New Fan Fiction: Walkies Some more.

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New Fan Fiction: Walkies Some more.

Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Walkies some more.
An Astro boy fan fiction
By Dan Rush

Astro Boy & Tetsuwan Atom © 1954 Osamu Tezuka. Characters from the 1980s and 2003 anime series. All rights respected. Story for non-profit fandom enjoyment only.

Astro is off on another spur of the moment trip around Japan. This time he and his Sister Uran are going to find relatives that Doctor Tenma never talked about but the reunions could soon prove more trouble than worth.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Thursday Afternoon
Doctor Tenma’s old house
East New Shinjuku Cho

How hard could it be when one is a highly advanced information sponge right? Just plug a USB cable into the internet, sit back and download the entire “Home Improvements for Idiots” handbook and in no time the old house would look good as new.

That was the theory. What it didn’t solve was that age old dilemma of all home improvement hopefuls…

The curse of self critique. And Astro had it bad.

Dressed in obviously oversized, paint splattered overalls with a linen sheet tied around his head, He looked silly. Even more so when he forgot which end of the brush was tapping at his cheek. He took a swipe on the wall with the blue paint he had in the painters tin then contorted his head and body in all sorts of weird ways to analyze everything He could think about from light absorption to what he learned about colors and moods to refraction….

He over-analyzed everything……then he shook his head and rejected it.

“This is harder than I thought.” He said to himself. He then noticed the paint streak across his cheek and laughed.

The old house had been deeded to Astro after Doctor Tenma’s trial, part of his restitution for all the chaos he’d caused a year back. Though Astro had forgiven Tenma, society wasn’t willing to be so trusting and he was sent to Shibuya Prison in Ikatsume.

At first Astro didn’t know what he wanted. The house was nice but needed a ton of upgrading and how could he afford to keep it? Astro was ingrained with absolute honesty, he refused to take handouts from Doctor O’Shay, he insisted on working for an allowance but he wouldn’t be out of school for another six years.

Something had to be done though, it couldn’t just sit around with broken windows all torn up and forgotten. Then Astro found his motivation…Tobio. If for nothing or no one else it would be for the boy he was so heartfully created after. Astro would spend time fixing the house up then something good would surely spring forth that would make Tobio happy. Perhaps a new orphanage? A home for cancer patients? Tenma’s eventual retirement home after he was released? Astro didn’t have an idea yet but he had a spur to go on.

In the mean time he stroked another line of paint on the wall in the foyer and tried again not to “over-analyze” the heck out of it.
As he was brooding, he heard the sound of footsteps coming up to the front door and gave the visitor a little side glance as she walked in. He sat silently, still brooding even when her feathered friend Houdini flew from her shoulder, around his head and perched itself atop one of his head points with a wing tapping the back of his head.

“What cha doing big brother?” Zoran asked gleefully as she looked around the foyer. Astro showed a little face of dread as if some appending doom would befall him.

“I’m trying to figure out what color would be acceptable for this part of the house.” He replied as he got Houdini to step onto a finger. “Don’t touch anything.”

“You’re trying to figure out a color? Oh that should take a week.” Zoran replied snidely. “Boys don’t know anything about color coordination.”

Astro gave her a smirk. “And some girls can’t coordinate baking ingredients without causing a disaster can they.”

Zoran stood tapping her foot. “Unlike you, I have a very good ability to pick things that fit.” She said confidently. “And I have a great helper too, isn’t that right Houdini?”

The bird flew off Astro, landed on the floor and started hopping around the various open paint cans.

“Oh great!” Astro said trying not to laugh. “We’ve been reduced to listening to a bird. Zoran you just can’t pick a color out of the blue, it has to fit some specific criteria…”

As anyone knows, Zoran couldn’t sit still for a second. Especially when Astro was trying to explain things in his usually long winded way. She reached down, picked up a brush, dipped it into one of the cans Houdini pointed to and slapped a line across the wall.

“ZORAN NO!” Astro yelled out as he leaned over on the ladder and quickly realized how bad an idea it suddenly was! Over he went, brush, body and paint tin in precarious flight! As he tried to juggle the flying brush and tin, one of his legs hooked between the ladder legs and set off a comedic crash when the leg jet fired!

Zoran quickly jumped away as Astro crashed to the floor, through the open cans of paint and into the wall in a tangled dripping heap of broken ladder parts, over turned cans, splashed colors and one embarrassed boy bot.

Zoran meekly approached. “Are you alright?”

Astro looked back at her moaning. “You better be glad this is water based paint.”

