Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

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Postby Photar » 9 years ago

Thanks Earthshine!!!

Fox, I can't comment on the movie unfortunately because I refuse to watch it.

Several things put me off - including the whole "I have machine guns in my butt?!??" bit (note - they're in his hips).

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Postby Photar » 9 years ago

In keeping with this post's original question though - my daughter did come out of her room crying because some big robot died........

But yeah for me the saddest scenes (descending order I.e most sad at #1)

1: Photar's death
2: Mitsy's deat......not real sure but it was sad as all heck
3: Atlas and Livian (and the crystal) destroying themselves to save earth
4: pook's mother
5: Brutons death ("Tell Uran, not to forget me")

But it's all subjective. I choke up even more nowadays when my kids watch the Land Before Time and I'm 36!!!!! (Mainly due to knowing what happened to the little girl who played Ducky.....YEP yep yep!)

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Postby Fauna » 9 years ago

For some reason, one of the most sad scenes I can recall offhand is the scene in Death Balloons, when Astro scares away all the kids on a basketball court. This is the point in the story where everyone in town associates Astro with the exploding balloons. Astro sees everybody leave, the sad version of the theme song swells up, and Astro just walks into the court. He passes one of the abandoned basketballs, gently picks it up, places it in the cart of basketballs, and walks on.

I don't know why this grips me so much. Some people would just kick the ball out of the way or ignore it, but even when he's at an absolute low, Astro does the right thing even with one basketball. He puts it where it's supposed to go; he fixes the mess and carries on.

Nuka/Nikki's disassembly scene in Astro's First Love got me really hard when I first saw the series in 7th grade, too. I think the whole episode hit me because it was surprising to see robots in love at the time (especially since I was against the idea of falling for anyone myself then.)

I of course have to also say that the scenes in the 2003 version of Tenma and Tobio, and Tenma constantly screwing up being a proper father, hit me really hard as well - both as someone who loves Tenma, and as someone who's had a really poor connection to their father since maybe age 10. I'd definitely put the Japanese dub higher than the English one in terms of emotional pull, just because of all the cut footage that builds a stronger case. Although, Dorian Harewood as Tenma is fantastic enough to come close.
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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby AstroStar24 » 4 years ago

I have a small, but personal one from "Outer Spaceport R-45". It's after Captain Tennyson found out that he's actually a robot from his creator. He then goes into the bathroom and proceeds to cut a little bit of skin off his arm, only to get disappointed when no blood spills out. "I can't even bleed..." he says sadly. :cry:

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby AstroStar24 » 4 years ago

Yushee wrote:Another part that seemed sad to me was...I think it was Episode 2 of Astro Boy 1980. Hamegg (or whatever his name is) trapped Astro in a small box, and when Tenma was calling out to find Astro, he couldn't respond or get out, and was pretty much seperated from Tenma.

Didn't Livian die at one point near the beginning and Atlas being sad/angry about it? That seemed sad to me too. XD

I think what actually happened was that Livian accidentally knocked over a gargoyle and broke it while she was cleaning, and a furious Walpur Guiss dismantled her as punishment. Shortly after this, Atlas came home only to find Livian's dismantled remains on the table, and when he found out Walpur Guiss was responsible, he proceeded to chase him down and run his car off the road, seemingly killing him.

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby DrFrag » 4 years ago

It's even worse in hindsight, because she wasn't just dismantled, she was smashed up. That means Walpur Guiss whipped her to death with his electric whip. :cry:

That's the upbringing Atlas had. He grows up to be a mass murderer who hates humans and wants to conquer the world. His first human slaves died of thirst so he drained an oasis to keep the rest alive. He melted the north pole, causing global flooding and killing millions of people.

Livian was the only one to ever love him. Atlas loved her so much that he sacrified himself to save the world, even though the world hated him, just because she pointed out to him that Astro was his brother. So that moment when he's a kid and finds her destroyed, I pretty much can't watch that without crying. :cry:

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby AstroStar24 » 4 years ago

DrFrag wrote:It's even worse in hindsight, because she wasn't just dismantled, she was smashed up. That means Walpur Guiss whipped her to death with his electric whip. :cry:

That's the upbringing Atlas had. He grows up to be a mass murderer who hates humans and wants to conquer the world. His first human slaves died of thirst so he drained an oasis to keep the rest alive. He melted the north pole, causing global flooding and killing millions of people.

Livian was the only one to ever love him. Atlas loved her so much that he sacrified himself to save the world, even though the world hated him, just because she pointed out to him that Astro was his brother. So that moment when he's a kid and finds her destroyed, I pretty much can't watch that without crying. :cry:

Oh, geez... That info makes the scene even more devastating than before! :cry: And if what you said about Livian being whipped to death by Walpur Guiss is true, that's terrifying when you consider that in real life, in several countries, actual servants (mostly slaves) wind up dying that way by their own masters!

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby jeffbert » 4 years ago

There is an episode of PK, in which one of the ladies of the court accidentally breaks a small statue. Nylon & DD want her head, because of it. All the ladies of the court are against the draconian punishment while DD & N are doing their best (or worst) to send the poor woman to the gallows.
S in solidarity intentionally breaks some of the statues, but that backfires as she is not above the law.

Seemeth to me that that episode may have inspired this one. :astro:

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby Alittleacorn » 4 years ago

Japanese dub for the 2003 anime. The episode with Atlas where his Father is in danger of being sucked out into space. There’s this silence as Atlas sees the Earth, before this music box theme tune plays as he remembers the promise he made with his Father as a little kid to go to the moon. It brought me to tears when I saw it again recently.

Atlas was so filled with anger at his father and ready to kill him, only for that to snap him out of it and instead save his father’s life. And the irony that in the end did keep the promise to go to the moon and see the Earth from there. Especially hit me at the end how Atom says he failed to save Atlas, only for Ochanomizu to say he DID save him, but only in terms of saving Atlas from himself.

Really blown away by the writing for the Japanese dub. Finally noticing the things I never saw before. Like Atom struggling throughout if Tenma even loves him anymore after he was thrown away and how he relates with Atlas. Then in the final episode Atom gets it out and he unknowingly says exactly what Tobio and Robot Tobio said “you don’t love me at all!” and then the feels train that hits when Atom realises his dad does genuinely love him, right as the guy is about to attempt suicide by blowing up the factory because he can’t live with what he’s done.

Or the fact Atom finally calls Tenma his Father when he begs him not to die, and it’s the first time doing so without him being brainwashed as Tobio. He defeats the big bad of the show with a hug—a hug!

Do we talk about how Atom won against Blue Knight not by fighting but with his words? This is good stuff! T.T

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Re: Saddest scene/Most enduring scene

Postby jeffbert » 4 years ago

Interesting thoughts, Alittleacorn; by "Japanese dub" do you mean the original Japanese - language audio track? The use of 'dub' confuses me.

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