Astro Boy New Novels

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro:And most importantly,Someone has got some time Manipulation to steal some of the object from the centre. But what is he going to do with the


Detective Tawashi:I agree with you Astro,Whoever tries to do something bad with the cells. might be the biggest crime.

Astro:And tonight,i'm going to Catch that culprit who is about to steal the next object.

(Back in Metro City Police Department,Astro is scanning for the handprints to find out the culprit.)

If i could catch the culprit,all i need to do is to scan this print to find the match. And if it's the same match. It is correct.

(the scanner has found the suspect:The Rewind.)

Aha!! I knew it. The real culprit is Dr Kameyama Suichi Aka: Rewind.

(In the Ministry of Science.)

Dr O Shay:He was once was a scientist who works for me a long time ago.(Flashback of the past.)Dr Kameyama was a good scientist who always analyse

the time period and study about the history. I always knew that i can trust him for keeping the time save in order. Then,Dr Kameyama has created the

Device that allows the police to control time in good use. For example,he use the device to stop the bad guys by pressing the chest button to freeze their

time.And it works perfectlly.The chief has congratulate him for using the device for good and he leaves the Ministry to have his own Product . As his

product rates are better,the Government have rewarded him the 1st prize of security system.

Astro :Wow,his inventions are cool.

Dr O Shay:I believe so,Astro. But then, everything's change,The breaking news is on.Said that many of the crooks body are stiff. One of his projects and

products have failed because of his misfortune. His rate has crumbled. And all the crooks are dead. The federal police have arrest Dr Kameyama for killing

the crooks with the device and prosecuted him in court.

(In the court)

Judge: I hereby sentence you to the Maximum Security in Meldonian Prison for 10 yrs with parole. And after that,it's 12 months community service.(He

bangs the gavel on the table,and they sent him in life.)

(In Meldonian Prison,Dr Kameyama has sat on the bed and covers his face in disgrace.)

Dr O Shay:It was the most coldest and darkest day since he had failed to think of a way to make it better. Notice that Kameyama has become a fraud.
But suddenly,5 yrs later, Kameyama has escaped from Meldonian Prison and fowl his revenge on Metro City. Time after time, he built his own palace out of

scraps and scratches from the junkyard and make his own time artillery. Soon,he started to plan the plot to storm Metro city by alternating the time.

(Flashback dissapear)

Astro:And that's why he just called himself,Rewind.

Dr O Shay:Yes,Astro. And he's going to Steal the Azianix chip tonight. So you better be careful of his powers. Who knows what will happen if you don't

look out.

Astro: Don't worry,Dr O Shay. I won't fail to catch Rewind on time. when i could wear an armour that will protect me from the time.

Dr O Shay:That won't be necessary.It takes a lot of time to built the armour for you from the time manipulation. But i know what i could give you.

(In the Lab.)

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Dr O Shay is attaching the Anti Time freeze chip onto his brain,and activates the power to give him the full charge.)

(Later after that, Astro has awaken.)

Astro:Thank you,Doctor.

Dr O Shay:It was at least i can do.

(in the test facility.)

Astro:I'm ready to get tested.

Dr O Shay:Begin the test!!

Doctor 01:Yes Doctor.(he activates the time freeze laser. and blast him with the laser time freeze. And when he begin to move,he couldn't even feel the

freeze. Cause he's still moving.)

Astro:It works.

Dr O Shay(runs to Astro):Alright!!!(Unfortunately, Dr O Shay has froze from the freese. and he switch off the machine to make Him move


Doctor 01:Sorry.

Dr O Shay:Now that you got the Anti Freeze power. Are you ready to catch Rewind in justice?

Astro:No sweat. I'm on the case.

(later that Night, In Azian.Rewind is running to the Science Building of Azian to barge in.)