Houdini chirped loudly as Astro stood up mortified and covered in paint. “Yup, it’s an improvement.” Zoran said almost laughing.
“GRRRRRRRRRRRR….WHEN I GET DONE WITH YOU IT’LL BE AN IMPROVEMENT!” Astro screamed as he started to give chase to the fleeing Zoran and fell over again not realizing his feet were stuck in a pair of cans.

An hour later.

Astro walked into the living room after he’d showered off the mess and saw Zoran sitting on the couch with a big book draped across her lap. “So did you look at the foyer?”

“Yes.” He replied as he took a seat.

“I was right wasn’t I?” She said proudly. “You like the color don’t you?”

Astro was reluctant at first to give Zoran her due. “Dumb luck.” He snorted. “I probably would have reached it eventually.”

“OH! You are SO full of it!” Zoran replied snorting. “You could have Reno, Crombie and Kennedy with you and all you boys couldn’t Feng Shui a Yen coin! Admit it! you would be so far done right now had you just asked your little sister for advice.”

Astro smirked. “I would have if this was the Titanic.”

“THAT’S NOT FUNNY!” Zoran yelled back.

Astro sighed. “Alright…alright…you were right. So what’s that you’re looking at?”

“A photo album. Must be Doctor Tenma’s.”

Astro leaned over and nodded. “Yup. That’s true.” He noted one picture and tapped it. “That must be the Doctor when he was a kid.”

“He looked scary then too!” Zoran snapped.

“Hey! That’s not nice.” Astro complained. “You always look scary to me, how does that make you feel?”

Zoran frowned. “You don’t mean that.”

“Shoe on the other foot.” Astro replied smiling with a nod. He looked back at the album and pointed to another picture.

It was of a young Tenma and another boy and from the looks of it they got into some kind of a mess. Both of them were dirty, both of them had torn shirts, both of them had bruises and both of them looked as if they were ready to kill each other had it not been for the instant need to mug for the camera.

“Now that’s a silly picture.” Astro remarked. He studied it for a moment and looked at Zoran. “I think they’re related.”

Flipping through the other pages, Astro confirmed his thought when he found a formal family photo of Tenma with the boy he’d been fighting with along side what was obviously his mother and father.

“Takiuma.” Astro said as he read the scribbled picture caption. “That’s his name? I never knew the Doctor had a brother.”

Zoran pointed to the picture. “Would you want anyone to know you got beat up by your brother?”

“Well that means I have an Uncle I never met.” Astro said scratching his head. “Maybe he’d be willing to tell me more about the Doctor?”

Zoran rested her head on a hand. “I thought you knew enough?”

“Not everything.” Astro replied. “It’s not like the Doctor ever had the time to be pleasant. I don’t know anything about his wife, his family, how he grew up. Maybe it would help get him out of prison faster?”

Zoran stood up from the couch and paced about. “They put him in prison for a reason. Maybe you shouldn’t get involved? I’m only thinking about you big brother, you shouldn’t…”

Astro closed his eyes and motioned for Zoran till he got to hug her. “I have too…If I don’t it’ll be just one more thing I can use to drive you crazy.”

Zoran crossed her arms. “I guess I shouldn’t let you do anything alone. Everybody knows you find a way to mess things up.”

Astro took one of the pictures from the book, smiled and rubbed Zoran’s head. “This coming from experience huh? Let’s go see Doctor O’Shay.”

Zoran followed Astro out the door. “I already know what you’re thinking big brother and he’s not going to like it.”

“If I don’t ask him, how will I know?” Astro replied.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Doctor O’Shay’s Home
North New Shinjuku Cho

“No, I can’t allow it.” The Doctor said as he sat at the dinner table.

“I told you!” Zoran said with a gesture. “I tried to tell him.”

“Zoran?” O’Shay said sternly. “Don’t put yourself between us when we’re talking. Astro, you know very well why the authorities don’t want you within miles of Tenma regardless of what you think?”

Astro frowned. “I think I have a right to have all my questions answered, especially if I have family I haven’t met.”

“But I never met Takiuma.” O’shay said pointing to himself. “Tenma never mentioned him when he talked about family, he could be deceased for all I know. It might be another old wound Tenma doesn’t need open up my boy.”

“He won’t listen.”

“Zoran!” Astro and O’Shay said together.

Astro sank into his chair and brooded. “You tell me so often that I should learn everything I can about myself. Where I come from, where the ideals and values I have are rooted, what makes me who I am? Doctor Tenma’s whole life is that. Isn’t it wrong not to know everything there is? If Tobio had an uncle, cousins, family then I want to know who they are and what they can teach me.”

O’Shay sighed.

