RPG-The Hoshie Files; Have we met before?

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RPG-The Hoshie Files; Have we met before?

Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 12 years ago

Hello everyone.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been kind of busy with work, as well as trying to catch up on some projects and enjoy my summer simultaniously. One of them is actually a video project related to Astro, but we'll get into that next time.

For now, I'd like to introduce you all to a new RPG idea I've been wanting to do for awhile. The idea basically goes like this; what if Hoshie (Tenma's wife) was more involved in Astro's life?

Anyway, let's get this thing started. Feel free to join in...just remember not to stray too far off from the post before yours has going on.

(Astro is flying through the city, attempting to chase down Skunk from getting off his latest heist)

(As they fly through a busy market place, Skunk begins to notice the little robot right on their tale)

Skunk; Frankie...Give Astro a run for his money....

Frankie; Sure thing, Boss.

(With a push of "The Button", a small missle comes flying from the back at the car. Astro manages to dodge it in time, but sees it crash into a large sign on the side of the shopping square)

(People begin to scream, fleeing in a major panic as the sign begins to come down)

(Astro begins to fly towards it. But once he sees that a woman has not only tripped, but is also frozen in fear from the sign comign down towards her, he speeds up and catches it in time)

(Being as small as he is, Astro struggles to balance the huge sign he's holding. But eventually, he lands the sign safely to the ground as teh crowd begins to cheer him on)

(Astro just runs towards the woman)

A; Excuse me, Miss. Are you alright?

(As the woman snaps herself out of her dazed state, she turns to face Astro. Her eyes begin to widen)

A; Umm...Are you alright, Miss?

W; What?...Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

A; Oh, good.

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Postby BlueCore » 12 years ago

Where's the rest! I want it! I need it! I crave the rest of this story! :lol:
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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 12 years ago

Actually, this is a RolePlaying game Blue Core. If you want more, you're going to have to contribute.

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Postby Astro Forever » 12 years ago

Astro then wondered where Skunk had gone, but a crowd had gathered around him and he couldn't see nor hear very far. With a charming smile, he managed to escape the crowd, but Skunk was nowhere in sight.

"If I were Skunk, where you I have gone?", he thought to himself. He looked in the direction he last saw Skunk escaping, and entered the building. Then, he set his magnified hearing as unnoticeably as possible, and waited as if nothing special was happening.

He finally heard a noise....

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

(Out of nowhere came a giant pincher claw. Astro had no time to react, and instead ended up smashing into a nearby stack of crates. Astro winces for a bit, before staring in awe at the mechanical claw beast before him)

S; Let's see you get out of this one Astro.

(Skunk laughs evilly as him and his men make their escape. Astro stares angrily for a second before leaping into action. He tries to punch it, but the monster just simply uses his arm to block before throwing him back into teh crates again)

(Astro just gets up again, but before he can figure out a new strategy)

Voice; Take out it hard-drive!

(Surprised, Astro turns to face the voice in question)

(A;It's that woman from before.)

A:What are you doing here?! It's dangerous!

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

The woman seemed to be really calm, to Astro's amazement. He didn't have much time to react, because for the brief second his attention was on the woman, the giant pincher claw attacked him. Astro fired his jets as hard as he could, but he couldn't escape.

"Remember, the hard drive!", the woman said again.

Astro felt he was quickly losing energy, and was losing the battle... His eyes closed...

Astro woke up alone in a large room, unable to move his arms and legs. He looked around...

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

And saw the woman there with him. She looked concerned.

W; Are you alright?

A; Uh, I'm fine...But, where's the monster?

W; Oh, you don't need to worry about that. The police showed up not long after you passed out and took care of it.

A; Really? Was anyone hurt?

W; Oh, not at all. I just got berated for trying to help the police is all. I mean, I only wanted to help. Though in hindsight, I didn't exactly have anything I could've just instructed them from the sidelines. Oh well, all is said and done, I guess.

(Astro just chuckles)

A; You must be very brave.

W; Oh, not really. You just get reckless at my age.

A; Really?...Oh, I almost forgot; I'm Astro. What's your name?

W; My name? Oh, uh...My name is Hoshie...Hoshie...Yuriko.

A; Hoshie?...That's a nice name.

W; Thank you. It's one of the only few things in life I can take pride in.

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

Astro: Oh... you must have a very hard life then!

Hoshie hesitated.

"Well, everybody has some kind of burden to carry, you know".

Astro: "Well... yes, that's true".

Hoshie: "What's yours?"

Astro: "Oh, I wish people would understand that robots have feeling too. We only want to help!"

Hoshie smiled.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

H; I'm sure you would.

Astro just stares at her, confused

A; What do you mean-

He winces in pain

H; Are you alright?

A; Don't worry about me; I'm fine.

H; Let me look.

Astro is helpless to stop her she looks at the open wound on his arm. She examines it for awhile, before opening her mouth to speak again.

H; Oh, it's nothing too serious. You just need a patch up job, and it'll be good as new. In fact, I'll do it for you.

A; You can patch up my circuits?

Hoshie just smiles

H; You'd be surprised.

Meanwhile, at the Ministry...

Z; Please Dr. O'Shay! Can't I come!?

O; No Zoran, I'd like you to stay here for now.

Z; But what if Astro's hurt really badly?

O; Zoran, please. I'm just as worried about him as you are, but right now, I need to keep myself calm. Understand?

Z; Oh...Okay.

O'Shay smiles at her

O; Good.

Off-Screen; Hi Doctor.

O;Oh, hello Astro.

Both him and Zoran do a double take, before realizing that Astro is standing right in front of them

O:Astro, you're alright.


Zoran begins to run towards him, but O'Shay then notices that Astro is holding hands with a youthful looking woman

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

O'Shay stared at the young woman. Meanwhile, Zoran did not notice his confusion.

Zoran: What happened, Astro?

Astro: I was attacked by this giant pincher claw... this woman tried to help me, but I didn't win the fight, and...

Zoran: Astro, I'm disappointed! How could you lose?

Astro: Well...

O'Shay couldn't keep his eyes off the young woman. She seemed to stare at him, too.

Astro: I can't always win, I guess. I was fortunate enough to be rescued by this woman...

Zoran: Thank you for rescuing my brother... who are you?

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