(As he swings the hook at the 8th level of the opened window,he pressed the button to elevate himself to the 8th level and jump into the lab.He sneaked

into the Map to look for the Pinnacle Chip room.As he found the way.He ran to the left. Then he reached to the Pinnacle Chip room,as he opens the door

with his key.He stopped at the spot.As he wears his goggles to look at the red infra red beam. He heard the sound of the infra red coming from the control.
He takes thwe chip out of the control,and the infra red is off. He takes out the torchlight from his jacket and switch the toruchlight on to sneak quietly .
As he sneak quietly.He sprayed the infra red visible spray at the Pinnacle Chip display and take the chip out of the table he remove the

chip.He walked away.)

Rewind:The Azian Chip is mine.

(But suddenly,Astro has flew to the lab and stop him.)

Astro:Going somewhere,Rewind?

Rewind:I don't believe it.That mediling tin bot has found me.(He takes out the time freeze gun and blast at astro.but Astro has reflect his attack at the
aquarium room. causing the tank to break.Fortuantely,the tank that broke has got no water in it.)

Astro: Do you really think you can freeze me?

Rewind:I don't believe it again.Well,too can play that game.(He Throws the compass bomb at the Chandelier and release the time maniplulational light at

Astro,But fortunately.He wasn't effected by time manipulation at all.)Oh no!!!

Astro:Now,it's my turn to give you the big shot.

Rewind(looks at the Plasmawave jewel display): On the contrary,Astro. I'm getting right into the clock.(he throws the light grenade at the Jewel display

and release the massive lights at the plasmawave causing the plasmawave to shine at Astro,And astro feels weak.)(Rewind ran away from him by

swooping down and activates the jet glider to fly back to his palace.)Adieus,Astro. Till we meet again.

(As the plasmawave light was out.Astro has gain back his strength again. and he flies out of the lab to chase him.)

(But it was too late, Rewind has got away.)

Astro: Oh,rats!!! He got away.

(Back in Metro City Minsitry of Science.)

Dr O Shay:It's alright,Astro. You did your best. At least now that your anti time freeze protection is still working.

Astro: Thanks Doctor. I think i really need to get him for tomorrow.

(The Next Morning.)

News 01(on the tv at the Cafe):And in the other news,The Azian Chip was stolen from Azian minsitry of science last year,by the thief who is known as

Rewind. was once again got away. what will be the next target?...

Kenichi: Cheer up,Astro. It's not the end of the day if you keep on trying to stop him.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Tamao:Yeah,and besides,you don't have to lose yourself.

Reno:As long as Rewind is going to get the last target, you'll be able to stop him in no...

(Just then,Mitchy came to the cafe and told them about the rewind's final target.)

Mitchy(Puff):Alright you guys,this is it. I know the Rewind is goign to steal my ruby.


Mitchy:Yeah,but don't worry. I know there's a way we could store my ruby somewhere..

Kenichi:But how?

Mitchy: Don't tell the secrets to me in here. because they got ears to listen.

(That noon,at the Maximum Federal Reserve.)

Guard 01:Are you sure that you want to guard her Ruby with Astro,Kids?

Kenichi:I won't let Rewind tries to steal the ruby for life.

Guard 02:And what about you,Astro. Are you sure that this plan will work?

Astro:I am not going to fail to capture Rewind in justice this time. Whenever he's ready....

Kenichi:He'll be arresting him with guts.

Astro:I didn't say that.

Guard 02:Alright,we're gonna let you stay for 3 days just in case. (he gave the kids some of the communicators.)I'm giving you kids each of these

communicators,in case that you saw Rewind who is here.


Tamao:Count on us.

Reno:We're ready to guard the ruby.

Guard 01:You better be, one snooze out of the job and it's going to be your fault if you lose.

Guard 02:So don't snooze a big nap on your beds,We're counting on you.(They walk away to the cafe)goodbye.

Astro:Alright you guys,this is it.My first day is to capture the Rewind and save the day.Did you get the anti Plasmawave Chip that i ask?

Reno(holding the Anti-Plasmawave protection chip.):I got it right here that i made.

Astro:Have you try it out?

Reno:I've tried the chip that is highly stable.

Astro: Okay,now get ready for action if you see him.

(Back in his palace,the Evil Rewind is spying on the them with his telescope.)