“Doctor I’ll be super, super careful. I’m not looking to just walk right into his room with a bouquet and dance a giggly jig on his dinner table.”

Zoran contorted her face. “Giggly…..sometimes you look to sound stupid.”

Astro frowned right in her face. “Let me finish without the peanut gallery?” Then he turned, giving O’Shay that killer puppy face look he’d practiced often. “Pleeeeeese?”

O’shay shook his head. “Oh….it’s against my better judgment but…I get to set your meeting up and you better do everything you’re told or you’ll find it difficult to sit, let alone fly.”

“I’ll make sure he listens!” Zoran said snorting.

“I’m as good as doomed.” Astro replied trying not to laugh.

Later that evening
Astro’s room

Perhaps he’d be doing some reflection so she shouldn’t bother him. That’s what Zoran thought when she opened Astro’s door. Instead he was sitting on his bed holding the lower part of his left leg up to his face?

“Why’s your leg off?” Zoran asked.

“I’m cleaning the exhaust bell of the rocket motor.” Astro replied as he carefully ran a piece of scotch paper around the inside of the engine nozzle. “After a while the gases and heat build up scaling and it messes with my power output.”

Zoran sat down next to Astro and played with her fingers. “I thought you might be thinking about tomorrow.”

“I am.” He replied. “I’m not scared or anything, I don’t think he would want to mess with me.”

Astro finished his work and snapped the leg back onto the knee joint. “You only got to see him once.”

“Why do you think I call him scary?” Zoran said folding her arms. “I just don’t want him to hurt you again.”

Astro wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “With my mean little sister next to me? I’m more worried about getting out of the way so I don’t get slugged.”

Zoran smiled and swiftly nailed Astro off the head with a pillow! “Banzai!”

The room soon became a cloud of feather down as the siblings battled back and forth, much to the utter shock of their robot nanny who all but fell over separating the two.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Next Morning
Shibuya Prison

Astro waited for Zoran to come through the inspection room with Sergeant Deutadi and could hear her protesting loud enough to blow the door off the hinges. She came out frowning and stomping her feet. “Ugh! I’ve never been so humiliated!”

Astro shrugged. “Oh get over it sis, I told you they won’t make exceptions to the rules.”

She huffed at him. “Stupid I tell you, with an x-ray machine you’d think they could drop some of those silly and embarrassing search methods?! I’ll protest I tell you!”

Astro smiled and looked at Deutadi. “Trust me she complains about everything.”

“Now you do understand the rules Astro?” Deutadi said with a raised hand.

Astro looked at the piece of paper in his hand and smirked. “This isn’t Hannibal Lechter you know. You forgot to add “Don’t breath” to this.”

“It’s all for good reason. If you think Tenma’s art for swift talk and cool moves has faded in a year Astro, you’re deluding yourself. Just follow the rules and we won’t have to kick the door in.”

Astro handed the paper to Zoran. “Read up.”

“Hmph! I bet Houdini could hurt him. They even took the muffins I baked.”

“He’ll get em later.” Astro replied as they stopped before the cell door. He played with his fingers and closed his eyes hoping things wouldn’t go bad. “Ok….I’m ready.”

Deutadi opened the cell door and poked his head inside. “He’s here Doctor. Remember what I said, don’t do anything funny and we’ll all be happy.”

Astro walked through the doorway with Zoran behind him. It wasn’t so much “a cell” as a livable mini-studio. There was a bed, a table with two chairs, a toilet and sink, a small refrigerator and a flat screen television on the wall. And by the bed on a small lamp table were two pictures…Astro’s and Tobio Tenma. He was lost for an instant in thought before Tenma brought it back…

“You…look a little taller.” Tenma said calmly.

Astro snapped out of his little thought bubble and looked down at his feet. “Oh yeah…I have two more inches. New….rockets.”

Tenma nodded. “Your sister?”

Zoran waved a little from behind her brother. “O’Shay’s gift for tinkering has always amazed me. You’d think by just looking at him that such creativity might be a little limited.”

A little snide comment Astro dismissed. He knew Tenma and O’Shay shared a little raw meat between them. He looked about the “cell” again. “At least they didn’t put you in a box with thick bullet proof glass.”

Tenma smiled. “The television itself was a surprise. They shudder at the thought of me getting a remote. I might turn it into a mecha-Godzilla or something more ridiculous. Any way you look very happy and some criminals aren’t, that’s very good. Are you still going to school?”

“Yeah…” Astro replied. “I’m in 7th grade now.”

Tenma smiled. “Yeah? I see some human slang is starting to rub on you.”

