Video Game Music

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

I've played many of the Zelda games, but never got to Minish Cap. I've got to try it sometime.

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Sign of the Colossus - Shadow of the Colossus (2005)

If I were to make a top 5 list for my favorite video games and favorite video game soundtracks, Shadow of the Colossus would make both lists.

For those who don't know, the game has no enemies, no NPCs, no dungeons, and no sidequests. The only objective in the game is to go slay 16 colossi in a vast, mysterious land in order to restore the life of a girl. Music only plays in the game's cutscenes, colossus battles, and credits. Many people describe the game as more than just a video game. They say that it's a work of art. I agree with them.

"Sign of the Colossus" plays when you see and approach the first colossus, Valus (the one in the picture). I like this song because it portrays the feeling of apprehension and tension very well. I imagine the music box and piano that start playing at the 58 second mark to be like butterflies in the main character's stomach. There's also a sense of wonderment and awe in the song too, but the main character knows that he still must slay the colossus in order to reach his goal. Once you start climbing Valus, a more up-tempo song starts playing.

Kow Otani, the game's composer, is also known for composing the music for several of the Gamera films, and one of the Japanese Godzilla films. Pretty ingenious of the game's staff to hire a composer who worked on other films with giant creatures in them for Shadow of the Colossus. Very few movies, video games, music, or similar things bring me to tears, but Otani's work in Shadow of the Colossus manages to do that. It is, without a doubt, a masterful soundtrack.

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Postby Presper » 8 years ago

Stickerbush Symphony was very atmospheric, its techno tune reminded me of a beloved song of mine from Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game.


The song is Leave The Past Behind It's a chip tune rock song.

The game is a beat em up. A rather fun mindless game. However this is my personal favorite from the soundtrack.

I like the song due to it kinda being slow yet still upbeat, I find it to be a bit of a black sheep compared to the others in the game's soundtrack. Also If you have knowledge of the comic's story it wields a deeper meaning.

This song and its soundtrack was created by the band Anamanaguchi, They specialize in this kind of music. I highly suggest you give the bands other music a shot. Its quite unique. :)
Last edited by Presper on Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

Pretty great tune there, Presper.

I've heard and enjoyed some of the other tracks from that game through Let's Plays I've watched and personal curiosity. It was actually because of the Scott Pilgrim movie that I started to become a fan of Astro Boy (Michael Cera/Scott Pilgrim wears a red shirt with Astro Boy's face on it at one point in the movie, which prompted me to check out Astro Boy again after not enjoying the 2003 series back when it aired on Toonami in 2004 in America), so Scott Pilgrim has a special place in my heart for that reason.

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Escape from the City ...for City Escape - Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)

One of the more recognizable themes from Sonic Adventure 2, performed by Ted Poley and Tony Harnell. SA2 was the first Sonic game I actively played and spent many hours on (the first Sonic game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog 2 at a friend's house sometime in the late '90s).

Escape from the City plays on the game's opening level on the Hero side of the main story. Sonic busts out of a helicopter, rips a piece of the helicopter's metal shell off, and uses it to board down the city streets to...well...escape the city and his pursuers. I can't think of a more ludicrous, but awesome way to start a game.

The song itself is rockin' - kinda punk and kinda pop rock. It's a perfect song to start the Hero story's gameplay in SA2 off and portray Sonic running and boarding away from his pursuers. I think SA2's soundtrack is part of led me to become a fan of rock/metal music and video game music. To this day, it remains one of my all-time favorite video game soundtracks due to it's diversity, energy, and immersiveness. It's a skillfully-performed soundtrack all around (no pun intended for those familiar with a certain song from SA1).

Escape from the City was remixed twice in the game Sonic Generations, which you can listen to in the links below. The first one is a techno version, while the second one is an updated rock version:

City Escape Act 1 - Sonic Generations (2011)

City Escape Act 2 - Sonic Generations (2011)

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

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Kraid's Lair - Metroid (1986)

I first heard this song in SSBM, but a few years later, got to hear the original version in the NES Metroid game.

It's a melodic song in 3/4 time that sounds like it could accompany a dark waltz. It's my favorite song from the original Metroid game because it fits the mood of descending into Kraid's Lair via floating elevator. Also, it's very well done for a song from an 8-bit game.

Here's the remix of the song from SSBM:

Brinstar Depths - Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Presper » 8 years ago

I agree with you, it is a well composed piece of music for being 8-bit. It gave me this suspenseful, butterflies in my stomach kinda feeling. Which is quite a feat for music of this kind.


54 - What Are You Waiting For - Little Big Planet 2 OST

Little Big Planet 2 is a 2.5D platformer, where one can make levels or play other user created levels. Its truly one of a kind.