Rewind: Oh,i'm ready alright. Soon as i steal the ruby from you brats who are going to stop me.That's why i've got the two objects that i attached into my

machine.(He walks to the machine.)Soon,i'll be able to complete my device to turn metro city upside down. And then,Astro will never exist.
And i'll be the only one who can live with the power of time. to rule and conquer.

(later that night.Rewind is sneaking into the reserve.and watch the kids who were guarding the jewel.)

There you are,ruby. The conquer is coming soon.(He sneaked quietly.and he takes out the grenade.)The ruby is going to be my device yet. I can feel it.

(Just Then,Astro has flash his light at Rewind.And all of his friends have flashed him with their torchlights.)

Astro:We finally caught you right handed,Rewind.

Rewind: Don't think so,Tin toy.(he takes out the plasmawave and beams at Astro,but Astro has shielded by the Anti-Plasmawave chip.)No!!

Astro:Yes. And now your reign of terror is over.(he swoops down to Grab Rewind on his waist.and flies to Metro City Prison.)

(As he reached to the Prison with Rewind,he threw him into the cell and closed it real tight tight.)

Now tell me where is the Power cell? And the Azian Chip?

Rewind:Why should i tell you?

Detective Tawashi:Because you're plotting to alternate the time to take over the metro City.(He approach to Rewind.)

Rewind(horrified):How did you know about my plan?

Detective Tawashi:It's always simple, you've just built a palace out of scraps to make a machine and Devices.So that you're going to conquer the entire city

in peril.

Rewind:Now my plans are ruin. But i still have one trick up in my sleeve. Before i tell you. I placed every Time bombs in the Ministry of Science that will

send it to the Prehistoric times.till it becomes a fossill.

Astro(horrified):You wouldn't

Rewind: And speaking of which,i also placed the chronos Bomb at the Metro city school to send it to the Ancient Roman's Period. i believe that's all for

today. And if you want me to tell you, it's in my Time Palace. But you better hurry...(Astro flies to the palace.)And so he is.

(In the Time Palace, Astro Unplugged the machine to take out the chip of Axian and the Power cells from the gear of the machine.)

(But then, he heard the sound of the Time and chronos bomb coming from the mainframe.)

Astro:That was too easy.(He flies to the mainframe room,and destroy the mainframe Bomb control to deactivate the bomb.)

(All the bombs are deactivated.)

(Back in prison,Rewind is horrrified that the bomb is already deactivated and the both buildings are save at last.)


Detective Tawashi:He sure is.

(Astro returns to the prison with the Chip and the power cell,and haned to Tawashi)

Last edited by teugene50 on Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro:I'm still doing my duty.

Detective Tawashi:Come on,Astro. Let's return these object to the rightful owners.and after that,we could go watch some science movie at the museum.

Rewind(angrily):You think you're going to get away from this? Not a chance. I'll be back to eliminate you once more. As soon as i break out of the prison.

(Back to the federal reserve.)

Guards 01:Well done,kids. looks like you didn't take a big snooze after all.

Guards 02:Mitchy's ruby is save.And once again,Astro has saved the day again.

Mitchy(holding the ruby):Now i can hand this ruby to the Ministy of Science. to make sure that this ruby will be stored in the new maximum vault.

Kenichi:So Rewind will never come to steal this ruby.

Reno:And if he tries to escape from jail, he's ready for action.

Astro's Friends:HOOORAAH!!!(Laughs happily.)

(Later at the Market.)

Mitchy:Thank you for capturing Rewind from getting his hand on my ruby,Astro. It was the greatest day ever.

Astro:Yeah, i think i over done it with the powers. By the way. I got lots of important things to do from Dr O Shay. you guys just have fun.

Mitchy:But Astro,don't you want to come join us for a pie eating contest? they got some cool golden medals.

Astro:No thanks,guys. I got lots of things to do.(He flies back to the ministry of Science to do his next assignment.)So long.


(Meanwhile, In Meldonian. Shibugaki was smiling at Astro,while he is watching tv.)

Shibugaki:Go get'em,Astro. I knew you have save the day well.