“Well when you hang around with my friends I guess you’d expect it. After all you programmed me to “fit in.” didn’t you?”

Tenma offered Zoran his chair. “You don’t have to hide, I’m not a boogy man.”

“I made you some muffins but the police took them away. Guess they found the parts to the plasma rifle I baked into em.”

“ZORAN!” Astro snapped. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?”

Tenma laughed. “O’Shay sure made her a hand full for you didn’t he?”

Astro giggled. “She’s a doll actually. Doctor O’Shay wanted to keep me challenged so I wouldn’t get bored.”

Zoran frowned till Astro patted her hand. “Come on Sis, you know I’m joking.”

Tenma felt pleased. Astro’s progress was well beyond his expectations. In the past year the longing for his surrogate “son” to become a dominating force over the world of man had actually, if a little twisted from the original intent, come to pass. What Astro didn’t need to do with all his power, he was doing by his actions. People didn’t fear him, they respected him. They didn’t loath him, they loved him…well except for the evil minded, they were petrified of him.

No revolution, no violent take over, no armed rebellion, robots arrived at equity with mankind not with the force of mechanics…

But with some white teeth, a gentle kitten like love touch and a pinch of horsepower security. It almost made the Doctor laugh his head off.

“I must say Astro…I am very proud of what you’ve accomplished.”

“He still can’t boil water.” Zoran said smirking.

“What?!” Astro replied.

“Yeah. When he makes breakfast? He lets the grits boil over and it makes a huge mess!”

“Your cakes make twice a mess!”

“At least I don’t burn the pot boiling water! And don’t let Astro cook rice, white rice turns black every time!”
Astro gave Tenma a forlorn look. “You wouldn’t have tortured me like this would you?”

Tenma smiled. “Actually?....yes.”

Astro resorted to razzling his sister with his tongue. “Don’t let me tell him about the “Great Halloween Massacre” Sis.”

“You wouldn’t!” Zoran screamed.

Tenma put his hand up. “Perhaps another day? So what’s brought you both here? If it’s another attempt to get me released Astro I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

Astro pulled the picture from his pants pocket. “Actually I’m doing some work on the old house since you deeded it to me and I came across this old photo album of yours.”

Astro handed Tenma the picture. “I’m thinking that’s your brother.”

Tenma studied it for a moment then sighed thoughtfully. “Yes…that’s Takiuma, my older brother.”

Astro could sense the tension. “Is he still alive?”

“Oh…” Tenma replied waving the photo. “Still very much alive…just…not very….”

“Did I upset you?” Astro worried.

“No my boy just…” Tenma turned to pour himself a cup of coffee. “That picture was taken when he was thirteen and I was twelve. It’s actually a silly stupid thing that happens with siblings, I hope you two will refrain from such….” Tenma half laughed.

“It looks like you two got into a fight.” Astro remarked.

“Fight? That’s only part of it. Between us it’s been an ongoing brawl. How silly something like this came out of first love and a material fixation.”

Zoran looked at the photo. “You fought over a girl huh?”

“Very observant young lady.” Tenma remarked.

“She has her bright spots.” Astro said smiling, which enlisted a stinging head slap.

“Actually it wasn’t so much our glowing affections for her as it was a baseball jacket. Aiko Shumizo was her name, she had eyes that could kill a horse.”

“Pure evil huh?” Zoran said smirking.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

“No one meets your resume.” Astro replied grinning. “He means she was cute.”

“We all went to the same school.” Tenma said with his eyes looking up. “How unfortunate. You see my brother and I were rivals in everything! Baseball, chess, model building, school grades, we had to be better than the other, I was just better in the brain department while he was all jock and looks so here we were in the bitter battle for control of this elusive eye melting Diana of Sokishiro Middle School.”

Astro pointed to the picture. “So….you beat each other up over a girl?”

“Let me finish!” Tenma snorted. “One day we both wanted to take Aiko out to the same movie, at the same time showing and we just happened to show up at the same time on her front door. As usual we got into our standard back and forth..”I’m better than you!” squabble. That’s when “it” happened.”


The young Tenma rips the sleeve of Takiuma’s Seibu Lion’s jacket. Takiuma turns his head, his eyes bug out from his head and it’s as if a bomb went off.

Back to the Present

“Mother’s picture was the only thing that interrupted the war.” Tenma said smiling. “That was Takiuma’s prized jacket, like Linus’s blue blanket. He slept with it, he ate with it, knowing him he probably married it!”

Astro cocked his head. “Don’t tell me he still blames you for ripping it?”

