How did you discover Astro Boy?

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Postby Loüßëãr » 20 years ago

I can't follow the logic of someone searching for a show they don't like and even posting on the message board.

I was thinking the same thing!!Why would yougo to the trouble of finding the forum of a show YOU HATE?? Why waste your time telling people how much you hate it?? If you hate it that much you need to avoid it and those who enjoy it, either that or get therapy!!! IE STOP ANNOYING THE FANS WHO ONLY WANT TO BE POSITIVE ABOUT THE SHOW!!! WE DON'T WANT YOUR BAD KARMA!!!

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 20 years ago

Originally posted by ASTRO SUX!!!!@Oct 15 2003, 07:27 AM
Well, I was reading a magazine. I saw something about my favorite show. Astroboy was going to replace my favorite show. I saw it. It was stupid. ITS A WONDER HOW SO MANY PEOPLE CAN LIKE SUCH A STUPID SHOW!!!!!!

If you think Astro Boy sucks, mind telling me what you're doing in an Astro Boy fan forum besides PISSING US OFF?!! :angry:

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

I bought all the videos straight away - and got some very strange looks from cashiers, wondering why a teenager was buying "childrens videos"

LOL Mark, this reminds of my Astroboy video purchases! I was working as a computer technician for the government. Every week or two I'd go shopping on my lunch break and by one or two Astro videos. While wearing my suit. You know, like "they're for my nephew" or something. Interspersed with purchases of Red Dwarf videos, like "and these are for myself". :lol: :lol: :lol:

It makes me laugh so much now that I was that worried about what people thought. I'm a lot more open about it now. I've been given various Astroboy merchandise by most of my family and friends and I've gone out places wearing an Astro t-shirt. My wife's parents made me an Astroboy birthday cake for my birthday last year.

I think society is slowly getting a better understanding of anime and the age ranges it's made for these days, as opposed to most non-anime cartoons. In Japan it's just another visual medium, not specifically a children's product. SBS in Australia has helped a lot with this, showing Neon Genesis Evangelion, Goku Midnight Eye, Patlabor 2 (at least three times! ;) , Bubblegum Crisis 2040, Aeon Flux, and probably others. They had such incredible feedback from NGE that they started repeating the series concurrently before the first showing had completed, something unheard of for this kind of thing. B)

The last DVD I bought was the anime Ninja Scroll. It's rated R 18+, I don't know why it's rated so high compared to the stuff that comes out of Hollywood. But in that case I was worried the cashier would think I was some creepy pervert or psycho! :lol:

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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

I bought all the videos straight away - and got some very strange looks from cashiers, wondering why a teenager was buying "childrens videos

Occasionally I feel awkward knowing that someone knows that I have a ton of Atom videos, but usually I am ok about it. On the other hand, my brother would just die if anyone other than I knew about his Speed Racer and Kimba TWL DVDs. More than that, I have tons of LEGO, that I occasionally turn to when other things become old. I do not care who knows about it, because I really enjoy building things. It is no where near as frustrating as trying to build a computer program with C++, because there are no syntax errors! I also like playing goofy kid games with my neices, but that is because I like my neices, and the games require silliness from the players, which I greatly enjoy. I should have been a papa instead of just an uncle. :cry:

Anyway, anything I can do that captures long lost childhood innocence appeal to me, and that was my initial attraction to Atom. I suppose that if I had kids, Atom would not be as important as he is to me. :huh:

Astroboy is actually a cartoon that appeals to all ages, especially the 60s series. Compare it to the Hanna Barbara super hero cartoons of the 60s. The HB toons used dialogue to explain what was obvious. Space Ghost is flying along when the bad guy attacks, but the villian first announces his intention:

"So, there is Space Ghost. I will use my xyz ray and destroy him forever, ha, ha, ha!"
He proceeds to shoot ray at hero.
Space Ghost notices the incoming rays, and says,
"xyz rays. It must be bad guy x. I'd better use my mega shields to deflect those rays before they fry my ass."
He says all that not while pressing the button to activate the shields, but before pressing the button. All this time, he is exposed to the enemy's death rays. Then he presses the button, and the shields appear, the bad guy sees them, and says what he will do next, of course before doing it.

Thus, those HB super hero cartoon were so dumb that even a four-year old should have been able to understand them. The creators of Astroboy cartoons figured that anybody watching them should be able to figure out for himself what was going on, so the characters did not bother to explain their actions. While the story would interest viewers of all ages, Astroboy 60s had quite a few gags that only adults would 'get'.
The 80s series also had a few really funny episodes chock full of visual gags that young kids might not understand. The new series relies entirely upon the kids' cuteness for humor, which is ok by me, because now Atom has the chance to be a kid, not merely a "child-alike robot". He plays sports, does kid things, and even pretends. :D He is the 'son' I always wanted, but never had. :D

I am really glad the Cartoon Network came up with Adult Swim, and adult versions of kid cartoons. Space Ghost as a talk-show host, Birdman as a lawyer, Space Ghost's enemy Brak as a liitle kid, and other enemy Zorak as his neighbor. Sealab 2020 became Sealab 2021, with adult comedy, and now The Venture Bros will spoof Johnny Quest! :wahah:

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Postby groenewegendavid » 20 years ago

I used to watch the colour episodes of Astroboy in the late 80's, before I went to school. That is the reason why I decided to buy all the episodes and watch them again, and I don't regret it one bit.
After watching them again, I realise just how clever Tezuka was with his target audience because he uses tough issues, with death of some sort included in nearly every episode and a lot on nuclear power (nuclear torpedos, Nikki's bomb :( , Astro's energy cassetes...)

I will spread the word about Astroboy, since the movie is coming out next year (I will watch it about 30 times or more.) I hope that the 1980's episodes come out to free to air so that every kid gets a chance to watch the flamboyant robot.

Remember, GO GO GO ASTROBOY!!! :D :) :D :)
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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago


You refer to the 80s series, but "GO GO GO ASTROBOY" comes from the 60s version's opening theme. :D :lol:

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Postby groenewegendavid » 20 years ago

Don't you think that I already knew that before I used it to describe how I got acquainted with Astro jeffbert?
One day I will buy all the old episodes as well!!! :D
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Postby Explore Party » 20 years ago

I fist discover him is on the TV.
One time i turned to a channel in casual,it is playing the <Astroboy>, I have been attracted at once ,from then on , I am starting love astroby.

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Postby Strange Wings » 20 years ago

:) Hello there, dear people! I'm a new face in this forum and I'd like to talk about
everything astroboyish that's around.

I was about 12 when I watched this great anime the first time. it was on a
french TV-Channel called TF1 around 1986 to '87. At this time I couldn't understand
one french word but nevertheless it was my favourite animated cartoon.
I remember well the ending scenes of ev'ry episode as Astro made a summary of his
adventure :wub: . Even the opening and ending songs in french were a joy listen to.

I'm glad I've rediscovered this wonderful anime - every episode makes me feel warm
at heart :wub: :wub: .

(I hope you guys don't mind my funny english since this is not my mother tongue, but
I think you'll let me live. :D :D :lol: )
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