Shibugaki's father:Son, could you come to the gym and do your workout?

Shibugki(stood up from the chair and run to the gym):Sure thing,father.

The End.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

The Next Episode is:Atlas's Saturn

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Today's Episode is Atla's Saturn.

Hope you enjoy it.
Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro Boy New Novels: Atlas's Saturn

By Eugene Tan Ong Siong

((C) Astroboy 2003, Sony Pictures all rights respected. For non-profit enjoyment only.

(It was the most perfect day at the far away galaxy,Atlas has flown into the space to look around.As he sees many planets to impress

himself. He decided to create his own saturn.So he flies to the comet and take the comet from the asteroid. As he picked up the comet,and

threw it to the asteroid.which will
absorb to each other one to another. as he spins himself around,He created the tornado to combine all of the asteroids to become a one

big planet.

And as he push the planet to the saturn 5 miles furthers. The asteroids are lured to his new planet. And thus,he has his own new saturn to

join the solar system.Atlas flies to his saturn and he begin to built a city . Meanwhile,at Metro City. Astro is helping Dr O Shay his

improtant things for Dr Torineko.
He is creating the new project for the Aseago tower to link. The Land Station Pavilion.)

Dr Torineko(on screen):How is it going,Dr O Shay?

Dr o Shay:I'm almost finishing the touch for the mainframe programme to activate your new Land Pavilion.

Dr Torineko: Perfect,As soon as the land pavilion complete, our farm will going to become stable with your help. Thanks.(hanged on


Dr O Shay:Astro,as soon as our project model is done, we're going to built the land Pavilion at their farm.

Astro:Yes,Doctor. We will be ready to built.

(Suddenly, the message has received.)

Atlas(on screen.):Greetings,Doctor. This is Atlas Speaking.

Dr O Shay:Atlas?

Atlas:I'm sending a message to Astro who will come to my city for a talk.You see,i've just created my own Saturn planet to allow every

humans and robots visit to my city. But don't worry,it's only 20 metres further. it won't crash to the real saturn.

Dr O Shay:You built a new Saturn?!!!

Atlas:Yes, and i'll make sure that i can let everyone enjoy visit my saturn for education and everything's going to be alright.But since you

don't want to see my duplicates. i'll just have to move.

Dr O Shay: Wait a second, how in the world did you just made the saturn?

Atlas:Somehow i just catch the comet and asteroids to combine into one small planet and then i add in some asteroids to make a ring for

my very own saturn. and here it is.(Atlas zip to the scene of his saturn.)You see, this saturn is not the same as the original big size

saturn. it's always a medium saturn that i have created. And that's not all,I brought some asteroids and some scrap metals to build my

own city so that everyone can join.

Dr O Shay:I don't think that your saturn will be stable.

Atlas:Not stable? Come on,Doc. You know that my own saturn is always as stable like your wonderful machine. even i could do the same

as every human does. But only different.

Dr O Shay:You sure that your saturn is stable?

Atlas: Of course, and if it's not stable. it's always hard for me to build my very own planet in another dimension. Or i might as well leave

the asteroids be if you don't want me to.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Dr O Shay: Okay, But if your planet is stable, then will you be able to guard your own planet with the help of..

Atlas:Astro? Yes,and also the humans will come to guard my planet.And Even the robots will come too.

Dr O Shay:I just hope that you know what you're doing.

Atlas:So,bring Astro to my planet and i'll talk to him for about 20 minutes before i show him the city. and then, he'll go back to you.

Dr O Shay:Sounds okay to me.Alright then.

Atlas:Thanks,doc. You won't regret this. Over and out.(atlas hungs up the message.)

Dr O Shay:Now...(Then, Dr O shay was shocked that Astro has flew to saturn.)Astro? Hhmph, it seems that he's flying to his saturn.

Good thinking.(He gets back to work happily.)

Astro(quickly flies to saturn in outer space):Atlas, you sure have a one wacky idea of your own planet.

(In Atlas's Saturn.)

Atlas:I sure hope that Astro will be here.

Astro(lands onto the ground of his saturn):Hey Atlas, i'm here.

