Astro Boy Head Canon

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Astro Boy Head Canon

Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Canon is a strange thing; if something happens in an official storyline, it is considered canon. Or, at least until it's retconned (cough Spider-man; One More Day cough). Despite that though, fans are always free to speculate about things within their favourite works, especially in a franchise such as Astro Boy.

Thus, we create Head Canons; things that (in our minds) happened despite not existing in the actual series. They can be born from speculation, through fan theories, or just being inspired by an existing piece of fan art or fanfiction.

That's what I'd like to discuss today; Head Canons. Have you ever had any? If so, what are some of them regarding any area of the Astro Boy franchise?

I'll give three to start us off and running;

.Astro is actually a fan of Superman. He found an old set of Superman comics in O'Shay's attic one time, and grew very attached to them. To the point where he also reads current Superman comics. He likes the character because of the ideals he stands for, but also because Astro can relate to many of the problems Superman faces in trying to create a peaceful world, while still being human and learning to live like one

.Both Tenma, and O'Shay do not consider themselves atheists. If anything, they view themselves as agnostic (Tenma especially). Especially since both men believe in God, but are not religious in any way, shape or form

.In his youth, Tenma often read a lot of science fiction pulp novels. Including, though not limited to Phillip K. Dick

Those are some of mine, and as this thread grows, I will continue to post more that I have or conjure up.

What are you Head canons for Astro Boy?
Last edited by Prettywitchiusaka on Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Fixed the spelling on the word "canon".

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 11 years ago

Mm, I don't know if I have any Astro Boy head canons, except that in most stories/imagined scenarios (since I've never actually written down any of it; when I write, I think as I go), I tend to split the character Cobalt into two seperate entities, that more often than not occupy the same universe: an older as well as a younger iteration of Cobalt (I differentiate by referring to the elder as "Jetto"). This was a result of trying to fit him in to '03 series' canon (this was before I actually watched all the episodes, though; I was inspired by a fansub of the first episode that, sadly, can no longer be found on Youtube); I decided that I liked the older one, but then I thought about the younger iteration, too, and eventually (I'm not sure how, or when), they came to occupy the same line of thought. They possess and share many characteristics of the original character, but have their own unique characteristics, personalities, and talents, as well.

I'm fairly certain that none of this counts, however.

I might have a few regarding Cobalt's true personality (though it varies depending upon which series and which iteration I'm referring to); I will need some time to get my ducks in a row... that is, if I feel like sharing.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

One of my own personal canons would revolve around Shadows interaction with Hoshie if she had been in the 2003 series. Basically, Shadow finds her intriguing, since he has memories of her. He's not in love with her, but he does show concern for her when they do interact on occasion.

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Postby SuwaHana » 11 years ago

Hmm, headcanon... I know I have plenty, I've just got to remember them.

Not sure if this would count (since Atom having issues with Tenma is about as canon as you can get), but I always figured that, especially in the 50's/60's manga and anime, Atom always knew that Tenma was a bad person (one of his 7 powers), and struggled to understand and deal with it. Before he even knew about his powers, and was even named Atom, he could tell that Tenma was a destructive human being, and constantly wondered if he was a bad child for thinking so. Of course, he tried not to let it show, so as not to worry anyone. Being Atom is suffering ;_;

Another is that even long after being separated from Tenma and starting his "new life" with Ochanomizu and his robot family, Atom still absentmindedly imitates some of Tobio's habits and idiosyncrasies. Like the leg-tapping thing, as mentioned in the Scara arc of the manga. And that he secretly wishes his robot mother would act more like the real Hoshie, rather than just a different person in her image. Hoshie was always very emotional, and was a bit closed-minded, whereas Atom's robot mother is just a huge useless ditz who fights with her husband.

Hm... another is that Uran secretly resents Tenma (2003 series only). The last couple of episodes of the series explain this pretty well, so I'll spare you all the wall of text. Remember how upset Uran got when Tenma wiped Atom's memories and effectively kidnapped him? Yeah.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Ooh, I like those head canons you to there, Suwa. That one with Hoshie is especially intriguing to me, since I too have wondered about just how bizarre of a relationship she would have with Astro.

