What keeps you in the Astro Boy fandom?

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What keeps you in the Astro Boy fandom?

Postby Shiyonasan » 12 years ago

This is mainly a question for the people who have been an Astro Boy fan for a long period of time.

Why are you still an Astro Boy fan? Is it the nostalgia you have from watching the show as a child? Is it the excitement and/or entertainment you get from the DVD set you purchased or watching the show on Viki? Perhaps it's just the positive interaction you get from other Astro Boy fans on here that helps cement your Astro Boy fandom? Maybe it's some other reason I didn't list here?

Whatever your reason is, post it here if you wish. I'm only asking this question out of curiosity.

My reasoning is, for the most part, the third reason I listed. If this forum wasn't so friendly, I would have probably exited this fandom a long time ago. I never thought I would be a fan of Astro Boy for as long as I have (16 months currently).

I suppose another reason for my fandom staying is because of watching the '80s anime on Viki. I'm currently about 70% through the anime and enjoying it quite a bit.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 12 years ago

Hmm...That's fairly easy forme to decipher;

Let's just say that Astro Boy has given me great enjoyment, both in watching it, and discussing my ideas and thoughts with you guys. It's also given me a lot to look forward too in regards to fanart and fanfiction, something I've really only felt with KNd these past few years.

And while KND is one of my favorite animated series, the inspiration bug for it has bit me as hard recently. Astro Boy on the other hand, has. As such, I've managed to feel a string fo happiness in those moment I feel sort of bleh during the days,and I attribute it to that.

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Postby AprilSeven » 12 years ago

Oh, man ... I know I'm one of only a few of you who watched the original anime back in the 60's. And believe me, I was SUCH a fangirl, with no place to direct my desire to talk about Astro, and dream up fanart and fanfics . . . it was just me and my younger brother.

And when Astro Boy was pulled from the airways sometime in '65 or '66 I literally cried and NEVER got over it. I dreamt up my own future for Astro in my mind, and would always think of him, and what an inspiration he was to me (I LIVED for the day I would see if the 21st Century would be anything like it was in Astro's world).

Sadly, I never had any idea that the 80's series had been broadcast here, and only found out about it when I discovered this forum.

So one BIG reason I'm still such a fan, is because I'm kind of "catching up" from where I left off when I was 10 years old. I had no idea there were manga, and that Tezuka created Atom stories into the 70's. I certainly would have tried to read/watch more before this. I also find his other works satisfying (but Astro will always be my special favorite, and I'll probably die loving him as much as I do now).
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Postby Photar » 12 years ago

Certainly not this forum. I know there's not much for hope for intelligent conversations when the subject of interest is a cartoon-boy-robot but there's only so many 'What if Astro was a...I dunno....freaking Himalayan mountain-goat'-type questions you can partake in/with.

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Postby Atomars » 12 years ago

Hmm, some of the reasons are,

-Interesting storyline (at least for me) ;)
-Astro Boy's cuteness :D
-Well, Astro Boy has kinda become my flesh and blood for 11 years :astro:

I will be his fan forever you know :lol:

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Postby CommanderEVE » 12 years ago

I started liking it ever since I was about 12, I first watched the 2003 version. Then later on watched the other series. I just think Astro Boy is timeless and I will always like it.

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Postby AprilSeven » 12 years ago

@Fotar - Sorry you feel that way, Fotar. :(

We seem to currently have more young active members than we did a couple years ago, and they tend to ask more questions about how Astro works or "what if" scenarios, and of course - remarks about how cute he is ;)

You've been an excellent contributor to ABO, and I hope you won't give up, simply because we happen to be going through a bit of a "fangirl/fanboy phase." Sometimes, I go back to old topics to read through, and it will spark a new question or comment I want to share. That might be something to try . . . :cool:

I especially appreciate that you help us focus on Fotar/Epsilon who is a character I'm glad wasn't killed off in the 2003 series (even though they turned him into a her!). Point is, everyone here seems to have a special contribution to make, and it's really exciting when we get a lot of engaging content on the forums. But there ARE "quiet times" (like now) - trust me, things will be popping soon enough! We're only 2 years from the live-action/CG "Pluto" (where Epsilon is a male robot again) - as we get closer to that, I have a feeling it's going to be VERY interesting to read ABO, so don't loose heart!! :D
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Postby Tobiofan » 12 years ago

I'm the kind of person that is hard to start liking something and once I do, I can't stop. I was never really into TV and Movies, so the fact I found something that I love to watch is surprising. It happened before with Detective Conan, which I watched all the episodes to as well, but ever since it was taken down I'm afraid to look for it on other sites (The site I watched it on had by far the best quality and subs apparently, and I'm glad I got to finish it when I did, which was literally the day before the site was shut down). So now I can't watch it. At least I have the Manga.
Truthfully I'd love to see everything about Astro Boy. I've already seen all the episodes available, and I actually almost bought the last disc of the Astro Boy 2003 series just so I could see what was cut out. I have decided not to due to it being very expensive and that my parents can use the money for bills and such. Knowing me, Astro Boy will be a favorite of mine for many years to come.
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Astro Boy: (started April 30, 2012)
1960's: 104/104 + 193
1980's: 52/52 (will rewatch when english subs available)
2003: 50/50 (yay all Astro Boy seasons finished!)
Detective Conan: 656/656+ (all caught up! :D ) (started Jan 1, 2012)

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Postby Satus » 12 years ago

In the mid-2000s when the 2003 series was airing for the first time, I didn't think much of the series, it was just something to watch. But when I saw the '80s series for the first time in the late 2000s, the series gave me a sense of happiness. In all versions, the stories when Astro is simply learning or doing something mundane are my favourite. This is especially so because of who Astro is, a powerful robot hero and more, but still manages to have as much to discover as everyone else. However it is fun seeing the action when it appears.

I like that the characters are not black and white (they're not perfect, not even Astro :p ), I like the strong sense of fighting for what is right (even if odds outweigh against the person, such as the robot law forcing Astro to be more sneaky in "Lilly on Pelligro Island"), the sense that there's always something for someone to learn, and more. Astro himself also makes me smile.

The series also inspires me to draw. I tend to stay interested in something for at least a few years if I keep drawing things related to it.

The forum wouldn't affect how much I like or dislike the many series. But I can safely say that I do enjoy the pleasant atmosphere, the friendly members, and the interesting threads that may come up.

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