Atlas:Astro,you're here at last.

Astro:Yeap, so do i. So,what's the chat you want to talk to me about?

(In his City of Saturn.)

Atlas:The problem is that these invaders hav tried to invade the earth.And that's why i need you to think of a plan to built a fortress.We

need a plan to built the fortress to make sure that no invaders wille ver try to attack my planet.

Astro:And will they going to attack the earth?

Atlas:I'm afraid so,Astro. If we don't built our fortress of my own saturn sooner or later, my planet will Explode,and it will be the invaders

fault for what they did. So which is why that the invaders will never attack my planet when we could built a fortress .

Astro:Will you able to join the group of yours together?

Atlas:Robots and humans? Of course. So please tell everyone that i've just built my own medium saturn.

(Back to Earth.)

Astro(calls every troops with his megaphone):Attention everyone,This is Astro boy here. Live at Metro City Military Tower. I just want

you all to know that Atlas has just created his own planet. to welcome everyone to visit his planet.

(All of the soldiers are Amazed.)

Robot Soldier 1:How would he exactly build his saturn to allow us to visit his own planet?

Human soldier 2:Yeah, is it because that we're going to work?

Robot soldier 3: Or are we going to train our military combat practice?

Astro:Whatever he needs, he just needs to think.Now are we going to built our fortress? or are we just lying around to do your




(Meanwhile, in Honch Valley. Dr Torineko is working on the Land Pavilion with Dr O Shay and his groups.)

Mimi:Where is Astro? He suppose to be building the Land Pavilion with the group?

Dr O Shay:I think Astro has just flew to Atla's Saturn with the miltary to do the improtant things.

Mimi:WHAT?!! Atlas has his own Saturn?!! That's impossible. How could Atlas built his own planet when Astro is flying to his planet for


Dr Torineko:Mimi! Don't talk to Dr O Shay Angrily. You know that he said that Atlas has built his saturn. Surely, that i know that he did

built his saturn. But Atlas has said that everyone will visit his planet.

Dr O Shay:And what's worse is if his planet becomes unstable.

Dr Torineko:Atla's saturn will explode in about

Dr O Shay and Dr Torineko: 40 MINUTES!!!

Dr Torineko:But,what is his planet is still stable.

Dr O Shay: all of the people will be save by Atla's Saturn.which is always as stable.

Mimi:If only Astro could be here in my place. he wouldn't have come so late. I'm starting to get angry at him right now.(Sigh)

(At Atlas's Saturn.)

(Astro and the soldiers are building the Fortress with Atlas as he should.)

Atlas:Thanks Astro. I knew i could trust you for that.

Astro:It was nothing, Atlas. After all. What are friends for. if we could join the humans and robots to built togehter.

Atlas:Hey. As long as we could join the group to built it. we could accomplish everything togehter.

(Just then, the communicator rings in Astro Chest, as Astro takes the communcator out of his chest and Answer.)

Astro:Sorry Atlas, but could you get back to help the coldiers to built the fortress. while i call someone who talsk to me?

Atlas:Sure thing,Astro.(Atlas flies back to the group to built.)

Astro(sigh): (He talks to the communciator.)Hello. Astro Boy here speaking. Can i help you?

Mimi(on the communicator):Astro? is that you? Good. How come you did not come to my place to built the land pavilion for our better


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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro:You see,Mimi. we are just trying to built a fortress to protect his saturn from the invaders with his group of humans and robots.

Mimi:Fortress,Smotress. You know that i just couldn't kept on waiting for you to come to our farm to join the land pavilion. I've been so

worrying about you all the time.

Astro:It's not what you mean. Atlas has also something that is important like yours.(He points the city with his communicator.)Look.
Atlas has just built his city in his own planet. and somethimes that Atlas is going to cooperate the humans and robots to fight the

invaders form another dimension. And if he doesn't. His planet is done for.


Astro:So,Atlas needs us to defend his saturn and earth . In order to protect the planets from war.

Mimi: Oh really? That let me just talk to Atlas,to say that he's got an improtant thing. So where is he now?