Tenma sighed. “My boy I didn’t teach you everything about humans did I? Of the three things one should not mess with….a man’s truck, a man’s dog and a boy’s love of baseball teams. Takiuma might forgive me for any number of past ills in my life but that jacket?”

Zoran was fiddling with her own jacket’s zipper when she looked up. “I was right! All boys are born stupid!”

Tenma stopped Astro from snapping at her. “Don’t…she may be right.”

Astro pursed his lips. “Have you tried getting him a new one?”

“What haven’t I tried?” Tenma replied. Christmas, his birthday, graduation? I tried getting it re-sewn, got him season tickets for life, trust me bribery will not cure my crime of absolute evil in his mind. The last time I talked to him was two years ago and you know what he said?”

Astro smiled. “I’m so going to kick your butt?”

“Absolutely!” Tenma replied. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to seek him out?”

Astro nodded.

Tenma slapped his forehead. “Please don’t even bother Astro, my brother will surely extend his grudge to you and not because I tried to craft you too replace his favorite nephew. Through you he’ll see me and woe to them that become a target of Takiuma the Terrible.”

Astro scratched his head. “Takiuma the Terrible? What is he a professional wrestler?”

“Worse.” Tenma scorned. “He is a 7th level grand master of Mu-shin-su-shi-ku grapple Ketsukindo. A 5 time grand champion of the elementary binary robot fighting league…”

Astro looked on sarcastically during the pause.

“He also coaches the meanest group of middle school football players in all Japan, the Yamashiro Guns.”

Astro broke out laughing!

“I’m being totally serious!” Tenma warned. “My brother will drop the hurt locker of pain on you I swear!”

“Chuckle…..Wow! I thought you were gonna tell me he was an evil mad scientist with a 20 story kill bot with my named engraved on it! Doctor…this just can’t be that bad, your brother can’t hate you this much?”

Tenma frowned. “You’re not going to try and talk to him…Astro I will not be held responsible for anything my brother does, this isn’t something you can fix with a set of puppy dog eyes and cute catch phrases.”

“How will I know unless I try?” Astro replied. “At least I hope he’ll answer some questions I have.”

Zoran cocked her head. “He’s determined. Should I tell Doctor O’Shay to have an ambulance ready?”

Tenma snorted. “A tow truck would be more appropriate.”

“Gee…thanks for the confidence vote.” Astro said as he rested his chin on a hand. “So.. where does he live?”

“Last I remember? He lives in Kagasume.” Tenma said as Astro stood up. He then looked at Zoran. “Could you excuse us for a moment Zoran?”

Zoran looked at Astro and left at the nod. “Yes Doctor?”

Tenma started to pace about the room. “Remember that time in the lab Astro? The new advanced body I showed you?”

Astro nodded. “Yeah.”

Tenma brooded. “Before you go looking for my brother, I want you to go to the old lab and verify the body’s been destroyed.”

It didn’t take long for Deutadi and another police officer to show up and separate Astro from Tenma. “That’s enough of that doctor. Visit’s over.”

Astro caught another nod before the door closed behind him.

Prison administration office

For the moment, Astro was thinking he was under arrest the way he was crowded into the small office. Deutadi was there, the warden, Doctor O’Shay, Inspector Towashi, Reno. Did they bus the whole Science building here too?

Zoran was sticking her head in every few minutes to remind Astro that he was in deep trouble, which he wasn’t.

“What second body?” O’Shay asked. “I didn’t see anything like that when Tenma dragged me through that place.”

Towashi scowled. “And why didn’t you mention it?” He asked Astro.

“Because I wasn’t asked. The explosion there was so complete I can’t imagine that it could have survived. It was under a flimsy glass case.” Astro said shrugging his shoulders. “Doctor O’Shay you went back in there with Reno, you didn’t see anything?”

“Well it was a mess.” Reno said. “The bottom of the pit’s a junk heap, if it survived it’s buried under tons of garbage. It hasn’t got a power source, no brain, no programming, I kinda agree with Astro.”

Towashi brooded. “Then why would he ask Astro to make sure?”

“Because I can bust it up.” Astro replied. “What? You probably think I’ve been taken over by Tenma’s TV remote so I’m gonna fly there, switch bodies and raid candy stores or some dumb idea.”

“Watch your smart mouth!” Towashi snarled.

“Doctor?!” Astro pleaded back.

O’Shay held up a hand. “I’m pretty sure Astro would find it and destroy it Towashi.”

“I can’t afford the chance. Tomorrow I’ll send my own robots down there to go find whatever’s left of it. Just to be safe.”

Towashi walked out leaving Astro to brood with his head in his hands. “I’ll go there myself and bring out the coffee maker Tenma had down there…nah,nah, nah….”

