RPG-The Hoshie Files; Have we met before?

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Sure, go right ahead.

Sorry if I've made this a bit more difficult Forever.

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Astro Forever
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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

Astro was startled..

The voice kept going.

"Very good job, Tobio. But you can do much, much better than that. You will soon need to prove yourself. You will go beyond any limitation you may think you have right now. You will rise over everything, and look around you. One day, everybody will look up to you, and listen...."

The RD went away....

Astro: "Wait... who are you???"

Astro turned to Hoshie.

"Do you know who he was?"

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Astro however notices that Hoshie looks very out of it

A; Hoshie?...Hoshie!?

H; What?...Oh, Astro.

A ; Hoshie, do you know who that was?

H; Me? Oh, of course not, silly!

A; But I just heard you say-

Hoshie bends down and grabs a hold of his little shoulders

H; Uh, that's not important right now. But Astro, we need to get back to teh Ministry and let O'Shay know what just happened, okay?

A; Uh...okay...

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

Astro usually had an easy time trusting people, but, as Hoshie and him were going to the ministry of science, he was starting to think that there was a clear reason why Hoshie was around. She certainly didn't have only ice cream in mind.

Astro: "I wish humans would understand they can trust robots..."

Hoshie: "I trust you."

Astro: "No you don't. You keep all these mysteries to yourself, and you won't explain me anything."

Hoshie looked down.

Astro: "Oh, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but there are many things you won't tell me, I just know it. I wish I could understand. You seem like a really good person, and I know I can trust you. I wish you would also trust me."

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Hoshie just kept walking silently, seeing this made Astro feel sad

H; It's someone I know.

A; Huh?

H; That voice that spoke to you, it sounded like someone I know. That's all I can say for now.

Astro smiled at this

A; Thank you Hoshie.

Surprised to hear this, Hoshie turns around to see Astro smiling at her. She merely smiled back.

H; Don't mention it.

Finally, they enter the Ministry of Science

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

(Phew, almost lost my post, the site could no longer be reached!)

They reach Dr. O'Shay, who was surprised to see them both in his office.

"Oh, nice to see you both! Did you have a good time together?"

Astro: "Yes, of course, I don't see who wouldn't with such a nice lady."

Hoshie smiled. "We did have a great time, but there is something you should know".

O'Shay had a frown.*

Hoshie then proceeded to explain what had just happened. O'Shay was really surprised. "Astro, can you leave us for a few minutes, please? I'll explain later, I promise."

"Okay", said Astro, and he left the room.

(*I hope that was okay to say in English, I really wasn't sure...)

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Why wouldn't you think it'd be okay to say frown in English?

O; What!? A robot attacked humans!?

H; Well, technically he just attacked the building, but there were people in it...I guess that would count as attacking people, though.

(O'Shay sighs)

H; Oh, sorry.

O; No, it's alright.

(O'Shay then sits down in his office chair)

O; You think that Tenma is behind this.

H; Well...it wouldn't surprise me.

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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

O'Shay: I hadn't heard from him in years! Are you still close?

Hoshie: Unfortunately, no. I was desperate to hear from him, and I would have wanted to help him, but I must admit I was exhausted after everything that happened to us. Now, I regret it. I have a feeling something terrible is about to happen, and I can't do much to stop it.

O'Shay: Should we tell Astro?

Hoshie: Perhaps... Can he understand?

O'Shay: Yes, I think so... I must admit that he knows nothing about his past, but I think he could handle it. He will have to be careful, so he must know.

"Prettywitchiusaka" wrote:Why wouldn't you think it'd be okay to say frown in English?

I wasn't sure I was using that word the way it was supposed to be used, and I couldn't think of any other way to say it. :)

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Oh, I see.

H; Right. We should probably go find him immediately.

(O'Shay nods)

(Meanwhile, Astro is sitting in the lobby of O'Shay's office, waiting for O'Shay and Hoshie to come out again)

Off-Screen: Tobio.

(This startles Astro, until he turns around to see the same robotic dog from before)

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Astro Forever
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Postby Astro Forever » 11 years ago

Astro: "Why are you calling me Tobio?"

Dog: "That is your name. This is part of your identity. There are a lot of things you don't know. These people you trust, they aren't telling you everything."

Astro's eyes went wide.

Dog: "Follow me. This is important. If you do not follow me, perhaps you will have to regret it later. You must make a decision right now. What do you choose?"

Astro: "What do you want from me?"

Dog: "I'll explain, and then you will be able to make a choice. First, you need to get out of here."

Astro hesitated, but, confident in his strenght and intelligence, decided it was worth taking the risk. He left the building, and flew away.

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