believed I could not change does allow me to get on with my life, but it does not do anything to improve it. Fighting can be useful if one is a fighter; but if one is newly trying to become a fighter, it can be very frustrating.

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Postby cybotron » 19 years ago

Originally posted by jeffbert@Oct 12 2004, 05:08 AM
I know nothing of either Reeve's or Cybotron's histories, so I must limit my response to that about which I have knowledge.

Whether a person is good or evil, when that person is faced with a situation similar to Reeve's, he can collapse into dispair, or accept the condition & try to work around it, or try to better himself in that area. If he chooses the former, it matters not whether he is good or evil, public opinion of him for this issue should be focused upon his dispair: he is a loser. If he chooses the latter, again, good or evil, people should judge him in this honorably. If he chooses to accept the condition & try to live with it, some will criticize him: "he will not even try", others will applaude him: "he is mature enough to know he cannot change it, so he moves on". Although they may see him as good or evil for his deeds or words on other issues, they should be able to separate the two  for the purpose of judging how he handles this situation. Nevertheless, his handling of that situation has no bearing on whether he is good or evil, only that he deals with that situation in a certain way.

I have tried several approaches to my own condition. Dispair only makes life worse, I was focused upon that which I could not do & the unfairness of it all. Acceptance of that which I believed I could not change does allow me to get on with my life, but it does not do anything to improve it. Fighting can be useful if one is a fighter; but if one is newly trying to become a fighter, it can be very frustrating.

Maybe so... Yet this is what Reeves and his gang did to me...
But instead of killing me outright they threw me into the depths of the VA system where they thought my fate would be as the one that Saul Zaentz portrayed in "One flew over the cuckoos nest" (Jack Nicholson?), for which Saul recieved his first academy award.
Same backstab. I had none to tell or complain to. There are a million stories of desolation in Hollywood. The mob that controlled pop culture promoted only thugs and pimps and satanists in those days. I could do none of those things. I accepted my fate.
I don't know why God kept me alive after that. A man maybe beautiful on the outside but inside a raging beast and monster. This world is evil. But it's best to just say..."Whatever" and Merry Christmas. I did 2 albums both mocking Saul and Reeves.I liked the part where they made propaganda commercials trying to make people think he was walking. :wacko:
But the birds that I could hear singing in the trees outside the VA hospital chirped out in the cold mists of the Michigan morning saying: "...And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck..."
Exodus 13:13
The liberation of the hapless slaves. :wahah:
So I don't feel so bad in the last days of my life. I'll try to be of better service in the next incarnation. :lol:
[sigpic][/sigpic]Safe :ninja:

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Postby Big Astro Fan » 19 years ago

I was in shock when I heard that he died. :o He looked like he was doing so well. :( :cry:

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Postby super_kim » 19 years ago

I've seen sites mocking him because he only started to support spinal chord research after his neck was snapped. There was a particularly horrible one with a cartoon of his neck snapping. It just makes me cry to think that some people could find that happening to anyone funny.

But as with the research support, can you blame him? If i snapped my neck and I had the resources, I would do anything in my power to aid the research that could one day cure me. He didn't ask for the praise and awards he got for setting up the christopher reeves foundation, but he got them.

He showed great personal strength dealing what he had to, as does anyone in his condition. People that degrade him need to think about all the good the spinal chord research has done, not just for christopher reeves, but for everyone who has a spine problem. Sure he didn't help with spinal chord research before he fell off his horse, but all these people that speak little of him probably don't do anything to help in causes that have nothing to do with them.

They just have to get off their high horse and get over their grudge.

But thats just my opinion and everybody is entitled to theirs, no matter what I think.

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Postby cybotron » 19 years ago

Originally posted by super_kim@Oct 13 2004, 09:43 PM

He showed great personal strength dealing what he had to, as does anyone in his condition. People that degrade him need to think about all the good the spinal chord research has done, not just for christopher reeves, but for everyone who has a spine problem. Sure he didn't help with spinal chord research before he fell off his horse, but all these people that speak little of him probably don't do anything to help in causes that have nothing to do with them.

They just have to get off their high horse and get over their grudge.

But thats just my opinion and everybody is entitled to theirs, no matter what I think.

"....And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.
Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD...." Genesis 49 ( the true Genesis device?)
Reagan fell off his high horse, head wound, the brain surgery took him. You remember how the Academy of motion pictures arts and sciences loved Saul Zaentz's Brain surgery at the VA scene from Cuckoos nest? :D
a Little brain surgery will correct him. What? It happened to Reagan instead? Geeeee. :P
Reeves fell off his high horse ( what part of the south did the big boss man fall in? The perfection of masculine beauty? The serpent was the most beautiful of angels, till he fell. A snicker from the subhuman slaves and sharecroppers shacks. The lamentation of the women :D )
Screw him.... :P They provoked me. I don't care. There is a God. :wahah:
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Postby starrgazing » 19 years ago

so, who will be the next superman...
I think Dean Cain still suitable to be Superman than the one in Smallville ---> sorry for the fanatics here... Smallville cast here for some kinda teenagers below... but not Dean Cain ... the innocent look and the muscles body... its really fitted to him to be a Superman... ;) just my Opinion guyz!
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