Anyway, I have a few more to add as well.

Once Tenma is let out of prison, he is allowed to remain in his house, but under careful supervision. Astro is part of that supervision, but he doesn't mind, since it means he can check up on his creator and spend some time getting to know him. Seeing as how he can't really get a job that would give him much of a challenge, Tenma instead opens up a small repair shop out of his own house.

In his youth, O'Shay used to play the violin. Occasionally, he will pull it out, and Astro will try it out as well. He's not very good at it, but it's something that he and O'Shay just laugh about instead of it being sad or angsty for them.

Hoshie is a skilled pianist. One just as good, if not better than Tenma. When they were still together, they would spend hours after Tenma got home from work (or if Tobio was out playing with friends), playing piano together.

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 11 years ago

... "Leg-tapping thing"? I haven't read most of the manga, so I have no idea what this is about. But it wouldn't quite make sense for him to imitate any of Tobio's behaviors, since he did not know Tobio when he was alive (obviously), and he wasn't programmed with his memories in this version (how that would even be possible, though, is a whole other can of worms).

I can easily see Uran resenting Tenma quite a bit by the end of the '03 series, though, given how, like you said, he effectively kidnapped Atom, and how both before and especially after this occurred, he was ultimately directly responsible for a lot of pain and suffering on Atom's part, not to mention multiple injuries.

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Postby Juanita » 11 years ago

Astro's favorite food is icecream.
That's all I got.

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

Astro and Zoran often find it weird that someone as nice as O'Shay has never been married. It is later revealed to them that O'Shay did in fact have a fiancee, whom he loved very dearly. However, what tore them apart before the wedding was their career paths. Both were scientists, but O'Shay wanted to stay with the Ministry because of his faith in the future of A.I. robots. She didn't, and wanted to move to America to pursue her own dreams. They argued over this often. Eventually though, O'Shay finally did the selfless thing; he broke it off with her, so that she could be happy.

She eventually moves to the states, and O'Shay never hears from her ever again. Occasionally, he has doubted his decision over the years, but eventually he can't help but remember that she has gone to do the things she wanted, and so has he. So he can't be too bitter about the whole thing, really.

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 11 years ago

"Prettywitchiusaka" wrote:Astro and Zoran often find it weird that someone as nice as O'Shay has never been married. It is later revealed to them that O'Shay did in fact have a fiancee, whom he loved very dearly. However, what tore them apart before the wedding was their career paths. Both were scientists, but O'Shay wanted to stay with the Ministry because of his faith in the future of A.I. robots. She didn't, and wanted to move to America to pursue her own dreams. They argued over this often. Eventually though, O'Shay finally did the selfless thing; he broke it off with her, so that she could be happy.

She eventually moves to the states, and O'Shay never hears from her ever again. Occasionally, he has doubted his decision over the years, but eventually he can't help but remember that she has gone to do the things she wanted, and so has he. So he can't be too bitter about the whole thing, really.
Now that sounds like something out of Blackjack.....

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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 11 years ago

"Tetsuwan Penguin" wrote:[QUOTE=Prettywitchiusaka;209730]Astro and Zoran often find it weird that someone as nice as O'Shay has never been married. It is later revealed to them that O'Shay did in fact have a fiancee, whom he loved very dearly. However, what tore them apart before the wedding was their career paths. Both were scientists, but O'Shay wanted to stay with the Ministry because of his faith in the future of A.I. robots. She didn't, and wanted to move to America to pursue her own dreams. They argued over this often. Eventually though, O'Shay finally did the selfless thing; he broke it off with her, so that she could be happy.

She eventually moves to the states, and O'Shay never hears from her ever again. Occasionally, he has doubted his decision over the years, but eventually he can't help but remember that she has gone to do the things she wanted, and so has he. So he can't be too bitter about the whole thing, really.
Now that sounds like something out of Blackjack.....[/QUOTE]

Really? Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Especially since I've never read Blackjack before.

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