Atlas(Flies to Astro and astro gave atlas the communicator.):I'm right here,Mimi. What would you like to say?

Mimi:Atlas huh?Well,now see here,Atlas? What's the big idea of interuppting Astro to my help of building the land pavilion/ Is it because

that you got an important things to do?

Atlas:As the matter in fact . yes.

Mimi:And how did you know my name?

Atlas:Because Astro has just called you.I saw it with my ears.

Mimi:Now look,Atlas.Who ask you a permission to bring Astro to your home planet?

Atlas: I already told Dr O Shay to bring him here so that i shall defend both of the planets to protect all of the people's civilization.

Mimi:Ah. So do i.And...

Atlas:No time to talk right now. Astro will call you later. And i also calling you later as well. So bye.(Atlas has hunged the


(Back at Honch Valley.)

Mimi:Hello?!! Hello?!!!(She threw the communicator Angrily .)Atlas. You meanie.

(Back to the saturn.)

Atlas(gave Astro back the Communicator.):Sorry about that, Astro.

Astro:Hey, it's okay. No big difference. So,shall we get back to the construction?

Atlas:You bet.

(Atlas and Astro have flew back to built the fortress.)

(Back in Honch Valley, Mimi was still angry at Atlas.)

Mimi:I can't believe that he has just ditch my call. How rude he is.

Dr O Shay:Atlas is not very rude.

Mimi:Well,who is the rude person here? You?

Dr O Shay:Not me.

Mimi:Then how about Astro? Is he rude too like Atlas?

Dr O Shay:Nobody is the rudest person ever.

Mimi: Then i guess it's me,right?

Dr O Shay:Mimi, you're not the rude person. in fact,you're just impatient.

Mimi:Me?!!! An Impatient Girl?!! Well, i never.(She walks back to the group angrily.)

Dr Torineko(walks to Dr O Shay.):What's with her?

Dr O Shay:I don't know.

(Back in Atla's Saturn.the fortress has completed at last.)

Atlas:Good Work,Astro.


Atlas:We have done our new fortress together.

Astro:Now we could defend our planet together.

Atlas:So are we.

(Astro Flies back to earth.)

Goodbye Astro,Thanks for building the fortress.

(As Atlas went to the fortress to check everything's alright.)

Atlas: Okay guys, now,it's our mission is to defend my planet, Including the earth. Have you communicate the military's defence of metro


Soldier 2:We sure did

Robot Soldier 4: Oh yeah. we already call them together.

Atlas:Alright!! now,it's time for us to have a celebration. and after that, we must get back to work on defending for the right thing.


(Back in Honch Valley.)

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro(Land on the ground.):I'm back,Doctor.

Dr O Shay(runs to Astro and hug him.):Astro,you're back. I'm glad that you have finished the fortress.

Mimi(walks to Astro):Yes. And where have you been?

Vegebots 1:Yeah,Now she's really angry to you. because you have come here so late.

Mimi:I've been waiting for you for the whole time, and you have just ditch my call.(She grabbed his hands.)Well,never mind. Come with

me, this instant.And i'll explain it to you.

(At the construction of the land Pavilion.)

I'm very upset at your behavior,leaving a call like that. After all,you have save my farm from Katari.Then,you have stopped the fight of

robots vs humans. And now this. Well,not anymore. Because i want you to help them built this land pavilion to make our farm save. and

this time,you will not going to ditch out of my farm without a permission. Do i make myself clear.

(In the engine of Land Pavilion. they are still constructing the computer system.)

Now get in there,and start helping them do the wiring system. (Mimi walks back.)When i come back with my grandfather, i want you to

make sure that every wire system is okay.

Astro(starts connecting the wires with the group):Sheesh,what a grouch she is.

Mimi:I heard that.

Astro(sigh): Oh brother.

(Back in Saturn.)

Atlas(Walks to the computer controls where everyone is still looking at the screen.):How is it going?

Soldier 1:A,OK,sir.

Soldier 2:Everything's is under control in your own planet.

