Has a film/book/fanfiction/anime/song ever made you cry?

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Postby Ghost » 13 years ago

This thread came up again I see.

Well something recent did happen. Like a lot of people have said (I think I said this earlier in this thread I can't remember right now.) that they don't cry easy including myself. I watched V for Vendetta recently and I not only liked the movie, but the soundtrack. This is not the first time this has happened. I could make a large list of movies and video games that have awesome soundtracks if I were to be bothered.

But V for Vendetta had two songs in there that really moved me. One was called "Cry me a river" (I forget who sang it, it's an oldie.) and the main one I'm talking about now is called "I found a reason" by a group called "Cat Power."

For those that don't know, I'm usually not into music like this. Those here that know me well know that I listen to death metal, heavy metal, screem-o etc. Things of that nature, and again I can list off many good metal artists that I think are awesome, but that's a totally different discussion.

This song was not only good, but it had a sad tone to it. It didn't make me cry, but I've been listening to this for the past few days and I purchased it off iTunes not too long after I heard it in the movie. Every time I listen to this I just get this weird feeling, not a bad one but somewhat sad. It's really a beautiful piece, not too crazy for the band's name though.

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Postby SpaceCookie » 13 years ago

Once read a book called "The Rough Faced Girl" about an Indian girl who was probably one of the most unattractive girls in her tribe but had the sweetest personality. Her sisters were both beautiful and were married as soon as they were of age and made fun of thier younger sister every oppotunity they got. She went and traded with some local villagers for better clothes and some nice beads hoping it would ditract from the way she looked and that the guy she wanted would notice her..but it didn't work. In the end though, it all worked out. She bathed in this magic pool that transformed her into the person she was inside. A real beauty. I cried so hard for hours everytime I thought about it. No one could accept her for who she was. In the end she still had to change. T.T And FYI..'Winter Wish' made me cry too..

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Postby Androids101 » 13 years ago

"SpaceCookie" wrote:Once read a book called "The Rough Faced Girl" about an Indian girl who was probably one of the most unattractive girls in her tribe but had the sweetest personality. Her sisters were both beautiful and were married as soon as they were of age and made fun of thier younger sister every oppotunity they got. She went and traded with some local villagers for better clothes and some nice beads hoping it would ditract from the way she looked and that the guy she wanted would notice her..but it didn't work. In the end though, it all worked out. She bathed in this magic pool that transformed her into the person she was inside. A real beauty. I cried so hard for hours everytime I thought about it. No one could accept her for who she was. In the end she still had to change. T.T And FYI..'Winter Wish' made me cry too..

That sounds like a great movie. Although in the ending, she still had to change and turn pretty, which isn't the best of endings as it kind of defeats the purpose of the entire movie. :ninja: (probably the first time I've used this smiley on this forum :eek :)

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

The book The Outsiders made me cry alot. I dont want to ruin the ending for any one so I'll just say I was crying the whole time I was reading the last 50 or so pages

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Postby Astrogirl500 » 11 years ago

Me i cried when skunk is died on the 38th episode from the anime "The Three Eyed One" :'(

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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

Yes Astro boy made me cry in some areas of the show
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Postby Astro-Rokku-chan » 11 years ago

Yeah, um... I cry a lot when it comes to emotional parts in movies/shows/books. Not even gonna lie. Not like I'm a super emotional person or anything; it's always been like that for me. :S Has anyone seen the movie We Are Marshall? Yeah, I basically bawled my way through that whole movie. Like, tears actually streaming down my face. And that's just an example. When I was younger I had just assumed that everyone cried at sad parts, but then I started noticing my little sister just sitting there not even phased. I think I get it from my dad. X3

And don't even get me started on music. If the lyrics are sad, then I sometimes get a little teary; but not only that. I listen to a ton of instrumental music and so a really pretty tune or instrument will just get me. :cry:

I think it's interesting how everyone has a different way of expressing their emotions; mine all seem to come out my eyes XD
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Postby racoonangel » 11 years ago

the wolf and the hound made me bawl i was only like 7 when i watched but i thought it was pretty sad
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Postby Tetsuwan Atom » 11 years ago

Just saw the Jungle Emperor Leo 1997 movie i wanted to see the ending first trough the Anime or the manga but i decided to watch it anyway it was great the ending had me really tearing up this may as well be the best executed version of leo.

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Postby Androids101 » 11 years ago


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