The soundtrack in Little Big Planet is absolutely amazing, the developers really knew what they were doing when they were making this. It was really hard for me to pick just one song because so many of them are just so good. Though I remember humming this tune quite a bit when creating my own levels.

I like this song because of how uplifting it is, and whenever it started during game play it made me feel like I'm on an amazing epic adventure. This is only the instrumental however. They didn't use the one with lyrics. Here's the original version of this song.

MLCD - [My Little Cheap Dictaphone] - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR

Personally I like this one more because of the message it conveys.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

I got to experience the LittleBigPlanet series through some Let's Plays. I was surprised that the games have great soundtracks. They're unique and diverse, but enjoyable to listen to. That song you posted is no exception.

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Destiny Islands - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (2007)

Re:Chain of Memories is a 3D PS2 remake of the 2004 GBA Kingdom Hearts game, Chain of Memories. Admittedly, I don't enjoy the GBA version much, but I do enjoy the 3D version of the game, even if I'm not the biggest fan of the card-based battle system in both versions of the game.

Although it might be more appropriate to post the KH1 version of Destiny Islands over this one, I've always enjoyed the Re:CoM version a little more. It's so relaxing. It sounds very summery too; it's almost as if you could picture yourself on a beach feeling summer breezes while listening to this song. The stringed instrument (a mandolin perhaps?) accompanied with the piano is fantastic. Yoko Shimomura nailed it on this version of the song.

Here's the original version from the first game:

Destiny Islands - Kingdom Hearts (2002)

There's a couple other official versions of the Destiny Islands song from the KH series too, but I'll leave you guys to look them up.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Presper » 8 years ago

Both are really great songs, the Chain of Memories version reminds me of Venice, Italy for some reason. Although I like the original more, because The original is much faster in Tempo, and really has an energetic vibe to it.


Best VGM 62 - Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time

Chrono Trigger is a turn based RPG. I never had the chance to play this game, but from what I heard it seems amazing. If I were to make a list of games I wanted to play, Chrono Trigger would be number 1.

I first heard this song on the piano, my friend was practicing and he wanted to show me. Anyways I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

Its hard to put into words how this song makes me feel, but I would say it sounds mysterious and adamant/confident. Confident, like you're going on a journey, without knowing why you're going, or what lies at its end, and never letting anything come in your way. If that makes any sense. :p
Last edited by Presper on Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

"Presper" wrote:I agree with you too, I like the original more as well.

Actually, I had said that I liked the Re:CoM version more. Sorry, I should've clarified that initially in my last post.

I was actually going to post a Chrono Trigger theme as well since it's the 20th anniversary of the North American release of that game today! I haven't played it either, but it's on my bucket list to play that game. I've heard a good bit of that game's soundtrack though, and I've been impressed with what I've heard.

How about another game with Akira Toriyama's art...

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Release the Seal - Blue Dragon (2006)

The final boss theme to Blue Dragon, composed by none other than Nobuo Uematsu. If there's one thing that Uematsu does well, it's composing final boss themes.

I've never played this game, but whenever I heard this song for the first time, I was amazed. The choir along with the rock band in the background is awesome.

The normal boss theme from Blue Dragon's soundtrack, called "Eternity", includes vocals from Deep Purple's lead vocalist, Ian Gillan. It's a good song, but the vocals leave something to be desired. :p
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Presper » 8 years ago

Wow, I never played the game myself, but Uematsu knows how to make great Boss battle music. Its rare for me to find good Boss music, but its even harder to find Boss music so dramatic and epic. Music like this really makes the boss feel like a worthy foe.


Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal OST - Courtney Gears Battle

Ratchet and Clank 3 is a 3rd person shooter, its the last chapter in the trilogy where Ratchet and Clank must quell a robot uprising, and stop the Evil Dr.Nefarious from turning every biological life form into robots.

I love this game, it has a great story, characters, and game play. This is my favorite song from the soundtrack, and is what I think to be one of the best Boss battle music I've ever heard.

Every time I defeat the boss I get sad, because I want to keep listening to it. Its very catchy, and it just makes me feel awesome during game play.

Also here is a version with vocals, its pretty good. Sadly its only 1 minute, so it doesn't cover the whole song.

SplitPlaythru: Ratchet & Clank 3 - Up Your Arsenal (21) Courtney Gears music video
Last edited by Presper on Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby fafner » 8 years ago

Chrono Trigger is worth playing. I had downloaded it quite a few years ago (never released in Europe you know), and the website rated it at 6/5 (yes, more than 100%). For the Final Fantasy adepts it really deserves this rating. For the ones like me who don't like the genre, 5/5 will be enough :p I still don't like Final Fantasy-like games, but I LOVE Chrono Trigger :D
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