What happened with Rockman series?

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What happened with Rockman series?

Postby Toshio » 11 years ago

Sadly, Capcom lost creativity and the respect to their fans.

I haven't played Rockman Xover, but the premise is too weak.

It feels like a old flashgame which Rockman just goes into a boss rush with some RPG elements.

Xover don't have the exploration device which made us inspect every area and see what we could get.

Instead all what we can do is just go forward, defeating enemies and fight the boss in a RPG style without having the emotion of predict and study the enemy's attacks to make our own strategy.

That's something which made the game lose the spirit to the point that we don't even know how everything had to turn bad.

During the epoch which Rockman X2 was released, I had many hopes that the series would get better and better...
I've keept drawing and trying to pass the word of the games to my friends, so they could also enjoy as much as I did.

But, my hopes failed, things became harsher and fans got divided.

I wasn't enough, a horrible series of missleading comics of Rockman was released in Brazil with bad plotlines and sexual references which fooled many people who were new and unfamiliar with both english and japanese language which would help them to know how was the real story behind the games.

Then we got weaker games and some promising ones got cancelled.

Not just that, but the fans became reason of mockery in internet and even in recent cross-over games as well.

Zero was a interesting addiction to the series, but it made the fans divided...

Many started to consider the original blue bomber to be obsolete in any new cross-over game since Zero was more appealing for them.

But, they forget that Rockman was meant to be a shooter action game rather than slice'n dice game which suit Zero's fighting skills.

What happened with the spirit of the Rockman series after all?

Why all what we got after Rockman 10 had to be nothing, but cancelations, mockery and a game which looks so amateur that only a single person could have made?

Don't we deserved nothing noble in the series 25 years of franchise?

Our dedication at buying the games over that course of 25 years was so poor to the point that all we could get to celebrate was a social game which doesn't make justice to our dedication?

The fans are consumers so, what's the point of Capcom mocking their dedication through the course of 25 years?

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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

It really is sad that this franchise has been going downhill lately. :(

And yes, I agree that Xover is a pretty crappy excuse for a 25th anniversary gift :/ But then again, with the way Capcom has been cancelling games left and right lately, I'm surprised they even came out with something at all.

But maybe we're just going to have to remember that we've got some pretty awesome games from capcom in the past 25 years, and just because right now they may not be at the top of their game like they used to, it doesn't mean they never were. Rockman 9 and 10 were pretty surprising to me; that was something, right? I remember playing the first X game as a kid and thinking it was the coolest thing ever, even though I had no idea what was going on half the time XD (Instruction booklet? What instruction booklet??)

Though... I still want X9 ;-;
...But then again, they'd probably cancel it.

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Postby Earthshine » 11 years ago

I want to see Capcom give the X series a good finale, that way it can be finished without leaving us holes. The Rockman series fortunately has been a series that has had the opportunity to actually be completed (.exe and the Zero series) and having something end gives the fans a breath of relief and the sense of security.

The way how Capcom is acting is making a lot of fans edgy; such as the premise of Rockman Online (X9) being increasingly similar to Legends 3 (cancellation). Many fans feel as though Capcom simply wants to cease their work on all Rockman games, even though Capcom has been sited saying that the Rockman franchise is still valued to their company. It certainly doesn't seem like it.

We can blame these recent actions on (partially) the retirement of Keiji Inafune (creator of Rockman and CEO of Capcom) in 2010 (? not sure on exact year to be honest) as he was a main contributor for Rockman games being pushed out. We can also blame poor sales figures in Japan, the country of interest for Capcom. If ANY series experiences poor sales a company on the business end will feel hesitant to continue working on it, this might be remedied IF Capcom would actually make decent Rockman games that appeal to more than just children and tried to make games that once again appeal to everyone.

But Capcom none-the-less is concerned about their Japanese fanbase (the American fanbase is larger apparently, and more passionate) and until they are convinced that they can make a game that will more than pay for itself, they won't make it.

Still, we've had some good things happen in the last few years, despite the lacking of games we've been blessed with music albums (there are a lot!) manga (Hitoshi Ariga's Megamix and Gigamix were translated by Udon and are wonderful) and many many artbooks. A good game would be nice though...

Sigh... Darn you Capcom.

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Postby spartanx01 » 11 years ago

Don't feel too bad, CAPCOM's keeping his memory alive. In MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3: The Fate of Two Worlds, Zero and Tron Bonne are in the roster. In DEAD RISING, you can unlock parts of the MEGAMAN suit and wear it with a real Megabuster. Along with a Servbot Mask. DEAD RISING 2: Off The Record, parts of the Protoman Suit can be unlocked and worn. See he's not completely gone.

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Postby Toshio » 11 years ago

"spartanx01" wrote:Don't feel too bad, CAPCOM's keeping his memory alive. In MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3: The Fate of Two Worlds, Zero and Tron Bonne are in the roster. In DEAD RISING, you can unlock parts of the MEGAMAN suit and wear it with a real Megabuster. Along with a Servbot Mask. DEAD RISING 2: Off The Record, parts of the Protoman Suit can be unlocked and worn. See he's not completely gone.

Unfortunatelly, it looked more like a mock since the players wanted to use Rockman instead of having him unplayable.

The problem is not keeping the memory alive, the problem is how they're leaving Rockman sink.

The flash game was something, but nothing epic...

It lacked the spirit of the series and all characters from past games are unplayable.

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Postby spartanx01 » 11 years ago

If it helps in both DEAD RISING and DEAD RISING 2: Off The Record. Frank celebrates when you put on a piece of the armor. Nothing big but a simple "WHOO HOO!" or "OH YEAH!" The list goes on and on but hey it's something right.

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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Yeah, they may not be coming out with many decent games lately, but at least he has not been completely forgotten. :)

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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but I just found this and it made me sad :cry:

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Postby GreenDarthVader » 11 years ago

"Astro-Rokku-chan" wrote:Sorry for the double post, but I just found this and it made me sad :cry:

To be fair, some would argue series like Final Fantasy and sonic have gotten worse with age.

But then again, at least they're given chances...

On the bright side, there are some quality megaman fan games out there!

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