That Pig Thing...

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Postby Anapan » 21 years ago

That weird miniature floating pig thing that's in a few of Osamu Tezuka's shows, and pops up in many of the others... What is it? What does it do?

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

Look in the Osamu Tezuka Characters World under 'H'. :D

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Postby Anapan » 21 years ago


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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

You are welcome. :P

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Postby gbrycki » 21 years ago

Hi all, I'm new here and I have to say the site looks great.

About the pig...from what I've gathered reading the Darkhorse translated reprints of the manga series...this pig seems to pop up to inform readers/viewers that what they just saw in the previous panel or scene was a "joke", and not to be taken seriously.


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Postby Anapan » 21 years ago

Hi gbrycki, hope you stick around.

That makes sense, I think every time I've seen Hyotantsugi show up it was after a joke. I guess it's like a visual rimshot :)

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

Characters 'h', page 5 of 5

This link says nothing of function, but as I understand it, the thing served to lighten the mood of an otherwise serious event:

Vocabulary of 'astroboy'

Japanese dictionary of manga and video games #10

Here is a link to an animated pointer.

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

I have seen Hyoutan-Tsugi and Atom, Uran, and Dr. Elefun on the playing cards Catchatorie held in his handand. Also was Mr. Pinchpenny's head for several frames (episode B&W "Gift of Zeo"). Also was among Long John Floater's prisoners in the B&W "Vikings", ! :D

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

Almost had a flush! :D

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Postby DrFrag » 21 years ago

Astroboy Manga, vol 1:

"New readers may at first also find Tezuka's visual gags confusing. He created so many stories in his lifetime that he developed a type of dialog with his readers, and he loved to insert nonsensical characters at random into scenes that seemed to be getting too serious. Thus a gourd-like character would sometimes come sailing out of the air and bounce off the floor, or an odd, cartoony little creature would come out and say 'omukae de gonsu' (roughly, 'Here ta meet ya' ;) ."

Astroboy Manga, vol 10:

"Next we've got this fella... He's called Hyotantsugi in Japanese, 'n he's a silly kinda gourd or fungus stuck all over the place who sometimes emits a stinky gas, yup."

These are all the occurances of Hyotantsugi I could find in the 80s series of Astroboy. Most of them are very hard to spot and are only on the screen for a few frames.

Uran dances with Hyotantsugi in Uran Falls In Love.

The shop owner in Outer Spaceport R45 tries to sell Astro some moon rocks. One of them is a Hyotantsugi.

Astro kicks the pile of tribesmen off him in Lilly On Peligro Island. One of them is a Hyotantsugi.

The totem pole in Lilly On Peligro Island has a Hyotantsugi on top.

Daddy Walrus shows the class the cinema on board the Memorial in The Hijacked Airship. Hyotantsugi are dancing on the screen.

Also, the Spider character ("Here ta meet ya") appears once in the 80s series:

Spider takes Uran into Hellywood Studios in The Robot Stuntman.

Astroboy Manga, vol 10:

"'N how could we forget...? Yup... I dunno why, but I'm called 'Spider', Yup... Here ta meet ya. Here ta meet ya. Here ta meet ya."

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