“Hey!” Reno snorted as he tapped Astro off the head. “He’s right, you are becoming a little too smart mouthed. You better stop hanging around degenerates like me.”

“I have better things to do.” Astro replied. “I’m going to find Doctor Tenma’s brother and see if I can get him to stop being angry with him.”

“Better get a number ticket and tell him to stand in the waiting line.” Reno said smirking as Astro took O’Shay aside.

“Doctor? Let me know what they find, if anything. I….don’t think that body should be left to just anyone.”

O’Shay nodded. “I’ll let you know. Good luck with Takiuma.”
Last edited by dannavy85 on Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

I totally want to draw Astro in those oversized overalls and the sheet around his head :lol: Great idea for a story. I'll have to read more when I have the time

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Postby Uran-chan » 14 years ago

Dannavy whats the Great Haloween Massacre Astro Talk About

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

:d evil: Hehehehe....The great holloween masacre shall be revealed soon.

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago


Now Astro always did things in an ethical way. He could have simply flown to Kagasume but if there wasn’t a dire need to waste the energy and since he was ever self-conscious about how his mechanics impacted the Ministry of Science’s budget the question of a leisure flight was quite out. So he and Zoran took the bullet train from Shinjuku to Osaka, always a favorite with Zoran because she was a techno-fanatic and JNR trinket buff. Anywhere they went, she’d always come back home looking like a patch work quilt of souvenir buttons, patches, caps and all things choo choo.

But once they had to transfer to the suburban line, Astro would wish he forwent the self-imposed ethical fence. Somehow he’d always manage to hit the rush hour and soon found himself scrunched into a hand pole with Zoran almost climbing up an armpit. Sandwiched between briefcase carrying office workers, construction robots, high school students and other collections of life, Astro and Zoran looked like a twister game gone stupid…

“Zoran! You’re breathing in my ear!” Astro complained.

“Move your hand!” Zoran snorted back.

When the door alarm sounded, Astro grabbed his sister by her waist and hoisted her up over his head…”What are you doing?!” Zoran complained.

“I don’t want you getting swept out. Last time it took me hours to find you again.” Astro replied as he craned his neck to see the station sign. “We have five stops left.”

Zoran looked down frowning. “You see any empty seats?”

“Uh….All I see is butts and trust me it’s not a view fit for real estate.” Astro said with a wince. Suddenly he felt Zoran’s weight slip off his hands and he looked up to see her walking across the tops of shoulders.

“Neesh….Sis! What are you doing?!”

“I found a seat! Too bad for you!” She said back with a giddy chuckle that made her brother shake.

“That was very disrespectful of you Zoran! You owe an apology!”

“Ok!” Zoran replied. “To everyone in this car, I am so sorry my brother Astro likes to look at other people’s butts!”

Astro felt like shrinking in fear at a few sarcastic looking faces. “Zoran….so help you…”

Kagasume Station
Late Afternoon

Zoran ran to catch up to Astro after she bought an ice cream cone. “So did you find where he lives yet?” She asked while taking big licks of the melting dripping triple stack of a mess she was enjoying.

Astro processed the scrolling city map that rolled around his specially designed corneas. “Nope. And he’s unlisted except for his dojo.”

“So we’re going there?” She asked.

Astro passed her a small pack of tissues, as if he ever needed them himself. “I’d hate to see you with a Sundae. It’s kinda late to try the dojo though, he’s probably home.”

Zoran finished her ice cream and licked her fingers clean as Astro stopped to get his bearings. “There’s a youth hostile not far from here. We can spend the night and go to the dojo in the morning.”

Crossing a street, Zoran ran a little bit in front and turned to walk backwards. “So…what’s this about a new body?”

Astro shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“If it was nothing then why was it such a big deal?” Zoran pressed.

Astro sighed, knowing she’d needle him till he short circuited. “It was Doctor Tenma’s idea. He made me a taller body with a little more power and I said no.”

“Was it cool looking?”

Astro stopped and turned around. Zoran could tell she really hit a spark with the glare she caught from his frown.

“Sorry I asked?” She said with a smile.

Astro sighed. “Zoran…it’s really not something I want to talk about right now, why don’t we find a place to get dinner?”

They walked a little bit before Astro looked at her again. “And…it did look kinda cool. But then again some people think battleships look cool.”

Shinjuku Industrial District
Site of Doctor Tenma’s secret lab

The building above had been torn down to the ground months ago and in its place a steal mesh and concrete cap had been laid over the lower “silo” of 15 floor levels which housed the main lab and the power station that drove it. That was until the generator overloaded and supernova’d the place to melted steel and blasted concrete.