Atlas:Keep up the good work. i'm sure that the earth and my saturn will be ordered in control.(He walks back to his palace.)if you excuse

me, i must work on my important stuff.

(Back in Honch valley Land Pavilion,Astro has finished connecting the wire.)

Mimi(walks to the computer room and saw that he finished connecting the wires quickly with the group):Well done,Astro. Now,to move

on to the second stage.(At the unfinished Windmills of the Land Pavilion.)You see this windmill over there.(she points at the windmills.)
It's definitely not finished yet, So i want you to finish building the windmils before the land pavilion will be completed by the end of the

week.(Mimi walks back)When i get back. I want to see all the windmills to be completed.

Astro:You're going to call someone to talk?

Mimi:Yes,i'm calling my friends from around the world.

(And so, Astro hurriedly built the windmills without a delay.And in Atlas's saturn,Atla's is watching over his own planet city. Until

suddenly,Atlas looks at the 100 spots.He runs to get the telescope,and took a closer look. But this is no 100 spots. It was the dark

spaceship of the evil alien pirates from Kalkabooa named Captain Harsnarl.)

Atlas: Oh no!!(Atlas runs to the computer command centre.)WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! Get your stations ready!!!

(All the Soldiers are Horrified as they get ready to battle.)

(Meanwhile.back in Honch Valley.)

Mimi:Excelent woork,Astro. All these Windmills are finished at last.But there's just one tiny problem.(she pointed at the windmill

computer.)The Windmill drive is malfunction and you'll need to fix this problem.

Astro:How could the windmill drive be malfunctioned?

Mimi:I'll give you an example for it...(Just then,a communicator has ranged in his chest.)What now?!!

(He picked the communicator from his chest and answer.)

Astro:Astro here.

Atlas:This is Atlas speaking,we got trouble at the saturn.

Astro:And what trouble could it be?

Atlas:The Alien pirates are attacking my planet, you have to come to saturn at once.

Astro:I'm on my way.(he hungs the communicator and place it back to his chest.)Sorry Mimi,i have no time for it.I better get back to the

saturn to fight the pirates.

Mimi:But what...

Astro:About the Windmills? I'll let the technician do the windmill drive.As for me, i have to save his planet.

Mimi:But the technician doesn't know how to do it.

Astro:The Technician has already know about it. and he can fix it. which is why,i taught him how to fix the drive system perfectlly on

time.So let the technician do the job.And please don't feel so sad.Cause i got a lot of jobs to do.(Astro Flies back to Saturn.)

Mimi: But Astro!!!!(Wails loudly.)This is not the first time he has ditch.

Technician 1(walks to mimi):Excuse me,little girl. Could you tell me where is the windmill computer system? becuase i need to fix the

windmill drive system.

Mimi(she points at the windmill computer.): Over here.

Technician 1:Thanks.(He walks to the windmill computer to fix.)

Mimi(angrily): Astro,you never learn what is like to cooperate.(She kicks the toolbox and she hurts her feet.)Ow!!!Ooooohhhh!!!

(As he reached to his Saturn,Atlas runs to astro at last.)

Atlas:Astro, you're here just in time.(He points at the warfare against the alien pirates.)We have to stop the evil Alien pirates from

attacking the city.

Astro(transform into Astro Man):Let's Roll!!!

Atlas(Surprised):Wow!! (he shake his head and he's ready.)You got it,Astro.

(And so,Astro man and Atlas have charged at the Evil Alien Pirates and the soldiers have join them to fight back.)

(Meanwhile, the evil Captain Harsnarl and his pirates are attacking the city,but then,They charged at them and they start to battle.
Astro fights the pirates faster,Atlas fights together with the soldiers. as they kept on fighting faster and faster. Until 5 pirates and Captain
Harsnarl has flee away.)

Astro Man:We did it.(he transforms back to Astro Boy.)

Astro Boy:We save your planet.

Atlas:Yeah.(Suddenly,A huge quake has shaken his saturn, and the Buildings have collapse.)

(All the soldiers are embracing each other,when the headquarters are shaking.)

What's going on?!!!

Astro:I don't know,but i think..

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