The Ministry decided not to completely seal the access due to the man who once roamed it. Twice now members of the Ministries studies institute had scaled their way through the remains recovering equipment, tools, documents and other notable items deemed having a “Serious Concern” stamp slapped onto them for one of a number of security vaults hidden around the ministry grounds. It all made for some fun conspiracy theories though which Reno enjoyed delving into on-line when he wasn’t tinkering with some gadget or chatting all night with Princess Abby, his adoring “Kissy kiss” as he named her.

At the moment however, Reno was fumbling around with an annoying body harness he couldn’t quite master. Computer genius being defeated by what look liked 50 buckles and straps draped like spaghetti about his body. A member of the Poilce Force’s Delta squad finally fixed it.

“Before you go down there, take this.” Delta said as he handed Reno a rifle.

“A robot disrupter cannon?” Reno said smirking. “You’re joking?”

“I don’t joke.” Delta replied. “Not part of the program package.”

Reno passed it back. “How many times have we been through this place? If there’s anything moving down there? This thing will only tickle it.”

“You take it or you don’t go.” Delta said plainly. “I’m sending Arasticles (Ara-stick-cleese) with you.”

Reno smirked. “What’s with the long winded Greek names?” He look at his larger robot companion as he strapped on his own harness. “I’ll just call you “Sticky”.”

“It’s Arasticles.”

“You guys need to be re-programmed for levity you know that?” Reno said as he clipped the rifle sling to his harness and slipped through the armored hatch over the silo. “Hey! Somebody order me a Shakey’s Pizza for dinner while they’re at it!”

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Postby dannavy85 » 14 years ago

Happy Hour Sushi
Late afternoon

If you had ever seen the cartoon of a dog having a total meltdown of pure joy after tasting a single dog treat, then there was Astro.

And next to him, Zoran was wondering if he was really melting down. He sure was making the most annoying moaning noises and stupid faces she’d ever seen.

But that’s what happens when the “trigger” clicks. Two things caused Astro’s sensory network to hyper-react, ice cream in any form…

And well made Unagi. Astro was a slave to sea eel, it could be the sauce, the spices, the sea weed wrapping or the combination but when it “tasted” good, it really “tasted” good! He finished off his fourth full roll plate, sat quietly analyzing the sensations of taste, the chemical make-up, the sodium content, the soft gooey feeling in his mouth and chased it with a small glass of oil….

Then came the “Bleck!” The tongue out, face wincing, head shaking “BLECK”

“Ugh….Unagi awesome! Unagi and oil? Not so awesome.” He said as he pulled his wallet out and paid for the meal.

“I….gotta go to the bathroom.” He told Zoran, which left her even more baffled.

Astro closed the door behind him and locked it. He seemed to be standing perfectly still for a minute or two till he tapped at his head and moved around the room to clear his reception. “You there Reno?”

Reno’s voice came back. “Wonderful time down here, wish you could join me, I’m missing my dinner and a new video game because of you. You do know you owe me?”

Astro leaned against a wall. “I never “welsh” do I? Seen anything?”

Shinjuku Industrial District
Site of Doctor Tenma’s secret lab

Reno and “Sticky’ climbed and worked their way around piles of debris, hanging cables, fallen steel supports and a maze of destruction…”So far nothing to be interested in. You sure I’m in the right place? I’m on like level 7 and I can’t make out a table from a television down here.”

“It was on level 7.” Astro said as he scratched his head. “Do you have that pocket P/C with you? Can you pipe a camera to me?”

Reno stopped and pulled the cel phone sized computer out. “Don’t know if it’ll get good reception down here but let’s try it.”

“Knock, knock, knock!” Zoran stood kicking the bathroom door. “What are you doing?”

“It’ll be a minute!” Astro replied. “I’m kinda busy!”

He heard Zoran stomp away and sighed in relief. “Ok….I’m getting the feed, it’s a little fuzzy.”

Reno smirked. “You’re fuzzy all the time.”

Astro brought out most of what he remembered about the lab, displaying the pictures on his left eye while watching the feed on his right. “It’s all totaled….but….I recognize that computer tower on your left.” Astro gestured into thin air as if he was walking through the mess himself.

Reno rested a hand on the tower and pointed out things for “Sticky” to shine a light on. “So it was here someplace?”

“If you stand there….turn…..turn……stop!” Astro gestured to himself. “Now walk in a strait line from there to the other side of the lab and you should run into it.”

Reno and “Sticky” walked slowly towards the other side of the lab with the police bot using a hand torch to clear chunks of obstructing steel. Astro was wringing his hands together like he was expecting a Christmas package to come out of thin air.

“Guess what….no joy.” Reno said. “Nothing.”

Astro sagged. “Totally nothing?”

Reno looked down at the spot then walked around the ruined lab…”There’s a pedestal where it might have been but it’s gone. I’ll keep looking around the place and call you back.”

“And Astro?...Don’t worry?”

“Don’t worry he says.” Astro said to himself as he walked through the bathroom door and ran into Zoran.

“A minute was up about ten minutes ago.” She said snidely.

Astro shrugged. “Not my fault if Reno’s a little long winded. That hostel isn’t too far from here.”

“Good.” Zoran replied. “I hope they have a charging station because I feel kinda worn out.”

International Youth Hostel

As they walked up to the 2-story house, Astro and Zoran could hear music and singing coming from the ground floor.

“Someone’s having a party!” Zoran said happily as she started skipping for the door, till Astro grabbed her.

“It’s not polite to crash it.” He said stiffly. “You should at least…”

She was off and through the door before he finished. “Wait!”

It wasn’t so much a party as a sort of lose sing-a-long of teenagers and kids. There were four instrument players gathered on a couch who’s vocal inflections sounded Irish or Scottish. There was a short blonde boy playing a set of hollow clogs or sticks between his fingers. A black haired girl rapping her hands on a small skin drum. A tall skinny boy sitting on the couch arm with a mandolin or something close to it and a short, pudgy boy wiping a harmonica in his mouth.

Even Astro found himself not immune to the jovial music, he looked down to see his left foot tapping to the beat. For the moment the uncomforting thought of that “body” in question was nicely pushed into storage and he walked over to stand near Zoran, who was smiling and bouncing her fingers to the music.

“Cool huh?” She said. “They’re from Ireland!”

“I wouldn’t have known.” Astro replied smirking. At the moment they were playing a real jumpy sort of tune which brought a few laughs when some of the kids in the crowded room tried to dance to it. The blonde boy with the sticks was making it look easy as he jigged over to Zoran and her a head bob…

“Come and try it?” He asked.

Zoran giggled. “I’ll fall all over myself!”

“No ya won’t!” He said. “Just move your feet to the music, easy as can be.”

Astro pushed her. “Go ahead! You love to brag about ballet now put it to good use.”

Tell my ma when I go home,
The boys won't leave the girls alone,
They pulled my hair and stole my comb,
But that's all right 'till I go home.
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city,
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?

Astro clapped his hands to the beat and watched as Zoran got off to a slow stepping start with the boy holding her hands and taking her through the steps. “A jig’s not the easiest thing in the world! Step, skip, jump, step, skip, jump!” The boy told her as they bounced around the room. All the while Astro was sucking in every word and storing it to memory, his feet still tapping out the beats as the song died down.

Zoran was proud of herself as she dragged the blonde boy with her. “Did you see?” She asked Astro.

“You were awesome. But…I probably could do better.” He snipped.

“Oh?” The blonde boy said with a smirk. “This is your brother no doubt?”

“Mister big mouth himself.” Zoran huffed. “Then again we’re robots so it shouldn’t be a big shock.”

The boy looked backward towards the couch. “Hey Elrin? I think you have someone to dance against.”

The tall Irish teenager came walking over to a slap on the back. “This here’s Elrin, from Limerick. He’s the 3 time county champ in “Scully” dancing. Always wanted to see if a robot could “scully” dance off the blind.”

Astro smiled. “That depends. What’s Scully dancing?”

Elrin walked over to a small beverage bar near the kitchen and brought back two glass mugs. “Skully is where you fill these two mugs with beer. Now since we’re all underage we’ll have to settle for cola. You put these on your head and “jig”. The one to finish a song without spilling one drop wins.”

Astro Spun the glass on his finger. “Sounds too easy.”

“Actually? It’s not.” The girl said as she pulled out a piece of rope. “You have to do this with your legs tied close together. You can’t break the rope.”

Zoran smiled. “You spoke too soon big brother.”

Astro tied the rope to his boots and took a mug full of soda from Elrin. “On my head?”

“Yup.” Elrin replied as he and Astro went to the center of the room. “Shawn? How about Darcey’s Donkey?”

The boy with the harmonica smirked back. “Why be gentle? Make him work a little. How about “Grey Goose?”

Erin nodded. “You gain for some murderous fast step?”

“I bet I can match you step for step.” Astro said tapping a foot.

“It’s your wake my friend.” Erin waved a finger in the air. “Shawn? Go ahead and fire it up!”

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